by Pepe Escobar for The South China Morning Post
So you think Donald Trump is the biggest threat to world peace? And Barack Obama engineered America’s “pivot to Asia”?
It was actually Hillary Clinton, emphasising the necessity of a “strategic turn” for the United States, who launched the pivot to Asia in an October 2011 article titled “America’s Pacific Century”. The tone was martial: “Our military is by far the strongest and our economy is by far the largest.” The South China Sea duly featured: “Half the world’s merchant tonnage flows through this water”. Informed observers didn’t need a manual to spot Clinton’s subtle cue alerting them to the danger of China’s “nine-dashed line”.
Clinton’s essay preceded Obama’s November 2011 speech to the Australian Parliament in which he officially announced the pivot. The key theme was the US as a “Pacific nation”. The tone was mostly combative. Only after 10 long confrontational paragraphs did a meek “effort to build a cooperative relationship with China” appear.
As a presidential candidate in 2008, Clinton’s tone was way more composed. She admitted that the US budget deficit was largely funded by Chinese purchases of US Treasury bills. She then seemed to be subscribing to the widely held notion in the Beltway that the root of US global hegemony is economic.
Five years later, Clinton had substantially changed her mind to write her pivot essay. The source was none other than the intellectual/conceptual author of the pivot: Kurt Campbell, then US assistant secretary of state for Asia.
Kurt Campbell, then US assistant secretary of state for Asia, was the source of Clinton’s pivot essay. Photo: AFP
Campbell is classic revolving door material – Marshall scholar at Oxford, active duty in the navy, a job at the Pentagon under Bill Clinton, and at the State Department in the first Obama term under Hillary. It took him a full two years to “win” the bureaucracy/intellectual battle inside Foggy Bottom that resulted in Hillary Clinton’s essay and Obama’s speech.
From the beginning, the pivot’s focus was of course China – an attempt to reach a delicate balance between economic partners/strategic rivals. Obama may have been progressively swinging towards “rival”. But, already in mid-2010, the decision had actually been Clinton’s. In a conference in Hanoi, she announced that the US had a “national interest” in “respect for international law in the South China Sea”.
That was the crucial moment when the evolving US-China showdown in the South China Sea actually began – framing the whole subsequent pivot as a provocative, over-militarised gambit liable to spin out of control.
Kurt Campbell is now the CEO of an Asia-centred advisory group. He’s also associated with the Washington think tank Centre for a New American Security (CNAS), a neocon-neoliberalcon mix. It’s CNAS that came up with the geopolitical road map to be adopted by a future President Clinton. Key signatories include Campbell, the godfather of the neocons Robert Kagan, and Michele Flournoy, formerly with the Pentagon and a co-founder of CNAS.
“Extending American Power: Strategies to Expand US Engagement in a Competitive World Order”, as the report is titled, predictably peddles Exceptionalism. It extols “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea – which is code for the US navy forever controlling the sea lanes straddling China’s supply chain. It calls for a no-fly zone in Syria – which would pit the US air force against the Russian air force. And it’s a sucker for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – the China-excluding, Nato-on-trade-style arm of the pivot.
Clinton, the real pivot champion, was of course a huge supporter of the TPP from the start. But during the presidential campaign, she flip-flopped. If elected, there’s no question the TPP will be promoted no holds barred.
Clinton’s CNAS road map made a surreptitious appearance during the first, contentious presidential debate, when she aligned no less than three of the Pentagon/US Strategic Command’s five existential “threats” to the US in the same breath.
“Whether it’s Russia, China, Iran, or anybody else, the United States has much greater capacity. And we are not going to sit idly by and permit state actors to go after our information, our private sector information or our public sector information,” she said.
The message was clear; the Pentagon is closely watching – in every domain – these three “existential threats” who happen to be the key powers closely involved in Eurasian integration: Russia, China and Iran.
The “Full Spectrum Dominance” doctrine also implies nuclear pre-eminence. The guarantee of a US first nuclear strike – arguably against one of those top Pentagon existential “threats” – is a crucial vector of this doctrine, to which the pivot to Asia is subordinated. No wonder pivot champion Clinton, during the first debate, could not reject the doctrine.
And yet Trump, in one short sentence, actually may have ruled out World War III if he becomes president. He said: “I would certainly not do first-strike”.
The CNAS report is essentially a diluted version of the Pentagon’s Full Spectrum Dominance. China, as well as Russia and Iran, are essentially seen as hostile powers bent on Eurasian integration – standing between America’s “Pacific Century” and an irreversible, tumultuous decline. This is a bipartisan, neocon/neoliberalcon feeling in Washington. And pivoting, nuclear first-strike Clinton is their Great White Hope
The West should know which side its bread is buttered regarding China. China is the only country doing the foriegn investment in buying up failing western buisnesses, infrastructure and nuclear power now, so it would be unwise for them to bite the hand that feeds them. But this is American politicians so they are capable of anything lunatic.
For Russia, Clinton is the best thing, Russians will know where they stand and prepare for a potential war against the americans and their puppets . A Trump victory would only bring Procrastination. Four years at most, before a Rebublicrat Hegemonic type like Hillary got back in. The Anti-Trump campaign would not stop with his victory, and the Media would create a crisis about inter- race relations, the economy and scandal after scandal about his life and eventually get him impeached, like “they” did to Dilma Rousseff.
“But this is American politicians so they are capable of anything lunatic.
For Russia, Clinton is the best thing, Russians will know where they stand and prepare for a potential war against the americans and their puppets . A Trump victory would only bring Procrastination.” – baz
Not only is the majority of the US political establishment lunatic, but so is the mind that thinks guaranteed war is better than (at worst) 4 years of potential mending of relations, and building of alliances. What you might refer to as ‘procrastination’ others may gladly refer to as a reprieve and chance at hope.
Russia can not afford to risk relaxing even a bit under the hope of repaired relations with the US (they have been trying that since 1991! with absolutely no success). Neither Trump nor Clinton will be in charge in America – the Deep State has that honour. There is no indication whatsoever that the Deep State is changing its mind about Russia, China or Iran. They are after global hegemony, and nothing short of that. So it really doesn’t matter who comes into office in January, strategically. At least with Clinton, Russia has a completely unambiguous view of what to prepare for. With Trump they could well relax their grip on reality for long enough for the US to blindside them.
So lets just get to world war right now then, let the missiles rip….I simply do not understand the logic in these arguments, they hold no water at all. Personnel changes in the administration between Trump and Obama would be a complete 180, whereas with Obama and Hillary any changes would be cosmetic.
The media attacks on Trump would not stop once in office, but the ‘Deep State’ as everyone here likes to affectionately call it actually has very little real dirt on Trump. As much as people want to believe in the corruptness of the billionaire, he has been a stickler by playing within the rules. Ask the IRS who has audited him every year for 20 years if he has any financial mis-dealings. The only dirt they have relates to some of his personal relationships, yet even here most are complete fabrications, as has been shown by concocted stories written by journalists who are then refuted by the so called victims themselves.
The psychological despair that is the hallmark in these parts must please the ‘Deep State’ very much, they have managed to embed the idea of their omnipotence to such an extent that all that remains is war, war and more war.
Another fallacy in the above argument, which I find patently absurd, is that Russia can somehow be tricked, or swindled, or blindsided under an easing of tensions. On what grounds can this argument be made? Russia has plans for investment in military upgrades that will not change no matter who is elected in the U.S. Russia will continue to strengthen business ties within China no matter who is elected in the U.S. Russia will continue to support Syrian sovereignty no matter who is elected in the U.S. Russia will continue to strengthen their outpost in Crimea no matter who is elected in the U.S.
Global hegemony is not assured, for within the ranks of the ‘Deep State’ can be found many ‘White Hats’ who are displeased with the direction of things. As more men and women of conscience act, the weaker the iron grip of tyranny becomes.
I think some of you may need a walk in the forest to think about what you are actually asking for.
All the comments are well said, but yours are the coldest ones, Angelo, seems you have the coolest head in this room :-)
Someway somehow many among us may have impatience to witness the God’s justice be hammered upon the D.C. beasts that have torn down the lives of the many innocents around the world. I believe our planet will be at least relatively more peaceful in the total absence of the menacing beasts!
I really wish your comment represented Trump accurately; I prefer your analysis to the facts I see. Unfortunately, I think Clinton – Trump is a Hegelian dialectic constructed to elect an Illuminati neocon Zionist who will maintain the status quo, including US policy in the Ukraine and Crimea, and that their mutual hostility is theater that’s effectively excluded third-party candidates.
Neocon, CFR Member and Former CIA Director, James Woolsey, Joins the Trump Campaign
Very interesting analysis, especially the Roussef comparison.
With the anti Trump propaganda, it is like the Remain campaign which indeed did not stop after the brexit Referendum! When Democracy gives you the wrong results, ways around it have to be found. Sometimes through Media & NGOs and sometimes with the Pinochet method.
For those here that think China supports a multipolar world model, guess again, there are indications that China supports a bipolar world: i.e. China and the US at the pinacle and everyone else, Russia included, subordinate. I had heard this from Indian analysts and read papers from Indian think tanks as well as reports emanating from US Navy affiliated think tanks, but I wasn’t convinced, well the following Peoples Daily Article/editorial helps push me in the direction that it may be true:
People’s Daily: China should take joint leadership role with US in global economic governance, experts say
Fortunately, the US has zero confidence in the Chinese regime that they cannot trust such an arrangement will be honored. The US sees itself so many leagues beyond China that will not treat China as a peer let alone an equal.
On the bright side at least China is slightly more transparent than in the past.
China just made probably one of its biggest mistakes
That is too simplistic. By taking a big role in globalist euroanglocentric institutions such as IMF, China will eventually completly change the nature of them from within. That is better than shouting angrily from the outside. If anything Yuan reserve currency status shows how the Dollar led western model is becoming more diluted with Eurasian influence. PetroDollar will become redundant. The GB Pound is already gone as a reserve currency.
Also China used to devalue its own currency regularly to make exports cheap but no longer needs to becuase Xi Jinping wants to move away from China being a cheap labour sweat factory for the West. Seems like Modi wants to take this honor for India with his Make It in India slogan. The Chinese Economy is immensely stronger and less corrupt than ten years ago with Domestic market growing very fast. Most urban Chinese have equal living standards with EU.
“becuase Xi Jinping wants to move away from China being a cheap labour sweat factory for the West.”
Yeah, right…
“For several hundred million low-paid workers, there is next to no chance they can own their own home, send their children to a decent school or anyway attain the much vaunted “China Dream” of President Xi Jinping. Wages have certainly increased over the last decade but so has the cost of living, and the gap between middle class professionals and the low wage earners who support them just continues to grow.
One of the key reasons why low-wage earners have not been able to earn a decent income and bridge the gap to the middle class is because they lack the institutional means to collectively bargain for better pay and working conditions. Workers have clearly demonstrated that they have the means and the ability or organize collectively, stage strikes and protests in response to specific labour rights violations. What they do not have however is a trade union that can represent them in collective bargaining with employers.
China’s sole legally mandated trade union, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) has a titular presence in many workplaces but the union representatives are largely under the sway of management and have no real connection to ordinary workers. Trade union officials currently have neither the will nor the ability to effectively represent their members in wage negotiations with management. In many cases, they will actually side with management against the workers.“
A Classic NGO piece of “work”… Now who funds this anti chinese movement?
On their own website-
“””How is CLB funded?
CLB receives grants from a wide range of government or quasi-government bodies, trade unions and private foundations based outside China. Some grants are for specific projects, while others cover CLB’s core operating costs.”””
In other words, USA is using a psuedo trade union socialist movement to undermine the Communist Party and create a pro Western leadership. The same USA that in its own territory has millions of homeless, majority of workers only able to cover basic living costs, no trade union representation, anti socialist legislation, tax subsidies for billionares…… The world has seen through all this NGO psycological operation now. There will be many more Duterte’s coming up the ranks.
“A Classic NGO piece of “work”… Now who funds this anti chinese movement?”
Ah, another conspiracy, eh – what about the World Socialit Website?
“Chinese government’s phony anti-poverty plan
By John Ward
25 March 2016
Poverty alleviation is formally part of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) grand vision of “building a moderately prosperous society” by 2020. In reality, it reflect fears within the Beijing regime that the accelerated pro-market economic restructuring announced at the NPC will lead to rising unemployment, a deepening divide between rich and poor and provoke resistance by workers and the rural poor.
The pittance spent on poverty alleviation is in marked contrast to the money allocated in the national budget for “public security expenses” was 158.4 billion yuan, up 7 percent. The CCP is determined to ensure that its extensive police-state apparatus has the means to suppress social unrest.
An estimated 70 million Chinese live below the official poverty line of 2,300 yuan per year (at 2010 prices). By comparison, the legal minimum wage is 2,310 yuan a month in Guangdong, one of the country richer provinces, and falls to 1,210 yuan a month in smaller towns and more impoverished areas.
Beijing claims to have largely eradicated urban poverty in large part because of a government subsidy paid to urban dwellers to lift incomes to a minimum level of 4,476 yuan per year. A survey of 140,000 households by the China Household Income Project found that only 1.4 percent of the urban population was below the minimum level.
The benchmark poverty level is set at just $US2 a day compared to the official minimum wage levels on which workers struggle to survive. In many cases, workers are paid below the minimum or paid only after lengthy delays or not at all.
Hundreds of millions of people live on very low incomes. According to the World Bank, the number of people in China living on $1.90 per day or less has decreased from 194.1 million in 2008 to 149.6 million in 2010. Those surviving on $3.10 per day or less decreased from 436.6 million in 2008 to 364.4 million in 2010. China’s total population is nearing 1.4 billion.
Social inequality is increasing at a far greater pace. China now has one of the most unequal wealth distributions of any large economy on the planet. The latest World Bank figures rate China at 60th out of 157 countries, ranked from most unequal to least. On this ranking, China is more unequal than the United States (63), Japan (122) and Germany (135).
China has a Gini coefficient of 42.1—a coefficient of 0 signifies complete equality while 100 indicates complete inequality. Other research by Chinese academics published in 2014 puts China’s coefficient as high as 58.8. In the mid-1970s, China ranked as one of the most equal countries in the world with a Gini score below 30.
World Bank figures from 2010 show that 30 percent of income goes to the top 10 percent of the population while 47.1 percent goes to the top 20 percent. The bottom 20 percent received 4.7 percent of national income while the bottom 10 percent only received 1.7 percent.
This super-rich layer is integrated with the top levels of the state apparatus. According to the 2015 Hurun Rich List, 211 Chinese billionaires were given political appointments: 114 as delegates to this year’s National People’s Congress, 79 as members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee (CPPCC), nine to the standing committee of the CPPCC and nine became members of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.
China’s four richest people on the Hurun Rich List are Wang Jianlin and family $26 billion, Li Ka-shing $25 billion, Lee Shau Kee $24 billion, Jack Ma Yun and family $21 billion. Their combined wealth outstrips the total amount that the government plans to spend on poverty alleviation for tens of millions of people.
The NPC announced plans to put greater reliance on private charity. NPC Standing Committee vice chairman Li Jianguo declared that charitable programs will be “indispensable” in the future fight against poverty. A new Charity Bill was proposed to provide tax breaks to wealthy donors and to regulate the sector. According to the China Daily, “philanthropy has rapidly gained momentum in the nation over the past decade, growing from 10 billion yuan (about $1.5 billion) in 2006 to 100 billion yuan ($15 billion) in 2014.”
These so-called poverty alleviation plans come as preparations are being made for a massive assault on the working class. Up to six million jobs are slated to be destroyed over the next six years as Beijing eliminates huge overcapacities in basic industries, such as coal, steel, cement and plate glass causing severe social dislocation. Far from eliminating poverty, the Chinese regime is creating an immense social gulf between the ultra-rich oligarchy whose interests it represents and the vast majority of the population.”
re:”Most urban Chinese have equal living standards with EU.”
They do not! Unless you’re referring to Romania or Bulgaria.
Maybe you need to pay a visit to China.
I already have, worked there too. But apparently, from your comment, you’ve done neither.
@ Saker
You should cover probably this info to. The journalist team of James O’Keeffe’s Project Veritas has infiltrated undervocer the Clinton campaign and reveal how the DNC has organised attacks and violence at Trump rallies and how they try to rig the election. Please people, watch the video and share it!
A key Clinton operative is on camera saying, “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker.”
Thanks for the history lesson, Pepe! I suggest reading the linked item then adding the info gleaned from it to that Pepe’s supplied over his last 10+ essays,
I’m having a flashback.
It was Ecuador who cut Assange’s internet access, this doesn’t say why, though.
WikiLeaks says Ecuador cut off Assange’s internet after new Clinton emails published
Maintaining the Information Monopoly: CNN Host Lies to Viewers About WikiLeaks
“As WikiLeaks unveils emails from John Podesta, the campaign chair of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the mainstream American press has bent over backwards to keep the revelations out of the spotlight, instead focusing on Clinton’s controversial opponent, Donald Trump.
Over the weekend, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo took this effort to downplay the Podesta leaks to a new low.
“Remember, it’s illegal to possess these stolen documents,” he told viewers Sunday morning.
“It’s different for the media. So everything you learn about this you’re learning from us.”
Cuomo’s attempt to dissuade the American public from reading the WikiLeaks documents could have something to do with the fact that several of the emails reveal unethical connections between the mainstream media and the Clinton campaign.
One email, between CNN political commentator Donna Brazile and Clinton’s director of communications Jennifer Palmieri, appears to show the former providing the Democratic campaign with a debate questions ahead of the event.”
The zionazis at cnn have always been the scrapings from the bottom of the sleeze barrel.
“…this doesn’t say why, though.”
It’s about Goldman Sachs.
Shortly after Emails were published on Wikileaks regarding Hillarys speeches @Goldman Sachs, the internet was cut off.
In 2014 Equador made a deal with Goldman: Equador’s gold as security for fresh money…
Exactly Prometeus. Correa’s now in the hock to GS.
But the worry is about Wikileaks: Check out the twitter account. On Oct. 16th three tweets with encryption codes were sent out. These are “dead man switches”. Since Julian couldn’t log into his computer these automatically went out. Someone received these codes and is now in possession of the wikileaks material. Hopefully these people are trustworthy and will follow Julian’s orders…
US Mainstream Journalists Shower Hillary Clinton With Cash Donations of $382,000
“[Through August] 430 people who work in journalism have… combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee,” the report stated. “About 50 identifiable journalists have combined to give about $14,000 to Trump.”
The report severely challenges conventional wisdom that reporters and editors are referees on political playing field and bastions of neutrality who should not root for Team Red or Team Blue, either in word or deed.
As examples, the report cites New Yorker television critic Emily Nussbaum, a Pulitzer Prize winner, who has criticized Trump for running an “ugly and xenophobic campaign,” without informing readers that she contributed $250 to Clinton in April.
The report also cites Carole Simpson, a former ABC “World News Tonight” anchor who now appears regularly on television representing Emerson College, where she works as distinguished journalist-in-residence, for giving Clinton $2,800.
On the Trump side, the report mentions Les Waldron, an Emmy Award-winning assignment editor at television station KFMB, the CBS affiliate in the US city of San Diego, for a $28 donation to the Republican candidate.
The report tally excluded donations from radio ideologues and paid TV pundits, who make no pretense of neutrality, focusing instead on reporters and editors at mainstream news outlets that often claim to embrace fair-minded and neutral reporting on political campaigns.
The results of research by the American Press Institute released in April revealed that only 6 percent of Americans trust the corporate media.”
Only 6% trust the zio-gay media, most still watch, listen and read the zio-toss they produce and unconsciously incorporate this propaganda within their psyche, becoming more or less manipulated zombies, none the same.
‘Only China can help Philippines’: Duterte turns to Beijing as rift with US widens
“”If we can have the things you have given to other countries by the way of assistance, we’d also like to be a part of it and to be a part of the greater plans of China about the whole of Asia, particularly Southeast Asia,” said the 71-year-old leader.
Duterte also promised to avoid inflaming the ongoing dispute about ownership of the South China Sea, over which both Beijing and Manila have a claim.
“There is no sense in going to war. There is no sense fighting over a body of water,” said Duterte of the lucrative shipping route, which could also become a major source of hydrocarbons. “It is better to talk than war. We want to talk about friendship, we want to talk about cooperation, and most of all, we want to talk about business. War would lead us to nowhere.”
In a pointed remark, the Filipino leader said that any negotiations would take place without mediators hostile to China – presumably Japan and the US. Washington has realigned its own geopolitical strategy to confront Beijing’s growing regional might.
Duterte has announced that the country would no longer stage joint war games with the US, the country that has several bases inside the country, and supplies almost all of its military equipment.
Instead, he told the TV station he was open to drills alongside Russian and Chinese troops.”
Is D feigning a lean toward China, or is it a real sea change? If real, this will be a major blow to the zpc/nwo.
it is a act by Duterte.He wears shirts with a checkered pattern on them often. When worn by politicians this symbolises to the Freemasons “I am playing a role like a chess piece.”. Erdogan also wore a checked shirt with a suit before he mended relations with Putin in the summer, which looked very strange and symbolic.
Shinzo Abe has been pro russian lately and wishes to talk with Putin to get the kurills back diplomatically. What would happen is that Japan would get the kurills back and after Abe is gone a usual Pro USA leader would take over, meaning Russia had gained nothing and lost its territory.
No, Duterte is the real thing. He is going to China this very day, and is arranging military training missions with Russia. All over the western media they slander Duterte. This kind of re-alignment is what Western imperialists are dreading. Any resistance to Imperialism is not permitted. Orban is not even a quarter of much anti western as Duterte, but the Liberal West critisices him non stop anyway.
The Drugs and Mafia gangs in Phillipines play the same role as Jihadists do in Muslim countries- proxy allies of the West. These are now being killed and the Phillipine youth will not be enslaved by Drugs. They will not be Little Brown Friends of America as Duterte says in his own words.
Duterte is unstable and immature, he’s throwing a hissy fit because he feels slighted by arrogant and hypocritical Barack Obama snubbing him because of his last word fit against the US wrt to his extra-judicial slaughter of low-level alledged criminals. It was another boneheaded foreign policy screw up of Team Obama.
Duterte knows that US had the power to take him down if he went too far, China cannot trust him.
I happen to follow the Philippines English language news paper. Although I was told not to do so because the English one are very different with how ordinary people think. From what I can pick up (among many comments from many different kind of people), People think the drug crime has lowered, and he has accomplished a lot more in his first 100 days than the previous president accomplished whole term. People love him. US will not dare a coup with the popularity he is enjoying, still at 85% as of today’s survey.
You may think it is “extra-judicial slaughter of low-level alledged criminals” Philippine people does not agree.
So if you did not give US government hard time for extra-judicial droning wedding parties, and kill millions civilians in middle east and the rest of world, I suggest you calm down and take a anti hypocrisy pill.
To the mod; which of you is on staff right now?
Regarding this last comment from the Troll known as “J” (a person impersonating someone from China). He/she/it wrote the following: “I suggest you calm down and take a anti hypocrisy pill.”
Let me reiterate the following moderation rule:
2 ) All comment have to be impeccably courteous to, the blog’s author, moderators, any guest author and all the other commentators. Absolutely no ad hominems or personal attacks.
Can you tell what part of the following:
“I suggest you calm down and take a anti hypocrisy pill.”
is in compliance with your own rules of moderation? Now I supplied this troll Mr. J. response that was appropriate it was censored yet his ad-hominem was let thru. It is professional of you to encourage this kind of behavior? Does it enhance the intellectual level of this blog?
I will repost this query several times over the next few days in case there is a technical error in getting this message thru.
Please understand that there are more than one or two mods. Thus, given that making an assessment of comments falling within or without guidelines is a very subjective thing you are going to get some variations. The guidelines are that – a general guide, and some remarks may be sufficiently borderline such that where, to one mod something said may appear acceptable, to another it might not be. Also, since we do “shifts” it may be that the mod who allowed through the comment to which to which you were responding is not the one who binned yours. I am allowing yours through since I believe you should have the right of reply, but ask ALL commentators again to please bear courtesy and consideration in mind when posting. If you are angry – wait until you’ve cooled down before writing. Thanks. ModPS
Sorry something went wrong with my browser and this request to the moderator did not go thru. With apologies I am reposting (and with corrections as I butchered my previous message)
To the mod; which of you is on staff right now? The last mod that was on staff when I posted a response to J (which was censored) was, I believe, mod-dg.
Regarding this last comment from the Troll known as “J” (a person impersonating someone from China). He/she/it wrote the following: “I suggest you calm down and take a anti hypocrisy pill.” This was in response to my “opinion” of Pres. Duterte and the American “Regime’s” attitude toward him. Not only was J’s response an ad-hominem, which violates your own rules, but it ascribed to me things I never said (like defending American drone attacks) (this obliquely violates your rules of not using straw man arguments).
Let me reiterate the following moderation rule:
2 ) All comment have to be impeccably courteous to, the blog’s author, moderators, any guest author and all the other commentators. Absolutely no ad hominems or personal attacks.
Can you tell what part of the following:
“I suggest you calm down and take a anti hypocrisy pill.”
is in compliance with your own rules of moderation? Now I supplied this troll Mr. J. response that was appropriate pointing out that that his ad-hominem had nothing to do with the subject (irrelevant) and that he himself has complained about human rights violations by other governments but now hypocritically gives Duterte a pass. Yet my response was censored his ad-hominem was let thru. Is it professional of you to encourage this kind of behavior? Does it enhance the intellectual level of this blog?
I have deleted your comment to Mirror because it [a] contravenes the guidelines for posts [b] is pointless, adds nothing to debate, interest or pleasure in being here of anyone reading here [c] and borders on the rude. I will continue to delete all such posts, by either you or anyone else. modPS
Safe down here in the Antipodes, I am cheerleading for Trump. Many here and elsewhere in the Alt Media are doing the same; we are all buying into the America First narrative hoping for a soft landing for Pax Americana. But the good people over at Veterans Today are coming out strong for Killary, so now I am not so sure. I know that Trump has mega-rich Zionists behind him (Sheldon Adelson), and is outwardly supporting Israel with the usual fervour. Some say he is a spoiler candidate, a straw man for Shillary to easily defeat. And really, how can a corrupt and immoral billionaire be our saviour? The fact that I and many other smarter and more experienced people are considering Trump says more about our fears and desperation, rather than clear analysis.
I don’t know what Trump is, but I know what Billary is; more of the same. She is WWIII, he is a maybe. That is probably good enough for me, voting for a reduced chance of WWIII sounds rational. If I were a Yank, I would naturally be a third-party voter anyway (I vote Independent/Greens here). But the Anarchist in me is winning, I think a no-vote is the best option to my mind. Either candidate is a shot of Polonium-210 to the world, and voting for a third party candidate will not change things in the short term. It won’t matter which one of the two candidates wins, we all lose. The only play I reckon is to not vote, so the winner cannot claim a democratic mandate. This is not a wasted vote, but a negative vote for the whole system. I have been ‘voting’ informally in our lower house for years, with an ‘insurance’ vote in our Senate just in case.
No longer in our name.
Sounds more like Zbig’s Idea.? Hillary and Obama only think in terms of themselves.
Basically isolate China and Russia while locking the colonies into the empire with shitty trade deals. Spread chaos in Africa to drive china out and push ISIS into Central Asia where China and Russia have to fight it forever. Finally get China to invade Siberia to grab resources because it’s been cut off from other sources, and you have solved the problem of the world island and the heartland theory.
All you have to do to achieve this is see that the colonies are led by stupid sock puppets and ally yourself with NAZIs and cannibals.
What could possibly go wrong?
Hillary Clinton really is evocative of Lady MacBeth from Shakespeare’s famous play–a power-hungry, bloodlusting witch figure.
What’s more, she, Samantha Power, and Vicky Nuland can be the Three Weird Sisters from the play.
“We Came, We Saw, He Died”
Cackle, cackle, giggle, giggle.
Hillary Cinton = Lady MacDeath
Western Witches are taking over. When women get power they are worse than men for cruelty and deviousness. With an array of demons, Hillary, Psaki, Power, Harf, Nuland, Merkel, May, Sturgeon, Solberg, Lagarde…
How the corruption and desperation working for Mrs.Clinton
BrasscheckTV Report
The filmmaker has a bad reputation
– which he’s earned.
On the other hand, you can’t argue with his recent footage.
He catches US political operatives talking about creating violence at their opponents campaign events.
– Brasscheck TV
For American voters, think twice whom are you going to vote for