A few years back, I wrote a column I entitled “Kosovo will be liberated” in which I wrote the following: “Kosovo will be the very first place in Europe where the pendulum of history will reverse its current course. ”  It now looks like I might have been wrong. But by how much?  Check out this headline today:

Bosnian Serbs to ‘withdraw consent’ for joint military, taxes and courts, citing ‘violence’ by international overseer“.  Please do read the full article since I won’t simply repeat it all here.

The big question is this: will the US/NATO/EU grip on the Republika Srpska slip before it slips from Kosovo?

I don’t know, but I definitely think that this is a possibility.  If so, I got the location wrong, but the principle right.  Two points here:

  • There are also very serious tensions around Kosovo right now, so don’t rule anything out yet!
  • There is no equivalent of Camp Bondsteel in the Republika Srpska or anywhere else in Bosnia

But that is not even crucial.  What is crucial is this: does anybody still think that the US/NATO/EU still have what it would take to re-attack, re-invade or even re-strike the Serbs in Bosnia or Serbia (I include Kosovo under “Serbia” simply because Kosovo is the heart of Serbia, always was, and always will be, no matter what empires want)?

Seriously, after the humiliation inflicted by the Iranians on CENTCOM or the truly galactic (and oh SO revealing!) massive faceplant in Afghanistan?

On paper, yes, absolutely.

But in reality, no, I really don’t think so.

Besides, the Serbs now have very good options, including what I call the “salami option”: cutting thin pieces off a big salami slowly but repeatedly and inexorably.  Like right how: so the Bosnian Serbs “withdrew consent” from an agreement with their occupiers.  So what? Big deal!  I mean, sure, they are bad bad bad bad bad bad Serbs, and the US/NATO/EU gang still hates them, but nobody is going to go to war over just that, right?

So what will the US/NATO/EU do about it?  Probably apply all sort of pressures (threats, bribes, etc.) on specific Serbian politicians, which will result in one of two outcomes:

  • the Bosnian Serbs will withdraw their withdrawal
  • or they won’t

In the first case, all the Serbs need to do is wait, and cut off a tiny piece of salami elsewhere, say in Kosovo.  Just a little one, and see what the US/NATO/EU will do about it.  After that, rinse and repeat, as many times as needed until the bastards at the US/NATO/EU run out of energy, both figuratively or even maybe literally (see below).

In the second case, the Bosnian Serbs need to wait some time, just so everything cools down a little, and cut off another thin piece of the imperialist salami.

Oh, and did I mention that South Stream pipeline will go through Serbia and the Republika Srpska (see also here)?  As for the EU, it ain’t exactly “swimming in energy” nowadays (thanks to its idiotic subservience to Uncle Shmuel and Greta Thunberg!).

My point is not that the Republika Srpska or Kosovo will be liberated soon, or even that the EU cannot bypass either entity with other pipelines.

Remember that in early years of the Cold War when the US was justifying its genocidal policies in Southeast Asia under the infamous “Domino Theory“?  At the time all that this really meant was that the US would oppose the decolonization of the planet everywhere and anywhere.  It was only a pretext, not the real motive or reason for US actions.

But today, I submit that this process has not only begun, but has been under way for some time already.

Where did it begin?  A good answer could be to mention Hezbollah whooping the Israelis in 2006 Lebanon.  But that was easy to hide (the two clueless clowns who initiated the Israeli invasion of Lebanon both called it a “victory” and the media-brainwashed public mostly bought it or did not really care as they “knew” that they were “invincible” and, besides, the US and Israeli plebes had their bread and games).

“It” also happened elsewhere.  But what is that “it”?

I call it the “fall of the domino of fear” and that “it” happens every time when any country or nation which was oppressed by US imperialism begins to lose its fear from the “only world hyperpower”.  The same loss of fear which the Lebanese showed in their “Divine Victory” in 2006 is also shown by the Afghans today.  It has also been shown by Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution!   But the subsequent propaganda deluge concealed this reality from the West.

But the faceplant of Kabul became the first such domino which could NOT be hidden from the public view.

And, just for the record, the Bosnian Serbs also showed that lack of fear during the US/NATO/EU aggression on the Serbian nation, but they were back-stabbed by politicians in Belgrade, as were the Kosovo Serbs later.  That was long before Hezbollah in 2006 and, at that time, the Islamic world was very effectively conned by the Anglos – the same Anglos which then turned against the Islamic world after the 9/11 false flag.

True, in the early 90s the Empire had the means to crush the Serbs or the Iraqis (which also displayed that same lack of fear on one hand, but also the same corruption as the Serbian politicians on the other).

But that was in distant 1991.  Three decades ago. We now live in a radically different world.

What about the so-called “Bosniaks” or “Kosovars”?  Well, like all “invented nations”, they will only exist as long as Uncle Shmuel has the power to artificially keep them alive.  So even IF, big IF, the US/NATO/EU still can bring the Serbs to heel today, how long do you expect that ability to remain true and for how long will such inventions such as “Bosnia” or “Kosovo” remain viable?

And what about the equally artificial entity known as “Israel” (which is now much more feared by US politicians and officials than anywhere else in the Middle-East!)?  How long do you expect this obscene, officially racist and genocidal entity to survive?

Okay, maybe for a few more years, that is possible.  But keep in mind that with each passing year, less and less oppressed nations still fear the (basically already dead) AngloZionist Empire.

My advice to the “Bosniaks”, “Kosovars” and “Israelis” would be this: get the hell out there BEFORE you see a repeat of Kabul in Sarajevo, Pristina or Tel-Aviv!  Oh, I know, they won’t heed my advice, but since the same causes have the same effects, I fully expect to see similar “take-offs” from these and ALL THE OTHER totally artificial entities created by the British and/or AngloZionist empires in the past.

As for the folks in Europe, they better get their act together, but they won’t: while they blame Russia for everything and everything (including for selling them gas AND not selling them enough of it!), their suicidal immigration policy and “multiculturalism” of the EU elites will destroy the little left from the 1000 year old European civilization.  They did it to themselves.

As they say in the US “please pass me the pop-corn”!


UPDATE: since we are talking a lot about the Serbs, Serbia and history, I want to draw your attention, especially my Muslim readers, to the section I have recently added on the bottom right of the main page:

There you will find A LOT of very interesting info, not necessarily to agree with it, but at least to compare and contrast with the usual (dis-)information found in the West!