by William H. Warrick III for The Saker Blog
The Chief Globalist Demon, AKA “Mr. Global”, tells a Lesser Globalist Demon he better get his act together.
The taboo of talking about these Globalist Demons must end.
In Part 1 of this article my purpose was to explain all the Deep State/MSM/Punditocracy Hysteria about Russia. In Part 2 I break down the who and what these Globalist Demons are and what they are about. The reason we “Lost Russia”, as I tried to explain was that the Globalist Deep State Plan for a Brave New World Government planned by Cecil Rhodes and his MI-6 conspirators is stone cold dead and it cannot be revived no matter how much CPR and Shock Therapy they do because China and Russia have had a Geostrategic Alliance for 20 years that was hashed out in the early and mid-‘90s and formalized in 1999. In that same year, Boris Yeltsin, who had end stage Cardiac and Liver disease had to resign. He appointed a little-known beauracrat, Vladimir Putin, to replace him as President of The Russian Federation. Mr Putin who was a deputy to the Mayor of Saint Petersburg. At that time, he, along with another deputy, were running the Government of Saint Petersburg for the Mayor, Anatoly Sobchak, who had fled the Country because of corruption charges and was in exile in France. Vladimir Putin is a trained lawyer and former Counter-Intelligence Officer in the KGB. In order to be a Counter-Intelligence Officer in the KGB you had to be crème de la cream of Intelligence Officers and since then he has proved himself the crème de la cream of World Leaders.
Boris Yeltsin, a puppet of the US State Department, the CIA and Neo-Liberal Economists from Harvard Business School, had allowed his country to be Raped and Pillaged by these Globalist Criminals in the 1990s who had given him plenty of Vodka to drown himself in while they stole all the Gold, cash Bonds, and Russian Government owned Infrastructure and Natural Resources they could steal. One of those Bond Portfolios, The Black Eagle Trust, is directly connected to The Crime of Sept 11, 2001 and I will say more about that later, but the point here is that everyone in the British and US Deep State thought he was “a sober Yeltsin” (Professor Stephen Cohen to John Batchelor on The John Batchelor Show) who could be controlled in the same way but were they wrong big time. In the two interviews linked below, he explains to the interviewer what Russia’s problems are and what he must do to overcome them and predicts the Islamic State which appeared a dozen years later. He was appointed on New Years eve 1999, at the turn of the Millennium when Americans were in a state of fear and panic about Y2K and how the world would come apart if this ‘problem’ wasn’t solved. He likely was totally unaware of it because “He wasn’t an Internet person” and had much bigger problems to solve, like the Second Chechen War fomented by the Mujahedeen Terrorists that were sent by the Globalists to destabilize the Stans of Central Asia and steal their gas thru a gas pipeline out of the Caspian Basin and thru Afghanistan, and which was to be protected by a NATO military base built along the pipeline route. That plan is in the trash bin because of the Caspian Basin Treaty of the 5 countries that border it. unleashed in Afghanistan in 1979 BEFORE Russia had to be invited in by the Afghan Government to help them fight these Deep State terrorists sent by the Globalists to destabilize the Country so it could be the taken over in order to attack the and set up a gas and since then he has accomplished much of it, but he continues to keep plugging away without any interruption.
For instance, he demands excellence in everything that is done in Russia like in this video at Inessa’s you tube channel. I can guarantee you that these Oligarchs are sweating thru their suit coats and are on the verge of losing their bowel control.
He takes no excuses from these ‘Oligarchs’, supposedly his ‘buddies’ when they screwing things up royally in the preparations for the Sochi Olympics which at that time was 3 years away on a project 2 years behind schedule and 6.8 Billion Rubles over budget. He just asks a series of obvious questions to get down to the Nitty Gritty of the who, what and why of this botched project for the 2016 Winter Olympics and who was stealing the money. Then he demands they take responsibility to get this done pretty damn quick with money out of their pockets. The guy at the center of the screw ups had run to Britain to escape President Putin’s wrath and punishment.
Vladimir Putin explains what he needs to do as the new President in this interview. As a top rate Counter-Intelligence Officer he also foresaw that more of these Western-supported terrorist mercenaries would be attacking Russia in the future because these had been going on for a couple of Centuries. Russia has been under threat of and had had to repel attacks from the West, mainly the British Empire and the French as well, since The Crimean War. After my first trip to Russia in 2016 I audited a course on the Cold War History at the University of Florida. This plan was mentioned in the Textbook for the course. There was a page or so about General Zhukov and Stalin discussing what was in store for the Soviet Union in the Post-Great Patriotic War future and it was about this very plan which they already knew about because these Globalist Demons (this link of Minister Louis Farrakhan warning President oBOMBa about the Globalist Demons” he was messing around with when he ordered the attack of Libya in 2011 has been deleted by youtube) had been attacking them from the West thru Galician Ukraine and in Afghanistan going back to “The Great Game” of the mid-19th Century and the two wars of the 20th Century. So who/what is this Deep State snake pit of Globalist Demons?
It is this:

Trump is off on his own trip.
The center of the common area of the Venn diagram above is the Secret Elite described by Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor in their books Hidden History, the Secret Origins of the First World War and the sequel Prolonging the Agony. This common area has “rings within rings” like an onion.
The inner layer, .00000001% is 6-7 people; this group is led by “Mr Global” as Catherine Austin Fitts of The Solari Report, calls him. In my opinion Lord Rothschild is the most likely candidate. In the picture at the beginning of this Part 2 of Who Lost Russia? it is clear who is in charge and it sure isn’t Prince Charles. He issues the orders to the ‘Deciders’ of the next layer, the .0000001%, 60-70 people. These are the ‘Deciders’ of the Secret Elite plans. Next comes the .000001% 600-700 people who are the Bilderberger Types who discuss and disseminate the plans to the .00001%, 6,000-7,000 people. This group, called “The Trans-National Corporate Class” is described by Peter Phillips and Brady Osborne in their article of that name.
All three of these groups are in the common area. The function of the Secret Societies is enforcement, discipline via Pedophilia videos previously done by Jeffrey Epstein, and now is his “friend”, Gislaine Maxwell, daughter of Robert Maxwell, Deep State Mossad Agent, and when needed assassinations.
The key point is this: The CIA is a subsidiary of MI-6; Harry Truman’s Op-ed in the NYT on Dec 22, 1963, exactly one month to the day after JFK was assassinated, alluded to “a sinister outside force” influencing/controlling the CIA. This is confirmed in Thomas Mahl’s book, Desperate Deceptions on MI-6 pre-WWII propaganda ops in the US to get the population primed for WWII, and how they setup the CIA after the war. The Post-War creation of The National Security Act and the Blueprint for the CIA was dictated to William Donnavan, director of the OSS by ‘M’, the Director of MI-6. The template of MI-6 became the template of the CIA. MI-6 had Agents and Assets, (Agents direct Assets to do specific tasks) thought British East India Corporation, the Dutch East
The following diagram shows the intricately interlocked Mega-Corporation that controls the World Economy. There are 1318 corporations interconnected by their Boards of Directors and a core group of 143 corporations, most of which are very large banks. Fletcher Prouty in his book, The Secret Team reveals that the CIA has contract agents embedded in all of these corporations, many of which are on these Boards. Additionally, the study that ended up with the 1318 began with more than 40,000. All of them are infested by the CIA as well.
This link is to the original article which was about a mathematical analysis of the ownership of 43,060 Trans-national corporations to look at the ownership patterns. I posted a comment below the article that said they needed to look not at ownership but at the Boards of directors. Project Censored picked up the article as being one of the 25 most censored articles of 2011 and looked at the BoD and came up with their article.
This article explains the depth of how the “All Pervasive Military Industrial Complex” is deeply embedded in the Death Star. The author, Joan Roelofs, is Professor Emerita of Political Science at Keene State College in New Hampshire.
This article explains all the interconnections of BoDs, giant and small companies that make up The Death Star. There is an example from the War on Vietnam that had a huge impact for the M-16 rifle used in that war. My instructor for my course in Intelligence Analysis at Ft Devens, Massachusetts told our class about one day. The M-16 had real problems in ’65 and ’66 will freezing up due to rust from the constant moisture and Rainy Season. The gun grease they used would not hold up in those conditions. Then a small company in Tennessee came up with “Dry Slide” gun grease that worked. It was embedded with tiny graphite granules that made it work in those conditions so it became one of these small Military contractors that became bigger from this single, but extremely important item.
So this is what we are up against and it seems invincible, but just like Superman seemed invincible, it turned out that a piece of his home planet, called Kryptonite, could make him weak as a kitten. We have some Kryptonite that can break the grip the Death Star holds over us, and that will be the subject of Part 3 of this article.
Dr Warrick was born in Philadelphia, Pa. in December 1943 and has Bachelors Degrees in Business Administration and Psychology, an MD Degree from the University of Pennsylvania and was a Family Physician in Gainesville Florida for 34 years and now does Open Source Intelligence Analysis in Geopolitics, The Empire, Public Banking and Modern Monetary Theory.
Here is an article that one of Russia’s most significant moves to reduce its dependency on the U.S. dollar:
This move is clearly working against the globalist elite’s agenda for Russia.
If you call The Bilderbergs… you should start with The Pilgrim Society…. and Cecil Rhodes…
One major correction to the article. Boris Yeltsin never resigned because of cardiac and liver problems. He resigned because he had no choice.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, Yeltsin foolishly introduced liberal capitalism in Russia. The country became an object of plunder by domestic oligarchs and Western banks and corporations, which almost led to the dissipation of Russia as a state. Seeing what was happening, patriotic Russian forces (from the military, security agencies, academia, etc.) united and presented Yeltsin with an offer: If he resigned and placed Vladimir Putin in charge, he would not be prosecuted for treason. He accepted. The deal was honored. Putin even came to his funeral.
There is little doubt that Putin saved Russia from implosion, bringing her back to the world stage as a super power. Now Russia, in conjunction with China, is moving forward. The West on he other hand, is paying the price of imperial ambition. This especially applies to the US, which is looking into a financial collapse and possible break up. As the old saying goes, “its a turning world”.
I agree. What I should have said was that was “the Official reason”, his health, but yes it was because Patriotic Russians who were military and Intelligence saw that Yeltsin was under the control of the Snakes and Lizards of the Deep State who were controlling him with gallon after gallon of vodka, and were witnessing the Second Rape of Russia in the 20th century taking place before their very eyes so they put an end to it with the man they knew would get us out of this mess, and he did it pretty quickly. Then in ’07 he warned the Deep State, but to quote him, “they didn’t listen” and he told them again in the recent past and they still aren’t listening and now its too late because the China-Russia Double Helix in force for 20 years has taken over Eurasia and there isn’t a Damn thing they can do about it.
What was the First Rape of Russia in the 20th century?
The Revolution of 1905 followed by the one in 1917. Okay we could say that WWI was the beginning, which was intended to destroy Orthodox Russia.
Interestingly not a very publicized fact: One of the first things Lenin did was to provide money and weapons to Turkey for its wars between 1919-32, just like the Germany. Which also helped Turkey to genocide Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks on its territory (stolen lands).
Interesting video about communist action against Pontic Greeks, while Tsar supported them in 1916.
Sorry it’s in Greek. It says that Lenin signed support agreement with Kemal in March of 1921.
Please go to Cafe, where I am providing not your usual history. Black Sea stuff.
Yeltsin, the greatest Quisling in history, didn’t introduce capitalist pillage ‘foolishly’. He did it deliberately, on orders from his US patrons. Yeltsin, the cirrhotic, died a hero, to his Western controllers, and reviled by his victims. They do love him in Israel, too.
Who lost Russia? Part 1 has a slightly different title; it doesn’t say Part 1
Here’s the link from September 24, 2019:
Who lost Russia?
I hope there will be a Part 3.
Its in the works.
Go to this image above, it tells you everything you need to know about the two of them. I wanted to put it in the comment but they don’t take images, only the link. Also FYI, Joe Rogan just interviewed Edward Snowden on his youtube channel and everyone should see it. Joe supports Tulsi to the hilt. He has a 2:35 minute interview with her as well.
Excellent article. Although I think the CIA was reporting to the Rockefeller’s. With the death of Dave we have a good chance to get stuff done. Probably a succession crisis among the top leaders. They are losing slowly on all fronts as the internet makes info available much faster these days. Trump being an American nationalist is helping dismantle the Death Star a bit at a time.
Joe Rogan’s long form interview of Tulsi.
All the myths about Tulsi are debunked.
“For instance, he demands excellence in everything that is done in Russia like in this video at Inessa’s you tube channel”.
Amazing video! Thank you author for sharing……this is how you fight corruption, in a cool, just, logic, understanding and diplomatic manner.
When you come to the realization, it is actually astounding how such few people can have such a huge impact. President Putin is proof of what a good dose of justice, courage, confidence, balance, control and a touch of luck (or guidance from God, as we worshippers would prefer to say) can do to the environment around you.
Putin is an example and a form of encouragement for all those who want to make a difference whether on a small or large scale.
The reason Putin and those ‘few’ people have had such a huge impact is the large number of people behind Putin, who got him into the job in the first place.
And again, look at Putin’s training and academic qualifications; from the best that Russia had, but something I do not believe can be found in the US, regardless of the names of their universities.
Dear William,
Thank you very much for this article. It is in places difficult to read, but the gist is there for all to follow.
As far as I am aware, I am not related to Jim Macgregor, but I have read a little bit of history and enjoyed it.
You have stated, “The CIA is a subsidiary of MI-6” and that relationship has always been there. However if one goes back to Henry VIII, then we would see that Henry’s ‘Spymaster’ was William Cecil, and a Jew who wrote Yiddish. For any spy there was the need to communicate in a written language that most other people couldn’t understand, but any other ‘spy’ could. Thus should come the realisation that spying was a Jewish occupation and has been for centuries.
Again, you have mentioned the assassination of JFK, and Fletcher Prouty [L. Fletcher Prouty alleged that Lansdale can be seen in one of the “three tramps” photographs that were taken near the Texas School Book Depository.] and once it is realised that Edward Geary Lansdale was at Dallas on that day, and that Lansdale had resigned from his office on the 1st November 1963, then Lansdale being at Dallas was not a coincidence.
Furthermore, if one reads the book ‘Spycatcher’ by Peter Wright, especially page 162, then one may understand that both MI5/6 were aware of the pending assassination of JFK, and the weapon used to kill LHO by a MI6 trained assassin (not Ruby) (hint: look at the manner in which the revolver is held)
You have also made mention of the Crimean War in which for the very first time both Britain and France, the very best of enemies, were on the same side, which may be explained by the fact both of these countries were now ruled by a Rothschild.
And of course, the Dutch East India Company became the British East India Company only after the Dutch Banker, William, with his wife Mary became king and queen of Britain after the ‘Glorious Victory’.
Lets not forget to the “speed it up” remark that President Reagan suffered with Donald Regan.
and if one desires a great read on why not to vote here a small sampling from Doug
L: Doug, last week we spoke about presidents. We have an election coming up in the U.S., one many people believe is very important even though it isn’t a presidential election – an election that could have significant consequences on our investments. But given the views you’ve already expressed on the Tea Party movement and anarchy, I’m sure you have different ideas. What do you make of the impending circus, and what should a rational man do?
Doug: Well, a rational man, which is to say, an ethical man, would almost certainly not vote in this election, or in any other – at least above a local level, where you personally know most of both your neighbors and the candidates.
L: Why? Might not an ethical person want to vote the bums out?
Doug: No. I’ve thought about this a lot, so let me give you five reasons why no one should vote.
The first reason is that voting is an unethical act, in and of itself. That’s because the state is pure, institutionalized coercion. If you believe that coercion is an improper way for people to relate to one another, then you shouldn’t engage in a process that formalizes and guarantees the use of coercion.
L: It’s probably worth defining coercion in this context. I know you agree with me that force is ethical in self defense. A murderer I shoot might feel coerced into accepting a certain amount of hot lead that he did not consent to, but he intended the same, or worse, for me, so the scales are balanced. What you are talking about is forcing innocent, non-consenting others to do things against their wills, like paying taxes that go to pay for military adventures they believe are wrong, etc.
Doug: Right. The modern state not only routinely coerces people into doing all sorts of things they don’t want to do – often very clearly against their own interests – but it necessarily does so, by its nature. People who want to know more about that should read our conversation on anarchy. This distinction is very important in a society with a government that is no longer limited by a constitution that restrains it from violating individual rights. And when you vote, you participate in this unethical system.
That the CIA is controlled from the City via MI6. Who knew? Pappie Bush, CIA, puts over US$1billion on deposit with Coutts Bank. Wankin Bill is CIA all day long, and the Shape Shiftin Bummer signs off on the ‘eye spy on evereyone named Trump.’ No, you really think England has control over the USA, say it ain’t so.