Russia: EXCLUSIVE Western intelligence did ‘everything possible to destroy’ Russia – Kadyrov



Apr 19, 2017

“Western and European intelligence agencies have done everything possible to destroy the sovereign state of Russia,” Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov stated in an exclusive interview with RT in Grozny on Tuesday.

“For all these years, Western and European intelligence agencies have done everything possible to destroy the sovereign state of Russia. And the Chechen Republic was chosen as an arena for a showdown and there were fierce battles here in the last 10 years and not only with a certain group of bandits but with soldiers highly trained by Western special services. According to our data, they represented more than 50 states. Russia defended and proved that it is a strong state and that it will not allow anyone to joke with the state and with the people.”

“The people said that they wanted to live within the Russian Federation. We don’t need this war. I’ve never been against the federal centre, I’ve never been behind. I have always been with my people. And my people obliged us to serve by faith and truth. And my religion also obliges us to be loyal to the supreme commander-in-chief, the president. If this country and the president allow you to build mosques and pray, you must die for this president. Therefore, I am a convinced infantryman. Wherever I am, I’m a convinced infantryman; I’m one hundred percent ready to fulfill any order, for this we are preparing day and night. It’s not just words. I am indebted to Vladimir Putin because he helped in the most difficult days of our republic, in the most difficult days after the death of my father, our first president; he personally helped me, reached out his hand. I will never forget this.”



Apr 19, 2017

Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov said Western countries have “accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of all sins” without providing any evidence, in an exclusive interview with RT in Grozny on Tuesday.
“[They] were forced to leave Syria; their situation is very difficult. We see what Western side is doing. Western countries bomb government troops without consulting first and violate all international laws and then again accuse Russia. The chemical attack has not been proven; they accused Assad of all sins. Please provide us with any evidence or information if you have such a thing. They once killed Saddam Hussein, they wanted to destroy Egypt, they destroyed Libya. Here is the same thing: without conscience, without honour, they continue to do their own thing. And the whole world including the European Parliament and other Western institutions are silent, they don’t say a word.”

“They don’t look at the life of people. There are so many disabled children, orphans; we help them as we can. I have been calling for the Arab countries, let’s help them together. Well, if you think that Assad is to blame, the people are not guilty of anything. People suffer a humanitarian catastrophe, we must help, we are Muslims. But the Western countries, Europe don’t want to help anyone. They only want to use all the resources against Russia; they want to see us kneeling before them.”

‘Everyday they write articles on nonsense’ – Kadyrov on media claims


RT spoke exclusively about the issue with the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov after Russian newspaper’s report caused controversy over its claims that quote ‘over a hundred men’ were recently detained in the Chechen Republic because of their alleged homosexuality – accusations local authorities deny.

Russia: Gay prisons in Chechnya ‘unconfirmed facts’ – Chechen leader Kadyrov


Ramzan Kadyrov alluded to recent media reports of arrests and killings of gay men in the Chechen republic, during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Wednesday. The leader stated that the claims were “unconfirmed facts.”

“So-called good people are writing that in our republic, it is even awkward to say, the people are being detained and killed” he stated.

He went on to make an example of a man named Tepsurkayev Hasu who was reported to have been killed while he was “alive and healthy at home.”

In early April, the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta published a report of mass arrests of gay men in the Chechen Republic. The article claimed that around 100 people were detained while at least three people were killed. Novaya Gazeta later published material on special prisons for homosexuals, where they have been allegedly tortured.

“I would like to inform you that those provocative articles that are written about the Chechen Republic, about the people, about those events that allegedly take place, about detentions.”

President Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (Russian): [off camera] “Which ones?”

“So-called good people are writing that in our republic, it is even awkward to say, the people are being detained and killed. They even gave one name – Tepsurkayev Hasu, he is our main person in ideology, the Sufi. They said that he was killed but he is at home. They insulted him first then accused authorities of killing him, and he is alive and healthy at home.”

“Such unconfirmed facts around the republic happen two or three times a year, and since the beginning of the year, this is the first situation of this kind. Generally, in terms of security, our republic is in good standing. We do not have street crime; we do not have serious terrorist threats. The republic, so to speak, is confidently moving forward.”
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (Russian): “But there was a demonstration [against the crime], there was an attack on the unit of the National Guard so not all the questions apparently have been solved, but, of course, all of them are being resolved. I see that they are resolved well and of course it should be done on the basis of economic and social development. The fact that you manage to comply with the decrees of the President of Russia from 2012 is very important.”



Russia’s human rights commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova said on Thursday the complaints about alleged persecution of gay men in the North Caucasus republic of Chechnya may be a provocation.
“TASS – On April 1, Novaya Gazeta published an article on its website entitled “Honor Killing” which referred to some alleged abductions and possible killings of Chechen residents over their non-traditional sexual orientations or on suspicion of being gay. The paper cited anonymous sources in law enforcement agencies and also victims, without revealing their names.

Moskalkova said according to some claims “more than 100 homosexuals went missing in Chechnya,” but no such cases have been registered with the Prosecutor-General’s Office, the Investigative Committee, the Interior Ministry and Chechnya’s prosecutors.

On Wednesday, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said at the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that media publications on the alleged detentions and killings of civilians in Chechnya were a provocation. “I feel awful to speak about this. They claim we’re arresting and even killing people. They even named one of the victims.” In the final run, the man who had allegedly been killed was found safe and sound at home.
The Civil Society and Human Rights Council under Chechnya’s leader said it had scrutinized the article and found no confirmations at all, even indirect ones, that the alleged incidents actually took place. A corresponding statement by the regional council was published on the website of the Russian Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights on April 4

Religious Affairs Adviser to Chechnya’s leader, Adam Shakhidov, said that the Novaya Gazeta (New Newspaper) would be sued in court for slander shortly.”