
In the first week of January the US Embassy in Russia began refusing to continue issuing visas citing some unidentified problems with plumbing. Moscow water authorities claim that they didn’t receive any complaints from the Embassy.

It is unclear when the US Embassy will resume its work.


The UK

An Israeli diplomat called the British Foreign Minister an “idiot”

Al-Jazeera released the first of four videos with the footage from an undercover Al-Jazeera reporter that shows Israeli diplomat Shai Masot talking to Maria Strizzolo, former aide to British education minister, about ‘taking down’ parliamentarians considered anti-Israel in their views.

The video, allegedly recorded by an Al-Jazeera reporter posing as a pro-Israel advocate and not by any security services, shows the Israeli embassy employee Shai Masot, freely admitting that he wasn’t a diplomat, speaking to Maria Strizzolo, a civil servant who was formerly an aide to Conservative Minister Robert Halfon.

The recordings form the basis of four half-hour documentaries that al-Jazeera is to broadcast starting January 15.


Only after this video went viral,  did the Israeli Embassy in the UK issue an apology, with Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev personally apologizing to Deputy Foreign Minister Alan Duncan, who was one of the parliamentarians “targeted” by the employee.

Another prominent Conservative named by the Israeli Embassy worker was Crispin Blunt, chair of the Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee and a vocal Palestinian supporter.

Embassy spokesperson said “the Embassy views these statements as completely unacceptable.

Strizzolo: “Well, you know, if you look hard enough, I’m sure that there is something that they’re trying to hide.” Later she adds: “A little scandal, maybe.”

Strizzolo boasts that she helped her boss, MP Robert Halfon, secure a promotion when he was appointed the education minister.

Masot: “Can I give you some MPs that I would suggest you would take down?” he asks, without elaborating what that entailed.

Masot adds that she knew which MPs he was referring to, and when Strizzolo asks for clarification, he replies “the deputy foreign minister.”

Strizzolo referring to the deputy foreign minister: “I thought we had, you know, neutralized him just a little bit, no?” Masot answers: “No.”

Masot about Boris Johnson: “He is an idiot.”

Masot’s business card says he is “a senior political officer” at the embassy who, according to his LinkedIn page, has worked there since November 2014. He describes his role at the embassy as being the chief point of contact between the embassy and MPs and liaising with ministers and officials at the Foreign Office. He was also a major in the IDF between 2004 and 2011.

The Al-Jazeera reporter pretended to be a pro-Israel activist from June to November of last year and recorded conversations that include a wide range of pro-Israel activists, British politicians and Israeli embassy staff.

Israeli diplomat caught on camera discussing ‘taking down’ UK MPs


A few words on Israeli “diplomats” methods

I don’t think that Aljazeera would release this footage without the UK foreign department approval.  Maybe someone inside the UK security services just took a page from the FSB book to make a point and to show to the Zionists that are being watched, recorded, and that they will be ousted.

We are also getting a glimpse of how the state of  Israel operates.  I recommend to watch a TV show Mossad 101 to get a basic understanding. This show explains that  any Israeli can be a Mossad agent and to spy on the coworkers and friends, even to demand from people to kill someone, to hand them sensitive info, and so on.

I know a guy who worked with their security services to get his relative entrapped. And he wasn’t even a “bad person.” He was just terrified of them.

The featured image is of Maria Zakharova, an un-elected official and a spokesperson for the Russia’s Foreign Ministry.  She is having lunch with the Israeli Ambassador to Russia Zvi Heifetz, appointed in Sep 2015. Sited is an owner of the liberal “Echo of Moscow” radio, a self-proclaimed Russia hater, and a grandson of the Bolsheviks  cheka  Alexei Venediktov. Venediktov wrote once that his grandfather personally shot dozens of Russian people during the Red Terror years following the Bolsheviks putsch.  He eventually ended up arrested and went to one of the GULAG camps during so called Stalin’s purge, which was unfair from  Venediktov’s point of view. Sited next to him is a woman whose job is to socialize with the rich people’ children.

This photo was taken in 2016 in Moscow.  Based on what we have learned from the Shai Masot footage, we can imagine what exactly M. Zakharova and her friends were talking about.

An incomplete list of the lethal attacks on the Russia’s diplomats:

  • November 8th, 2016 – on Election Day, a Russian Consulate security officer was found dead with head injuries, as reported by NYPD. “Medics are currently establishing the cause of his death, but it is believed that the man suffered a heart attack,” Nikolai Lakhonin, a spokesman for Russia’s U.S. Embassy, told the TASS news agency.
  • On December 20, 2016,  Foreign Affairs ministry confirms the chief adviser to the Latin American affairs department, Petr Polshikov, died at his home. He was shot hours before assassination of ambassador in Turkey
  • On December 20, 2016 – The Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, was shot and killed as he gave a speech at an art gallery in Ankara.
  • January 9, 2017 – Andrei Melanin, a Russian consul to Greece was found dead in his apartment.
  • December 31, 2016 Russia’s ambassador to Israel, Alexander Shein was rushed to the hospital in Tel Aviv after falling ill. The diplomat felt unwell during dinner in a restaurant. Minister-Counsellor of Russia Alexei Drobinin confirmed the hospitalization and said that now the ambassador is well.

Non lethal offenses on the Russian diplomatic missions:

  • Dec 29, 2016 – The United States expelled 35 Russian diplomats and closed two Russian Embassy’s compounds in New York and Maryland.
  • Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov: “In the last two years and a half [US] recruiting activities in regard to our employees have significantly increased, and US intelligence services use the most miserable means of pressure, including threats to health of [the diplomats’] family members.”


Those who claimed that the attack on the Russian Ambassador in Turkey was justifiable as revenge for driving the terrorists from Aleppo, like Gersh Kuntzman, whom the grateful readers call “an outright liar,”  “author of the stupidest things,” and “the Dumbest.”  An excellent research on the owner of the New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report, Mortimer Benjamin Zuckerman, with great images illustrating a busy political connections of this member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a deep state ministry, and an active member of the Israeli lobby.

According to the insider information, Mortimer Zuckerman is a close associate of Bernard Henri Levy, a French author who is also known as a coordinator of anti–government putsches in the Balkan countries and Ukraine. They both took an active part debating the foreign policies of Obama administration organized by the Rosencrantz Foundation run by the billion Robert Rosenkranz, another member of the CFR.

Since the 80s,  Zuckerman has been taking an active part in the work of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, CPMAJO. The main task of this organization is quoted as taking important part if forming of the policies  of the US government, especially its executive branch. It’s just for an unlikely case when you think that the US foreign policy is being formed by the US presidents or its Senate.

Zuckerman was a head of  CPMAJO in 2001-2003 when the US army invaded Iraq.

To give you an understanding how much the CPMAJO is involved into ruling the US, consider that the US government officials are obligated to give them regular reports on what has been done by the US government for the interest of Israel.

On the image is the US Ambassador in UN Samantha Power, who regularly reports to CPMAJO on the UN Security Council work. She and the Senator Lindsey Graham are the frequent visitors. See the images under the link.

Naturally, the Kiev junta representatives have been visiting CPMAJO with their reports. Danylo Lubkivsky, former Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine, an ambassador-at-large, Ukraine Foreign Ministry,  Olexander Scherba and Yuriy A. Sergeyev is a former Ukrainian diplomat and politician, who has served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine, and Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations have been told by Robert G. Sugarman, a head of CPMAJO how they should be acting in regard to Crimea in 2014.

Zuckerman has been also noticed with such members of the “friends of Russia” club as Evelyn de Rothschild, Henri Kissinger, and Bibi Netanyahu.  He is graced with the support of small people like Hillary Clinton and Bush Jr. and Obama.

Just a small illustration of those who own the “Western values,” and who pushes the Western countries in the war with Russia and Eurasia for those “values.”


Thank you for your time,
