Dear friends, Christ is born! Glorify Him!
The magnitude of the crisis in Kazakhstan has surprised many, including myself. Some compared what happened to the Euromaidan in Kiev, but that is a very bad comparison, if only because the Euromaidan happened on one square of one city whereas the violent insurrection (because that is what it was!) in Kazakhstan began in the western regions but quickly spread to the entire country (which is huge). Just by the sheer magnitude of the insurrection (about 20’000 well organized and trained combatants all over the country) and its extreme violence (cops had their heads cut off!), it was pretty obvious that this was not something spontaneous, but something carefully prepared, organized and then executed. The way the insurgents immediately attacked all TV stations and airports, while bigger mobs were trashing the streets and looting stores, shows a degree of sophistication Ed Luttwak would have approved of!
To me, this is much more similar to what happened in Syria in the cities of Daraa, Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Damascus, and many more.
I will admit that my initial reaction also was “wow, how could the Kazakh and Russian intelligence services miss all the indicators and warnings that such a huge insurrection was carefully prepared and about to explode?”. Then came the news that President Tokaev appealed to The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which up until now was a rather flaccid organization and that very same evening Russia began an air bridge to move forces to Kazakhstan, including the subunits of the 45th Guards Separate Special Forces Brigade, 98th Guards Airborne Division and 31st Guards Airborne Assault Brigade. Russian military transporters also airlifted small contingents of Armenian, Kyrgyz, Tadjik special forces. Most interestingly, the Belarusians also sent one reinforced company from their elite 103rd Separate Guards Airborne Brigade (that is the famous Vitebsk Airborne Division, one of the best Soviet Airborne Divisions). Considering the current tensions with the West over the Ukraine, the speed with which these forces were sent to Kazakhstan indicated to me that this was clearly a prepared move.
In other words, at least the Russians had advanced warning and were fully prepared. If so, I doubt they said anything to their colleagues from the CSTO, with the possible (likely?) exception of the Belarusians.
Okay, so let’s explore the implications of the above.
If the Russians knew, why did they do nothing at all to prevent what just happened?
Here we first need to revisit what recently happened in Belarus.
President Lukashenko had pretty much the same foreign policy as President Tokaev: something they call a “multi-vector” foreign policy which I would summarize as follows: pump all the aid and money from Russia, while suppressing pro-Russian forces inside your own country and try to show the AngloZionist Empire that we can be bought, just for the right price of course (this is also what Vucic is doing in Serbia right now). Now let’s recall what happened in Belarus.
The Empire and its vassal states in the EU tried to overthrow Lukashenko who had no other choice than to turn to Russia for help and survival. Russia, of course, did oblige, but only in exchange for Lukashenko’s “good behavior” and comprehensive abandonment of his “multi-vector” foreign policy. Lukashenko prevailed, the opposition was crushed, and Russia and Belarus have already taken major further steps towards their integration.
Now I know that there are those out there who love to accuse Putin (personally) that he “showed weakness”, “let the US and NATO blow up countries on the Russian periphery”, etc. etc. etc. To those inclined to this, I ask a simple question: compare the Belarus before the insurrection and after. Specifically, from the Russian point of view, was the multi-vectoring Belarus preferable to the fully aligned Belarus of today or not? The answer, I submit, is absolutely obvious.
Now let’s look at Kazakhstan. Potentially, this is a much more dangerous country for Russia than Belarus: it has a huge border (7’600km, open and undefended as Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic Community!), a strong pan-Turkic underground (supported by Turkey), an equally strong Takfiri underground (supported by various non-state and even state actors in the region), ethnic tensions between the Kazakhs and the Russian minority and very important security ties to Russia. To have the Empire take over Belarus would have been very bad indeed, but the Empire taking over Kazakhstan would have been even much worse.
Yet, as a direct (and, I submit, predictable) consequence of the insurrection, Tokaev now knows that his fate depends on Russia, just like Lukashenko’s. Is that a bad or a good outcome for the Kremlin?
I will toss in another name here: Armenia’s Pashinian, who was a notorious russophobe until the Azeris attacked at which point he had no other choice but to turn to Russia for help and, frankly, survival. That is also true of Erdogan, but he is an ungrateful SOB who can’t ever be trusted, not even for minor matters.
Now remember all those dummies who were screaming urbi et orbi that the CSTO is useless, that the Russians just let the Azeris beat the crap of Armenia and could do nothing about it? As soon as Russia got involved, the war stopped and the “invincible” Bayraktars stopped flying. Is that a good or bad outcome for Russia?
And now, oh sweet irony, the self-same Pashinian happens to be the formal head of the CSTO (more like Stoltenberg really, a official mouthpiece with no real authority) and he had to “order” (announce, really) the CSTO operation into Kazakhstan.
So we have Lukashenko, Pashinian and now Tokaev all ex-multi-vector politicians begging Russia for help and getting that help, but at the obvious political price of ditching their former multi-vector policies.
I don’t know about you, but for me this is a triumph for Russia: without any military intervention or “invasion” (what the TV watching infantiles in the West scare themselves with at night), Putin “cracked” three notorious multi-vectorists and got them to be nice, loyal and very grateful (!) partners for Russia. By the way, Russia also has a very deep “penetration” into all the other “stans” whose leaders are not stupid and who, unlike the western journos and “experts” all read the writing on the wall. The impact of what just took place in Kazakhstan will reverberate all over Central Asia.
About the CSTO operation itself. First, the Russian and Belarusian forces (about 3’000 Russians and 500 Belarusians): they are truly elite, top of the line, battle hardened, professional, highly trained and superbly equipped forces (the other smaller contingents are more for “PR decoration” than for anything else). Officially, their mission is only to protect key official (Kazakh and Russian) facilities but these forces would be more than enough to make minced meat of out any western or Turkish trained Takfiris or nationalists, even if their numbers are much higher than the 20’000 estimate. And, in the worst case, these forces happen to be in control of key airports where Russians (and Belarusians) could send in even more forces, including at least two Russian airborne divisions. That would be a force nothing in Central Asia can even dream of taking on. I should also mention that Russia has a large and strategically crucial military base in Tadjikistan which has trained to fight against Takfiri terrorists and insurgents for decades now and which could also support any Russian military operation in Central Asia.
So the objective of these forces are:
- To free up Kazakh security and military forces to put down the uprising (which they are doing)
- To send a political message to the Kazakh security forces: we got your back, no worries, do your job.
- To send a political message to the insurgents: you will either lay down arms, flee abroad or die (which is what Putin ordered in both Chechnia and Syria, so these are not empty threats at all).
- To send a political message to the US and Turkey: Tokaev is our guy now, you lost him and this country!
- To send a political message to the entire Central Asia and Caucasus: if Russia has your back, you will stay in power even if the idiots at CIA/NED/etc. try to color-revolutionize you.
- To send yet another message to folks like Erdogan or Vucic – all that multi-vectorness will end up very badly for you, use your head before it is too late (for you, not for us – we are fine either way!).
Some have suggested that the timing of the insurrection Kazakhstan was some kind of attempt by US/NATO to “hurt” Russia in her “weak underbelly” and to show Russia that she has to back down from her ultimatum to the West (negotiations are supposed to start tomorrow, in an atmosphere of general pessimism). Well, I don’t have any info out of Langley or Mons, but if that was the US plan, then this entire project not only collapsed, but has backfired very very badly indeed.
Remember, the PSYOP narrative was that Putin is either stupid, or weak or sold out to the West, yet when we look at the “before and after” thingie, we see that while the West “almost” (or so they think) “got” Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and, now, Kazakhstan, the reality is that in each case it appears that the narcissistic megalomaniacs running the West have confidently waltzed into a carefully laid Russian trap which, far from giving the Empire the control of the countries it “almost” acquired, made them lose them for the foreseeable future.
Can you imagine the level of impotent rage and frustration in Langley and Mons when they watch that kind of footage: oy veh!!
Oh sure, the AngloZionist propaganda machine and the clueless trolls (paid or not) who parrot that nonsense won’t say a word about all this, but just use your own common sense, use the “before and after” thing, and reach your own conclusions.

Joint briefing by the commander of the collective peacekeeping forces of the CSTO in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, and Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Lieutenant General Sultan Gamaletdinov.
Speaking of conclusions: how about all those who bitched about the CSTO being a toothless wannabe copy of NATO which can get nothing done? You still find it so toothless now?
How does it compare to NATO, no, not on paper, but in terms of combat operations capability?
The West wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a “Russian Afghanistan” (same plan for the Ukraine, by the way). Turkey wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a Turkish-run vassal state. The Takfiris wanted to turn Kazakhstan into some kind of Emirate.
In your opinion, how do you evaluate the effectiveness of a collective security treaty which could foil all of these plans with only a brigade-sized force and in just a few days?
One more thing: there is something else which Kazakhstan and Syria have in common: there were A LOT of CIA/MI6/Mossad/etc agents around Assad, this became quite clear by the number of high-level Syrian officials who either backed the insurrection, or even led it. Most later fled to the West, some were killed. But the point is that the “apple” of the power structure in Syria was quite rotten. The same can be said for Kazakhstan where a huge purge is taking place, with the highly influential head of the security services (and former Prime Minister!) not only demoted, but arrested for treason!
So in plain English, the SVR/FSB/GRU will now have a free hand to “clean house” the same way the Russians “cleaned house” around Lukashenko and Assad (in this case with Iranian help): quietly and very effectively,
Again, I can hear the hysterical and desperate wailing out of Langley and Mons. That’s what you get for believing your own stupid propaganda!
As for those who bought that silly “Putin losing countries all over the former Soviet Union space” PSYOP narrative, they probably feel quite stupid right now, but won’t ever admit it. Speaking of stupid,
No, Putin is NOT, repeat, NOT trying to “re-create” the Soviet Union.
And while that mediocre non-entity Blinken warns about how the Russians are “hard to get out once they come in” (coming from a US Secretary of State this is both quite hilarious and a new, even higher, level of absolute hypocrisy!), the truth is that most CSTO forces will leave pretty soon, if only because there will be no need to keep them in Kazakhstan. Why? Simple: the hardcore trained terrorists and insurgents will soon be dead, the looting rioters will get off the streets and hope that they don’t get a visit from the Kazakh NSC (National Security Committee) or cops, the traitors in power will either leave the country for the EU or be jailed and the Kazakh security and military forces will regain control of the country and maintain law and order.
Why would the Russian paratroopers and special forces need to stay?
Furthermore, Russia has no need, or desire, to invade or, even less so, administer poor, mostly dysfunctional countries, with major social problems and very little actual benefits to offer Russia. And now that Lukashenko, Pashinian, and Tokaev know that they serve at the pleasure of the Kremlin, you can rest assured that they will generally “behave”. Oh sure, they will remain mostly corrupt states, with nepotism, tribal affiliation, and religious extremism all brewing at some level, but as long as they represent no threat to a) the Russian minority in these states and 2) to Russian national security interests, the Kremlin will not micro-manage them. But at the first sign of a resurgence of “multi-vectoriality” (possibly inspired by the many western corporations working in Kazakhstan) the chairs upon which these leaders currently sit will immediately begin shaking pretty badly and they will know whom to call to stop this.
Speaking of weak “idiots” who “lost” countries to the Empire, does anybody care to make a list of countries the Empire has ACTUALLY snatched away from Russia (or any other adversary) and succeeded in keeping? Syria? Libya? Afghanistan? Iraq maybe? Yemen? And that is after the “Mission Accomplished” declaration by a “triumphant” US President :-)
Okay, the three Baltic statelets. Bravo! Captain America won another Grenada!
Ah, I can hear the voices chanting “the Ukraine! What about the Ukraine!?”. Well, what about the Ukraine?
There is a Russian saying (цыплят по осени считают) which can be roughly translated as “do not count your chickens before they are hatched“. Right now, NOBODY can confidently predict what will happen with the Ukraine further down the road. Not only has the Ukraine become a country 404 deindustrialized shithole, it now is run by an entire class (in the Marxist sense) of Nazis whom, apparently, nobody has the will or the ability to de-Nazify (Russia could, but has exactly zero motive to do so, as for the US/NATO, LOL!!). Even if Russia and the US agree to some kind of neutral status for the Ukraine, this will not remove a single Nazi from power and, if anything will create the conditions for an even bigger breakup of the country (which is what I think will eventually happen anyway, but very slowly and very very painfully).
The one thing which the Ukraine does have in common with Kazakhstan is that these are both invented countries created by the rabidly Russophobic Bolsheviks: not only are their current borders meaningless (and I mean totally completely meaningless), but these borders bring under one totally artificial political “roof” completely different regions and ethnic groups. The big difference is, of course, that the Ukie leaders, all of them, were, and still are, infinitely worse than either Nazarbaev or Tokaev ever were. Also, Ukie nationalism is the most hate-filled and demented on the planet, they can only be compared with the Hutu Interahamwe in Rwanda. Yes, there is definitely a nationalist streak in the Kazakh society (lovingly nourished and fed by the West for decades), but in comparison with the Ukronazis, these are soft-spoken and mostly mentally sane humanitarians. In my personal, and therefore admittedly subjective, experience, Kazakhs and Russians get along much better than Ukrainians and Russians.

Belarusian-style “housecleaning” in Kazakhstan has already begun!
Last, but not least, it will take decades to de-Nazify the Ukraine, and God only knows who will be willing and capable of doing that (certainly NOT Russia!) whereas Kazakhstan’s insurgents are already being killed, in large numbers (several thousand by some accounts), by Kazakh security forces. As for the Kazakh oligarchs and officials who assisted them, they are either dead or in jail or already abroad.
Did I mention China? It is a very important actor in Kazakhstan. On one level, China and Russia are economic and even political competitors in Kazakhstan, however China absolutely and categorically cannot allow Kazakhstan to be taken over by either the US/NATO, or the Takfiris or the pan-Turkists. The Chinese have not flexed their military muscle (yet), but they could, and you can be rest assured that they will flex with (immense) economic muscle to prevent such an outcome. So while the poor Ukraine has Poland as a neighbor, Kazakhstan has both Russia and China which are absolutely determined not to allow any hostile force (anti-Chinese or anti-Russian, these are the same forces) to color-revolutionize Kazakhstan and turn it into the kind of nightmarish shithole the Empire turned so many countries into, from the US-occupied EU to the Nazi-occupied Ukraine (before eventually losing them anyway!).
The bottom line about the Ukraine is this: let’s wait and see what kind of chickens the Ukie eggs will hatch in time and whether the eventual outcome will be worse or better for Russia. And, by “outcome” I do not refer to the roaring statements coming from western politicians and the talking heads on the idiot box, I mean actual outcomes, which in such matters can take months or even years before becoming fully apparent. (I know, those dead set on the “Putin is weak” thing will ignore my advice or any facts or logic, I am mostly addressing these suggestions to those who hear that narrative and want to figure out for themselves whether it is true or false).
What just happened in Kazakhstan was both a US-triggered full-scale insurrection AND an attempted coup. There is overwhelming evidence that the Russians were aware of what was coming and allowed the chaos to get just bad enough to give only one possible option to Tokaev: to appeal for a CSTO intervention. The extreme swiftness of the Russian military operation took everybody by surprise and none of the parties involved in that insurrection+coup (the US, the Takfiris and the Turks) had any time to react to prevent the quick deployment of (extremely) combat-capable forces which then made it possible for the Kazakh military and security forces to regroup and go on the offensive. Having Pashinian “order” this CSTO operation was beautiful, karmic, cherry on the cake :-)
All in all, this is just the latest in a series of cataclysmic failures of the leaders of the (already dead) AngloZionist Empire and the (equally dead) USA to actually get something, anything, done. In the confrontation between western hot air and Russian military action, the latter has prevailed, yet again.
Tomorrow the US will try to scare Russia with talks about “sanctions from hell”. Good luck with that!
I am prepared to believe this was MI6 rather than CIA though I suppose NED is always a key instigator of trouble. I am bemused by these US bio-labs in Ukraine and Kazakhstan and when I read “400 military biological laboratories created by the United States in 25 countries, including former Soviet republics – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.” I am startled !
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
Since the name of the Serbian president A. Vučić has been mentioned twice in the posting, I feel that I have to react. Let me make it clear: I’ve never been his supporter. And while the Saker may be considered somewhat friendly, please note that deeper “friendship and orthodox brotherhood” with Russia in general is not acceptable to us any more for it is eminently fake. Whenever I hear Saker or any other Russian critically pronouncing Vučić’s name or any other name or words that have something to do with us, I feel like I will throw up. I ask him: what is it that gives you an idea that we have or that we want to have anything to do with Russia or Russians? Do you think we owe you something and if so, what is it? Instead of checking on Vučić maybe the Saker should verify whether the Russian Foreign ministry has lately forgotten to replace the fresh flowers on F. Tudjman’s tomb for we know that placing a wreath in Jasenovac slaughterhouse would contradict with everything the so-called “modern” Russia stands for. Has Saker forgotten that the Russian real friends and allies are just across our western border and that for the length of war in the Balkans Russia was politically, militarily and morally supporting them i.e., the Croatian fascists, the bestial killers Ustaša, a member of NATO that Russia helped to create by denying all rights to the Serbian minority. Russia was a shameful servant of the US, NATO and Papacy. I have absolutely no reason to believe that it is not the case any more because the Serbs were equally treated by both B. Yeltsin and V. Putin. As it happens with many Serbs, I too simply don’t like Russia any more, I feel exactly the opposite, I feel no closeness with Russians any more than I feel close to, for example, the Finns or Koreans. Actually, just like almost all other Europeans I feel disgusted and revolted with Russia. We, the Serbs, accuse Russia of complicity in ethnic cleansing of Serbs in what is today known as Croatia; of approving US sanctions against us and breaking them to help our enemies; of arming our enemies and of our blood spilled by the use of those weapons; of helping the “partners” to establish the kangaroo court to prosecute our patriots, politicians, generals etc., and helping the western, NATO “partners” in rounding them up; of Putin’s plotting ouster of S. Milosevic with his “partner” B. Clinton; of spying on Serbian people for NATO and threatening us if we don’t surrender (V. Chernomyrdin during the bombing); of breaking up our state, namely, the Serbia and Montenegro (Putin 2006), 6 years after the war ended and recognizing independence of Montenegro instantly, before any other major western country did, which undeniably shows Russian intentions and character, exactly as Russia had been showing the very same traits throughout the last 30 years. It could not have been an accident! Finally, if you still wonder I can tell you that I have come to conclude that the saying “if you sleep with the dogs, you will wake up with the fleas” perfectly fits this case. As we say: далеко вам кућа била!
P.S. Don’t delude yourself that if you, as usual, do not allow comments like this, nobody will know. The truth is we all know what happened, although many are still struggling with that knowledge because, deep down, we know that we can’t trust Russia ever again. Our perceived “brotherly” relations have been drowned in our blood and misery.
Whenever I hear Saker or any other Russian critically pronouncing Vučić’s name or any other name or words that have something to do with us, I feel like I will throw up
Why do you even bother reading my blog?
It seems that we elicit the same feeling in each other, why insist?
Or do you get paid (by Vucic’s masters) to:
a) defend Vucic policies of surrender to the Empire
b) try to sour relations between Russian and Serbs
Truly, whether you are paid to do that or not makes no difference to me: you are like a rabid vegan visiting a steakhouse just to bitch about it serving meat.
How about you stay in our own comfort zone, that is away from me and this blog?
Would that not be much better for both of us?
My parting (at least I hope so!) comment to you will be simple:
no matter how ugly, corrupt and evil Russia and Russian politicians have been (or even still are) does not make Vucic less of a prostitute. So your apology for Vucic by means of blaming Russia and Russians for evil things is simply a non sequitur (blackening A does not make B whiter).
Your Vucic is our Eltsin.
We got rid of our prostitute.
Get rid of yours and we might take you seriously again.
Until that you are nothing but a sad bunch of “bratushki” losers for sale to the highest bidder.
Bye bye (<<== that is a "subtle hint", get it?)
Serbian president Vucic has proved himself to be friend of Russia. If he, or any other Serbian president for that matter, pursued his Russian policies in the same fashion in which Russia pursued its Serbian policies for the last three decades than the president Vucic would be arming Ukraine, Georgia, possibly Syrian terrorists; he would also vote against all pro-Russian resolutions in UN; he would have in place all western sanctions against Russia etc. None of this is happening. Absurdly, still the only nation friendly to Russia, not only in the Balkans but in whole Europe, is Serbia. Why my Russian friends seem so uncapable of appreciating those simple facts?
Where is Serbia located, in which environment, geographically and politically, which historical, economic references continue to shape this state, which it cannot o.w. avoid, etc., etc..
Thus, some “vectors” are obvious, which inevitably determine Serbian politics.
This is a completely different situation from those of Belarus or Kazakhstan.
Moreover, international politics is like a schoolyard: people like to rally around strength and power – and even if this is eroding, degenerating more and more into a semblance of previous greatness, a certain inertia follows from the aura of former splendor …
And the RF has no interest at all to slip into the shoes of the USA or to take over the historical role of Europe (China probably not either).
Andrei -You should know better than to let yourself being triggered by Mocking Bird disinformation agent, and what appears to be a Khazaran Uki Troll writing crap out of Canada, because he is paid or because he knows what he said will annoy you? First, there is clearly no truth in what he says. Two, he doesn’t sound Serbian at all. It is a professionally written provocation which you wouldn’t find once in a1000 Serbian thoughts and comments as the the sentiment totally doesn’t ring true. Vucic is seemingly again on his knees begging this time Rosatom to build him a power plant which in the case of Belorussia costed $10b. Serbian can never pay this back. But this is a form of bribe that Vucic seeks. What you need to know is he counts on Putin for more or less, everything. And Putin likely handles him and approves what Vucic is doing, as his double agent, who he actually controls just as the 2nd Kosovo “President” Behgjet Isa Pacolli who remodeled Kremlin and then ended up president in Kosovo. Coincidence? You should know better.
Speaking of geopolitics, and what is ACTUALLY going, toops on the border and “gun on the Ukrainian had” is just a misdirection.
Based on two factors firat, and some additional intelligence, you can easily assume, Putin will not invade Ukraine. What you see hand does is not what is going on – watch your pockets as you’ve been distracted.
(1) Under the agreement Merkel had reached with Biden, Germany promised to push to extend a Russian-Ukrainian gas transit agreement for 10 years as well as contribute $175m to a new green fund for Ukraine to improve its energy independence with renewables. “Should Russia attempt to use energy as a weapon or commit further aggressive acts against Ukraine”, the statement also read, “Germany will take action at the national level and press for effective measures at the European level, including sanctions, to limit Russian export capabilities to Europe in the energy sector, including gas”. Merkel said these assurances applied not just to her administration, but to her successor’s. (2) Base on Dodik’s arrogant anti-Empire statement (sic) … the days when the United States and other Western democracies “modeled Bosnia to their taste” are long gone, snd (3) based on the Lavrov comment that if the Empire light the fire again under Bosnia, Europe will burn this time, it appears that if Russia feel persuaded to undermine NATO to the point of failure, the Trojan Horse is Bulgaria which just refused NATO troops on its territory. Accordingly, what you may live to see is fight which may start any day in Bosnia, will escalate in Dodik asking Russia for help and The 106th and 85th Guards landing in Sarajevo, Banja Luka and then in Serbia and Bulgaria, which will trigger political collapse of NATO. The dynamic would be clear, the S-400 that Russia left in Serbia will come online. In conjunction with the one in Crimea and Kaliningrad, there would be a de facto overlapping, dense no fly zone over the Europe. WHo would come fight Sukhois over the Black see? Erdogan? (1) His few airports on which he has f-16 will be taken out pronto, (2) Russia will back Greece and Bulgaria to move to take Istanbul (Constantinople) for the new Capital of the Bisantia, which is what Putin really want. WHo do I know? Whose amblem Russia flies now? This is not Tsarist yelo banner with black eagle. it is Byzantine, red shield with gold two headed eagles. Add several bastion batteries near Varna and who could even in theory challenge Sukhois and VDV, in Bulgaria?
For better understading what is going on, Anthony Blinken and Wendy Sherman are both of Khazarian ethnicity and you know what they want and why they hate Russians. While they are focused on Ukraine, the way to make tectonic shift is triggering Byzantine idea which Greeks would dies for. A it appears, Putin have also promised them half Albania and the second half will be incorporated in Serbia. The Pan Slavic empire with the capital in Constantinople and with Grece incorporated is the new European security order that Trump, Xi and Putin suppose to negotiate in Belgrade but COVID was the coup unleashed to derail all three of them and to bring the lefties in pover. This is why Medvedev was moved out of the position of Prime Minister. Remember, without Bulgaria Serbia will never get S-400. While Kazarians are focused on Ukraine, which they badly want back, the way to defeat the “castle” is by going to the backdoor.
A Weak Link in NATO? Bulgaria, Russia, and the Lure of Espionage
This is +++. Thank you brother for being able to disassociate yourself from the smoke and from the mirrors. Thank you for being able to articulate the purest truth and our purest, but hidden, feelings. God bless you!
Wow! I’m American and even I found this diatribe bizarre. I can say that you are seriously deluded if you think that Western Europe and the US has great love of Slavic peoples. You may not be aware of all the plans the west made to wipe the Soviet Union of the map via nuclear means:
* Operation Unthinkable pushed by Churchill in late 1940s at the end of the war.
* Leaving Russia to primarily fight Germany alone and then to launch Operation Dropshot in the mid 1950s
And they are always happy to use other Slavic peoples as cannon fodder. (See how the Poles thought that they were in a pact with the Germans to attack Russia while wiping out the Czechoslovakia and they were one of the first countries invaded by the Germans).
The bombing of ex Yugoslavia was just a continuation of western attempts to attack Russia. And these politicians representing these countries who you think are your friends, would acquiesce to do it again in a heartbeat if asked.
Don’t delude yourself.
A different view & tone:
Kazakhstan and Afghanistan set on fire by a common match…
The fire in Central Asia is just flaring up for us. The Security Council of the Russian Federation warned about the impending catastrophe two months ago
By Sergey Ischenko
Explosion in Kazakhstan: Riot of workers, unemployed youth, poor suburbs
The resignation of the government in the list of requirements is only in fifth place…
By Mikhail Magid
Hasht-e subh Daily
Claims to be the largest independent
newspaper, but I don’t know anything about cashflows or influencers.
Indeed. Yes the “evildoers” have met the Divine Order!!! Great Andrei truly stellar
Thank You
Excellent article by Scott Ritter. Totally resonates with the Saker…
Good analysis. One look at the map and I must say, how could anyone imagine that Russia, or China for that matter, would allow a color revolution–no matter how well organized and financed–to stand in a vast, sparsely populated, strategically located country on their borders. It just ain’t gonna happen. Sow a little mayhem maybe, then blame Russia for quashing democracy–grist for the West’s propaganda mill. But geopolitically idiotic. What should be kept in mind is that fear, tension and strife–not its alleviation–is fundamental U.S. policy. Not actual war with a significant power, but tension and strife. Keeps the critics on the home front off balance and keeps the dollars flowing to the Military-Industrial Complex–the biggest donors to both US parties. US foreign policy must be looked at through the prism of its domestic politics–a fake democracy built to feed money and profits to donors.
I read that there had been a govt covid lockdown that prevented people for buying food, from accessing their bank accounts and that this was the reason for the rank and file to be in the streets along with the fuel price increase. Is any of that true/
” The… quick deployment of (extremely) combat-capable forces …made it possible for the Kazakh military and security forces to regroup and go on the offensive.” – A bit odd to see Kazakhs Military/police needing hardcore Russian combat backup to do their job as state operatives. Syria, of course, another matter.
At first, many Kazakh security officials were at a loss and thought about which side to take. When they hit my ass with my brother’s knee, my doubts melted like smoke.
It seems that this page is effectively crawling with Russian trolls. You easily twist the facts and enjoy your schizophrenic insinuations. Russia’s imperialistic policy is doomed just like the US global hegemony. He who laughs last, laughs best!
Россия уж давно хохочет !
By far the best reading for days. Thank you for making me smile in these sad lands of the Southern Vassal Piigs.
Hybric War agaisnt Russia again. The west never learn. Mr.Putin must be teach some respect to it. Thanks to the Saker and to Andrei for this reading
The Cult aligned forces lost
The Alliance forces won
The clean up continues
A big gain for the post imperial world
(Remember: the real US is NOT at war with Russia, it is at war with what the Saker called a Death Cult. Russia is NOT at war with the US, it is at war with the Cult, and with that big, but mainly administrative, part of the US captured by the Cult (DC, the fake and illegitimate « Biden » admin with its fake Oval Office and fake nuclear keys, fake SecDef etc…).
It really seems nothing can stop what is coming.
Andrei says: “…at least the Russians had advanced warning and were fully prepared.” and “There is overwhelming evidence that the Russians were aware of what was coming…”. But he doesn’t tell us what that “overwhelming evidence” is. Why not? (The speed of the Russian response is not evidence of foreknowledge but simply of preparedness).
As against Mr Putin saying to his CSTO colleagues: “we must make sure that events similar to the tragedy happening in the brotherly country of Kazakhstan will not catch us by surprise again…”.
So who should I believe? I’m going with Mr Putin.
Might I ask where this capitalism exists?
“cap·i·tal·ism (kăp′ĭ-tl-ĭz′əm)
An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development occurs through the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
It doesn’t exist anywhere.
Well said. These were my conclusions as well as soon as we saw how quickly the CSTO troops were deployed and how quickly Tokayev ousted Nasarbaev and his minions from the Security Council to gain control of the situation.
A good outcome all in all for everyone. It sets the stage for more sabre-rattling by the U.S./NATO this week but ultimately not much more than that. The Neocons in the U.S. are facing a complete rout. This is existential for them and I expect it will end badly but not without more lame attempts to remain relevant.
Excellent work, as always. Thank you.
IMHO Putin will eventually have to deal with the Ukraine, but not by ‘invasion’. All invasion scenarios that I’ve seen show that invasion and any subsequent occupation, however brief, to be unsustainable. i think a Putin putsch is more likely but that would have to be planned over years. All i can imagine is that the FSB and other Russian security agencies know more about the Ukraine, inside and out than any other non-Ukrainian agency or actor. If anyone could carry out a successful counter putsch its Russia. My feeling is that the West will try to use a Russian action in the Ukraine (real or imagined) as an excuse to induct Ukraine into NATO fast track. They will then fantasize of ‘Marching on Moscow’ from Northern Ukraine through Bryansk province. After having ‘got rid of Putin’ with a missile strike. It’s curious but the distance from Kuwait to Baghdad is exactly the distance from Northern Ukraine to Moscow…450 kms. Half the distance that both Nap and Hitler had to cross to reach Moscow. So was the Iraq invasion a trail run for an invasion of Russia? And, as Putin has pointed out, the missile flight time from Ukraine to Moscow is 5 mins. So, Putin has to deal with Ukraine at some point. Regarding WW2, I think it’s quite possible that Wall St was instrumental in getting a rearmed Nazi Germany to invade the SU. After having ‘practised’ on Europe first. The card index system used by the German bureaucracy was imported from the US. If the US had wanted to, it could have stopped the Germans dead in their tracks by refusing to export these indexing cards to them. But it didn’t. Just one example of US corporate support of Germany in WW2 to try to r/c the SU. thank you for having Andrei Martyanov on your site. I’m enjoying his books. very educational!
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