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Posts From Scott

President Trump legislative briefing for January 2017 by Scott Humor

This is what I call instant karma. Do you recall how Obama and the democrats consolidated executive power under the auspice of the president of the United States? How the liberal press loved it, and many republicans warned them against doing such things and the democrats ignored the warnings; they thought that their reign of terror will go on for at thousand years or at the least until WW III.

January 26th Naval Brief 03 2017, by LeDahu

The bigger picture – Part 1 “The Russian Navy is a capable Navy, that’s why their ships are a part of our routine surveillance plans.” Admiral Clive Johnstone, Commander Allied Maritime Command, NATO Memo to useless Western MSM idiot-journalists, who suffer from “duality confusion” and write articles such as these examples  and also write that the Russian pilots are a “bit shit.”  Memo- your NATO maritime boss doesn’t agree with

Is Russia’s Deep State In Civil War Just Like America’s?

Note by The Saker: as has been the case so many times in the past, I am posting an article with which I disagree, rather strongly, in fact, but which I find nevertheless worth posting precisely because it represents a point of view different from mine and because it asks some interesting questions.  My own two cents about all this is that the Russians are seeking opportunities to appear to

What if I told you that a vacuum cleaner is not dangerous? by Scott

The Old Rome and the Third Rome came together and they are winning. Cat Motja   The Battle for liberation of Germany. Part I. Recently while talking to my German pal, I said that Russians liked Germans more than any other Europeans. With the exception of Serbs, of course. He swallowed his beer and didn’t respond, probably because he didn’t believe me. Next, I saw some of Motja’s thoughts and

Donald Trump Presidential Inauguration Unofficial SITREP, by Scott Humor

It’s official, Donald Trump, a nice guy, moves into the White House. His inauguration followed by very modest, small town America style parade. Many Russian families watched the inauguration of the US president during their supper. Everyone loved that, finally,  a beautiful woman has become the first lady. Globalization becomes a dirty word. In brief, Obama’s policies helped the government of Russia to diversify its economy, to stop capital flight

American spies, Primakov’s death, and Russian Pharma, by Scott

This is my corner so I can rant on and on about what bothers me the most today. Take, for example, the recent revelation made by Russia’s Foreign Ministry that the US intelligence community was instrumental in the death of Evgeny Primakov, who was allegedly on dialyses for liver failure at the time. US intel may have contributed to Russian ex-Foreign Minister Primakov’s death – Zakharova Primakov has been hated by

Guess what’s neither meat nor fish, but Ms. Chalupa and John Schindler, by Scott

“What is this?” “This is no fish, neither meat, but Uncle Taras’ zalupa.” An insulting Ukrainian saying.     The first time I heard the word “chalupa” I was standing with my back to the wall of a school hallway, surrounded by a group of students. One of them called me “moscal’ and offered me to “try his chalupa” after that they all laughed in anticipation. I had just arrived

Naval Brief 02/17 January 14th, 2017 by LeDahu

The wider scene “Maritime reconnaissance near Russian territorial waters has intensified by 50 percent.” Libya Last week, an unconfirmed report was circulated on social media, announcing a Russian navy missile firing exercise off the Libyan coast, between Benghazi and Tobruk, (08-11 Jan). If indeed there was really a NOTAM released on this, then it suggested activity by the  “Admiral Kuznetsov” group, (whose last confirmed AIS location was SW of Crete).

What really happened at the U18 Women’s Hockey World Championship 2017, by Scott Humor updated

A French writer Frederic Beigbeder wrote about Russian women: “Women of all nationalities hate them, because beauty is unfair and one should fight against unfairness. Russian women are  enemies. Angels have always had plenty of enemies – you can read the Bible to see it, because this book is a catalog of martyred angels.” The Under-18 Women’s World Championship Hockey European sports fans were booing during the Russian anthem which

Statement by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu

Statement by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at the Extended Board Session of the Russian Defence Ministry (December 22, 2016)   This year has included a lot of large-scale events linked with security of the Russian Federation. The character and geography of challenges for our country has been extended, the role of the military force in international relations has been raised.

Russia, EU and NATO SITREP January 11th, 2017 by Scott Humor

In the first ten days of the new year we see the conflicts from 2016 getting worse. Russian bloggers wish the Westerners a Happy New Year and… a happy Russophobia in 2017: An interesting essay by Sergey Vasiliev reflects the general mood. The following is a boiled-down version. An offer “Die!” is the only consistent offer that “civilized” Europe has ever formulated for its Eastern neighbor. It was formed in

Brief on International Diplomacy January 2017, by Scott Humor

Russia In the first week of January the US Embassy in Russia began refusing to continue issuing visas citing some unidentified problems with plumbing. Moscow water authorities claim that they didn’t receive any complaints from the Embassy. It is unclear when the US Embassy will resume its work.   The UK An Israeli diplomat called the British Foreign Minister an “idiot” Al-Jazeera released the first of four videos with the

Naval Brief 01- January 2017, by LeDahu

Russian navy – Syrian campaign Back in late December, the Russian MOD announced a drawdown (1) of the Russian military in Syria, including the naval presence. The “Admiral Kuznetsov” group, including the cruiser “Peter the Great”, have now left the Syrian shores, following a high level visit from General  Ayyoub Chief of General Staff of the Syrian Army, (2) where medals were awarded to Russian personnel for their participation in the

President Putin attends Christmas service at monastery in Veliki Novgorod

President Putin attends Christmas service at monastery in Veliki Novgorod VELIKI NOVGOROD, January 7. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin is attending an overnight Orthodox Christmas service at the Spassky (St. Savior) Cathedral of the St. George’s Monastery in Veliki Novgorod. The monastery was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise back in 1030. As a rule Putin leaves Moscow for Christmas, while on Easter he stays in the capital for a

Cat Motya’s Horoscope for 2017, translated and interpreted by Scott

Die Geschichte ist aus und hier lauft eine Maus A common ending to German fairytales.   I hope you all had a safe and happy celebration of the New Year. Unlike previous years, I didn’t tweet while drunk which shows nearly super-human self control. Undoubtedly, a sign of maturity on my part, and also satisfaction with the direction of things. I have been getting many requests to post something of Cat

Moscow property that Putin could close for Washington, by Scott

Front running a steadily moving train of Russian foreign politic, the Western corporate media announced the possibility of 35 American diplomats being expelled from Russia and barring all who remain from using two properties, one is an industrial size warehouse, and another referred to as a “wooded picnic area.” If you think that a “wooded picnic area” means a couple of tables and a barbecue grill in a park,  you

Statement by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in response to Washington’s hostile actions

December 30, 2016 We regard the recent unfriendly steps taken by the outgoing US administration as provocative and aimed at further weakening the Russia-US relationship. This runs contrary to the fundamental interests of both the Russian and American people. Considering the global security responsibilities of Russia and the United States, this is also damaging to international relations as a whole. As it proceeds from international practice, Russia has reasons to respond in kind. Although we have the right to retaliate, we will not resort to irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy but will plan our further steps to restore

Stratfor’s and others forecasts for Russia in 2016: Hit or Miss, by Scott

Despite claim that Western sanctions were supposed to target just parts of Russia’s economy and not its general population, they were specifically designed to trigger the collapse of its banking system, food production,  civil construction, and to trigger massive unemployment, widespread hunger and civil unrests.  In essence, in 2016 Russia was supposed to have a return of the 90s catastrophe period known as “perestroika.” As for Russia’s involvement in Syria,

Russia, Ukraine and Donbass republics SITREP December 24th, by Scott

Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia is “stronger than any potential aggressor” because it has modernized its nuclear missiles and other forces. He also said the US withdrawal in 2001 from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty had “created the conditions for a new nuclear arms race.” Putin: “Dear comrades,(Уважаемые товарищи) Russia is stronger than any potential aggressor” The US Department of State immediately went into an overdrive trying to proclaim

How the UN resolution on Crimea and Trump’s tweet will restore Russian historical borders, by Scott

19 December 2016, the Assembly adopted, by a vote of 70 in favor to 26 against with 77 abstentions, the draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)”. The Western and Ukrainian media true to its practice to never say a word of truth reported this as “The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on human rights in Crimea.” There is a
