by Uncle Vania at

Translation by Vox Populi Evo.

So it happened historically, that after losing Northern Black Sea lands, Turkey keeps looking for revenge. It looks like Ankara has decided, that time for this has come. It’s no coincidence that regime of Erdogan is increasing his support of radically minded Ukrainian activists Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov.

Events of recent years in Turkey and Ukraine show us with high degree of certainty that fascism is resurging in those countries (

Kiev keeps looking for “political sponsors” that would resolve its multitude of problems. Evidently, now hopes of Ukrainian establishment lie with Turkey. Well, and Europe has witnessed for itself the obsession of Ukrainian elites with referendum in Netherlands.

In February of 2016 leader of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Mustafa Dzhemilev has met with representatives of Turkish intelligence services. According to plan of Turkish intelligence services, Russian speaking radical islamists would be arriving to Ukraine under difference pretenses, like medical treatment, tourism, etc ( All financial assets flowing from Turkey to Mejlis, were to be used by political party of Dhzemilev with the goal of influencing of internal affairs of the state.

During the meeting in February Mustafa Dzhemilev has also transmitted assurances or Kiev regime that arriving members of ISIS would be given residence permits and even free land. It looks like that the same scheme will be used as in 90s and 00s, when Chechen terrorists were arriving in Odessa and Crimea after fighting with Russian federal forces ( Now, Ukraine needs these radicals to train new fascist battalions and further destabilize already tense situation in the country. All these actions will allow for formation of powerful radical group of islamists in very near future.

And all this is happening in the background of massive migration crisis in Europe (according to “Frontex”, 1,8 million of migrants have arrived to Europe in 2015 alone. Not so long ago, heads of EU member states together with Turkey have put a plan in place to combat migration crisis. According to the plan, all illegal migrants arriving to Greece from Turkish territory would be sent back (

This agreement with Turkey is only beneficial for the latter. Erdogan has got everything he wanted from this deal: 6bln Euros, also liberalization of visa regime and acceleration of ascension of Turkey to EU. Let’s not forget about the “green” corridor of jihad, that is already in place in Europe. Radicals arriving from Middle East through Turkey to Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and former republics of Yugoslavia.

One can surmise, that Erdogan is following a well thought out plan, according to which ISIS members would form groups in EU countries and Ukraine in a very short time. Maybe, also the war against Kurds in eastern Turkey, is nothing more than an attempts to open corridor to Middle Eastern states.

Actions of Erdogan are geared towards destabilization of the situation in not only Europe, but also in Ukraine and eastern Turkey. It’s no wonder, that support of radical Islam is growing almost in sync in Ukraine and Turkey (

In near future inhabitants of EU could find themselves in the same position as citizens of Turkey. ( )

The threat terrorist acts will grow from day to day. It’s important for radicals to destabilize Europe, so as to paralyze the ability to counteract. Successful terrorist acts in Paris and Brussels indicate that ISIS will not stop its attacks on Europe. Undoubtedly, this is the war, that Europe is losing for now.

Why Europe? The answer to this question should be sought for in foreign policies of the West in Middle East.

Situation in Libya, Iraq, Syria have had a negative impact on radical parts of the society, which have been subjected to the propaganda of radical jihad and today have declared war against the whole Western world. EU and USA have opened the proverbial “Pandora’s Box”, which will be very hard to shut close given the circumstances (

Destabilization of Europe is also benefiting Washington. Huge financial assets will migrate from “windy” Europe to calm harbor of United States. Once again, US is pumping everything to the last cent from Europe.

Given the migration crisis, Europe is risking to be attacked again and again.