By Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC to turn on English captions.

From the translator: “A very important debunker to anybody who still believes Zelensky is trying to stop the war in Donbass.”

The disregard for the residents of Donbass was shown by the recently inaugurated president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. During the trip to the line of demarcation, the comic-hetman spoke with the Ukro-punishers, but not with the civilian population.

Many residents of “Ukraine is Europe” entrusted the new head of the “independent state” with a hope related to the normalization of relations with Russia and same with the end of the current war in Donbass. For the first point, Zelensky gave the answer of rejecting any negotiations with Moscow. For the second point, he answered it by going on a trip to Donbass. Which was advertised by the official website of the Ukrainian president and his PR workers on Facebook.

On one hand, the comedian president as opposed to the former chocolate führer (Poroshenko), didn’t wear any funny camouflage. He emphasized that this was to not be a part of a warlike attitude. But on the other hand, as was fairly noticed by a journalist in the Komsomolskaya Pravda, Aleksandr Kotz, Zelensky was only talking to those who are shelling the Donbass. But not at all with the civilians of the region:

“As it was emphasized by the administration of the president of Ukraine, the commander-in-chief on that day was in the city of Shastye (Lugansk region), and on the frontline of Stanitsa Luganskaya – in an observation post, and in the dugouts. ‘The closest position to the enemy was 400 meters away,’ – something that was clarified by AP.

I for example can imagine where these positions are located. He looked at the hospital position of the Lugansk People’s Republic fighters. And I can tell you with certainty that the distance from Zelensky’s dugout position, to the closest home of civilians, was no more than a three minute long leisure walk. But he didn’t go to them. Since over there they could ask him about the words he said during his inauguration:

Volodymyr Zelensky: ‘I am fully not afraid to make hard decisions, I am ready to lose my popularity, my ratings, and if needed, I without any doubts, am ready to lose my post, just so that peace can arrive.'”

It is hard to disagree with Kotz, if Zelensky cared about the residents of Donbass, then he would make peace with “one dash of a feather.” All the conditions for this have already been created. Since the new head of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is no longer a protégé of Poroshenko. So basically, the comedian hetman as the commander-in-chief would just need to give the order. And the Ukro-punishers, except for the most short-circuited, would stop shelling the civilians. And in return, no counter-shelling would come to those same punishers.

However, the order to stop shelling civilians was not given by Zelensky. In the first week of his long-awaited by many presidency, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot 55 times into 19 civilian areas in just the Donetsk People’s Republic alone. And immediately after the departure of the comedian president from his visit, the Ukro-punishers committed the next foul feat, in big air quotes:

“In the night after Zelensky’s departure from Donbass, Ukrainian war fighters used a UAV to drop a grenade on the city of Gorlovka – a 70 year old woman was taken to the hospital with numerous shrapnel wounds of the head, hands and scalped wounds on the left half side of her face.”

In the place of the journalists, I would have not used the word “war fighters” to describe these jackals. Being the ideological heirs of Hitler’s punishers, these ones are unworthy to be called that category. Although they are worthy of their new Ukro hetman. Who looked after their conditions by being at the punishers’ front. That is what the PR workers of Zelensky reported:

“The head of state talked with the fighters about the topic of domestic conditions, the quality of food, providing equipment, as well as housing and social packages. And staffing the units,” says the message. “Zelensky noted the strong need for improving the provision of military servicemen that are located in the region. ‘The conditions of are supposed to be fine,’ is how Zelensky summarized his visit, later when he was at a meeting with the head of the General Staff, Ruslan Khomchak, and the commander of the Combined Forces Operations (OOS), Oleksandr Sirsky.”

So basically, they need more comfort for the ones that send UAVs with grenades to cripple and kill old ladies. And exactly the same old ladies that the Ukrainian Armed Forces take cover behind in counter-shellings by DPR and LPR forces, the comfort becomes ruined. To the comedian hetman and his Western owners, they are still expendable material. Is it worth getting surprised about how in his visit, Zelensky didn’t say the main thing?

That in the Ukraine, there is an ongoing civil war. That there is no Russian aggression. And that the local residents are fighting in favor of the DPR and LPR, plus volunteers who came to protect civilians from genocide committed by the side of ultranationalists from the volunteer battalions as well as punishers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Stopping the civil war in the Ukraine, which was started by the drug addict [Oleksandr] Turchinov and other profitable receivers and other profitable receivers after the overthrow of [Viktor] Yanukovych, this is the main duty that Zelensky should be doing as president. If he was an independent politician, and not a marionette, he would have immediately ordered to ceasefire without any conditions.

He can still do all of this: ceasing fire, cleaning out the Nazis, fulfilling the Minsk II agreement. Only, will he actually do it while assuming that this is his next role? Unlikely!