By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog

A year has passed since US President Donald Trump, like the coward he is, ordered the murder of General Qassem Soleimani and PMU second in command Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. The Islamic Republic and the US were on the brink of all-out war as a result of the savage actions of the US President. Immediately after the act of terror, western journalists, think tanks and analysts started to speculate on whether the Islamic Republic was finished in the region.

“Soleimani’s death is a major blow to Iran” they said. Some even speculated or rather hoped that with Soleimani gone, the entire Islamic resistance would collapse as it now apparently looked leaderless.
The Americans and the Israelis made the same arrogant calculations, thinking that Soleimani was irreplaceable and that the Resistance Axis had been dealt a severe blow. Little do they understand how the Islamic Resistance works and why it exists.

Martyr Soleimani acted as the coordinator between Iran and its allies among the Islamic resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan. The man commanded a lot of respect and was admired not just in the region but worldwide, which makes it easy to understand why he had to die. This terrorist act was consistent with US foreign policy since Trump assumed power as Washington has sought to humiliate, punish and bully Iran into submission through terrorism, siege warfare and threats.

This policy of humiliation was very apparent when Trump, the imbecile openly bragged about the murder and claimed that Soleimani was “saying bad things about our country” before the strike, which led to his decision to authorize his killing. (I use the word imbecile to describe him because that is how the rest of the world sees him and I don’t care how much MAGA fans thinks he is a “genius” at home. To the world, the man is a vile and disgusting terrorist. So please, if you’re going to comment on this piece, know that I am no Democrat, I am not American and I couldn’t care less about how he is viewed over there)

So what exactly did Trump achieve with this act of terror?

One of Washington’s long-term goals has been committed to “isolating” Iran, thus weakening the Islamic Republic’s resolve. What they call “Iranian proxies” across the region have become a real headache for Washington and Tel Aviv. It is therefore no surprise that Iran’s allies are being targeted everywhere. The Islamic resistance has gained a lot of strength over the years. The Lebanese Hezbollah has become the strongest ally of Iran, the best armed and trained group in the Middle East, a fact that the Zionist entity is clearly worried over. In the words of IRGC General Mohammad-Reza Falahzadeh “the ability of the resistance front is today at its peak throughout the region and has defeated America, the Zionists and the Wahhabis.”

It is for this exact reason that Washington and Tel Aviv are so violent and hateful against Iran and its allies. “How dare these savage Muslims stand up against ‘the greatest and most freedom loving country’ in the history of mankind?”

Not only did the murder not manage to break up the Resistance Axis, but it actually made them stronger. The Islamic Resistance’s resolve is stronger than ever today, and the battles against the forces of evil have continued with success for the anti-imperial forces. I’m not surprised that Western journalists, think tanks and American/Israeli intelligence couldn’t make the correct calculations of what Soleimani’s murder would mean. How could they ever understand? The other side believes in nothing, they are godless, morally depraved and would even sell out their own people for profit. They have nothing to fight for except to satisfy their lust and greed. Of course they will in their arrogance think that everyone else in the world thinks and acts like they do.

They are incapable of understanding that resistance is an ideology- an idea of a free and independent Middle East. It is not dependent on one man like Ayatollah Khamenei or a group of Generals in Iraq. Killing Iranians or Iraqis will not kill an ideology and a religion that has existed for more than 1400 years, it will only make new martyrs and strengthen the faith. Martyrdom is the core of the Shiite faith ever since the martyrdom of Imam Hussein in 680 AD. The tyrant Yazid couldn’t destroy the ideology back then when he slaughtered Imam Hussein and his followers savagely, what makes Washington believe that they can do it now? Of course, being a racist bigot like Trump or Netanyahu, makes it rather difficult to understand most things about their enemies.

This is why they still cannot understand how Martyrs Soleimani and Al-Muhandis did more damage to Washington in their death than they ever could in life. The region responded with hatred. The assassination united the Iranian and Iraqi peoples under the banner of Resistance. From Pakistan to Lebanon, and from Yemen to even parts of Europe, millions of people came out in solidarity with the martyrs and showed their absolute disgust with the Trump and Washington altogether. The martyrs’ funeral procession across Iran and Iraq were among the largest ever seen.

The Iraqi parliament immediately voted to expel the US occupation troops and Iran responded by striking US bases in Iraq despite the White House imbecile’s crude threats to annihilate Iran’s cultural heritage.
The Islamic Republic’s retaliation on January 8th, was not only defiant in nature, but it was also unprecedented. It was a long time ago that another country, especially a smaller country with fewer resources and considerably less military strength, dared to directly attack US forces. I argue, just like the Saker that this was the day that the Empire truly lost.
Washington didn’t respond, despite Trump’s threats to commit crimes against humanity if Iran dared to retaliate. The emperor was shown to be naked behind those pathetic Twitter threats, Washington had nothing to respond with. I believe the reason for Washington’s non-response was due to what happened on the night of January 8th. Immediately after Iran’s retaliation, Iran’s allies Hezbollah, the Houthis and Hashd Al-Shaabi of Iraq threatened to start an all-out regional war if the US dared to attack Iranian soil. I believe that message was received loud and clear by Washington.

So instead, Trump responded with more sanctions, a policy he has continued over the past year. Doubling down on failed policies seems to be Washington’s top priority. The maximum pressure campaign didn’t force Iran to the negotiations table, yet the imbecile still bragged that after his supposed election victory in November “The first call I get will be from Iran, they are dying to make a deal”.

This shows that Trump has no idea what he is dealing with. He has no understanding of the region, how some countries actually care about their independence and how his pathetic Twitter rants have only garnered the collective hate of Muslims in the region.

The Zionists know this. They know that his policies have only emboldened the Resistance front. This is why they are hoping to pressure Trump to attack Iran with less than three weeks remaining of his presidency (again I don’t care if MAGA fans think he will get his second term). Hoping to provoke and all-out war with Iran, they are making the mistake again to think that the Islamic Republic will stand alone, which it will not. I’ve said before that a war with Iran means a regional war, and possibly one where Russia would have to get involved as well. It is therefore troubling to read reports on how Mossad agents have travelled to Iraq with the aim of staging a false flag attack on US interests and pinning it on Iran. It is no coincidence that Washington has been flexing muscles and building up troops in the region, as a “deterrent” against “Iran’s revenge” on the eve of the 1st year anniversary of the murders of Soleimani and Al-Muhandis.

Whether the imbecile will start a war on behalf of his Zionist masters or not, we will see in the coming days. In any case, the Resistance Front stands ready to face any threat.