Flash mobs performing Soviet Patriotic songs across Ukraine

It’s all started in Zaporozhye with a song Spring on Zarechnaya street on November 13th.

Next, it was a Soviet song Old Maple in Kharkov on November 21st.

On November 27th 2016, people of Odessa came to the central train station to sing together Smuglyanka-Moldovanka


On the same day November 27th, inside the Kievskaya train station in Moscow a group performed a Malorossian Cossacks song Распрягайте коней, хлопцы. Cossack song, Unharness your horses, guys!


More on this video see A glimpse into practical outcome of the US and EU “War on News”


One of the most beautiful patriotic Russian song ‘My Horse and I’

I will leave in the night to the field with a horse
Through the dark night we will silently walk
We will go with the horse across the field together
We will go with a horse across the field together

At night the field is full of stars’ bliss
No one could be seen in the field
Only me and the horse are walking through the field
Only me and the horse are walking through the field

I will saddle up on my horse
You carry me through the field all across
Through my endless field
Through my endless field

Let me take a single look
At where the field gives birth to the dawn
Ah a cowberry-colored light, oh a scarlet dawn
Either does that place exist or does not

Oh my dear field and the springs
Lights of distant villages are seen
Golden rye and curly flax
I am in love with you, Russia, in love
There will be a good fruitful year
Different it was, and different will come to pass
Sing gold rye, sing curly flax
Sing of how I’m in love with Russia.

Sing gold rye, sing oh curly flax…
I am walking across the field with a horse

Next day on November 30th, in Drepropetrovsk, several men performed Katyusha


Apple and pear trees were a-blooming,

Mist (was) creeping on the river.

Katyusha set out on the banks,

On the steep and lofty bank.

She was walking, singing a song

About a grey steppe eagle,

About her true love,

Whose letters she was keeping.

Oh you song! Little song of a maiden,

Head for the bright sun.

And reach for the soldier on the far-away border

Along with greetings from Katyusha.

Let him remember an ordinary girl,

And hear how she sings,

Let him defend out Motherland,

Just like Katyusha preserves their love.


Dnepropetrovsk was funded in 1776, 1776 by the Russian Prince, Potemkin by order of Catherine II, Empress of the Russian Empire and was called Yekaterinoslav (Ekaterinoslav) from 1776 to 1926, when it was renamed into Drepropetrovsk by the new Bolsheviks’ government.

In 2015 it was remained into “Dnepr” by the new “neo-Bolsheviks” government that came to power after the violent anti-government coup.  The new neo-fascist rulers of the city are a billionaire Kolomoyskyi, an Israeli business oligarch of Jewish descent, known for financing the Right Sector punitive armed formations, and the Talmudic terror organization Chabad-Lubavitch.

I bet, it takes enormous personal courage for people to come on the public stage like that to sing one of the most iconic Soviet wartime patriotic song as Katyusha, while people are being fired from their jobs simply for speaking in Russian language, and being jailed for speaking against the war on Donbass.


You can find a collection of these performances here on this video

Nov 29, 2016

0:00 Kharkov – “Old Maple
3:57 Zaporozhye – “Spring on Zarechnaya street
7:51 Odessa – “Smuglyanka-Moldovanka
12:05 Moscow – “Unharness your horses, guys
16:30 Kharkov – “Only My Horse and I”


Now we expect that in Kiev people would gather together to sing  The Sacred War“:  “Arise, great country, Arise for a fight to the death Against the dark fascist forces, Against the cursed hordes..”


Thank you for your time,



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