President Putin: Rivalry for world’s resources increasing, some try to disregard all rules

The world is seeing ever-stronger competition for resources, and some players try to disregard all the rules, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, adding that potential for conflict is growing worldwide.

The situation across the world is becoming less predictable, Putin said at a meeting with Russian ambassadors and permanent representatives abroad.

According to the Russian president, the actions of NATO are aimed at upsetting the balance of power, but Russia “will not succumb to this militaristic craze.

“We are noticing persistent efforts by certain partners to maintain a monopoly on geopolitical dominance. They use their centuries of experience in suppressing, weakening, pitting their rivals against each other, as well as modern political, economic, financial, and informational methods,” he said.

The examples of such methods are “interference in the domestic politics of other countries, provoking regional conflicts and triggering so-called ‘color revolutions,’” Putin added.

The Russian president believes that, at times, “terrorists, fundamentalists, far-right nationalists and even neo-fascists” are used as henchmen in achieving those goals.

“We can already see the direct consequences of such disastrous policies near our borders,” Putin said, in apparent reference to the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

I am confident that only dialogue and cooperation can help avoid… uncontrolled development of the situation,” he said, adding that it is necessary to push for “a fair world order based on the principles of united and inseparable security and collective responsibility.”

Moscow is interested in “close cooperation with the US on international issues,” Putin said. However, Russia cannot accept Washington picking where to cooperate with Moscow, and where to increase “various pressures on us, including sanctions.”

We stand for equal partnership that respects the interests of both sides.

‘Brexit trauma will haunt UK for a long time’

The effects of Brexit will be felt in the UK for a long time, Putin said.

“We will closely watch how far the talks between London and Brussels go and what the consequences [of Brexit] for Europe and for us will be. The traumatic effect of the results of the referendum will be felt for a long time.”

According to Putin, Britain’s vote to leave the EU “has shaken the markets.”“But I think that everything will subside in the medium term.

However, the Russian president stressed that Brexit is the choice of British people and “we have in no way interfered and are not interfering in this process.

‘Don’t let Western media lie about Russia’

Vladimir Putin has called on Russian diplomats to resist the Western media monopoly and prevent facts about Russia from being falsified.

Russia stands for united and inseparable security in the world, the president said.

“We should resist the information monopoly of Western mass media and support Russian media working abroad.”

 Putin added that “lies about Russia should not be tolerated and falsification of history should not be permitted.”

A Russian TV channel announced the launch of a contest set to make its winner an aide of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov

The Armenian authorities consider the presence of the Russian military base and Russian border guards in the republic to be an important component of national security

The Russian president will head the new council, his deputy will become PM Medvedev

 Discovering Rusia: Adygea

Adygea, like many of the North Caucasus is a land defined by its people. Their brand of hospitality, the passion for dancing and their traditions are unique, inspiring and a constant amazement even to a seasoned traveller like James Brown! It’s not his first time in the Caucasus, but James Brown can’t get enough of it. He always enjoys the fantastic hospitality, ardor for music and dance and amazing cuisine. In Adygea, James looks at the process of a local specialty – Adygean cheese, visits a tea plantation and takes some lessons in local arts and crafts.




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Obama’s high-profile trip to Hiroshima was accompanied by a media storm that gave endless justifications for the US use of the atomic bomb on Japanese civilians. The myths are widely accepted in society, and underpin the notion of American exceptionalism.

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