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Tag "Lebanese Army"

Ha’aretz analyst deplores the Lebanese Army’s collaboration with Hezbollah

ANALYSIS / Who will stop Hezbollah? Not the Lebanon Army By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent (original article here) Hezbollah’s rapid and savvy raids of recent days brought to light the true balance of power in Lebanon, and, at the same time, the close connection between the Lebanon Army and Hezbollah. Witness accounts of Hezbollah’s actions in Lebanon in the course of the incidents demonstrate not only that the Lebanon Army

Army reverses anti-Hezbollah decisions

Press TV reports: The Lebanese Army Commander has rescinded anti-opposition decisions made by the government which led to escalation of tensions in Lebanon. According to a Press TV correspondent in Beirut General Michel Suleiman reinstalled Airport General Wafiq Shuqair on Saturday. The army Chief has also lifted a government-ordered ban on Hezbollah’s telecommunications network. “As for the telecommunications network, the army will look into the issue in a manner that
