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Tag "Imperialism"

Has the first domino already fallen and if so, when? (UPDATED!)

A few years back, I wrote a column I entitled “Kosovo will be liberated” in which I wrote the following: “Kosovo will be the very first place in Europe where the pendulum of history will reverse its current course. ”  It now looks like I might have been wrong. But by how much?  Check out this headline today: “Bosnian Serbs to ‘withdraw consent’ for joint military, taxes and courts, citing

The Quiet Imperialism

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Many if not most Americans have always been in denial about the imperial ambitions and practices of US foreign policy. There are honourable exceptions – Noam Chomsky, Tulsi Gabbard come immediately to mind. But on the whole the direction of US geopolitical strategy has been guided and implemented by a small cabal of geopolitical fanatics; these are ensconced in various state and non-state

How the Ukrainian crisis will eventually bring down the AngloZionist Empire

There are many theories out there about what exactly caused the collapse of the Soviet Union.  Some say that it is Ronald Reagan with his Star Wars program.  Others say that this is the war in Afghanistan or the Polish union Solidarnosc.  Other popular theories include the failure of the Soviet economy, the drop in oil prices, the inability to produce consumer goods, the yearning of many Soviets for western-style

1993-2013: is the twenty years long “pas de deux” of Russia and the USA coming to an end?

The latest tensions between the EU and Russia over Greenpeace’s stunt in the Arctic only confirmed a fact which nobody really bothers denying anymore: Western political and financial elites absolutely hate Vladimir Putin and they are appalled at Russia’s behavior, both inside Russia and on the international scene.  This tension was quite visible on the faces of Obama and Putin at the G8 summit in Lough Erne where both leaders

From Tahrir Square to Wall Street and the rest of the USA, the Empire bares its fangs (again)

The level of violence meted out by the Empire against its opponents is clearly on the rise: from Tahrir Square in Egypt, to the many Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, to the constant saber-rattling against Iran, the Empire is clearly cracking down on its opposition. This new trend is particularly striking in the USA.  People who have never lived in the USA or who, even more so, have never studied here,

U.S. Supports Japan, Confronts China And Russia Over Island Disputes

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO In a six-day span the U.S. State Department has bluntly affirmed unequivocal backing for Japanese territorial claims against both Russia and China, even invoking a defense treaty provision that could lead to direct military intervention and war with the world’s most populous nation. Beginning a 13-day, seven-nation tour of the Asia-Pacific region on October 27 in Hawaii, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Joint

A seminal series of lectures on the US Empire

Dear friends, It is really a huge joy for me to share with you something which I recently discovered and which I have come to consider the single most interesting and far-reaching series of lectures I have ever heard. Dr John Marciano’s “Empire as a Way of Life” (thanks to C. for introducing me to Marciano’s work!) In the course of Fall 2006 and Spring of 2007, Dr Marciano, Professor

The kidnapping of Haiti

by John Pilger for The New Statesman The theft of Haiti has been swift and crude. On 22 January, the United States secured “formal approval” from the United Nations to take over all air and sea ports in Haiti, and to “secure” roads. No Haitian signed the agreement, which has no basis in law. Power rules in a US naval blockade and the arrival of 13,000 marines, special forces, spooks

Another setback for the US Empire?

It appears that President Zelaya has won something of a victory in his struggle to return to the Presidency of his country: the putchistas have agreed to let him return to power to complete his mandate. President Zelaya reportedly expressed “satisfaction and optimism“. Does that mean that all is well in Honduras now? Absolutely not. While I don’t have any details about this, I am confident that the deal between

America Has Been Here Before

By Eric Margolis for the Toronto Sun (via Informationclearinghouse) “We should hang a huge neon sign over Afghanistan: “CAUTION: DEJA VU.” Afghanistan’s much ballyhooed recent election staged by its foreign occupiers turned out to be a fraud wrapped up in a farce — as this column predicted a month ago. It was as phony and meaningless as U.S.-run elections in Vietnam in the 1970s. Canada played a shameful role in

Who is Randy Scheunemann?

McCain’s neocon warmonger by Pat Buchanan for World Net Daily He is the principal foreign policy adviser to John McCain and potential successor to Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski as national security adviser to the president of the United States. But Randy Scheunemann has another identity, another role. He is a dual loyalist, a foreign agent whose assignment is to get America committed to spilling the blood of her sons

Will American Insouciance Destroy the World?

By Paul Craig Roberts for Information Clearing House The neoconned Bush Regime and the Israeli-occupied American media are heading the innocent world toward nuclear war. Back in the Reagan years, the National Endowment for Democracy was created as a cold war tool. Today the NED is a neocon-controlled agent for US world hegemony. Its main function is to pour US money and election-rigging into former constituent parts of the

We, the Salt of the Earth, Take Precedence

By Paul Craig Roberts for Information Clearinghouse Which country is the rogue nation? Iraq? Iran? Or the United States? Syndicated columnist Charley Reese asks this question in a recently published article. Reese notes that it is the US that routinely commits “acts of aggression around the globe.” The US government has no qualms about dropping bombs on civilians whether they be in Serbia, the Middle East, or Africa. It is

Memorial Day – let us forgive, but never forget

On this Memorial Day in the USA one could rightly feel that those who deserve remembrance are not only the American soldiers who died while in uniform, but the uncounted millions of people all over the world who died at the hands of American soldiers. Sadly, this list is too long to be ever made and the names of the victims all too often forgotten. How can we who oppose

Hezbollah fighters take much of Beirut

U.S.-backed security forces protect government buildings but avoid street clashes. “The situation is chaotic,” says one official. By Raed Rafei and Borzou Daragahi for the Los Angeles Times BEIRUT — The Shiite militia Hezbollah today handily took over much of the capital in a dramatic escalation of the months-long confrontation with the Western-backed government, security officials said. As Hezbollah swept through West Beirut, Lebanon’s security forces, which received more than

Putin warns NATO against further expansion to Russia’s borders

BUCHAREST, April 4 (RIA Novosti) – Any further expansion by NATO toward Russia’s borders will be interpreted as a direct threat to the country’s security, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday. “The appearance on our borders of a powerful military bloc… will be considered by Russia as a direct threat to our country’s security,” Putin told a news conference after meeting with leaders of the 26-nation alliance on the

Washington’s role in the current conflict between Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador

by Cory Fischer-Hoffman Monday, 03 March 2008, Caracas, Venezuela — On Saturday March 1st Colombia’s Air Force carried out a military operation in Ecuador, violating the sovereignty of its western neighbor nation. The bombing resulted in at least 17 deaths. One of the people reported to be among the victims is Raúl Reyes, commander and spokesperson for the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). This attack is the continuation and

Bolivia’s Morales slams US for spying

PRESS TV reports: Bolivian President Evo Morales has denounced a US embassy security officer for trying to spy on Cubans and Venezuelans working in Bolivia. Morales’ criticism came Monday following reports that Vincent Cooper, the US embassy official, had asked an American scholar and 30 Peace Corps volunteers to pass along information about Cubans and Venezuelans working in the country. Speaking at a military ceremony in Cochabamba, Morales said Cooper
