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Posts From The Saker

Palestinians are now reaping the bitter fruits of their own miscalculations

Amongst the many calamities which have befallen the Palestinian people one of the worst ones is being systematically led by incompetent and corrupt leaders with no strategic vision and a true knack for always choosing the wrong side in a conflict.  From their misguided alliance with all kinds of unsavory terrorist groups in the 1970s, to their support for Saddam, to their naive participation in the Oslo Accords, to today

82 people arrested in Spain as mass protests sweep across Europe

RT reports:  Eighty two people have been arrested and 38 injured, including 18 police officers, as Spanish police react swiftly to reports of property damage and disorderly behavior while mass protests that began in Spain continue to roll out across the EU. ­A wave of anti-austerity anger is sweeping across Europe. Spain and Portugal are undergoing general strikes, whereas Greece and Italy are seeing many walkouts. In Spain – the

Marital infidelities and the military

I have to confess that my post yesterday was a little tongue-in-cheek. Yes, I did think that the women who tempted those generals were not “worth it” (judging by their looks, at least), and I do believe that many, if not most, men in the totally over-sexed Western society end up being sexually frustrated to the point of becoming unable to control even their most basic sexual urges. It is

What kind of honey-pots are these?!

Its really the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal revisited, but only in an even more pathetic way.  After all, Clinton was “just” the President, and God knows Americans are used to dumb presidents, but this time were are dealing with the real-life equivalents of Captain America: Generals Petraeus and Allen, the hyper-overhyped mega-heroes of American militarism.  And yet these men, lionized as “true American heroes” by the corporate media, were brought down by

Iraq denies cancelling $4.2 bln arms deal with Russia over ‘corruption concerns’

RT reports: Iraqi Prime Minister’s spokesperson Ali Mussawi told RT that the deal hasn’t been cancelled, it is simply under review. He also confirmed it was because of earlier allegations of corruption from the Iraqi side. Iraqi Defense Minister Saadun al-Dulaimi also confirmed that there was no cancellation of the agreement. “The deal is going ahead,” he said. Earlier, media reports claimed the deal – which would have made Russia Iraq’s

China and Russia are Acquiring Gold, Dumping US Dollars

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky for Global Research There is evidence that central banks in several regions of the World are building up their gold reserves. What is published are the official purchases.A large part of these Central Bank purchases of gold bullion are not disclosed. They are undertaken through third party contracting companies, with utmost discretion. US dollar holdings and US dollar denominated debt instruments are in effect being traded in

Maliki, Bout and Petraeus – all translated into plain language

Three things this morning:1) Iraq cancels a 4.2 billion dollars Russian arms deal, alleging that there are allegations of possible corruption.2) US denies Russian request for the extradition of Viktor Bout.3) David Petraeus resigns are Director of CIA following the FBI’s discovery of his extra-marital affair.Now in translation:In the first case we have something totally unheard of: the cancellation of a major weapons deal only one month following its signature. 

RT TV interviews Syrian President Bashar Assad

Comment: This is the first full-length interview of Bashar Assad I have seen and I have to admit that I am favorably impressed: while Assad does not strike me as particularly impressive, he is most definitely not a clown like Gaddafi or megalomaniac like Saddam. Sofiko Shevarnadze did an excellent job of asking him the right questions, and he did a rather good job answering them. What I miss most

The real progress in the USA

Josh Ledermand reports for the Huffington Post: Voter Turnout Shaping Up To Be Lower Than 2008 A drop in voter turnout in Tuesday’s election didn’t keep President Barack Obama from winning a second term.   Preliminary figures suggest fewer people voted this year than four years ago, when voters shattered turnout records as they elected Obama to his first term. In most states, the numbers were even lower than in 2004,

Russian Defense Minister Serdiukov sacked – my version

Something very interesting has just happened in Russia.  Putin has sacked Defense Minister Anatolii Serdiukov and replaced him with Sergei Shoigu. Sergei Shoigu The Russian media is buzzing with speculations of what really triggered this move by Putin.  There are a few undeniable and well-known facts: Serdiukov was hated by the military and by many influential Russian politicians.  His reform of the armed forces resulted in a mix bag of

And now, in my own words

In 2008 I wrote a piece entitled The only two choices for the 2008 Presidential election: Nader vs Solzhenitsyn in which I concluded with the following words: If you have any faith left at all in the American democracy, then, by all means, vote Nader as any other vote is a vote against the American Republic (and for a Fascist Empire). If you, like myself, believe that the system cannot

A good take on the voting charade

Submitted by The Needle Blog on ZeroHedge Why I Don’t Vote Democracy has become a religion and anyone who criticises it is labelled a heretic. How many times have you heard the mantra that ‘if you don’t vote, you can’t complain’? Whereas, actually, the opposite is true, ‘if you do vote, you can’t complain.’ It is no coincidence that the emergence of the philosophical concept of the ‘Social Contract’ runs parallel to

Meet the FSA

Just imagine what these people will do if they ever come to power…From Bosnia, to Kosovo, to Chechnia, to Libya, these folks have always had the same modus operandi: committing the worst type of atrocities while screaming Allahu Akbar!  I cannot imagine a worse blasphemy.Yet, these are the people which the US/EU – and some doubleplusgoodtinking imbeciles in the blogosphere – are trying to put in power in Syria.  Sure,

Personal announcement: this was only a short intermission

Dear friends,I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that the reason why this blog was relatively inactive recently was due to a mix of three factors: 1)  I have had an rather insanely busy schedule and a few personal issues I needed to focus on.  Things are better now.2) Most of the stuff in the news recently is boring beyond belief.  For example, I cannot find

Lebanon’s red lines, bared

By Sharmine Narwani for the Asia Times What a difference a week can make in the Middle East. On October 19, when a car bomb tore through the upscale Christian neighborhood of Achrafiyeh in Beirut killing a major security official, Lebanon shuddered in fear that the era of political assassinations was back. Politicians and commentators didn’t miss a beat. The murder of Internal Security Forces (ISF) Information Branch head Wissam

Orthodox priest kidnapped in Damascus found dead

Agenzia Fides reports: The body of the Greek-Orthodox priest Fr. Fadi Jamil Haddad, pastor of the church of St. Elias in Qatana, was found today in the Jaramana neighborhood (north of Damascus) not far from the place where he was kidnapped, on October 19, by unidentified armed group (see Fides 24/10/2012). This was confirmed to Fides by Fr. Haddad’s Greek-Orthodox confrere, who asked for anonymity. “ His body was horribly

Survey: Most Israeli Jews Would Support Apartheid Regime in Israel

Haaretz reports via InformationClearingHouse: Survey, conducted by Dialog on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, exposes anti-Arab, ultra-nationalist views espoused by a majority of Israeli Jews.  By Gideon Levy October 23, 2012 “ Haaretz” — Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports the establishment of an apartheid regime in Israel if it formally annexes the West Bank. A majority also explicitly favors discrimination against the state’s Arab citizens, a survey

In one week the US will have three aircraft carriers facing Iran

(many thanks to HL for this info!  S.) Zerohedge reports:US Aircraft Carrier John Stennis Arrives By Iran Ten days ago, when we last tracked the progress of the third US aircraft carrier, CVN-74 Stennis, with destination Arabian Gulf, aka Iran, we reported that it was “within a week of reaching” its destination. Sure enough, as the latest Stratfor naval update confirms, CVN-74 has now reached its destination for which it
