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Tag "Erdogan"

Putin and Erdogan hold joint press conference in Sochi

Press statement following Russian-Turkish talks President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, We thank the President of Turkey for accepting our offer made during a recent telephone conversation, and today he and representatives of his delegation arrived in Sochi to discuss the developments in the Syrian Arab Republic, including in the northeast, beyond the Euphrates. Mr Erdogan gave a detailed explanation of the goals of the Turkish military operation along the Syrian border. We have noted many times that we understand Turkey’s desire to take measures that would guarantee its

Iran, Turkey, Russia issue joint statement on Syria

TEHRAN, May 15 (MNA) – The Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey as guarantors of the observance of the ceasefire regime in the Syrian Arab Republic issued a joint Statement on the International Meeting on Syria in Astana. Following is the full text of the statement: The Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey as guarantors of the observance

Syrian War Report – April 4, 2017: Important Developments In Aleppo And Hama If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Voiceover by Harold Hoover On April 3rd, government forces captured the villages of Atshanat Jubb Miri and Idrisiyah which had been controlled by ISIS terrorists in the province of Aleppo. The villages are located directly north of the Jirah

The Choice: Repent or Betray?

by bell_moscow translated by Vox Populi Evo Investigation by journalists of German newspaper “Contra Magazin” give some food for thought. The title of the article “Relations between Russia and Turkey: Is Ankara playing a double game?” is quite transparent. Another investigation sheds light on connections between Turkish establishment with “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People”, organization with extremist leanings. Despite that chilly period in Russo-Turkish relations has seemingly come to

Who is behind an air strike that killed three Turkish soldiers in Al-Bab Syria, by Scott Humor

A year after the downing of a Russian jet over Syria, another false flag attack. This time against Turkish servicemen. An astute analyses from RoSsi BaRBeRa Situation/Update Briefing There’s still very little known about this incident. However, according to the Turkish General staff, today at 03:30 in the morning, an attack allegedly by the Syrian air force in al-Bab killed three Turkish soldiers and injured 10 people. No harsh words

Did Erdogan stay overnight at Russian air base during coup? (English subs)

Former Lebanese minister and a leading personality on Lebanese television, Wiam Wahhab, said that Turkey’s President Erdogan sought refuge for one night in a Russian air base on Syria’s coast during the recent coup in Turkey.  Wahhab also criticised the “greediness” of some Kurdish forces for their moves to form a Kurdistan statelet, explaining that Iran, Turkey, Syria and Iraq will never allow that to happen.

Putin, Erdogan hold joint press conference in St. Petersburg (FULL VIDEO)

Putin, Erdogan hold joint press conference in St. Petersburg (FULL VIDEO)   Streamed live Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, are holding a joint news conference in St. Petersburg following their meeting. Items for discussion on the agenda were expected to include economic projects and the settlement of the Syrian crisis. Erdogan is on his first foreign visit since the attempted military coup in Turkey.

Failed coup in Turkey – a few initial thoughts

When I first heard that a coup was in progress in Turkey my first thought was that it was the USA’s way to punish Erdogan for his sudden apology to Russia.  Yes, sure, I realized that there were many other possible explanations, but that was the one I was hoping for.  I even  told my family that if this was a US-backed coup and if Erdogan or his supporters said

The Turkish “Hitler”?

by Uncle Vania translated by Vox Populi Evo On May 22nd, Turkey will have a new Prime Minister instead of the current leader of the Cabinet of Ministers — Ahmet Davutoglu. On May 5, 2016 he was forced to resign his post as a head of the ruling Justice and Development Party under pressure from Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As a result, he steps down as Turkish Prime Minister. About the

Germany SITREP May 2nd, 2016 by C.

Satire in Germany attacking Erdogan and Turkish politics Lately there has been a lot of controversy in Germany over the issue of political satire criticising Erdogan and his regime in Turkey. It all started with this video by Extra-3 on NDR Personally I think it is quite funny. But Erdogan, unsurprisingly, does not have a sense of humour, and made this a diplomatic issue. I think that was a pretty

Ottoman crescent and Ukrainian trident

by Uncle Vania at Translation by Vox Populi Evo. So it happened historically, that after losing Northern Black Sea lands, Turkey keeps looking for revenge. It looks like Ankara has decided, that time for this has come. It’s no coincidence that regime of Erdogan is increasing his support of radically minded Ukrainian activists Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov. Events of recent years in Turkey and Ukraine show us with

Erdogan is enraged by a German music video about him

Check out the video below.  This video made by the German TV channel ARD enraged Erdogan so badly that he summoned the German Ambassador to Turkey and read him the riot act for several hours.  Make sure to press the ‘cc’ button to see the English captions.

Erdogan, Genocide, and ISIS – The Sultan is Doomed

By Michael Collins Turkish President Recep Teyyip Erdogan’s attempts to demonize the Syrian Kurd’s YPG army and threaten and bully the United States are having the net effect of creating a powerful movement for his removal based on a rationale that will encourage the public in the United States and Europe to forget the real culprits in the tragic attack on Syria and focus on charges of genocide leveled against

International Military Review – Syria, December 3rd, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: On December 1, the Free Syrian Army’s central command agree to a permanent ceasefire and evacuation for the remaining rebels inside of Al-Wa’er with the Governor of Homs – Talal Al-Barazi. The evacuation includes two phases: •    1st is to allow humanitarian aid to any remaining civilians living inside the district •    2nd is

International Military Review – Syria, November 30, 2015

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: or via: The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has deployed newly-arrived Russian T-90 advanced battle tanks to the Southern Aleppo front for the first time. The Russian battle tanks will help to continue the SAA advance on the towns of Kafraya and Al-Fou’aa. T-90 offers the Syrian army several new features to fight ISIS including

Russia reacts to Turkey’s attack SITREP November 29, 2015 by Scott

Historically, Russia’s big wheels turn slowly, almost invisible to the naked eye, but they do turn and grind anything getting between them into fine dust. On November 24th something extraordinary has happened, the big wheels of Russian bureaucracy moved with a pace of an Olympic sprinter banned by IAAF. Keeping fingers crossed, maybe we witness a new age of the Russian statehood, when things that need to be done get

The Fallacy Of Erdogan-Style Democracy (updated version)

by Ghassan Kadi Erdogan’s AKP party has scored a monumental victory; not so much in terms of the lead in parliament though. As a matter of fact, it is a fairly narrow victory, but one that was least expected. What is monumental about it is the course that Turkey has set itself upon. A victory for Erdogan perhaps, but for Turkey itself, the outcome of this election will probably take
