После замедления наступления сирийской армии на севере провинции Хама, в горах Латакии и в районе Хомса, на первый план окончательно вышло сражение за Алеппо, приобретающее все черты генерального. Именно здесь сейчас сирийская армия при поддержке авиации РФ пытается добиться крупного оперативного успеха.
1. Пройти оставшиеся несколько километров до окруженной авиабазы в Кувейрисе по прежнему не удается, несмотря на более чем серьезные усилия для этого предпринимаемые. Пехота Халифата демонстрирует высокую устойчивость в обороне и войскам Асада приходится буквально прогрызать эту оборону, темпы наступления более чем низкие. В связи с ухудшением погоды, кол-во самолетовылетов сократилось и соответственно поддержка с воздуха ослабла. Тем не менее, войска Асада достаточно близко подошли к решению основной оперативной задачи, деблокада Кувейриса уже на расстоянии вытянутой руки. Очевидно что в ближайшие дни сирийская армия будет продолжать попытки деблокады.
2. К югу от Алеппо сирийская армия продолжает достаточно уверенно наступать, тем более что здесь деморализованные отряды прозападных мятежников и Ан-Нусры продолжают отступление не в силах остановить войска Асада. В целом, задача расширения пояса безопасности к югу и юго-западу от Алеппо на данный момент успешно решается. Тем не менее – необходимость удерживать фронт против Халифата на севере, оборонять город, наступать на Кувейрис и удерживать трассу на которой висит вся алеппская группировка серьезно затрудняет достижение решительного успеха – небеспредельные силы Асада изрядно распыляются на несколько разноплановых задач. Облегчает ситуацию тот факт, что к северо-западу от Алеппо продолжаются бои между Халифатом и отрядами Сирийской Свободной Армии, которые пытаются восстановить фронт после разгрома в первой половине октября к северу от Алеппо.
3. Касательно боев за дорогу на которой висит алеппская группировка, то как и говорилось ранее, никакого котла там нет. Халифат и Ан-Нусра разромили несколько блокпостов (потери сирийской армии составили несколько десятков человек + 20-25 единиц различной колесной и гусеничной техники) к югу от города Ханасер и перерезали трассу. С подходом переброшенных частей сирийской армии, боевиков вытеснили обратно в пустыню. Тем не менее проблема остается – удержание дороги на участках где нет сплошного фронта требует нахождения там достаточно существенных сил, которые сейчас нужнее в районе Алеппо. Тем не менее, трассу удерживать надо. Для Халифата эта операция очевидно является немаловажной тактической победой. Для превращения ее в оперативный успех с окружением войск Асада в районе Алеппо у Халифата и Ан-Нусры здесь просто недостаточно сил. Поэтому максимум возможного это набеговые операции на позиции армии.
4. Карта бомбардировок ВСК РФ на 24 октября. Хорошо видно, где идут основные бои и где требуется приложение дополнительных усилий со стороны ВКС РФ. Ситуация де-факто требует увеличения интенсивности авиаударов на главных направлениях, особенно это касается инфраструктуры Халифата. Стоит отметить, что в РФ оборонные предприятия перешли на круглосуточный выпуск бомб и ракет – предприятия работают в 3 смены. Возросла необходимость в корректируемых авиабомбах и ракетах воздух-земля.
5. В Дераа, Джобаре, Хомсе, Дейз-оз-зор и в горах Латакии без существенных изменений. Наступление курдов пока не началось.
Very good. Colonel Cassad is one of the most objective military analysts out there.
What neither he, or any of us know though, is the amount of strain that the rats are taking. And this concerns ratpower, ammunition, vehicles, fuel, food and medicine.
Sputnik today cited a Syrian General who claimed that the rats will soon be facing desperate shortages of food and medicine. They even had to leave behind their wounded (to the local population!) and several of their large vehicles (because the large vehicles are easy targets for RuAF and SAAF)
On USA/EU articles, everyone that disagrees with the article or expresses a pro-Russian sentiment, is often accused of belonging to a vast conspiracy of pro-Russian trolls paid and organised by Kremlin, I wish Russia did have an army of internet activists that could for example continuously translate Russian blogs such as Cassad into english and other languages. I really feel that on the internet PR front the Russian state does not seem to care much, meanwhile EU/US have tones of project to manipulate social media and counter “Russian propaganda” and so forth.
Then look at those openly supporting terrorist’s whether in Libya, Iraq, Syria or any other Operation Gladio style “Color Revolution” across the planet.
The main point was mentioned: Why all those parents and loved ones affected by wars and lost those in battle would now see their tax dollars arming and training the very ones who were alleged to have killed their loved ones.
Since Obama was a co-author of that bill…. This is treason! As well as those like McCain who’s unfettered support of those terrorist’s continues. TREASON!
The other thing none of us can know, is just how far the Iranians are prepared to commit, and what forces they can bring to bear. Also, to what degree Russian aims and Iranian aims in this conflict differ.
I have heard that the Iranians have deployed a few hundred troops, and from some sources that they have deployed a few thousand, up to 2000. Thought in large the Iranian commitment seems pretty hard to determine, I hope it will increase, along with more Russian airplanes, perhaps stationed in Iran itself to fly sorties over Iraq and Syria and maybe also Afghanistan? I recently read that Afghanistan might request help against ISIS as well.
Agreed, it is too bad his articles are rarely translated to english, during the high of the Donbass conflict there used to be continuous translations to english of al his article, but that has largely stopped now.
Yeah, the strain seems to be quite significant in Aleppo, and the terrorists USA openly supports “moderate terrorists” are fleeing in all directions, on the other fronts thought it is pretty still, thought those perhaps might just have been diversions and the real offensive is in Aleppo, that would make sense since it is close to the Turkish border and the american terrorists get their supplies and manpower mostly thru Turkey.
If I were an Syrian general I would however have picked a less risky strategy and just focused on the Rastan pocket and other similar pockets to restore territorial continuity before it tired anything bold.
Pepe says e.allepo is it, 3000 hiz troops with 2000 Iraqi shites and a few thousand Iranian and 10,000 Syrians againstt the whole kaboots stuck between them and the IS goons.. If you seen a sausage shoot out of a well buttered bun and fly off the room well this looks like sultan eurdo is going to get a sausage right smack in his face. Well his baby is the IS so I wonder what he will do. He wants all that area to be part of the sultanate of turkeys.. There must be like 20 alphabet soups there facing the SAA and its allies.. 15-20K might not be enough troops to do this though.. RuAF has been bombing them nonstop.. IS is just waiting to take over the area as soon as the kaboots run. It all looks like Russia wants the kaboots to run off to Turkey so they can carpet bomb IS. The kurds are staying out of it. Pepe says this is very important since everything here is under Russian command even the supreme Iranian commander..
An interesting pic of a tank in the Cassad link. This is the same pic of a tank that survived a TOW hit but higher definition. In the Cassad pic it looks to have folds of conveyer belting either side of the turret. Improvised protection from missile strikes? https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/657327947414675456
Yes, you’re right I see it as well.. Never seen it on any other tank, whatever it is it seemed to work. Poor Syrians, forced to improvise while the american terrorists runs around with tens of thousands of TOWs, I would guess Russia right now is the most loved country in Syria and USA the most hated.
A joke from Moscow: Putin asks Obama to play chess. He is asked how it went and says: it’s like playing with a pigeon; first, it knocks over all the pieces, then it shits on the board and finally struts around like it won.
How do you tell the difference between a pigeon, a chicken-hawk and a saker?
Great program without the usual spoiler from think-tankland. But still on a high school level. Ignores the elephants in the studio.
Spot on about humility and pride, the greatest of the capital sins.
Peter loves definitions and distinctions. Here’s one for him to cogitate. Israelite / Khazar.
If Russia had more humility it might listen better to its prophets like Sergei Glazyev.
Like John Henry Newman said: expecting logic to handle passion is like thinking a thread can tether a battleship.
“Well there ain’t no goin’ back when your foot of pride comes down.” Thanks to Bob Dylan.
“Love ain’t no elephant but she’s sure in the room.” Courtesy of thelovegovernment.com.
The situation here is that Russia is not anti-Israeli.As I’ve posted before the Russian-Israeli (read Jewish) connection is very complicated.On the one hand they aren’t zionist.But on the other they accept an Israeli state.They are neutral in the situation at best.You hardly ever see any mention of the Palestinian position.They “waltz” around the edges of it.Just like today when Russia urged “both” sides to refrain from “provocations” there.Its just foolishness for some on the Palestinian side to see Russia as their “savior” against the Israelis.Its not going to happen.The decline of the West in the ME.Russia’s desire for general peace and stability in the region.And the defeat of the Islamists (if it can happen) might end up helping the Palestinians.But that isn’t Russia’s conscious plan.It would be a side benefit of it.If Russia ever does actively oppose Israel (don’t hold your breathe) it will be because Israel has done something very anti-Russian.Or is a really great threat to Russia’s allies in the region.It won’t have anything at all to do with Israel itself,or their monstrous treatment of the Palestinian people.I learned years ago that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy” weren’t real.And neither is the idea of Russia being anti-Israeli.
Jewish power is unmatched, they control the entirety of the Anglo-sphere, Russia has no choice but to show respect to such a resilient and resourceful people. In turn Israel respects Russia, Israel knows that Russia knows, but it doesn’t speak what it knows, this engenders a mutual relationship where they each seek to achieve their aims, while avoiding a direct confrontation.
In my business life the most astute individuals I have ever worked with are Jewish, I have a deep respect for their ability, even though I take issue with their culturally embedded tribalism. In fact, I enjoy working with Jews because they are so pointed and direct, their ability to cut through the bull$hi! is much appreciated.
Watch Putin with Netanyahu, they have a shared respect, it’s obvious, they are both highly capable individuals, regardless of how you view their politics.
I seriously doubt that Putin has any respect for Netanyahu, other than a healthy scrutiny of what irrational, stupid and self-destructive (for Israel) moves that Netanyahu is capable of to keep his seat.
Compared to Netanyahu even Obama and his Vassal leaders in the EU look like statesmen – and Putin has already described Western leaders using the term “Dumb/Stupid”, so in Putin’s books Netanyahu must be even below that level.
Regarding your experience with working with Jews in the business world (and in the personal arena), I’ve had similar positive experiences with them, and I too appreciate their no-nonsense cut-thru-the-bull blunt approach (definitely an Asiatic people and culturally compatible with me). I also am neutral when it comes to the Palestinians (having had consistently bad business and personal experiences with them, while good experiences with Israeli professionals). That does not make the actions of the Israeli State OK with respect to the Palestinians nor the dangerous level of arrogance & contempt Israeli leadership show towards the US population and Institutions as well as international norms.
So despite my neutral stance towards Israel and the Palestinians, it doesn’t mean that I won’t call a spade a spade – Netanyahu is an incompetent demagogue and the Israeli electorate have shot themselves in the foot by reelecting him. And Palestinian “leadership” is beneath contempt in their short-sightedness and treachery towards their own people and their benefactors (look how quick they were to back-stab the Syrian government and Assad, despite Syria’s steadfast support for them, not to mention their bad track-record in Lebanon and Jordan).
This is one of the mind-liberating things I learned from Saker – calling a spade a spade and breaking the taboo that some things are beyond criticism and scrutiny.
well, Israelis have grown up in a cushy environment and Palestinians are in a war torn region..compare the childhoods of human beings coming from these two different peoples.
You think Putin does not respect Netanyahu, I think he does.
Respect does not mean that he must like the man, or endorse his worldview, it simply means that he recognizes power, and the ability to wield it. Alternatively, despite the differences that may exist between their views, after watching every clip I could find of the two men together it appeared as though they were very cordial, and even having a good time. This does not surprise me, since Netanyahu is a very disarming fellow. He understands human psychology to a very great degree.
I think your assessment that Netanyahu is incompetent to be off the mark, for those outcomes you view as competent may not be shared by others, whose aims are vastly different than yours.
I agree that Netanyahu is a demogague, and that changes nothing. His wields great power, he gets standing ovations in the US Congress not because he is perceived as weak, but because he is perceived as strong.
You may personally dislike Netanyahu, but as a center of power there aren’t many European leaders that carry the same presence. He has a sense of purpose (whether or not you agree with that purpose is irrelevant) and he carries himself as such, its noticeable in his interactions with other leaders. He is the Alpha among the Alpha’s.
Palestinian leadership has been non-existent for a long time. The state itself has been emaciated through cunning Israeli moves for decades, not unlike the negro movement has been emaciated and destroyed in America, via psy-ops, assassinations and cunning media subversion’s. Kill the intelligent leaders, inculcate the youth with hate, and you have a cycle of deterioration that is largely inescapable.
I see what is happening in Palestine as a tragedy, but it is one tragedy among a sea of tragedies, in a world of Empire where power strikes down the weak as a rule of policy.
I do not think that Putin has any respect for Netanyahu, that’s because Putin is intelligent, far-sighted, psychologically knowledgeable & astute (from KGB training & years of political experience) and seems to have a moral center. He also isn’t a man who’s prone to genuflecting in front of people because of their connections – if he was that type of individual he would not have made that famous 2007 confrontational security speech to the face of Western leadership. instead he would have accepted the retirement package and the hefty bribe that the connected and so-called powerful international corporate class would have thrown his way. I haven’t seen one sign of in Putin of grovelling in admiration & desire in front of money and power. What I have seen is that he seems to respect moderation and coolheaded rationality, integrity, consistency, fairness, respect for rule of law and good judgement; that precludes Netanyahu on all 6 counts. You’re entitled to your subjective opinions about their perceived body-language. As of yet, I don’t find that to be convincing evidence of any respect for Netanyahu.
I don’t predicate my judgement that Netanyahu is incompetent based on a personal dislike for his racist, bombastic and arrogant style, it’s based on the poor results he’s achieved. Examples include:
-destroying his longterm options and power by pulling into his camp and becoming dependent on the extremist factions of the Israeli political parties for short-term power
-completely failing in achieving security for his people
-alienating most of the world and even the US executive. Likely alienating the US deep-state that now seems to abandoning him.
-putting his own his lust for power over the interests of his own nation.
His being obnoxious, smug, arrogant, and blinded by his ethnocentric navel-gazing have nothing to do with my low opinion of him.
Again Espelho, we’ll agree to disagree, I think Putin is much more pragmatic than you think. While admitting that my views on this are largely subjective, they are no more subjective than are yours.
In my corner I have video evidence of cordial meetings, as compared to Putin’s meetings with many other leaders (which you discount). We also have stories such as this :
As of 2014, Russia is Israel’s largest supplier of crude oil. It appears there must be some kind of mutual respect and understanding, EVEN if its purely economic (or what you might perhaps refer to as genuflecting). And Russia is also Israels third largest tourist customer.
I don’t think I ever suggested that Putin was groveling at anything, merely being pragmatic. His role is to be the leader of Russia, therefore his main objective is to maintain Russia’s best interests, not be the savior of the world.
I may be wrong, but I’m not sure you have ever had serious business negotiations, where you may even despise the others position, or demeanor, but you must respect his skill, and/or ability to outflank you. It’s never wise to take for granted an opponent.
If your goal is to convince me that Netanyahu is stupid, I can’t agree. He is a demagogue, he believes in the choseness of his people, he’s narcissistic, but he’s also cunning, manipulative, highly intelligent, and very good at reading people. He’s an Alpha predator. If you don’t respect his prowess, he smells it, and acts accordingly. He believes in his own superiority.
You think Israel is out of favor with the US administration? If indeed Israel is out of favor, the administration will change to one more servile. The top of the pyramid is not Washington, the United States is deeply infected by the parasite of the Banking Cabal, even poor Rand came grovelling, and he was thoroughly rejected. Now we have Trump, Bush, or Clinton, do you see a problem for Israel?
Netanyahu was re-elected to a FOURTH term. The last election was easily won. Yet he’s incompetent? Again, the goals you seek to gauge competence are not those that apply to Netanyahu and his objectives.
I never said anything about Putin’s pragmatism, I said I don’t believe he respects Netanyahu for reasons I’ve clearly delineated. Putin’s willingness to work with someone doesn’t mean he respects them: In carrying out his mandate to look after his country’s national interests and promote stability in the world (tied to Russian interests) he’s willing to work with those feckless sods in the EU, he’s willing to work with those criminals in Kiev, he’s willing to work with the North Korean Regime, he’s willing to work with the Saudis & Qataris, etc. etc..
His pragmatism and his personal assessment of his counterparts are 2 separate things.
One need not like a person to respect them or their position. The two are not always mutually exclusive.
One of the meanings of “respect”, and which I think applies in this case – from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Respect: a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way.
I’m not saying they are friends, but Putin goes out of his way to appear cordial, and more so than he does with many other leaders. Take that as you may.
You can add a few other things in there that hamas is the same muslim brotherhood as the terrorists in Syria. The arab states send aircraft and pilots to Pakistan to bomb india. While Israel was the only one to send radar firing locators when Pakistan placed artillery to shell a supply route to the northwest. Any country that has helped the Palestinians has got back stabbed. Lebanon and Syria are great examples and why Egypt is looking the other way.. How come you don’t see large Palestinian refugees in the GCC countries? Kind of hard to support someone who blows with the wind.. Heck the PLO even tried to take over Jordan. Nutyahoo makes it difficult to make friends with Israel but they are allies at least.. The rest are like just waiting to shove a knife into your back. Does not make what Israel does right but then again we don’t have that close of a relationship to find out. At the very least they don’t finance and send terrorists to cause havoc.
I agree with each and everyone of your points except the last one: It’s pretty clear that Israel under Netanyahu is supporting terrorists.
In addition, Israel’s short-sighted position of demonizing Iran and helping undermine secular Arab countries while cooperating with the Salaafist regimes of the Arabian peninsula is exactly the wrong thing to do if they’re serious about defeating Islamic terrorism. Iran is key to defeating Islamist terrorism, but Netanyahu keeps sabotaging the only viable strategy for destroying Islamist terrorism which is to work with and assist Iran to end this menace.
To this end Netanyahu has recklessly and falsely kept the focus on Iran as the sponsor of Islamic terrorism while deflecting the focus from the real sources of Islamic terrorism, namely Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. A short sighted strategy that has damaged the strategies of both Russia, India, the CTSO, Afghanistan and China to stamp out Salafist vermin from the Asian heartland.
Yes ofcourse Israel supports terrorists. Great example of that are the assassinations of Iranian scientists and blowing up Iranian bases. Even supporting free Syrian terrorists.. As recently as last week when they gave covering fire to let the FSA goons escape via Golan heights back to Jordan. For nutyahoo a terrorist is anyone who don’t follow his orders. Until then they are covert operatives working for him. For a start he can stop the supply runs to Mosul to help out his IS agents. When you hear things like the terrorists are better than assad, you know the terrorists are under their control. And just like that, IS comes out and says Israel is next.. Gee guess nutyahoo is filling up his lawn mover because the lawn is going to get moved again soon as more and more are realizing the curtain is hiding something sinister.. Have you noticed how the some have stopped all pretense about helping terrorists now?
Perhaps Ann you can provide us a definition of tolerant?
Are you suggesting that Putin has plans to become intolerant towards Israel at some future date? If so, that changes in no way the fact that Russia is currently very tolerant of Israel, unless of course you have evidence proving otherwise?
Hey Angelo ! Well, Putin grew up in an impoverished neighborhood where the kids played ‘catch the rat’…and so he totally knows what the Palestinians feel like. And he has a heart and so he can’t but help feeling for the cruelty and conversely of the rebellion of the kids of Palestine.
But things have to follow a certain order…I think Israel will do the same thing as the Deep State, when most of the population of the West knows the real deal. That’s also what Steiner thought…
And by the way…I’ve read hundreds of Steiners lectures…been into it since I was 14.
I get that you feel an affinity for Putin Ann, but I’m not sure we can assume that he feels any more sympathy for Palestinians than he does east Ukrainian’s, or those children living in Russia’s many slums. Putin does appear to be a genuine human being, there is no doubt, but we can’t be entirely sure of his motivations, or what drives him. As to what causes he finds important, or more relevant, we can’t know that, unless you decide to call him up and find out!
Even so I think his answers will be somewhat coy, being a world leader and all….
*** how do you know Putin doesn’t break his heart over E Ukraine…he’s not a king and can’t go in with his army without support of his government – modaa
Hi Mod, I don’t think I suggested that Putin isn’t heartbroken over east Ukraine, I just said that I’m not sure he finds the plight of Palestinians of greater importance, or urgency than his closer to home issues (such as east Ukraine).
Theoreticians the world has always had, and always will, but none of this will they take with them, even this comment, soon to be buried in the frozen wastes of the internet, will not go with me..
The people of East Ukraine who have nothing, who have lost everything, will it make a difference to them to think that Putin, if he has a heart, is breaking it over them?
It depends on how you view “sovereignty’. I see their problems more tied up with too tight dependence on the West with their economy.And their banking financial problems.Their being friendly (or not) with Israel is only a blip on the radar of problems they suffer at the moment.
That’s all very well but Russia seems blissfully unaware of Kolo’s role in the downing of MH17 and his national allegiances – which aren’t just to Ukraine.
Putin is pretty consistent on the inhumane and brutal treatment of Palestinians. Most of Russia’s UN voting record has been consistently supportive of Palestine. (Daniel Rich posted a link to their record, but don’t have it to hand.)
However, Putin is not a Judaeophobe. Russia has a long and intimately entwined history with Jews – good, bad and ugly. There are a million Russian Jews in Israel – and they’re not all mafia/Zionist extremists. He has a very good relationship with Russian Orthodox Jewish leaders (who are amongst his biggest fans.)
As for Netanyahoo, I would liken Putin’s relation to him (rightly or wrongly, it’s just my own perception) to that of a parent to a ‘problem child.’ He does not condone what he says or does, but sees him as a victim of conditioning. He knows there are far worse in Israel.
That does not stop him through the UN from using Russia’s veto powers to reign in the worst of Israeli Zionism.
And as Israeli paranoia segues into out and out fascism, I believe we will see Russia’s patience eventually running out.
Putin has always been very circumspect about what he said about “Israel” and the Jews.
A mere four months after assuming the presidency of Russian Federation, while in New York at the UN summit, he gave an interview to Larry King of CNN. Here is a relevant snippet from the interview. Even the president of mighty Russia was obliged to state that he “liked” the entity of ill repute…
“… KING: There is much talk about Vladimir Putin and religious faith. I’m told that you wear a cross. Is that true? Are you religious? What are your feelings in this area?
PUTIN (through translator): I prefer — I would prefer not to develop on that subject in detail. I think such things are sacred for everybody. Everybody’s belief is not to be shown off, it’s inside a man’s heart. As regards to wearing cross, earlier I never had it — once my mother gave it to me and when I visited Israel. I was there two times. First on an official invitation of the minister of foreign affairs of that country. The second time, I liked the country, and I travelled there with my family as a tourist. …”
“But still on a high school level”…Dennis that is arrogance on your part..sorry but that’s a fact.
Peter Lavelle deals with the real world..not the mythical ‘deep state’…he just calls a spade a spade…and so its boring for people who prefer the mysteries of the covert / occult / maybes….
The ‘Deep State’ is very real. It’s been referred to by Catherine Austin Fitts and Richard Dolan as the Breakaway Civilization. I have had encounters with the deeper aspects of this reality, but this site is not the forum for such things. The Saker blog largely confines itself to ‘real politik’.
Well Ann, I agree in part that the issues dealing with the secret societies can become as a labyrinth, unless one has a certain level of clairvoyance. The hard facts help, but where the trail goes cold thus enters spiritual insight. There is a compilation of Steiner’s lectures made into a book called “Secret Brotherhoods: And the Mystery of the Human Double”, have you read it?
In it he discusses the occult undercurrent that is guiding the world, a hierarchy of black magicians under the rule of Ahriman who direct society ever towards the materialistic unity (transhumanism) and away from our revelation of Christ.
Hi Angelo..I think that what you say about Black Magicians…is not coming directly from that book but from the modern Anthroposophical Society which is turning back into the Theosophical voodoo pooh pooh society….
RS was careful not to get the emotions involved in his talks…and magician is a very loaded word.
But yeah, I totally agree that we can’t forget about the spiritual…evil spiritual…. side of things…but the Deep State is not a very spiritual organization..IMNSHO (in my not so humble opinion)…
I guess Ahriman is here and very much here because of his … for other readers …anti-Christ … incarnation coming up here in the next times…the near times….but not the end times yet..
I would need to read the book again, but he said similar things for many lectures..and I have read it twice…
And Angelo…the most important thing in your above comment is that this cabal of evil spirits and people..they are not guiding the world…they are TRYING to guide the world…
Christ and Michael and all the great angels and archangels and higher hierarchies..they are guiding the world.
Various translations exist from the original into English, but he was describing the Black Lodge, the occult society of black magic. It doesn’t matter which way you turn the words.
Pay attention Ann, I said ‘guide society’, not ‘the world’. Michael guides human evolution, but this is a struggle for humanity. The question being, how much of humanity will willingly choose to devolve into the nether regions of transhumanism, and the resulting slow decent into the increasingly dense material abyss?
Hi Angelo…I’ve struggled with these questions…but have come to the point where I think that fear and anxiety are not a help…that’s why I love this site so much, because Saker is so down to earth about fear…he’s so great and before I came here I was so scared..I mean PCR and all of them I think have really benefited from Saker’s input…
So I’m not scared…And these stupid black magicians cannot overcome us. The real us….
Judith Van Halle..is a real hocus pocus scare mongerer…I totally stand with Thomas Meyer and all his work on RS’s legacy…
To each their own. Everyone has different ‘fear’ thresholds. Remember, Steiner never discussed these things publicly at the time, these were small closed door gatherings, meant only for those who desired to know.
Michael Hoffman is a contemporary writer who touches on some of the same topics, albeit in a somewhat different manner. I myself was pulled into occult knowledge by childhood experience, for me the boundary between ‘down to earth’ and ‘not of this earth’ was but a thin veil.
“In it he discusses the occult undercurrent that is guiding the world, (and) a hierarchy of black magicians under the rule of Ahriman who direct society ever towards the materialistic unity (transhumanism) and away from our revelation of Christ.”
The hidden currents that humans do not recognize include those of the Archangels, who man has largely forgotten.
In order for the theater play to be successful, the puppet master should never be visible. We don’t see directors, producers and pr agents walking up to the stage while the play is progressing. The illusion must be maintained at all cost, hence we might never know those who is lurking behind the stage.
The “deep state” is not a conspiracy and, in fact, using the word conspiracy nowadays is the same as using the word “anti-Semite” – this is all hijacked terminology. I’m sure that those who are running international banking are the “deep state” and the majority of names can be picked up from the wall street, Soros and those they deal with. This is not a secret.
A joke from Moscow: Putin asks Obama to play
chess. He is asked how it went and says: it’s like
playing with a pigeon; first, it knocks over all the
pieces, then it shits on the board and finally
struts around like it won.”
Did our Scott make this one up? It’s very much his style..
Someone should collect and publish them – it’s a shame the US hasn’t a chance of appreciating Russian humour..
The message is clear. We each of us have a role to play here. It doesn’t do to sit on our couches and let the propagandists continue to wreck our earth. It doesn’t take much – just seek every opportunity to inform, to support, to enlighten in our daily encounters among family, friends and even strangers.
Peter asks “…how can you turn the corner on the high ratings in America that the demonization of Putin gets ?…”
Education. Pathetic and difficult as this answer is…that’s what it is.
this cabal of oligarchs has been in control of the US for decades…centuries…since the 1830’s when the Eastern Seaboard families created a Masonic Lodge at Yale University.
The men that graduated from Yale and Skull and Bones stayed friends and went and worked in the universities across the USA…and they installed ‘the education system’.
I am confused. I thought that Ann said earlier that the Deep State doesn’t exist.
Yet here she is positing that members of Skull and Bones etc., also members of powerful American families, constitute a secret cabal
the prog was ok…but i wish there could be eg reference or representation of say analysis and articles that we are lucky to have here.There didn’t seem to be much about the possibilities/consequences of recent actions , ie refs to Quatar sticking their noses in….Iraqi possibilities…..but i missed the last bit.
But however cf with Sophie and Co yesterday re Syria, which was illuminating only to show up the views of the ex French Prime minister, who believed that Syria should be federalised, once the people who currently support ISIS-because they feel dis-enfranchised with the past and existing Syrian political systems- are persuaded to engage in political discourse and process so that they no longer would wish to continue support ISIS and re-engage in a inclusive Syrian political environment leading to federalisation………he didn’t seem to be clear (or admit)whether that included ISIS or not despite being asked……didn’t want to acknowledge Bassad’s rating, Syrian sovereignty………
somehow I think not……….no wonder it is all a mess with such people around……….
I couldn’t help myself but to get into your discussion. Excellent, Ann you have come a long way.
“His wields great power, he gets standing ovations in the US Congress not because he is perceived as weak, but because he is perceived as strong.”
Yes, he has addressed the US Congress three times like Churchill and had more standing ovations than anybody else. His last address in March 2015, at least got him 28 standing ovations, though it reminds me of Tom and Jerry, and the pumped up Tom. It takes a small prick to let all that air out.
After he won the election, Boehner visited him. Did you see them live in Israel. They didn’t say very much, but you should have seen their body language.
The Empire acts as it is in chaos, not just in the world, but in USA too. Boehner has resigned and no one wants this coveted job. Obama calls him a patriot. Go figure!
Various translations exist from the original into English…”
Everyone has read the Hobbit thingy. God doesn’t have an enemy nor there are fallen angels. One always hear that Mohammad got the stories wrong. As posted earlier by sister Carmel by The Sea, that Judea-Christan thingy is BS. I even go as far as that Abrahamic faith thingy is BS too. It is the Greek/Roman who got the stories wrong.
1. Jesus was Semite and not Greek/Roman.
2. He spoke Aramaic and not Hebrew.
3. Arabic is Central language to all the Semitic dialects.
4. There were no written TaNaKh in Jesus’ time, which the Christians call “Old Testament”, due to evolution of Semitic languages.
5. The oral TaNaKh got translated by the Rabbis.
Therefore in the TaNaKh:
1. There is no trinity.
2. God doesn’t have an enemy.
3. satan which is a noun, whose job is to tempt mankind. An angel has been assigned for this job and he is not fallen.
4. This angel goes with the approval of God, to tempt mankind.
5. Carefully, read the Book of Job. When I just mentioned Job, sister Nora didn’t understand me.
6. To Semites, “Lucifer” is a foreign term. It is Greek/Roman term.
7. No wonder Goethe pokes fun of Christianity in his book, “Faust” and his poetry, about God being trapped in Hell for three days, and almost couldn’t come out.
The slaves who came out of Egypt were “Cow Worshiping” people and who believed in Reincarnation. They made sure that they made the life of Moses miserable. They got from Arabs the concept of “Monotheism” and they parted to some Arabs about their belief of “Reincarnation”. TaNaKh (Old Testament) is nothing but woven tales of old ladies.
Your comment is kind of all over the place, so I’m not sure what to address, there are so many ‘thingy’s’ you refer to.
I will say that fallen angels do indeed exist, humanity has been allowed by the Supreme Intelligence which is God to fall into depravity. The Book of Enoch, which I do believe is an inspired text (yes I’m a heretic) reads as follows:
The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect ⌈⌈and⌉⌉ righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked ⌈⌈and godless⌉⌉ are to be removed. 2. And he took up his parable and said–Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, ⌈which⌉ the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come. 3. Concerning the elect I said, and took up my parable concerning them:
The Holy Great One will come forth from His dwelling,
4. And the eternal God will tread upon the earth, (even) on Mount Sinai,
⌈And appear from His camp⌉
And appear in the strength of His might from the heaven of heavens.
5. And all shall be smitten with fear
And the Watchers shall quake,
And great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth..
There is described a ‘godless’ people, meaning those who reject God. God does not have an enemy, but God has those who have turned away. This is not a competition in which God is engaged, it is a choice which was allowed.
The Watchers are those angels who have chosen to consort with woman, and it is from this unholy matrimony that the bloodlines of control were created, and which exist up to this very day.
Also mentioned is that the Watchers are smitten with fear and quake thusly. Why would Gods chosen tempter quake if he was authorized to wreak havoc? He quakes because he defied the natural laws that were laid down.
The book of Enoch is in Hebrew and not in Greek/Roman and was not written at the time of Jesus, because The Semite Language was not evolved yet to the point be in written form. It got then from verbal form transliterated to written Greek/Roman and further transliterated from Greek/Roman to several other languages. In English only, we has so many different versions anetd they don’t agree with each. It is OK, they are inspired.
If you into OT, then I will request you to reread the Book of Job, so that you can understand the relationship between elohim (god – noun) and satan (noun).
I understand the Hebrew reference of God = Elohim (host of angels), as this is one of the ways God manifests in our reality. I’ve read the Book of Job. This does not discount the trinity.
The trinity is the confluence of powers that interface within the human being. It is reflected in the human being who seeks to unite within themselves the Father and the Mother through the Son (Logos).
It is easy to write and act like an enlighten intellectual, but very difficult to be a good reader.*** I never recommended you the Book of Job for the concept of trinity. The Book of Job shows the relationship between God and satan. You will find that satan challenges God, that he can turn Job away from God by inflicting calamities on Job.
But, satan first ask the Approval of God.
See, satan cannot move without the Approval of God. The Lucifer and Lucifer thingy has to do with Greek/Roman and nothing to do with Judaism. No where in the Old Testament, Lucifer is ever mentioned.
In the end God almost looses the bet to satan, so He changes the rule. To properly understand the Book of Job, I recommend reading Faust by Goethe, in which Goethe mocks ………
***no need to be rude to commenters…an all to prevelant habit on the Internet – modaa
God is too big for us to understand. When we assign masculinity to God, then we also assign sexual organs to God. However, in Semitic language a masculine sex is used, where either sex is unknown, or something is sexless. There is no “it” in Semitic languages, everything is masculine and feminine. Car, airplane, war are feminine nouns.
Also, ilah/eloh is feminine noun. Go figure!
Yes, God and Jesus are one, so is God and Mohammad, or God and Moses. We haven’t seen God and like Moses we will never see God, but we have seen Moses, Jesus and Mohammad.
Even in the Old Testament, David claims that, He is the Only Son of God. How many Only Sons, God has?
BTW, in Semitic languages there are no capital letters.
Like I said earlier, instead of concentrating “Who is God”, we should concentrate “What is God”.
I think I’m an okay reader, I’m not writing a research paper here, and I’m also writing in other venues, and to be quite honest, your style makes it near impossible to follow your logic.
I take a more Gnostic/Anthroposophical Christian view, wherein the god of the old testament is a competing god, to be more accurate, an Archon. In this context, Job has one lesser god asking another greater pseudo ‘God’ for permission.
In Exodus the ‘Lord’ lays down the law, which requires burnt offerings on an alter (does the true God need burnt offerings?), and Jethro says in effect that the Lord is greater than all the gods, which I interpret as the greatest of the gods.
The Koran itself was dictated by the archangel Gabriel, again another angel or ‘god’. What we have is a hierarchy of gods, not unlike the pantheon that existed in Greece, dictating to humanity what is to be the Law.
In this vein Lucifer is Prometheus, the light bearer who taught humanity (for better or worse) the secrets of fire, and thus the beginnings of modern day civilization. Ahriman is likened to Satan, the deity which promotes materialistic science, and who seeks to build an impenetrable wall between humanity and the spiritual worlds (transhumanism).
Lucifer or Samael, and Satan or Ahriman are the two chief rebel spirits.
Christ the Logos is the Word, who redeems humanity through direct communion with the true God, bypassing the hierarchy of angels altogether.
We each have a direct link to the Source of all life, which is genderless, and all pervading – the Father/Mother, that which forms the trinity in the perfected human being through the Logos.
Also, Elohim has many different contexts, one of them is definitely ‘angels’.
Elohim doesn’t mean host of angels. eloh/ilah means higher up! Elohim in Hebrew is the plural of Eloh. In Hebrew one makes plural by adding “im” at the end of noun. In Arabic, plural is made twenty odds ways.
The root of Angels is MLK, from which we get MaLiKa and they are there to be God’s messengers and servants, created by the light of God. Thus, they don’t ever sin.
Also, from MLK, we get MaLiK, which means King/Owner.
Jesus could read and write, this is recorded in NT. When it was His turn, He read the scripture in the synagouge (sp?). At another occasion, he wrote in the sand. He spoke not only Aramaic, He could read Hebrew.
There was a written text, there are references to it in the OT (Jeremiah, for example) and we have the Dead Sea-scrolls. Also remember the OT was translated into Greek. Are you saying they translated oral books?
I believe evil must always bow to the Lord in the end. In that sense there is no evil power. However, there is evil in this world and we suffer from it. There is a spiritual war going on and the Lord will win it. There is a lost book called the wars of the Lord. He fights for us all the time.
According to Jews, the Hebrew language was only reserved for the Rabbis and the commoners didn’t speak Hebrew. I think it is a big excuse. From history we know that Jesus and his disciples discoursed in Aramaic and not Hebrew. To me, Hebrew was a dead language and was revived from Arabic in 19th century. According to my Jewish friend, it wasn’t dead but dormant. Dead or dormant means the same thing.
We don’t know which Semitic dialect Jesus wrote in the sand. The words are divine but I don’t think that it ever happened. I have discussed this on this blog about two years ago. According to Bart D. Ehrman, Jesus will not break a major commandment based on his sermon on the mount. But according to me, Jesus will never run a kangaroo court. Why? It takes two to tango. Also, Jesus could have refereed the matter to Caesar. But the whole thing didn’t happened due to kangaroo court. However, the words are divine.
Even the Semitic term, “Zina” the meaning has been changed. Adultery, is considered when one party is married. However, if two unmarried people sleep together, than it is not considered adultery. If the two unmarried people can be a boy and a girl, then why can’t be both be two boys? And, if a boy and girl are allowed to marry, then why two boys are not allowed to marry? According to Jimmy Carter, if Jesus were here today, he will allow this matrimony. Both Prostitution and Homosexuality exists in all ages, and they both existed in times of Jesus too.
Yes, there were written texts, but the language was not yet evolved therefore the writer of the text could only read it from memory. The Arabic is the central language to all Semitic dialects. Even in the time of Prophet Mohammad (saws), the language was not evolved yet. Therefore, Mohammad did two things.
1. He opened a lots of madrasas (schools) for Muslims to memorize the Quran. Thus, Quran till today is preserved in oral form. To learn to read and write.
2. He created the grammar for Arabic language, including proper diacritics, vocalizations, vowels and so forth. Thus, he made his first cousin and son-in-law Ali to write the Quran in proper Arabic, called, “The Classical Quranic Arabic”. The written Quran is to serve check and balances on the verbal Quran.
No one seen this Quran, as the first caliph rejected it. Thirty years later, when Ali become the forth caliph, he instructed a group of students in Classic Quranic Arabic, and one of his student called, abu Aswad accomplish this task seventy five later after the death of the Prophet.
The Arabs still till today speak and write, Old Arabic which is Modern Arabic. The Classical Quranic Arabic is taught in colleges and universities to linguistic students. From The Classical Quranic Arabic proper grammar and vowels were inserted in Hebrew TaNaKh (Old Testament) from 12th to 15th centuries. Till today, Jews write G-d without short vowel. Therefore, they left out the short vowels in YHWH. If we put short vowels in YHWH, then it become Ya’HuWaH.
Ya’HuWaH Elohim means, O’ He Elohim.
Yes, there is evil and good, that good will always trump evil, but there are no evil spirits. If you consider Genie, evil spirits because satan was a Genie and not an Angel, then there are good and bad Genie. Genie are not spirits but another Intelligent Beings (ET) and between the Humans and Genie, the are thousands of other intelligent beings too.
The root for angels is MLK, the Malika (angels) are messenger and worker for God. From MLK, we also get Malik, which means King/Owner. Learn the language of Jesus.
Taurus worship – Bull worship – the stars of Taurus.
Pharaohs also worshipped Taurus the Bull – star worship –
About Job and Goethe….I have read both, as I’m sure Angelo has also…
Rudolf Steiner was a Goethe scholar and any pupil of Steiner’s is going to be inspired to read Faust.
Moses was an Egyptian Initiate and knew everything the great all-knowing priests of Egypt knew…
Plato’s grandfather, or great grandfather, Solon went to Egypt and was told by the great Egyptian initiate there, that the Greeks were children compared with the Egyptians…and that was true.
Pythagoras studied in Egypt as did Plato…for more than a decade.
And if Lucifer is a Greek ‘thingy’ – despising of the Greeks ?…???
Why is it that you seem to know everything ?
Lucifer is the name of a fallen Angel.
Satan is the name of a fallen Elohim…much more powerful being.
Lucifer means Light Bearer and when he is redeemed within the human soul…he will be the Light Bearer….
Christ is the Light.
Satan is the antiChrist…and is the Mephistopheles of Goethe. But he has many masks… he is also seen as a black gnarled winged deprivation chained in the underworld with golden chains…
But eventually he also will be redeemed by Christ in us.
When I told my Jewish friend that those people who came out of Egypt were “Cow Worshipers” and very nasty to Moses, he agreed with me as this is well documented in Old Testament. Only thing he said was, what you expect from people who have been in slavery for so long, for generations.
Look at every Prophet in Old Testament, and see how badly they have shown. David, the Only Son of God, breaks four major Commandments:
1. He covets the neighbor’s wife.
2. He commits adultery with the neighbor’s wife.
3. He murders the neighbor.
4. So, that he can steal the neighbor’s wife.
And, what does God do:
1. He kills 70,000 Jews.
2. He becomes remorseful.
3. He then punishes the child of David and Bathsheba.
4. He then gives them the good news of a new child called, Solomon.
5. He gives riches to David.
6. David has 1000 wives and concubines.
And, then we claim that Mohammad got the stories wrong.
satan is a noun and means, enemy. It is not proper noun, neither is satan the name of God.
eloh means, God/god and elohim is plural for eloh, which means God/gods. elohim with a singular verb is used for God of Jews, where as elohim with a plural verb is used for pagan gods.
eli eli lama sabachthani
eloi eloi lama sabachthani
My God, my God, when you forsaken me!
Four Aramaic words into 8 English words. It is very hard for my wife to believe that there are no pronouns in Semitic languages. So, what is eli. The “el” without the short vowels is eloh, which means God/god. And, the “i” at the end of eli is “my”.
So, eli is “God my” and not “my God”.
The “el” is God in Emanuel, “God with us”. Israel meaning, “everlasting God” and his uncle Ismael means, “hearing God.”
This is the language of Jesus. Why you think that Jews were persecuted throughout the centuries, especially the in the very 1st century. Still today, the Jews are being set up as Greater Israel for future persecution.
The reference in Isaiah is to, “Morning Star” to the King of Babylon. Not to any fallen angel. The Jews resent the fact that their scripture is taken over by Christians and being twisted.
In NT, Jesus is called the “Morning Star”. Therefore, Mormons don’t believe in trinity but they believe that both Lucifer and Jesus are blood brothers.
the Mormon church is a creation of the Masons..who have a strong history in occultism, that was very legit but now Masons have lost all their legitmacy and are only crooked…
But yes, Masons believe that Lucifer and Christ are … not blood brothers….spirits don’t have blood, but yes they were at one time, spirits of similar rank….although Christ is above all the other spirits and sits at the right hand of God….
But Lucifer fell from his high place,
And yes, it was in the Divine plan that he go there.
And Ahriman too (satan) has his place in the evolution of man. He teaches us many things…and only when we fall… blindly or not….under his treacherous and deceptive spell do we commit evil. And Lucifer leads us to him and encourages this fall because, the other name for Lucifer is the serpent.
but we, through Christ, will redeem them both, for our true home is the Spirit.
And Mercury is the morning star…because the name of the morning star was changed during the Ptolemaic endtimes to Venus..
Our beautiful morning star’s occult name is Mercury…and Christ represents Mercury in a certain way…that I won’t go into here.
“But Angelo, there is also the fact that Christ calls himself Truth…I am the Way the Truth and the Life….”
Read the above quote very carefully. Jesus doesn’t claim that, I am ONLY the Way the Truth and the Life….”
No, he is Not the the Only. All Prophets are way to, “Truth and Life” for their adherents. They are the Way and Vessel to Allah. allah is two words, the first word is “al” which is the definite article, “the” and the second word is “ilah/eloh” which is a noun and means “god”. Therefore, al-ilah (allah) means, “The God”.
It is good grammar to say and write for, “my God”, either “ilahi, elohi, eloi or eli”.
Both “eloi and eli” are without short vowels. But it is bad grammar to say and write for “my God”, Allahi. Why? It will mean, “The my God”. Learn the language of Jesus. Get some proper education.
God doesn’t have enemy or enemies. If you have watch Al Gore thingy, you will know that in our Universe, earth is a size of egg, and shaped like egg too. Quran, tells us that there are umpteen of intelligent beings in the universe, and you both reduce God to a mere human.
I am always skeptical of man interrupting God’s words.. Man cant even interpret his own words, let alone other men’s words.. I don’t care how long man has studied gods words.. After learning about man, I do not believe man is capable of that task for another few million years at least. Stupid chimp thinks he knows what god means and what god wants.
I am glad that we both agree that white chimps have hijacked the words of ahab. Gandalf spoke to ahab in his own words, but the chimps thought that the words were in Greek/Roman. So, the chimps are unsuccessfully looking for Mordor in the Middle Earth to return the ring. They can’t find the Mordor as it doesn’t exist, so they create it in the hearth of Middle Earth. They are determined on destroying the ring of Sauron, so they keep on raising armies and creating wars.
The ahab keeps on putting the genie back in the bottle, but the chimps are hell bent on armageddon.
chimps ? white people ? believe me Mohamed…the natural science of Darwin is not loved by all white people..just as ISIL is not worshiped by all brown people.
I quite did not understand what he said, but I doubt color has anything to do with anything. It changes every few centauries but on a smaller scale, any color can be substituted. The main difference being I think is, like the Chinese used to think blacks were too low for them to subjugate, while whites thought they were too high up and needed to subjugate the lower ones. Indians are the same way but they prefer to subjugate their own. Seems after a certain equilibrium, people just feel the need to do it. They are not good enough if they cant find others who are lower than them.
See even the darn computer thinks it is better than I am.
My religion doesn’t say that we are not evolved from chimps. In fact, I believe that it says as such. Our Adam (Clay) and Eve (Air) are the 60,000 Adam and Eve.
So, mankind is millions and millions years old. When God said that He breathed His Ruh in Adam, what does it mean? Ruh is usually translated as Spirit, but Ruh also means Knowledge. So, our Adam and Eve were way up on the pole of evolution.
In Semitic languages we have singular, dual and plural. Thus, if one puts Day and Night over a circle, one can see the many shades. So do, if one places a man and a woman. So do, of one puts a Genie (ET) and a Ins (Human) on a circle, and we see lots of different intelligent being. We are not the first of the Creation, neither we are the last.
To a certain level we all are still chimps, even the Ahab and for this reason I said that we both agree …….
Dear Mohammed! You are really good at languages, but will you believe me, if I tell you that I´ve seen fallen angels in my own eyes. They really do exist. I was deep in the occult in my youth, and without Jesus I wouldn´t sit here and write this comment to you, my dear muslim friend(brother?).
“What I said that both Islam and Judaism don’t believe in Fallen Angels.” Mohamed
So Angels, but not fallen Angels. I understand your position.
Angels as perfect emissaries is an accurate portrayal, in essence Angels are automatons of Gods will.
My understanding however is that the existing Angelic realm were ‘reconfigured’ after the Fall, such that they could not sin. However Lucifer had already opened Pandora’s box, because he was an Angel, who exercised his free will in an act of rebellion.
I don’t believe that God created the Jinn as you do in Islam, what Islam calls Jinn, are fallen fragments of God (Angels) who have become trapped in the Earth. It might be two ways of describing the same egg, but the origin of these beings was first as Angels.
Jinn are another intelligent beings. There are good Jinn and bad Jinn. Jinn have nothing to do with Angels. Between Jinn and Inns (humans) there are umpteen of Intelligent Beings.
Look at the Universe and see, how big it is in comparison to earth.
Humans are better than Angels, they are higher than Angels.
“Look at the Universe and see, how big it is in comparison to earth.
Humans are better than Angels, they are higher than Angels.” – Mohamed
Hi Mohamed,
Yes there are various beings that populate existence, no doubt, but it is my understanding that the human archetype is the primary DNA throughout existence, and the only which can embody source intelligence (self thought). Humans are greater than Angels (as they now exist) because we have free will.
The structure of the universe is multidimensional, not spacial. When you view up into space, you are not viewing ‘out’, but rather you are viewing ‘in’. There is no escape from the ‘planet’ via material vehicles, the illusion of the space program is such that it has inculcated the youth with ideas of Star Trek type travel. This is an impossibility. We are enclosed entirely within a dimensional construct.
This is why man will never be able to travel to Mars, or anywhere else for that matter. We haven’t gone to the Moon at all, which is why we have’t been ‘been back’ since the 60’s, which is ludicrous considering the so called advances in material science.
I’ve researched the topic exhaustively for many years, there is no space travel, there are merely orbiting bodies (satellites) within the upper regions of our enclosure. All travel is dimensional. Thus any beings which may visit us are also inter-dimensional beings.
The literature on the topic, from Genesis, the Book of Enoch, The Book of Revelation, and the many Gnostic renderings shows clearly that there are indeed fallen Angels. The argument otherwise is based on what? One, or two verses from the Quran?
The topic of the Jinn would require more research, I’m not all that familiar with Islamic thought, but I’m open to this not being an either/or situation.
The Book of Enoch and the whole Old Testament is the Scripture of Judaism. The Jews resent the fact that the Christians have stolen they Scripture and twist their Scripture.
The Jews resent the fact that the Christians claim the Jewish’s Scripture as Christians’.
Like I said earlier, Judaism doesn’t believe in Fallen Angels, based on their Scripture in Hebrew language. Maybe, you should contact some Jews about their Scripture.
A (fairly milfy) congresswoman who serves on the armed services commitee, Tulsi Gabbard telling the truth about Syria, in so much as it is a illegal and reckless war.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion about God, and about Christ…
..maybe one day, in nothingness and not havingness, we will meet on the road, and have a real conversation, for here we are, on the earth, and not in the world of spirit..
..and a voice that was thick from a soul that seemed sick
came back from the barrier – Go!
for the secrets hidden are all forbidden till God means man to know
and this was the thought that the silence wrought
as it scorched and froze us through
that we were the men God meant should know
the heart of the barrier snow ..
‘why are there such songs in my soul
and so few dear names?’
I’m a great admirer of crosstalk. I managed to catch this evening a debate on France24, which I thought might be of interest to others.
“Iran at the Table: A political solution for Syria in sight?” I found it quite interesting, the visceral hatred of Assad & Iran from Haddad remarkable. Pregent, at times was in a state of utter despair. Interesting though for the clear enunciation of a foreign policy failure by the US and how everything was slipping away.
The guests were:
Jacques MYARD Member of French Parliament, Les Republicains
Benjamin HADDAD Research Fellow, Hudson Institute
Michael PREGENT Former U.S. Intelligence Officer
Daniel SERWER Professor, Middle East Institute
Haddad is an alumnus of the Tikvah Foundation which promotes a Zionist Neoconservative worldview across a huge range of media, political and institutional platforms. It has currently around 2billion in assets, so no shortage of funds for influence-peddleing:
Thanks for the link I notice there the sister of an old teacher of mine described as “Anti-Zionist”. Forgot to mention about this debate that Michael PREGENT got all optimistic about the numbers of military aged youth arriving right now in Europe and that this would make an excellent army if it was trained…. It somehwo suggested how out of touch the Americans are with the world if they can even entertain this shit. Sure, as if the Germans are right now thinking aboiut how they can train the refugees into an army! Oh Mr. Barzun, US British ambassador was on the BBC Hard Talk today, very enjoyable interview, highly amusing.
This has been a most interesting thread. At the risk of embarrassing myself, let me spin the thread a little longer just for the record before it disappears into the archives or akashic records.
I noted the conflicting desires to keep our feet on the ground by staying with the military analyses vs. the longing for the metaphysical.
I felt quite confused trying to follow the latter; although I had many a good laugh at myself.
I have my own meta’s and beliefs but I’m reminded that they are all dust in the wind, a house of cards that’s bound to fall. So why bother?
Somehow Putin comes to mind. The link to him singing Blueberry Hill with a bunch of American entertainers in attendance is well….entertaining to say the least. I’m chuckling as I type this. Perhaps he makes it all worthwhile. Something about humanity?
Eureka. Archimedes in the bathtub. Maybe that’s it. Just the joy of understanding or thinking that I understand.
This vineyard is universal hub of what exactly? I don’t know but if I did it might explain why I hang out here. I can feel the pulse of the planet here, even if it’s irregular like my own.
Thanks to all for the humor, the laughs and tears. It helps me through my fears.
I like to conclude it with poetry….”Oh mother, tell your children. Not to do what I have done. Spend your lives in sin and misery. In the House of the Rising Sun” Animals.
Here is the latest update on the Syrian situation by Cassad. For thos that cannot read Russian you can use google translate.
Общая обстановка в Сирии к 26 октября 2015 года
После замедления наступления сирийской армии на севере провинции Хама, в горах Латакии и в районе Хомса, на первый план окончательно вышло сражение за Алеппо, приобретающее все черты генерального. Именно здесь сейчас сирийская армия при поддержке авиации РФ пытается добиться крупного оперативного успеха.
1. Пройти оставшиеся несколько километров до окруженной авиабазы в Кувейрисе по прежнему не удается, несмотря на более чем серьезные усилия для этого предпринимаемые. Пехота Халифата демонстрирует высокую устойчивость в обороне и войскам Асада приходится буквально прогрызать эту оборону, темпы наступления более чем низкие. В связи с ухудшением погоды, кол-во самолетовылетов сократилось и соответственно поддержка с воздуха ослабла. Тем не менее, войска Асада достаточно близко подошли к решению основной оперативной задачи, деблокада Кувейриса уже на расстоянии вытянутой руки. Очевидно что в ближайшие дни сирийская армия будет продолжать попытки деблокады.
2. К югу от Алеппо сирийская армия продолжает достаточно уверенно наступать, тем более что здесь деморализованные отряды прозападных мятежников и Ан-Нусры продолжают отступление не в силах остановить войска Асада. В целом, задача расширения пояса безопасности к югу и юго-западу от Алеппо на данный момент успешно решается. Тем не менее – необходимость удерживать фронт против Халифата на севере, оборонять город, наступать на Кувейрис и удерживать трассу на которой висит вся алеппская группировка серьезно затрудняет достижение решительного успеха – небеспредельные силы Асада изрядно распыляются на несколько разноплановых задач. Облегчает ситуацию тот факт, что к северо-западу от Алеппо продолжаются бои между Халифатом и отрядами Сирийской Свободной Армии, которые пытаются восстановить фронт после разгрома в первой половине октября к северу от Алеппо.
3. Касательно боев за дорогу на которой висит алеппская группировка, то как и говорилось ранее, никакого котла там нет. Халифат и Ан-Нусра разромили несколько блокпостов (потери сирийской армии составили несколько десятков человек + 20-25 единиц различной колесной и гусеничной техники) к югу от города Ханасер и перерезали трассу. С подходом переброшенных частей сирийской армии, боевиков вытеснили обратно в пустыню. Тем не менее проблема остается – удержание дороги на участках где нет сплошного фронта требует нахождения там достаточно существенных сил, которые сейчас нужнее в районе Алеппо. Тем не менее, трассу удерживать надо. Для Халифата эта операция очевидно является немаловажной тактической победой. Для превращения ее в оперативный успех с окружением войск Асада в районе Алеппо у Халифата и Ан-Нусры здесь просто недостаточно сил. Поэтому максимум возможного это набеговые операции на позиции армии.
4. Карта бомбардировок ВСК РФ на 24 октября. Хорошо видно, где идут основные бои и где требуется приложение дополнительных усилий со стороны ВКС РФ. Ситуация де-факто требует увеличения интенсивности авиаударов на главных направлениях, особенно это касается инфраструктуры Халифата. Стоит отметить, что в РФ оборонные предприятия перешли на круглосуточный выпуск бомб и ракет – предприятия работают в 3 смены. Возросла необходимость в корректируемых авиабомбах и ракетах воздух-земля.
5. В Дераа, Джобаре, Хомсе, Дейз-оз-зор и в горах Латакии без существенных изменений. Наступление курдов пока не началось.
Very good. Colonel Cassad is one of the most objective military analysts out there.
What neither he, or any of us know though, is the amount of strain that the rats are taking. And this concerns ratpower, ammunition, vehicles, fuel, food and medicine.
Sputnik today cited a Syrian General who claimed that the rats will soon be facing desperate shortages of food and medicine. They even had to leave behind their wounded (to the local population!) and several of their large vehicles (because the large vehicles are easy targets for RuAF and SAAF)
Very good. Colonel Cassad is one of the most objective military analysts out there.
yes, I concur. Cassad’s stuff is excellent and, in this case, he is spot on again.
On USA/EU articles, everyone that disagrees with the article or expresses a pro-Russian sentiment, is often accused of belonging to a vast conspiracy of pro-Russian trolls paid and organised by Kremlin, I wish Russia did have an army of internet activists that could for example continuously translate Russian blogs such as Cassad into english and other languages. I really feel that on the internet PR front the Russian state does not seem to care much, meanwhile EU/US have tones of project to manipulate social media and counter “Russian propaganda” and so forth.
Example :
“Military’s ‘sock puppet’ software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda ”
You might browse the Lugar-Obama bill passed:
Then look at those openly supporting terrorist’s whether in Libya, Iraq, Syria or any other Operation Gladio style “Color Revolution” across the planet.
The main point was mentioned: Why all those parents and loved ones affected by wars and lost those in battle would now see their tax dollars arming and training the very ones who were alleged to have killed their loved ones.
Since Obama was a co-author of that bill…. This is treason! As well as those like McCain who’s unfettered support of those terrorist’s continues. TREASON!
The other thing none of us can know, is just how far the Iranians are prepared to commit, and what forces they can bring to bear. Also, to what degree Russian aims and Iranian aims in this conflict differ.
I have heard that the Iranians have deployed a few hundred troops, and from some sources that they have deployed a few thousand, up to 2000. Thought in large the Iranian commitment seems pretty hard to determine, I hope it will increase, along with more Russian airplanes, perhaps stationed in Iran itself to fly sorties over Iraq and Syria and maybe also Afghanistan? I recently read that Afghanistan might request help against ISIS as well.
Agreed, it is too bad his articles are rarely translated to english, during the high of the Donbass conflict there used to be continuous translations to english of al his article, but that has largely stopped now.
Yeah, the strain seems to be quite significant in Aleppo, and the terrorists USA openly supports “moderate terrorists” are fleeing in all directions, on the other fronts thought it is pretty still, thought those perhaps might just have been diversions and the real offensive is in Aleppo, that would make sense since it is close to the Turkish border and the american terrorists get their supplies and manpower mostly thru Turkey.
If I were an Syrian general I would however have picked a less risky strategy and just focused on the Rastan pocket and other similar pockets to restore territorial continuity before it tired anything bold.
Pepe says e.allepo is it, 3000 hiz troops with 2000 Iraqi shites and a few thousand Iranian and 10,000 Syrians againstt the whole kaboots stuck between them and the IS goons.. If you seen a sausage shoot out of a well buttered bun and fly off the room well this looks like sultan eurdo is going to get a sausage right smack in his face. Well his baby is the IS so I wonder what he will do. He wants all that area to be part of the sultanate of turkeys.. There must be like 20 alphabet soups there facing the SAA and its allies.. 15-20K might not be enough troops to do this though.. RuAF has been bombing them nonstop.. IS is just waiting to take over the area as soon as the kaboots run. It all looks like Russia wants the kaboots to run off to Turkey so they can carpet bomb IS. The kurds are staying out of it. Pepe says this is very important since everything here is under Russian command even the supreme Iranian commander..
An interesting pic of a tank in the Cassad link. This is the same pic of a tank that survived a TOW hit but higher definition. In the Cassad pic it looks to have folds of conveyer belting either side of the turret. Improvised protection from missile strikes?
Forgot to put my name to that post about the tanks.
Yes, you’re right I see it as well.. Never seen it on any other tank, whatever it is it seemed to work. Poor Syrians, forced to improvise while the american terrorists runs around with tens of thousands of TOWs, I would guess Russia right now is the most loved country in Syria and USA the most hated.
A joke from Moscow: Putin asks Obama to play chess. He is asked how it went and says: it’s like playing with a pigeon; first, it knocks over all the pieces, then it shits on the board and finally struts around like it won.
How do you tell the difference between a pigeon, a chicken-hawk and a saker?
Great program without the usual spoiler from think-tankland. But still on a high school level. Ignores the elephants in the studio.
Spot on about humility and pride, the greatest of the capital sins.
Peter loves definitions and distinctions. Here’s one for him to cogitate. Israelite / Khazar.
If Russia had more humility it might listen better to its prophets like Sergei Glazyev.
Like John Henry Newman said: expecting logic to handle passion is like thinking a thread can tether a battleship.
“Well there ain’t no goin’ back when your foot of pride comes down.” Thanks to Bob Dylan.
“Love ain’t no elephant but she’s sure in the room.” Courtesy of thelovegovernment.com.
The situation here is that Russia is not anti-Israeli.As I’ve posted before the Russian-Israeli (read Jewish) connection is very complicated.On the one hand they aren’t zionist.But on the other they accept an Israeli state.They are neutral in the situation at best.You hardly ever see any mention of the Palestinian position.They “waltz” around the edges of it.Just like today when Russia urged “both” sides to refrain from “provocations” there.Its just foolishness for some on the Palestinian side to see Russia as their “savior” against the Israelis.Its not going to happen.The decline of the West in the ME.Russia’s desire for general peace and stability in the region.And the defeat of the Islamists (if it can happen) might end up helping the Palestinians.But that isn’t Russia’s conscious plan.It would be a side benefit of it.If Russia ever does actively oppose Israel (don’t hold your breathe) it will be because Israel has done something very anti-Russian.Or is a really great threat to Russia’s allies in the region.It won’t have anything at all to do with Israel itself,or their monstrous treatment of the Palestinian people.I learned years ago that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy” weren’t real.And neither is the idea of Russia being anti-Israeli.
So, Russia is practically not so sovereign state as it looks, and will never be.
Jewish power is unmatched, they control the entirety of the Anglo-sphere, Russia has no choice but to show respect to such a resilient and resourceful people. In turn Israel respects Russia, Israel knows that Russia knows, but it doesn’t speak what it knows, this engenders a mutual relationship where they each seek to achieve their aims, while avoiding a direct confrontation.
In my business life the most astute individuals I have ever worked with are Jewish, I have a deep respect for their ability, even though I take issue with their culturally embedded tribalism. In fact, I enjoy working with Jews because they are so pointed and direct, their ability to cut through the bull$hi! is much appreciated.
Watch Putin with Netanyahu, they have a shared respect, it’s obvious, they are both highly capable individuals, regardless of how you view their politics.
I seriously doubt that Putin has any respect for Netanyahu, other than a healthy scrutiny of what irrational, stupid and self-destructive (for Israel) moves that Netanyahu is capable of to keep his seat.
Compared to Netanyahu even Obama and his Vassal leaders in the EU look like statesmen – and Putin has already described Western leaders using the term “Dumb/Stupid”, so in Putin’s books Netanyahu must be even below that level.
Regarding your experience with working with Jews in the business world (and in the personal arena), I’ve had similar positive experiences with them, and I too appreciate their no-nonsense cut-thru-the-bull blunt approach (definitely an Asiatic people and culturally compatible with me). I also am neutral when it comes to the Palestinians (having had consistently bad business and personal experiences with them, while good experiences with Israeli professionals). That does not make the actions of the Israeli State OK with respect to the Palestinians nor the dangerous level of arrogance & contempt Israeli leadership show towards the US population and Institutions as well as international norms.
So despite my neutral stance towards Israel and the Palestinians, it doesn’t mean that I won’t call a spade a spade – Netanyahu is an incompetent demagogue and the Israeli electorate have shot themselves in the foot by reelecting him. And Palestinian “leadership” is beneath contempt in their short-sightedness and treachery towards their own people and their benefactors (look how quick they were to back-stab the Syrian government and Assad, despite Syria’s steadfast support for them, not to mention their bad track-record in Lebanon and Jordan).
This is one of the mind-liberating things I learned from Saker – calling a spade a spade and breaking the taboo that some things are beyond criticism and scrutiny.
well, Israelis have grown up in a cushy environment and Palestinians are in a war torn region..compare the childhoods of human beings coming from these two different peoples.
You think Putin does not respect Netanyahu, I think he does.
Respect does not mean that he must like the man, or endorse his worldview, it simply means that he recognizes power, and the ability to wield it. Alternatively, despite the differences that may exist between their views, after watching every clip I could find of the two men together it appeared as though they were very cordial, and even having a good time. This does not surprise me, since Netanyahu is a very disarming fellow. He understands human psychology to a very great degree.
I think your assessment that Netanyahu is incompetent to be off the mark, for those outcomes you view as competent may not be shared by others, whose aims are vastly different than yours.
I agree that Netanyahu is a demogague, and that changes nothing. His wields great power, he gets standing ovations in the US Congress not because he is perceived as weak, but because he is perceived as strong.
You may personally dislike Netanyahu, but as a center of power there aren’t many European leaders that carry the same presence. He has a sense of purpose (whether or not you agree with that purpose is irrelevant) and he carries himself as such, its noticeable in his interactions with other leaders. He is the Alpha among the Alpha’s.
Palestinian leadership has been non-existent for a long time. The state itself has been emaciated through cunning Israeli moves for decades, not unlike the negro movement has been emaciated and destroyed in America, via psy-ops, assassinations and cunning media subversion’s. Kill the intelligent leaders, inculcate the youth with hate, and you have a cycle of deterioration that is largely inescapable.
I see what is happening in Palestine as a tragedy, but it is one tragedy among a sea of tragedies, in a world of Empire where power strikes down the weak as a rule of policy.
No Angelo,
I do not think that Putin has any respect for Netanyahu, that’s because Putin is intelligent, far-sighted, psychologically knowledgeable & astute (from KGB training & years of political experience) and seems to have a moral center. He also isn’t a man who’s prone to genuflecting in front of people because of their connections – if he was that type of individual he would not have made that famous 2007 confrontational security speech to the face of Western leadership. instead he would have accepted the retirement package and the hefty bribe that the connected and so-called powerful international corporate class would have thrown his way. I haven’t seen one sign of in Putin of grovelling in admiration & desire in front of money and power. What I have seen is that he seems to respect moderation and coolheaded rationality, integrity, consistency, fairness, respect for rule of law and good judgement; that precludes Netanyahu on all 6 counts. You’re entitled to your subjective opinions about their perceived body-language. As of yet, I don’t find that to be convincing evidence of any respect for Netanyahu.
I don’t predicate my judgement that Netanyahu is incompetent based on a personal dislike for his racist, bombastic and arrogant style, it’s based on the poor results he’s achieved. Examples include:
-destroying his longterm options and power by pulling into his camp and becoming dependent on the extremist factions of the Israeli political parties for short-term power
-completely failing in achieving security for his people
-alienating most of the world and even the US executive. Likely alienating the US deep-state that now seems to abandoning him.
-putting his own his lust for power over the interests of his own nation.
His being obnoxious, smug, arrogant, and blinded by his ethnocentric navel-gazing have nothing to do with my low opinion of him.
Again Espelho, we’ll agree to disagree, I think Putin is much more pragmatic than you think. While admitting that my views on this are largely subjective, they are no more subjective than are yours.
In my corner I have video evidence of cordial meetings, as compared to Putin’s meetings with many other leaders (which you discount). We also have stories such as this :
I support the struggle of Israel
And this:
US ‘surprised’ Israel did not support UN vote on Ukraine’s territorial integrity
And this:
Israel may create free trade zone – Customs Union
Netanyahu and Putin to get direct and secure hotline
Russia, Israel sign visa-free agreement
As of 2014, Russia is Israel’s largest supplier of crude oil. It appears there must be some kind of mutual respect and understanding, EVEN if its purely economic (or what you might perhaps refer to as genuflecting). And Russia is also Israels third largest tourist customer.
I don’t think I ever suggested that Putin was groveling at anything, merely being pragmatic. His role is to be the leader of Russia, therefore his main objective is to maintain Russia’s best interests, not be the savior of the world.
I may be wrong, but I’m not sure you have ever had serious business negotiations, where you may even despise the others position, or demeanor, but you must respect his skill, and/or ability to outflank you. It’s never wise to take for granted an opponent.
If your goal is to convince me that Netanyahu is stupid, I can’t agree. He is a demagogue, he believes in the choseness of his people, he’s narcissistic, but he’s also cunning, manipulative, highly intelligent, and very good at reading people. He’s an Alpha predator. If you don’t respect his prowess, he smells it, and acts accordingly. He believes in his own superiority.
You think Israel is out of favor with the US administration? If indeed Israel is out of favor, the administration will change to one more servile. The top of the pyramid is not Washington, the United States is deeply infected by the parasite of the Banking Cabal, even poor Rand came grovelling, and he was thoroughly rejected. Now we have Trump, Bush, or Clinton, do you see a problem for Israel?
Netanyahu was re-elected to a FOURTH term. The last election was easily won. Yet he’s incompetent? Again, the goals you seek to gauge competence are not those that apply to Netanyahu and his objectives.
I never said anything about Putin’s pragmatism, I said I don’t believe he respects Netanyahu for reasons I’ve clearly delineated. Putin’s willingness to work with someone doesn’t mean he respects them: In carrying out his mandate to look after his country’s national interests and promote stability in the world (tied to Russian interests) he’s willing to work with those feckless sods in the EU, he’s willing to work with those criminals in Kiev, he’s willing to work with the North Korean Regime, he’s willing to work with the Saudis & Qataris, etc. etc..
His pragmatism and his personal assessment of his counterparts are 2 separate things.
One need not like a person to respect them or their position. The two are not always mutually exclusive.
One of the meanings of “respect”, and which I think applies in this case – from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Respect: a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way.
I’m not saying they are friends, but Putin goes out of his way to appear cordial, and more so than he does with many other leaders. Take that as you may.
You can add a few other things in there that hamas is the same muslim brotherhood as the terrorists in Syria. The arab states send aircraft and pilots to Pakistan to bomb india. While Israel was the only one to send radar firing locators when Pakistan placed artillery to shell a supply route to the northwest. Any country that has helped the Palestinians has got back stabbed. Lebanon and Syria are great examples and why Egypt is looking the other way.. How come you don’t see large Palestinian refugees in the GCC countries? Kind of hard to support someone who blows with the wind.. Heck the PLO even tried to take over Jordan. Nutyahoo makes it difficult to make friends with Israel but they are allies at least.. The rest are like just waiting to shove a knife into your back. Does not make what Israel does right but then again we don’t have that close of a relationship to find out. At the very least they don’t finance and send terrorists to cause havoc.
I agree with each and everyone of your points except the last one: It’s pretty clear that Israel under Netanyahu is supporting terrorists.
In addition, Israel’s short-sighted position of demonizing Iran and helping undermine secular Arab countries while cooperating with the Salaafist regimes of the Arabian peninsula is exactly the wrong thing to do if they’re serious about defeating Islamic terrorism. Iran is key to defeating Islamist terrorism, but Netanyahu keeps sabotaging the only viable strategy for destroying Islamist terrorism which is to work with and assist Iran to end this menace.
To this end Netanyahu has recklessly and falsely kept the focus on Iran as the sponsor of Islamic terrorism while deflecting the focus from the real sources of Islamic terrorism, namely Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. A short sighted strategy that has damaged the strategies of both Russia, India, the CTSO, Afghanistan and China to stamp out Salafist vermin from the Asian heartland.
Yes ofcourse Israel supports terrorists. Great example of that are the assassinations of Iranian scientists and blowing up Iranian bases. Even supporting free Syrian terrorists.. As recently as last week when they gave covering fire to let the FSA goons escape via Golan heights back to Jordan. For nutyahoo a terrorist is anyone who don’t follow his orders. Until then they are covert operatives working for him. For a start he can stop the supply runs to Mosul to help out his IS agents. When you hear things like the terrorists are better than assad, you know the terrorists are under their control. And just like that, IS comes out and says Israel is next.. Gee guess nutyahoo is filling up his lawn mover because the lawn is going to get moved again soon as more and more are realizing the curtain is hiding something sinister.. Have you noticed how the some have stopped all pretense about helping terrorists now?
I actually don’t agree that Putin is tolerant of Israel…but Putin doesn’t make his plans known.
Perhaps Ann you can provide us a definition of tolerant?
Are you suggesting that Putin has plans to become intolerant towards Israel at some future date? If so, that changes in no way the fact that Russia is currently very tolerant of Israel, unless of course you have evidence proving otherwise?
Hey Angelo ! Well, Putin grew up in an impoverished neighborhood where the kids played ‘catch the rat’…and so he totally knows what the Palestinians feel like. And he has a heart and so he can’t but help feeling for the cruelty and conversely of the rebellion of the kids of Palestine.
But things have to follow a certain order…I think Israel will do the same thing as the Deep State, when most of the population of the West knows the real deal. That’s also what Steiner thought…
And by the way…I’ve read hundreds of Steiners lectures…been into it since I was 14.
I get that you feel an affinity for Putin Ann, but I’m not sure we can assume that he feels any more sympathy for Palestinians than he does east Ukrainian’s, or those children living in Russia’s many slums. Putin does appear to be a genuine human being, there is no doubt, but we can’t be entirely sure of his motivations, or what drives him. As to what causes he finds important, or more relevant, we can’t know that, unless you decide to call him up and find out!
Even so I think his answers will be somewhat coy, being a world leader and all….
*** how do you know Putin doesn’t break his heart over E Ukraine…he’s not a king and can’t go in with his army without support of his government – modaa
Hi Mod, I don’t think I suggested that Putin isn’t heartbroken over east Ukraine, I just said that I’m not sure he finds the plight of Palestinians of greater importance, or urgency than his closer to home issues (such as east Ukraine).
***ah – modaa
Children, children, Shalom!
Theoreticians the world has always had, and always will, but none of this will they take with them, even this comment, soon to be buried in the frozen wastes of the internet, will not go with me..
The people of East Ukraine who have nothing, who have lost everything, will it make a difference to them to think that Putin, if he has a heart, is breaking it over them?
It depends on how you view “sovereignty’. I see their problems more tied up with too tight dependence on the West with their economy.And their banking financial problems.Their being friendly (or not) with Israel is only a blip on the radar of problems they suffer at the moment.
That’s all very well but Russia seems blissfully unaware of Kolo’s role in the downing of MH17 and his national allegiances – which aren’t just to Ukraine.
Uncle Bob,
Agree Russian attitude is not anti-Israel.
But its a long way from wholesale endorsement:
Putin is pretty consistent on the inhumane and brutal treatment of Palestinians. Most of Russia’s UN voting record has been consistently supportive of Palestine. (Daniel Rich posted a link to their record, but don’t have it to hand.)
However, Putin is not a Judaeophobe. Russia has a long and intimately entwined history with Jews – good, bad and ugly. There are a million Russian Jews in Israel – and they’re not all mafia/Zionist extremists. He has a very good relationship with Russian Orthodox Jewish leaders (who are amongst his biggest fans.)
As for Netanyahoo, I would liken Putin’s relation to him (rightly or wrongly, it’s just my own perception) to that of a parent to a ‘problem child.’ He does not condone what he says or does, but sees him as a victim of conditioning. He knows there are far worse in Israel.
That does not stop him through the UN from using Russia’s veto powers to reign in the worst of Israeli Zionism.
And as Israeli paranoia segues into out and out fascism, I believe we will see Russia’s patience eventually running out.
“… Russia has a long and intimately entwined history with Jews – good, bad and ugly. …”
Check the following, http://truedemocracyparty.net/2012/05/most-banned-book-in-the-world-200-years-together-aleksandr-solzhenitsyn/ :
MOST BANNED BOOK IN THE WORLD: 200 Years Together – Russian-Jewish History – Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn [English Translation Version]
This remarkable book is accessible at several sites, in various formats.
English Translation:
Russian original:
Putin has always been very circumspect about what he said about “Israel” and the Jews.
A mere four months after assuming the presidency of Russian Federation, while in New York at the UN summit, he gave an interview to Larry King of CNN. Here is a relevant snippet from the interview. Even the president of mighty Russia was obliged to state that he “liked” the entity of ill repute…
( http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0009/08/lkl.00.html
Larry King Live
Russian President Vladimir Putin Discusses Domestic and Foreign Affairs
Aired September 8, 2000 – 9:00 p.m. ET )
“… KING: There is much talk about Vladimir Putin and religious faith. I’m told that you wear a cross. Is that true? Are you religious? What are your feelings in this area?
PUTIN (through translator): I prefer — I would prefer not to develop on that subject in detail. I think such things are sacred for everybody. Everybody’s belief is not to be shown off, it’s inside a man’s heart. As regards to wearing cross, earlier I never had it — once my mother gave it to me and when I visited Israel. I was there two times. First on an official invitation of the minister of foreign affairs of that country. The second time, I liked the country, and I travelled there with my family as a tourist. …”
“But still on a high school level”…Dennis that is arrogance on your part..sorry but that’s a fact.
Peter Lavelle deals with the real world..not the mythical ‘deep state’…he just calls a spade a spade…and so its boring for people who prefer the mysteries of the covert / occult / maybes….
The ‘Deep State’ is very real. It’s been referred to by Catherine Austin Fitts and Richard Dolan as the Breakaway Civilization. I have had encounters with the deeper aspects of this reality, but this site is not the forum for such things. The Saker blog largely confines itself to ‘real politik’.
Hi Angelo. Yeah I know that it does exist, but no one…not Catherine herself knows what or who it is….so its mythical…
And a person can quickly fall into despair with the mythology.
As far as Peter Lavelle, yeah, he’s very much like Saker…personally I much prefer this type of discussion to the ‘deep state’…
Deep State is a thing that will leave when everyone gets the ‘real deal’…its a monster but its also an apparition….
The breakaway civilization might have space ships that might have a underground city in Mars that might have etc etc etc…
So they might leave earth and we can get back to normal..as long as we here on earth..most of us…know what normal should look like.
Well Ann, I agree in part that the issues dealing with the secret societies can become as a labyrinth, unless one has a certain level of clairvoyance. The hard facts help, but where the trail goes cold thus enters spiritual insight. There is a compilation of Steiner’s lectures made into a book called “Secret Brotherhoods: And the Mystery of the Human Double”, have you read it?
In it he discusses the occult undercurrent that is guiding the world, a hierarchy of black magicians under the rule of Ahriman who direct society ever towards the materialistic unity (transhumanism) and away from our revelation of Christ.
Hi Angelo..I think that what you say about Black Magicians…is not coming directly from that book but from the modern Anthroposophical Society which is turning back into the Theosophical voodoo pooh pooh society….
RS was careful not to get the emotions involved in his talks…and magician is a very loaded word.
But yeah, I totally agree that we can’t forget about the spiritual…evil spiritual…. side of things…but the Deep State is not a very spiritual organization..IMNSHO (in my not so humble opinion)…
I guess Ahriman is here and very much here because of his … for other readers …anti-Christ … incarnation coming up here in the next times…the near times….but not the end times yet..
I would need to read the book again, but he said similar things for many lectures..and I have read it twice…
And Angelo…the most important thing in your above comment is that this cabal of evil spirits and people..they are not guiding the world…they are TRYING to guide the world…
Christ and Michael and all the great angels and archangels and higher hierarchies..they are guiding the world.
Various translations exist from the original into English, but he was describing the Black Lodge, the occult society of black magic. It doesn’t matter which way you turn the words.
Pay attention Ann, I said ‘guide society’, not ‘the world’. Michael guides human evolution, but this is a struggle for humanity. The question being, how much of humanity will willingly choose to devolve into the nether regions of transhumanism, and the resulting slow decent into the increasingly dense material abyss?
Hi Angelo…I’ve struggled with these questions…but have come to the point where I think that fear and anxiety are not a help…that’s why I love this site so much, because Saker is so down to earth about fear…he’s so great and before I came here I was so scared..I mean PCR and all of them I think have really benefited from Saker’s input…
So I’m not scared…And these stupid black magicians cannot overcome us. The real us….
Judith Van Halle..is a real hocus pocus scare mongerer…I totally stand with Thomas Meyer and all his work on RS’s legacy…
To each their own. Everyone has different ‘fear’ thresholds. Remember, Steiner never discussed these things publicly at the time, these were small closed door gatherings, meant only for those who desired to know.
Michael Hoffman is a contemporary writer who touches on some of the same topics, albeit in a somewhat different manner. I myself was pulled into occult knowledge by childhood experience, for me the boundary between ‘down to earth’ and ‘not of this earth’ was but a thin veil.
Have a good night.
Ann, let me clarify:
“In it he discusses the occult undercurrent that is guiding the world, (and) a hierarchy of black magicians under the rule of Ahriman who direct society ever towards the materialistic unity (transhumanism) and away from our revelation of Christ.”
The hidden currents that humans do not recognize include those of the Archangels, who man has largely forgotten.
yeah, fallen archangels…we need to redeem them,
But Angelo, there is also the fact that Christ calls himself Truth…I am the Way the Truth and the Life….
Anyone who is working with Truth is working with Christ.
In order for the theater play to be successful, the puppet master should never be visible. We don’t see directors, producers and pr agents walking up to the stage while the play is progressing. The illusion must be maintained at all cost, hence we might never know those who is lurking behind the stage.
The “deep state” is not a conspiracy and, in fact, using the word conspiracy nowadays is the same as using the word “anti-Semite” – this is all hijacked terminology. I’m sure that those who are running international banking are the “deep state” and the majority of names can be picked up from the wall street, Soros and those they deal with. This is not a secret.
A joke from Moscow: Putin asks Obama to play
chess. He is asked how it went and says: it’s like
playing with a pigeon; first, it knocks over all the
pieces, then it shits on the board and finally
struts around like it won.”
Did our Scott make this one up? It’s very much his style..
Someone should collect and publish them – it’s a shame the US hasn’t a chance of appreciating Russian humour..
Thank you Saker.
The message is clear. We each of us have a role to play here. It doesn’t do to sit on our couches and let the propagandists continue to wreck our earth. It doesn’t take much – just seek every opportunity to inform, to support, to enlighten in our daily encounters among family, friends and even strangers.
We must do this. We can do this.
Every day.
Peter asks “…how can you turn the corner on the high ratings in America that the demonization of Putin gets ?…”
Education. Pathetic and difficult as this answer is…that’s what it is.
this cabal of oligarchs has been in control of the US for decades…centuries…since the 1830’s when the Eastern Seaboard families created a Masonic Lodge at Yale University.
The men that graduated from Yale and Skull and Bones stayed friends and went and worked in the universities across the USA…and they installed ‘the education system’.
And look at where we are today.
I am confused. I thought that Ann said earlier that the Deep State doesn’t exist.
Yet here she is positing that members of Skull and Bones etc., also members of powerful American families, constitute a secret cabal
Skull and Bones is real. Check out the article on Saker’s called Skull and Bones…
But ‘the Deep State” ??? Please read my comment above again..I don’t need to repeat.
Anyway, I don’t deny that it exists…but I think its as strong and real as Israel and will disappear the same way.
And its a waste of time talking about it and thinking (worrying) about it…I like military discussions much better.
by the way..the Secret Space Program starts in two days..in Texas…check it out. That might help to satisfy ‘Deep State’ cravings.
Oh, I didn’t realize that you are a military expert.
the prog was ok…but i wish there could be eg reference or representation of say analysis and articles that we are lucky to have here.There didn’t seem to be much about the possibilities/consequences of recent actions , ie refs to Quatar sticking their noses in….Iraqi possibilities…..but i missed the last bit.
But however cf with Sophie and Co yesterday re Syria, which was illuminating only to show up the views of the ex French Prime minister, who believed that Syria should be federalised, once the people who currently support ISIS-because they feel dis-enfranchised with the past and existing Syrian political systems- are persuaded to engage in political discourse and process so that they no longer would wish to continue support ISIS and re-engage in a inclusive Syrian political environment leading to federalisation………he didn’t seem to be clear (or admit)whether that included ISIS or not despite being asked……didn’t want to acknowledge Bassad’s rating, Syrian sovereignty………
somehow I think not……….no wonder it is all a mess with such people around……….
Salam Angelo and Ann,
I couldn’t help myself but to get into your discussion. Excellent, Ann you have come a long way.
“His wields great power, he gets standing ovations in the US Congress not because he is perceived as weak, but because he is perceived as strong.”
Yes, he has addressed the US Congress three times like Churchill and had more standing ovations than anybody else. His last address in March 2015, at least got him 28 standing ovations, though it reminds me of Tom and Jerry, and the pumped up Tom. It takes a small prick to let all that air out.
After he won the election, Boehner visited him. Did you see them live in Israel. They didn’t say very much, but you should have seen their body language.
The Empire acts as it is in chaos, not just in the world, but in USA too. Boehner has resigned and no one wants this coveted job. Obama calls him a patriot. Go figure!
Various translations exist from the original into English…”
Everyone has read the Hobbit thingy. God doesn’t have an enemy nor there are fallen angels. One always hear that Mohammad got the stories wrong. As posted earlier by sister Carmel by The Sea, that Judea-Christan thingy is BS. I even go as far as that Abrahamic faith thingy is BS too. It is the Greek/Roman who got the stories wrong.
1. Jesus was Semite and not Greek/Roman.
2. He spoke Aramaic and not Hebrew.
3. Arabic is Central language to all the Semitic dialects.
4. There were no written TaNaKh in Jesus’ time, which the Christians call “Old Testament”, due to evolution of Semitic languages.
5. The oral TaNaKh got translated by the Rabbis.
Therefore in the TaNaKh:
1. There is no trinity.
2. God doesn’t have an enemy.
3. satan which is a noun, whose job is to tempt mankind. An angel has been assigned for this job and he is not fallen.
4. This angel goes with the approval of God, to tempt mankind.
5. Carefully, read the Book of Job. When I just mentioned Job, sister Nora didn’t understand me.
6. To Semites, “Lucifer” is a foreign term. It is Greek/Roman term.
7. No wonder Goethe pokes fun of Christianity in his book, “Faust” and his poetry, about God being trapped in Hell for three days, and almost couldn’t come out.
The slaves who came out of Egypt were “Cow Worshiping” people and who believed in Reincarnation. They made sure that they made the life of Moses miserable. They got from Arabs the concept of “Monotheism” and they parted to some Arabs about their belief of “Reincarnation”. TaNaKh (Old Testament) is nothing but woven tales of old ladies.
Best regards,
Your comment is kind of all over the place, so I’m not sure what to address, there are so many ‘thingy’s’ you refer to.
I will say that fallen angels do indeed exist, humanity has been allowed by the Supreme Intelligence which is God to fall into depravity. The Book of Enoch, which I do believe is an inspired text (yes I’m a heretic) reads as follows:
The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect ⌈⌈and⌉⌉ righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked ⌈⌈and godless⌉⌉ are to be removed. 2. And he took up his parable and said–Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, ⌈which⌉ the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come. 3. Concerning the elect I said, and took up my parable concerning them:
The Holy Great One will come forth from His dwelling,
4. And the eternal God will tread upon the earth, (even) on Mount Sinai,
⌈And appear from His camp⌉
And appear in the strength of His might from the heaven of heavens.
5. And all shall be smitten with fear
And the Watchers shall quake,
And great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth..
There is described a ‘godless’ people, meaning those who reject God. God does not have an enemy, but God has those who have turned away. This is not a competition in which God is engaged, it is a choice which was allowed.
The Watchers are those angels who have chosen to consort with woman, and it is from this unholy matrimony that the bloodlines of control were created, and which exist up to this very day.
Also mentioned is that the Watchers are smitten with fear and quake thusly. Why would Gods chosen tempter quake if he was authorized to wreak havoc? He quakes because he defied the natural laws that were laid down.
Dear Angelo,
The book of Enoch is in Hebrew and not in Greek/Roman and was not written at the time of Jesus, because The Semite Language was not evolved yet to the point be in written form. It got then from verbal form transliterated to written Greek/Roman and further transliterated from Greek/Roman to several other languages. In English only, we has so many different versions anetd they don’t agree with each. It is OK, they are inspired.
If you into OT, then I will request you to reread the Book of Job, so that you can understand the relationship between elohim (god – noun) and satan (noun).
Best regards,
I understand the Hebrew reference of God = Elohim (host of angels), as this is one of the ways God manifests in our reality. I’ve read the Book of Job. This does not discount the trinity.
The trinity is the confluence of powers that interface within the human being. It is reflected in the human being who seeks to unite within themselves the Father and the Mother through the Son (Logos).
Salam Angelo,
It is easy to write and act like an enlighten intellectual, but very difficult to be a good reader.*** I never recommended you the Book of Job for the concept of trinity. The Book of Job shows the relationship between God and satan. You will find that satan challenges God, that he can turn Job away from God by inflicting calamities on Job.
But, satan first ask the Approval of God.
See, satan cannot move without the Approval of God. The Lucifer and Lucifer thingy has to do with Greek/Roman and nothing to do with Judaism. No where in the Old Testament, Lucifer is ever mentioned.
In the end God almost looses the bet to satan, so He changes the rule. To properly understand the Book of Job, I recommend reading Faust by Goethe, in which Goethe mocks ………
***no need to be rude to commenters…an all to prevelant habit on the Internet – modaa
the gnostic texts may easily have been orally communicated long before being written down in whatever language that particular disciple was versed in.
I see Mohamed you’ve changed your song…two days ago you told me that Jesus was not Hebrew…now you don’t say that anymore.
Mohamed…I do believe that the God you pray to is God. And yet, you say He has no son.
I say He has a Son…Christ the Risen One.
That’s the difference between Islam and Christianity.
Maybe Muslims are wrong and God does have a son.
Or maybe the Divine Being that Muslims call Allah has no son and is not Christ’s Father…because
“I and the Father are One”. is what Christ said.
And if you have the decency to quote the Koran word for word..then you need to practice the decency to respect Christian scriptures the same way.
Salam Ann,
Where did I say that Jesus was a Jew?
God is too big for us to understand. When we assign masculinity to God, then we also assign sexual organs to God. However, in Semitic language a masculine sex is used, where either sex is unknown, or something is sexless. There is no “it” in Semitic languages, everything is masculine and feminine. Car, airplane, war are feminine nouns.
Also, ilah/eloh is feminine noun. Go figure!
Yes, God and Jesus are one, so is God and Mohammad, or God and Moses. We haven’t seen God and like Moses we will never see God, but we have seen Moses, Jesus and Mohammad.
Even in the Old Testament, David claims that, He is the Only Son of God. How many Only Sons, God has?
BTW, in Semitic languages there are no capital letters.
Like I said earlier, instead of concentrating “Who is God”, we should concentrate “What is God”.
What are the attributes of God.
Best regards,
I think I’m an okay reader, I’m not writing a research paper here, and I’m also writing in other venues, and to be quite honest, your style makes it near impossible to follow your logic.
I take a more Gnostic/Anthroposophical Christian view, wherein the god of the old testament is a competing god, to be more accurate, an Archon. In this context, Job has one lesser god asking another greater pseudo ‘God’ for permission.
In Exodus the ‘Lord’ lays down the law, which requires burnt offerings on an alter (does the true God need burnt offerings?), and Jethro says in effect that the Lord is greater than all the gods, which I interpret as the greatest of the gods.
The Koran itself was dictated by the archangel Gabriel, again another angel or ‘god’. What we have is a hierarchy of gods, not unlike the pantheon that existed in Greece, dictating to humanity what is to be the Law.
In this vein Lucifer is Prometheus, the light bearer who taught humanity (for better or worse) the secrets of fire, and thus the beginnings of modern day civilization. Ahriman is likened to Satan, the deity which promotes materialistic science, and who seeks to build an impenetrable wall between humanity and the spiritual worlds (transhumanism).
Lucifer or Samael, and Satan or Ahriman are the two chief rebel spirits.
Christ the Logos is the Word, who redeems humanity through direct communion with the true God, bypassing the hierarchy of angels altogether.
We each have a direct link to the Source of all life, which is genderless, and all pervading – the Father/Mother, that which forms the trinity in the perfected human being through the Logos.
Also, Elohim has many different contexts, one of them is definitely ‘angels’.
The formatting of this comment section has gone very awry! I can’t even follow it myself anymore, the replies are not in order!
Cheers for now.
Salam Angelo,
Elohim doesn’t mean host of angels. eloh/ilah means higher up! Elohim in Hebrew is the plural of Eloh. In Hebrew one makes plural by adding “im” at the end of noun. In Arabic, plural is made twenty odds ways.
The root of Angels is MLK, from which we get MaLiKa and they are there to be God’s messengers and servants, created by the light of God. Thus, they don’t ever sin.
Also, from MLK, we get MaLiK, which means King/Owner.
The language of Jesus.
Jesus could read and write, this is recorded in NT. When it was His turn, He read the scripture in the synagouge (sp?). At another occasion, he wrote in the sand. He spoke not only Aramaic, He could read Hebrew.
There was a written text, there are references to it in the OT (Jeremiah, for example) and we have the Dead Sea-scrolls. Also remember the OT was translated into Greek. Are you saying they translated oral books?
I believe evil must always bow to the Lord in the end. In that sense there is no evil power. However, there is evil in this world and we suffer from it. There is a spiritual war going on and the Lord will win it. There is a lost book called the wars of the Lord. He fights for us all the time.
Salam Anonymous,
According to Jews, the Hebrew language was only reserved for the Rabbis and the commoners didn’t speak Hebrew. I think it is a big excuse. From history we know that Jesus and his disciples discoursed in Aramaic and not Hebrew. To me, Hebrew was a dead language and was revived from Arabic in 19th century. According to my Jewish friend, it wasn’t dead but dormant. Dead or dormant means the same thing.
We don’t know which Semitic dialect Jesus wrote in the sand. The words are divine but I don’t think that it ever happened. I have discussed this on this blog about two years ago. According to Bart D. Ehrman, Jesus will not break a major commandment based on his sermon on the mount. But according to me, Jesus will never run a kangaroo court. Why? It takes two to tango. Also, Jesus could have refereed the matter to Caesar. But the whole thing didn’t happened due to kangaroo court. However, the words are divine.
Even the Semitic term, “Zina” the meaning has been changed. Adultery, is considered when one party is married. However, if two unmarried people sleep together, than it is not considered adultery. If the two unmarried people can be a boy and a girl, then why can’t be both be two boys? And, if a boy and girl are allowed to marry, then why two boys are not allowed to marry? According to Jimmy Carter, if Jesus were here today, he will allow this matrimony. Both Prostitution and Homosexuality exists in all ages, and they both existed in times of Jesus too.
Yes, there were written texts, but the language was not yet evolved therefore the writer of the text could only read it from memory. The Arabic is the central language to all Semitic dialects. Even in the time of Prophet Mohammad (saws), the language was not evolved yet. Therefore, Mohammad did two things.
1. He opened a lots of madrasas (schools) for Muslims to memorize the Quran. Thus, Quran till today is preserved in oral form. To learn to read and write.
2. He created the grammar for Arabic language, including proper diacritics, vocalizations, vowels and so forth. Thus, he made his first cousin and son-in-law Ali to write the Quran in proper Arabic, called, “The Classical Quranic Arabic”. The written Quran is to serve check and balances on the verbal Quran.
No one seen this Quran, as the first caliph rejected it. Thirty years later, when Ali become the forth caliph, he instructed a group of students in Classic Quranic Arabic, and one of his student called, abu Aswad accomplish this task seventy five later after the death of the Prophet.
The Arabs still till today speak and write, Old Arabic which is Modern Arabic. The Classical Quranic Arabic is taught in colleges and universities to linguistic students. From The Classical Quranic Arabic proper grammar and vowels were inserted in Hebrew TaNaKh (Old Testament) from 12th to 15th centuries. Till today, Jews write G-d without short vowel. Therefore, they left out the short vowels in YHWH. If we put short vowels in YHWH, then it become Ya’HuWaH.
Ya’HuWaH Elohim means, O’ He Elohim.
Yes, there is evil and good, that good will always trump evil, but there are no evil spirits. If you consider Genie, evil spirits because satan was a Genie and not an Angel, then there are good and bad Genie. Genie are not spirits but another Intelligent Beings (ET) and between the Humans and Genie, the are thousands of other intelligent beings too.
The root for angels is MLK, the Malika (angels) are messenger and worker for God. From MLK, we also get Malik, which means King/Owner. Learn the language of Jesus.
Best regards,
Mohamed…you are rude to other religions…
“Cow Worship” out of Egypt…slaves only…
Taurus worship – Bull worship – the stars of Taurus.
Pharaohs also worshipped Taurus the Bull – star worship –
About Job and Goethe….I have read both, as I’m sure Angelo has also…
Rudolf Steiner was a Goethe scholar and any pupil of Steiner’s is going to be inspired to read Faust.
Moses was an Egyptian Initiate and knew everything the great all-knowing priests of Egypt knew…
Plato’s grandfather, or great grandfather, Solon went to Egypt and was told by the great Egyptian initiate there, that the Greeks were children compared with the Egyptians…and that was true.
Pythagoras studied in Egypt as did Plato…for more than a decade.
And if Lucifer is a Greek ‘thingy’ – despising of the Greeks ?…???
Why is it that you seem to know everything ?
Lucifer is the name of a fallen Angel.
Satan is the name of a fallen Elohim…much more powerful being.
Lucifer means Light Bearer and when he is redeemed within the human soul…he will be the Light Bearer….
Christ is the Light.
Satan is the antiChrist…and is the Mephistopheles of Goethe. But he has many masks… he is also seen as a black gnarled winged deprivation chained in the underworld with golden chains…
But eventually he also will be redeemed by Christ in us.
Salam Ann,
When I told my Jewish friend that those people who came out of Egypt were “Cow Worshipers” and very nasty to Moses, he agreed with me as this is well documented in Old Testament. Only thing he said was, what you expect from people who have been in slavery for so long, for generations.
Look at every Prophet in Old Testament, and see how badly they have shown. David, the Only Son of God, breaks four major Commandments:
1. He covets the neighbor’s wife.
2. He commits adultery with the neighbor’s wife.
3. He murders the neighbor.
4. So, that he can steal the neighbor’s wife.
And, what does God do:
1. He kills 70,000 Jews.
2. He becomes remorseful.
3. He then punishes the child of David and Bathsheba.
4. He then gives them the good news of a new child called, Solomon.
5. He gives riches to David.
6. David has 1000 wives and concubines.
And, then we claim that Mohammad got the stories wrong.
Best regards,
Salam Ann,
satan is a noun and means, enemy. It is not proper noun, neither is satan the name of God.
eloh means, God/god and elohim is plural for eloh, which means God/gods. elohim with a singular verb is used for God of Jews, where as elohim with a plural verb is used for pagan gods.
eli eli lama sabachthani
eloi eloi lama sabachthani
My God, my God, when you forsaken me!
Four Aramaic words into 8 English words. It is very hard for my wife to believe that there are no pronouns in Semitic languages. So, what is eli. The “el” without the short vowels is eloh, which means God/god. And, the “i” at the end of eli is “my”.
So, eli is “God my” and not “my God”.
The “el” is God in Emanuel, “God with us”. Israel meaning, “everlasting God” and his uncle Ismael means, “hearing God.”
This is the language of Jesus. Why you think that Jews were persecuted throughout the centuries, especially the in the very 1st century. Still today, the Jews are being set up as Greater Israel for future persecution.
The reference in Isaiah is to, “Morning Star” to the King of Babylon. Not to any fallen angel. The Jews resent the fact that their scripture is taken over by Christians and being twisted.
In NT, Jesus is called the “Morning Star”. Therefore, Mormons don’t believe in trinity but they believe that both Lucifer and Jesus are blood brothers.
Best regards,
the Mormon church is a creation of the Masons..who have a strong history in occultism, that was very legit but now Masons have lost all their legitmacy and are only crooked…
But yes, Masons believe that Lucifer and Christ are … not blood brothers….spirits don’t have blood, but yes they were at one time, spirits of similar rank….although Christ is above all the other spirits and sits at the right hand of God….
But Lucifer fell from his high place,
And yes, it was in the Divine plan that he go there.
And Ahriman too (satan) has his place in the evolution of man. He teaches us many things…and only when we fall… blindly or not….under his treacherous and deceptive spell do we commit evil. And Lucifer leads us to him and encourages this fall because, the other name for Lucifer is the serpent.
but we, through Christ, will redeem them both, for our true home is the Spirit.
And Mercury is the morning star…because the name of the morning star was changed during the Ptolemaic endtimes to Venus..
Our beautiful morning star’s occult name is Mercury…and Christ represents Mercury in a certain way…that I won’t go into here.
Salam Ann and Angelo,
“But Angelo, there is also the fact that Christ calls himself Truth…I am the Way the Truth and the Life….”
Read the above quote very carefully. Jesus doesn’t claim that, I am ONLY the Way the Truth and the Life….”
No, he is Not the the Only. All Prophets are way to, “Truth and Life” for their adherents. They are the Way and Vessel to Allah. allah is two words, the first word is “al” which is the definite article, “the” and the second word is “ilah/eloh” which is a noun and means “god”. Therefore, al-ilah (allah) means, “The God”.
It is good grammar to say and write for, “my God”, either “ilahi, elohi, eloi or eli”.
Both “eloi and eli” are without short vowels. But it is bad grammar to say and write for “my God”, Allahi. Why? It will mean, “The my God”. Learn the language of Jesus. Get some proper education.
God doesn’t have enemy or enemies. If you have watch Al Gore thingy, you will know that in our Universe, earth is a size of egg, and shaped like egg too. Quran, tells us that there are umpteen of intelligent beings in the universe, and you both reduce God to a mere human.
Best regards,
I am always skeptical of man interrupting God’s words.. Man cant even interpret his own words, let alone other men’s words.. I don’t care how long man has studied gods words.. After learning about man, I do not believe man is capable of that task for another few million years at least. Stupid chimp thinks he knows what god means and what god wants.
Salam mmiriww,
I am glad that we both agree that white chimps have hijacked the words of ahab. Gandalf spoke to ahab in his own words, but the chimps thought that the words were in Greek/Roman. So, the chimps are unsuccessfully looking for Mordor in the Middle Earth to return the ring. They can’t find the Mordor as it doesn’t exist, so they create it in the hearth of Middle Earth. They are determined on destroying the ring of Sauron, so they keep on raising armies and creating wars.
The ahab keeps on putting the genie back in the bottle, but the chimps are hell bent on armageddon.
What can I say,
chimps ? white people ? believe me Mohamed…the natural science of Darwin is not loved by all white people..just as ISIL is not worshiped by all brown people.
I quite did not understand what he said, but I doubt color has anything to do with anything. It changes every few centauries but on a smaller scale, any color can be substituted. The main difference being I think is, like the Chinese used to think blacks were too low for them to subjugate, while whites thought they were too high up and needed to subjugate the lower ones. Indians are the same way but they prefer to subjugate their own. Seems after a certain equilibrium, people just feel the need to do it. They are not good enough if they cant find others who are lower than them.
See even the darn computer thinks it is better than I am.
Salam mmiriww,
My religion doesn’t say that we are not evolved from chimps. In fact, I believe that it says as such. Our Adam (Clay) and Eve (Air) are the 60,000 Adam and Eve.
So, mankind is millions and millions years old. When God said that He breathed His Ruh in Adam, what does it mean? Ruh is usually translated as Spirit, but Ruh also means Knowledge. So, our Adam and Eve were way up on the pole of evolution.
In Semitic languages we have singular, dual and plural. Thus, if one puts Day and Night over a circle, one can see the many shades. So do, if one places a man and a woman. So do, of one puts a Genie (ET) and a Ins (Human) on a circle, and we see lots of different intelligent being. We are not the first of the Creation, neither we are the last.
To a certain level we all are still chimps, even the Ahab and for this reason I said that we both agree …….
Best regards,
Dear Mohammed! You are really good at languages, but will you believe me, if I tell you that I´ve seen fallen angels in my own eyes. They really do exist. I was deep in the occult in my youth, and without Jesus I wouldn´t sit here and write this comment to you, my dear muslim friend(brother?).
Salam brother Annonnymy,
I am aware that Christianity believes in fallen angels, but both Islam and Judaism don’t.
Best regards,
If you don’t believe in Angels, than what is the origin of the Koran?
You are Muslim are you not?
Salam Angelo,
Please read my post carefully. I didn’t say that both Islam and Judaism didn’t believe in Angels.
What I said that both Islam and Judaism don’t believe in Fallen Angels.
Angels don’t sin.
Best regards,
“What I said that both Islam and Judaism don’t believe in Fallen Angels.” Mohamed
So Angels, but not fallen Angels. I understand your position.
Angels as perfect emissaries is an accurate portrayal, in essence Angels are automatons of Gods will.
My understanding however is that the existing Angelic realm were ‘reconfigured’ after the Fall, such that they could not sin. However Lucifer had already opened Pandora’s box, because he was an Angel, who exercised his free will in an act of rebellion.
I don’t believe that God created the Jinn as you do in Islam, what Islam calls Jinn, are fallen fragments of God (Angels) who have become trapped in the Earth. It might be two ways of describing the same egg, but the origin of these beings was first as Angels.
No Angelo,
Jinn are another intelligent beings. There are good Jinn and bad Jinn. Jinn have nothing to do with Angels. Between Jinn and Inns (humans) there are umpteen of Intelligent Beings.
Look at the Universe and see, how big it is in comparison to earth.
Humans are better than Angels, they are higher than Angels.
“Look at the Universe and see, how big it is in comparison to earth.
Humans are better than Angels, they are higher than Angels.” – Mohamed
Hi Mohamed,
Yes there are various beings that populate existence, no doubt, but it is my understanding that the human archetype is the primary DNA throughout existence, and the only which can embody source intelligence (self thought). Humans are greater than Angels (as they now exist) because we have free will.
The structure of the universe is multidimensional, not spacial. When you view up into space, you are not viewing ‘out’, but rather you are viewing ‘in’. There is no escape from the ‘planet’ via material vehicles, the illusion of the space program is such that it has inculcated the youth with ideas of Star Trek type travel. This is an impossibility. We are enclosed entirely within a dimensional construct.
This is why man will never be able to travel to Mars, or anywhere else for that matter. We haven’t gone to the Moon at all, which is why we have’t been ‘been back’ since the 60’s, which is ludicrous considering the so called advances in material science.
I’ve researched the topic exhaustively for many years, there is no space travel, there are merely orbiting bodies (satellites) within the upper regions of our enclosure. All travel is dimensional. Thus any beings which may visit us are also inter-dimensional beings.
The literature on the topic, from Genesis, the Book of Enoch, The Book of Revelation, and the many Gnostic renderings shows clearly that there are indeed fallen Angels. The argument otherwise is based on what? One, or two verses from the Quran?
The topic of the Jinn would require more research, I’m not all that familiar with Islamic thought, but I’m open to this not being an either/or situation.
“Humans are better than Angels, they are higher than Angels. ”
I’m not sure of that, but elves are better than gnomes, and that’s why Russia will win this global war.
Salam Angelo,
The Book of Enoch and the whole Old Testament is the Scripture of Judaism. The Jews resent the fact that the Christians have stolen they Scripture and twist their Scripture.
The Jews resent the fact that the Christians claim the Jewish’s Scripture as Christians’.
Like I said earlier, Judaism doesn’t believe in Fallen Angels, based on their Scripture in Hebrew language. Maybe, you should contact some Jews about their Scripture.
So let us end the discussion on this.
Best regards,
Wow anyone ser This? https://youtu.be/u7Q8X60KQ9Q
A (fairly milfy) congresswoman who serves on the armed services commitee, Tulsi Gabbard telling the truth about Syria, in so much as it is a illegal and reckless war.
Also somewhat OT cause I should have put both of these next two in one of the humor articles, but here
http://russia-insider.com/en/reclaiming-media-narrative-after-russian-intervention-syria-russell-ophobe/ri10591 is a article from Russell O’Phobe on how to reclaim the western media narrative, re: Russia, and here is a farsical video on how the US reprents different strains of islamofacism: https://youtu.be/gSdJqdgumYA
Can’t resist adding a video from the inimitable General Petrov:
‘Crazy’ or insightful, or maybe some peculiar admixture of both? Either way, I can’t help rather liking his ‘paternalism.’.:)
Only in Russia!!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion about God, and about Christ…
..maybe one day, in nothingness and not havingness, we will meet on the road, and have a real conversation, for here we are, on the earth, and not in the world of spirit..
..and a voice that was thick from a soul that seemed sick
came back from the barrier – Go!
for the secrets hidden are all forbidden till God means man to know
and this was the thought that the silence wrought
as it scorched and froze us through
that we were the men God meant should know
the heart of the barrier snow ..
‘why are there such songs in my soul
and so few dear names?’
I’m a great admirer of crosstalk. I managed to catch this evening a debate on France24, which I thought might be of interest to others.
“Iran at the Table: A political solution for Syria in sight?” I found it quite interesting, the visceral hatred of Assad & Iran from Haddad remarkable. Pregent, at times was in a state of utter despair. Interesting though for the clear enunciation of a foreign policy failure by the US and how everything was slipping away.
The guests were:
Jacques MYARD Member of French Parliament, Les Republicains
Benjamin HADDAD Research Fellow, Hudson Institute
Michael PREGENT Former U.S. Intelligence Officer
Daniel SERWER Professor, Middle East Institute
@Anonymous 8:08
Haddad is an alumnus of the Tikvah Foundation which promotes a Zionist Neoconservative worldview across a huge range of media, political and institutional platforms. It has currently around 2billion in assets, so no shortage of funds for influence-peddleing:
Still surprised at his Iran line?
Thanks for the link I notice there the sister of an old teacher of mine described as “Anti-Zionist”. Forgot to mention about this debate that Michael PREGENT got all optimistic about the numbers of military aged youth arriving right now in Europe and that this would make an excellent army if it was trained…. It somehwo suggested how out of touch the Americans are with the world if they can even entertain this shit. Sure, as if the Germans are right now thinking aboiut how they can train the refugees into an army! Oh Mr. Barzun, US British ambassador was on the BBC Hard Talk today, very enjoyable interview, highly amusing.
This has been a most interesting thread. At the risk of embarrassing myself, let me spin the thread a little longer just for the record before it disappears into the archives or akashic records.
I noted the conflicting desires to keep our feet on the ground by staying with the military analyses vs. the longing for the metaphysical.
I felt quite confused trying to follow the latter; although I had many a good laugh at myself.
I have my own meta’s and beliefs but I’m reminded that they are all dust in the wind, a house of cards that’s bound to fall. So why bother?
Somehow Putin comes to mind. The link to him singing Blueberry Hill with a bunch of American entertainers in attendance is well….entertaining to say the least. I’m chuckling as I type this. Perhaps he makes it all worthwhile. Something about humanity?
Eureka. Archimedes in the bathtub. Maybe that’s it. Just the joy of understanding or thinking that I understand.
This vineyard is universal hub of what exactly? I don’t know but if I did it might explain why I hang out here. I can feel the pulse of the planet here, even if it’s irregular like my own.
Thanks to all for the humor, the laughs and tears. It helps me through my fears.
Well said Dennis Leary!
I like to conclude it with poetry….”Oh mother, tell your children. Not to do what I have done. Spend your lives in sin and misery. In the House of the Rising Sun” Animals.
Best regards,