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Posts From The Saker

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the ceremony marking the 40th day after the Day of Ashura

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Scholars, deputies, brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. Peace be on you,

Nicolas Sarkozy ordered the assassination of Hugo Chavez

Voltaire Net reports: The Venezuelan Minister of Correctional Services, Iris Varela, has announced on her Twitter account the expulsion of a French citizen known as Frédéric Laurent Bouquet, December 29, 2012  Mr. Bouquet (photo) had been arrested in Caracas on June 18, 2009, with three Dominican nationals in possession of an arsenal. In the apartment he had acquired, forensic police seized 500 grams of C4 explosives, 14 assault rifles including

Nittel Nacht: No Sex, No Torah, Just Fear Of Evil Spiritual Forces Associated With Jesus

Shmarya Rosenberg reports: Tonight is Christmas Eve – better known in the haredi world as Nittel Nacht. Hasidic Jews believe that evil spiritual forces are at full force tonight and to prevent giving strength to any of these impure forces, hasidim do not study Torah, Talmud, halakha or other Jewish religious subjects, and they also abstain from having sex. The 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, left, playing chess with his younger son-in-law,

Russia prepares for the worst in Syria

The commander in chief of the Russian Airborne Forces, General Vladimir Shamanov, has confirmed rumors that the Airborne Forces have adopted a plan to evacuate Russian citizens from Syria.  While this does most definitely not mean that Russia believes that the Assad regime will fall, this does show that this is an outcome for which the Kremlin is making all necessary contingency plans. General Shamanov For a while already a

UN-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi: Only two ways for Syria – political process or hell

UN-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi put it simply: there are only two ways for Syria – a political process or hell.  In other words, he agreed with the Russian position. As for the opposition, it immediately declared that a non-negotiable precondition for any negotiations must be the departure of Assad (making any thinking person wonder what there would be left to negotiate at this point). So we have the following

The West ‘prays’ Russia and China will continue blocking Syria action

RT reports:The West has “no appetite” for a military intervention in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Saturday. At the same time, Moscow’s intelligence shows the Arab country’s chemical arsenal is “so far” secured, he revealed.“No one has any appetite for intervention. Behind the scenes, I have a feeling they are praying that Russia and China go on blocking intervention, as sanctioning it would mean they must act

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Sunday December 16th, 2012.

In The Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon our Master and Prophet – the Seal of prophets – Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household, his chosen companions and on all prophets and messengers. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. It is our happiness and pleasure to meet in this blessed honorable ceremony which in one of its

Is Russia throwing in the towel for Assad?

The short answer is “no!”.  However,There are clear signs of two things happening:a)  Russian politicians and decision makers have different views about the situation in Syria.  Some think that Assad will lose, while others think that government forces have inflicted serious losses on the insurgency. Keep in mind: differences in opinion between experts do NOT AT ALL mean a change in policies.  Russia’s policy towards Syria is one based on

Russian warships set sail to Mediterranean amid possible Syria evacuation

RT reports: The Russian Navy has sent five ships to the Mediterranean Sea to replace the region’s existing fleet. The move comes after the foreign ministry said it may call for the evacuation of Russian citizens in Syria if the government in Damascus falls. ­Three warships and two support ships of the Russian Baltic Fleet are set to join the Russian naval forces in the Mediterranean. Frigate Yaroslav Mudri The

What are the folks at the BBC smoking…

Good old BBC – what would the world do without this paragon of professional journalism and impartiality?!Not.Check out how the BBC reported about the (illegal) demonstration which the so-called “non-system opposition” (aka “those who could not even get a single deputy elected into the Duma”) organized today: Impressive crowd, no?  In the “hundreds” according to the article.  And just to make sure that anybody doubting the size of this demonstration

Insurgents in Syria burn a Shia mosque and an Armenian church

On YouTube one of their supporters also added this heartfelt message: “Fuck bashar and his slut mother he destroyed all of syria with the help of kuffar shia irani pigs and russian communist atheist bastards but our mujahdeen bros will now rid syria of bashar bastard and we will have an islamic country where there will be no alchoal drugs and prostitutes everywhere it will be a islamic laws not

BBC finally caves in: Litvinenko was a paid MI6 agent

Anybody who knew anything about the entire Litvinenko saga knew that already, but now even the BBC is reporting it: Litvinenko was a paid MI6 agent.Now let’s see how long it will take the BBC to find out what country’s intelligence service is known to have used Polonium to kill undesirable people?The Saker

Bosnia v5, Chechnia v4, Kosovo v3, Libya v2, Syria v1

This could have been footage made in Bosnia, Chechnia, Kosovo or Libya, but it happens to have been made in Syria.  Same faces, same crazed expression, same murderous determination – this is the face of US-sponsored Wahabi Islam and this is what the so-called “friends of Syria” are trying to put into power in Damascus.Frankly, and in a very naive way, when I listen to these lunatics I have visions

Syrian opposition victory possible, but at an absolutely unacceptable price – Moscow

RT reports: Moscow has admitted the possibility that the Syrian opposition may emerge victorious as government forces continue to lose more territory as the conflict rages on, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said. “We must face the facts: the current tendency shows that the government is progressively losing control over an increasing part of the territory,” Bogdanov told the Public Chamber. “An opposition victory can’t be ruled out.” The

Syrian rebels set to execute Ukrainian journalist

RT reports: NGOs are urging Syrian rebels to release a Ukrainian journalist, Anhar Kochneva, who is set to be executed Thursday. Meanwhile the group behind the kidnapping warned it would now target all Russians, Ukrainians and Iranians on Syrian soil. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), ARTICLE 19, the International Press Institute and Reporters Without Borders issued a joint statement expressing deep concern about Kochneva’s life and urging the leadership

The Syrian chemical weapons canard – a preparation for a false flag?

When all the nonsense about the Syrians “combining the precursors of their binary chemical weapons” began I dismissed it all as the usual imperial demonization of the latest “new Hitler”, but now this entire topic is taking on a more ignominious character because the Israelis and the Americans are now openly threatening some kind of “consequences” if “Assad uses his chemical weapons against his people”.  Some are also mentioning the

This is becoming boooooring

Syrian WMD now.  Nevermind that the only case of use of chemical weapons “against his own people” was by Saddam under the high patronage of, what else, the USA.  Nevermind that it is also nonsense.  Nevermind that it would make no sense.The US “patriotic crowd” seems to be buying this one too…
