Press TV reports: The Lebanese Army Commander has rescinded anti-opposition decisions made by the government which led to escalation of tensions in Lebanon.

According to a Press TV correspondent in Beirut General Michel Suleiman reinstalled Airport General Wafiq Shuqair on Saturday.

The army Chief has also lifted a government-ordered ban on Hezbollah’s telecommunications network.

“As for the telecommunications network, the army will look into the issue in a manner that is not harmful to the public interest or the security of the resistance” against Israel, the military said in a statement on Saturday.

The statement was issued after Lebanon’s pro-US ruling coalition decided to hand over the controversial decisions to the army.

“The decisions have not been (officially) issued and will be referred to the army command,” Siniora said in a televised speech on Saturday.

The government withdrew from its stance over the issues after pro-opposition supporters managed to control Western Beirut.

The army’s announcement was seen as a way out of the violence that has rocked the country, leaving at least nearly 40 people dead.