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Posts From The Saker

Syria – a rather unexpected and optimistic scenario?

Thierry Meyssan is a complicated source to rate.  On one hand, he is a very well informed person and he has to be credited with being one of the first people to raise doubts about the 9/11 events.  But I also recall Meyssan sometimes mistaking his hopes for facts, and some of his analyses are superficial.  Anyway, he is in Syria now (he is very pro-regime), and he recently reported

Partial list of Russian NGO financed from abroad

Do you remember the panic which spread recently among Russian non-government organizations when Putin passed a new law forcing any NGO which is financed from abroad to register as a “foreign agent”?Russian bloggers have now compiled an initial list of these organizations.  Again, this is not an official list, only one compiled by savvy Russian bloggers who will now submit this list to the Russian security agencies.  Still, the list

Hizb Allah’s Role in the Syrian Uprising

(many thanks to M for this interesting article. S) Chris Zambelis for the CTC at West Point As the civil war in Syria rages on, there is ample evidence pointing to the activities of foreign interests—nation states and non-state actors—opposed to the Ba`athist regime in Damascus.[1] In contrast, recent reports implicating Lebanese Hizb Allah, an avowed Syrian ally, remain murky. Hizb Allah continues to refute charges that it is participating

Le grand chemin vers Jérusalem : le Hamas trahit l’Iran et la Syrie

De Fida Dakroub pour Global Research Généralités Lorsque l’émir du Qatar, Hamad, fut arrivé à Gaza, à la tête d’une importante délégation comprenant son épouse, Moza, et son premier ministre, Hamad – celui-ci un cheikh non pas un émir –, il fut accueilli par le chef du gouvernement du Hamas, Ismaïl Haniyeh, qui eut organisé une cérémonie officielle grandiose pour l’occasion. Les deux hommes se tinrent côte à côte pendant

Simply beautiful! Deputy Sheriff Protects 1st Amendment at Albany Airport

At a time when basic civil rights are trampled on everywhere, when cops are usually seen beating up protesters, and when the American public is literally trained into mindless obedience to any person claiming to be in authority, it is a heart-warming experience to see that the rights of simple decent people can be protected by a Deputy Sheriff like Stan Lenic who prevented some self-appointed corporate thug from denying

The political section of the speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the tenth night of Ashura

…Tomorrow we will hit the street to tell Imam Hussein (peace be upon him): O our lord and master, as you defended your Grandfather, the religion of your Grandfather, and the dignity of your Grandfather Mohammad (Peace be upon him) on the tenth of Muharram, we will hit the street tomorrow in this time in which the Prophet of Islam is being offended, and in the future if anyone might

Egypt’s Morsi: Biting the bullet

by Eric Walberg At last Egyptian politics is moving. President Mohamed Morsi is slowly building on his summer ‘coup’, when he stared down Egypt’s generals and put his men in the top army and defence positions, following terrorist attacks in Sinai which the army, so old and bumbling, so involved in Egyptian internal politics, failed to prevent. Now, he has stared down Israel’s generals, and dealt as an equal with

Pillar of Impotence

by Gilad Atzmon In the past week, the people of Gaza have been subject to some serious Israeli attacks. Some Hamas leaders and militants have been murdered and many more Palestinians – innocent civilians, babies, kids women and elders – have lost their live. Yet, Gaza is celebrating with the Hamas leadership never more popular. So here is an interesting anecdote that deserves our attention. During the recent clashes Gazan

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the ninth night of Ashura

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Brothers and sisters! Peace be on you all and Allah’s mercy and blessing. I will divide my speech

Israel’s slow-motion collapse

Israel has never been the military superpower its propaganda claimed it to be, but neither was it a paper tiger.  At the very least, the Israelis did an excellent job triggering conflicts when it best suited them, they excelled at camouflaging what where surprise attacks into a “defensive operation”, and they always managed to conceal their real losses.  But none of this would have been possible if Israel did not

Is the Palestinian Islamic Jihad becoming the core of the Palestinian resistance?

Tonight, an anonymous poster, to whom I am most grateful, drew my attention to two very interesting pieces by Amal Saad-Ghorayeb: Why Islamic Jihad is the new Hizbullah Hamas and Islamic Jihad after the cease-fire: a new division of labour? One of the articles also references this article: Al-Quds Brigades: Zionist Entity Is Nothing More Than Dummy This is all very interesting.  According to its Wikipedia entry, the Palestinian Islamic

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the fifth night of Ashura

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be on you, my master and Lord Abi Abdullah, and on all the souls gathering around your

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the third night of Ashura

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be on you, my master and Lord Abi Abdullah, and on all the souls gathering around your

Israeli hardware defeated by Palestinian morale

Assuming the ceasefire holds, it is now time to assess the preliminary results of the Israeli attack on Gaza, and I would score this one as a definite victory for Hamas.  Why?Because it is pretty clear that the IDF was deterred from entering into Gaza whereas the usual orgy of violence unleashed by the Israelis on the Gaza Strip did not deter Palestinians at all.  It is also pretty clear

Russian experts predict an extension of US war on Syria to the entire Middle-East

I have been researching the topic of Islam in Russia for a few weeks already and, as a part of this research, I spent a lot of time listening to various Russian Muslims and their views on the various conflicts in the Muslim world today.  It is still too early for me to begin writing on the fascinating but very complex and multi-faceted topic of Russia and Islam (which will

Anonymous declares war on Israel

Comment:  I don’t think that Anonymous has the means to seriously hurt Israel, but the real effect of this operation is a PR disaster for Israel: Israel is denounced as a villain (which, of course, it is) while the world public opinion is shown as disgusted by Israel (which, of course, it is). And that, in itself, is fantastic.  Anonymous simply ignores the fact that most of the planet is

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the first night of Ashura

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be on you, my master and Lord Abi Abdullah, and on all the souls gathering around your

Hamas launches a completely irresponsible missile strike on Jerusalem

This is plain crazy – according to various reports Hamas has shot missiles at the city of Jerusalem.  According to the BBC  “militants said they wanted to hit the Israeli parliament”.  The missiles missed their targets and landed on the south side of the city without causing any damage.What Hamas did today is sheer lunacy, there is no other way of putting it.  Shooting missiles which are so inaccurate at

The stupid charade is finally over

The stupid charade is finally over – the Hague tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has cleared the last two Croat generals not in the face of new evidence, but on a technicality: Last year the two men were convicted of murder, persecution and plunder.  Judges at the time ruled that they were part of a criminal conspiracy led by late Croatian President Franjo Tudjman to “permanently and forcibly remove” the

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Martyr’s Day

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In The Name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the World. Peace be upon our Master and Prophet – the Seal of prophets – Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household, his chosen companions and on all prophets and messengers. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and
