by Dr. Warrick for The Saker Blog
This is the middle of my 76th trip around the Solar System and a whole lot has happened since my 1st trip. The biggest must be the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. WWII and The Great Patriotic War ended shortly after and since then the USA has engaged in disastrous wars on the Eurasian Landmass and all of them were lost (more on that later). The next disaster was the National Security Act of 1947 (NSA of 1947) which created the CIA that was supposed analyze and co-ordinate all Intelligence gathered by the US government Intelligence apparatus. It also created the National Security Agency (NSA), which does Communication and Signals Intelligence. Initially NSA had branches in the Army, the Army Security Agency (ASA), which I served in, and the Naval Security Group (NSG) for sailors and Marines its own branch under Department of the Navy. Their Command Structure is under the NSA, not Department of the Army or the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). The Army Air Force later became the Air Force and their NSA branch was the Air Force Security Service (AFSS). The Head is NSA is a three-star General or Admiral and the best one since my entry into ASA in 1968 was General William Odom. The best Assistant Director was General Michael Flynn who warned President Trump a few days after the 2016 election of the Democrat Party plot to devise the Russiagate Collusion Hoax and destroy his Presidency. General Odom was Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence from Nov. 2, 1981 thru May 12, 1985 and in 1984 was promoted to Lieutenant General. In 1985 he became director of NSA until he retired in 1988.
The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) is the director of the CIA, and his primary duty is analysis and co-ordination of all Intelligence collected by the newly created US Military Establishment that came out of the NSA of 1947 and present it to the newly created National Security Council (NSC) which is headed by the President. The members are the Vice President, the Secretaries of State, Defense, and the secretaries of Army, Navy and AF. Chapter 15, National Security, US Title 50, War and National Defense contains all references to War and the CIA and it contains a Bomb and its Fuse ready to be lit to ignite a War. The whole concept and character of the CIA is in subsection 403(d) which lists the five Powers and Duties of the CIA and they are as follows: 1) Advise the NSC, 2) make recommendations to the NSC, 3) correlate and evaluate and disseminate all intelligence relating to National Security, 4) perform what the NSC feels should be done centrally, and 5) TO PERFORM SUCH OTHER FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES RELATED TO INTELLIGENCE AFFECTING THE NATIONAL SECURITY AS THE NSC MAY FROM TIME TO TIME DIRECT. This was the Bomb and Fuse that created a SECRET GOVERNMENT, or as Fletcher Prouty calls it in his book, The Secret Team, which is a mandatory read to understand the hidden danger the CIA is to our Freedom and Liberty. This provision is why America has been in the Perpetual War of/on Terror since the illegal invasion of Afghanistan since Oct 6, 2001.
One more detail, and that is how the structure of the CIA was put together by William Donovan of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) under the direction of ‘M’, the director of Britain’s MI-6. MI-6 which had agents in the British East India Company, a CORPORATION (ie; a Person according to a disputed 1886 US Supreme Court decision) who provided intelligence and direction to the Prime Minister in the best interests of those CORPORATIONS. This is the heart of the Deep State. The Deep State had tentacles in every country of the British Empire and some that were not, many tentacles in Parliament, the House of Lords Judicial system, government ministries and on and on, plus especially all the Banks, the corporations they finance, their Boards of Directors, CEOs etc, etc. This provides a way for them to do everything from starting wars, overthrow leaders of any country they don’t like (Color Revolutions) and block any legislation they don’t like, for example, the War on Iraq (GWII) and our Global War on Terror (GWOT) as described by Professor Michael Chossudovsky, director of the Center for Research on Globalization. They create Presidents, Prime Ministers, members of Congress, Parliments, Central Banks which are privately owned (those Corporations) and invade countries that have National Banks instead of Central Banks which they create and own. One day after the War on Libya started, the Deep State created a Central Bank of Libya taking the place of Libya’s National Bank that Qaddafi was using to create a unified National Currency for Africa, the Gold Dinar, out of the control of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland.
The Deep State has three divisions or components and is best visualized as a Venn diagram that is layered like an onion into “Rings within Rings”. I have just described one section above, another is the ‘Money Power’, Wall St, the Federal Reserve, the City of London, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements, located in Switzerland. This is why Switzerland has been the everlasting Neutral country, so the Deep State has access to all the money.
The third component is made up of Secret Societies such as the Freemasons, which has members in all governments, corporations, Military and meets in Lodges (yes, they do meet in rooms) and this is where the ‘rings within rings’ structure comes from. The outside rings don’t have any idea what goes on in the smaller and smaller rings. The members in the central ring, just 6 or 7 people, .0000001% of the World’s population, control and direct those in the next ring and control and direct those in the next and so on. The function of the Secret Societies is discipline and punishment (ie; Blackmailing, killing) those who get out of line or just look like they are getting out of line. This section also has Semi-Secret societies (created by the Secret Societies) such as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatam House, the Council on Foreign Relations, and hundreds if not thousands of Tax Exempt Foundations, and all of them run the government, and the other two components of the Deep State. Another member of this third section are criminal organizations like the Mafia and they run the Drugs, prostitution, pedophile rings (which are used to control everyone in all three rings which Catherine Austin calls ‘Control Files’), and any and all criminal operations.
With all of this in mind, it is not hard to understand how illegal wars, Color Revolutions and most importantly False Flag operations and assassinations “Just Happen”. The other thing is the origin of the Deep State that is trying to carry out ‘Globalization’, end Nationalism, borders between countries, large groupings of former countries into things like the EU. They want to balkanize Russia (fat chance, Never, Never, Never march on Moscow) into 4 regions from which the Deep State can extract Natural Resources. This can never happen because of the China-Russia Geostrategic Alliance which is in the process of planning the complete Integration of the transportation, trade, economics, and communications of all of Eurasia from Lisbon to Vladivostok that began with discussion and planning in 1996, and resulting in a formal agreement between China and Russia in 1999. They control the Land, (do a search of Pepe Escobar and Eurasian Integration to see 15 years of his articles and videos on it) therefore a Land Invasion of Eurasia is required to take control of it away from them. General MacArthur told JFK when he and Robert researched what was then called, “The War in Indochina”, “Never get involved in a Land War in Eurasia”. This is evidence of the absolute, complete and utter stupidity of the US/NATO Cold War Strategy, devised by the Deep State, for ‘containment’ of Communism with US and British Naval Superiority. They wanted to ‘contain inside a cordon a 5,000 year old country that built a 5,000 kilometer Great Wall, plus a 15,000 meter network, to keep out the “barbarians” and a 1,031 year old country that built fortresses, AKA KREMLINS, also to protect themselves from Barbarians. This is why Cecil Rhodes’ dream of ‘The New World Order’ a World Government run by the ‘Exceptionalist English speaking Nations, Britain, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand’, AKA ‘the Five Eyes’ cannot ever happen. Logic and thinking however, has never been a forte of The Deep State, so time after time they do things that are completely stupid.
So now we can see why all these wars since 1945 to now, all of which have been lost, got started, lack of thinking and logic. The Korean Conflict, the War on Vietnam, GWI, GWII, the War on Afghanistan, the Wars on Seven countries in Five Years/Oded Yinon Plan that have been going on since The Crime of Sept 11, 2001, and why the assassinations of President Kennedy, Charles DeGaulle, Malcom X, Reverend Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, John Lennon and Jon Jon happened. All of them were obstacles in the way of all these wars and the NWO. NATO presence in Eurasia was required for Cecil Rhodes and his financier, Nathaniel Rothschild to bring about this New World Order (NWO). HW Bush mentioned the NWO in his speech at the conclusion of Desert Storm in 1991. It has been mentioned by various people since WWI such as Henry Luce, Sergei Lavrov, Joe Biden and many others. So what did the Deep State do? They assassinated all of them and started these wars by means of False Flag Events, which are the NWO go to method to start wars.
Three of the assassinations HAVE BEEN SOLVED. The Shot from The Grassy Knoll was witnessed by Ed Hoffman who had a perfect view of the Grassy Knoll from where he stood on the Bridge over the Triple Underpass. His disabilities saved his life because if had been able to tell the FBI what he saw, he would have been dead before morning. The witness to Dr. King’s assassination wasn’t so lucky. He was a cab driver and picked up a customer behind the Lorraine Motel at the time of the assassination. He WITNESSED THE ASSASSINATION. The shooter was picked up immediately by a Police Car, so he thought he had been caught so he called his dispatcher immediately to report the news. Later that night he somehow fell out of his cab while driving a customer across the Arkansas River. William Pepper who was King’s lawyer did a 20+ year investigation and defended James Earl Ray in a mock trial in 1999 which heard 70 witnesses over a couple of weeks. The jury took all of an hour to acquit him. Robert’s assassination was solved by Dr. Cyril Wecht, the dissenting pathologist on the Medical Review Board of the JFK assassination, and Dr. Thomas Noguchi, LA Coroner who did the Forensic Autopsy of Robert. He proved the shots were fired from behind the RIGHT SHOULDER and the KILL SHOT CAME from about an inch from the Mastoid Bone, thereby ruling out Sirhan Sirhan as the assassin. He WAS IN FRONT OF ROBERT WITH Rosey Grier and Rafer Johnson on top of him trying to get the handgun away from him. Robert was still alive so he was taken to the hospital by ambulance. The Neurosurgeon treating him called the top rated Neurosurgeon in the Country for advice on whether to ‘take the bullet out’, a bullet that was shattered into multiple fragments scattered about in the right Frontal, Parietal and Temporal Lobes. The advice was, “don’t operate, treat with high dose prednisone to prevent brain swelling” (this I know from personal knowledge of the Consulting Neurosurgeon’s companion who was on vacation with him at a Hunting/Fishing Lodge in Canada). Of course, the Neurosurgeon operated and Bobby died. I also knew Paul K. O’Connor, the Chief Autopsy Technician for JFK’s autopsy, who witnessed the Body arrive behind the Bethesda Autopsy Suite in a plain shipping casket and a Body Bag. It came in a black hearse and was brought in by men wearing surgical scrubs. There is a gate behind Bethesda Naval Medical Center that connects it to Walter Reed Army Hospital. Paul said “There was a huge hole in the back of his head and there WAS NO BRAIN. The implication of this is that there was a LOSS OF CHAIN OF CUSTODY OF THE BODY BECAUSE THE Secret Service STOLE THE BODY FROM the Parkland Hospital ER at GUNPOINT THEREFORE THE HUMES AUTOPSY CANNOT BE USED IN ANY LEGAL PROCEEDING. This violated the law that mandates all murder cases and unexplained deaths MUST HAVE A FORENSIC AUTOPSY in the county where the Death occurred, but it totally negates the Warren Commission Report because of its dependence on the Humes (Non)Autopsy. Think about that for a couple of minutes, the chain of custody of the body in the most important assassination in US and Modern History WAS LOST. This fact has been airbrushed out of History.
Every November I go to Dallas for the JFK Conference run by Judyth Vary Baker, who went to Bradenton HS in Bradenton, Florida, where my wife, Sally was born. She was a year ahead of Judyth and was a reporter for the school newspaper. Judyth was a Microbiology Prodigy who was able to do things that NIH couldn’t do and was sent to important scientific study programs while still in HS. Sally and Judyth both ended up entering the University of Florida (UF) in the Fall of 1962. Judyth’s dream was to become a Doctor and cure Cancer. The Microbiology Faculty knew all about her past achievements in Microbiology as did Florida Governor George Smathers, who intervened when the semester was over and sent her to New Orleans to be the lab assistant for Dr. Mary Sherman of Tulane Medical School who was developing a Cancer virus for the CIA. The virus came from the Kidney cells of Green Monkeys from Africa and Simian Monkeys from SE Asia (SV-40 Cancer causing virus), both of which are said to be the source of the HIV Virus. The Salk Polio Vaccine and the safer and more effective Sabin that came later was grown in the kidney cells of these same Monkeys and have caused the epidemic spread of Breast and Prostate Cancer that began in the ‘70s. For the full story read Dr. Mary’s Monkey by a friend of mine, Ed Haslam, and Me and Lee by Judyth. Both are available at Ed’s website,
President Kennedy, and Robert, in their research on the Indochina War, as it was called in the ‘40s and ‘50s, consulted with Douglas MacArthur in the 1950s. He told them to “NEVER GET INVOLVED IN A LAND WAR IN ASIA”, so he wrote a Directive not long before his untimely Death, to pull out the Advisers, all Special forces who also were in the CIA, in stages, some before the ’64 Election and the rest after the election in ’65 and ’66. He also planned on getting rid of LBJ and picking a new running mate. LBJ was director of the mechanics and the people for the assassination in Dallas and was equivalent to God in the State of Texas. LBJ rescinded to pullout order the day after JFK’s funeral. Three months before the ’64 Selection came the Gulf of Tonkin False Flag. This resulted in The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that LBJ used to start the War. The War on Vietnam was not a war as much as it was an OCCUPATION, an unprovoked invasion of a Country that posed no threat to America, and the murder of 2 to 3 Million Vietnamese citizens. It had no resemblance to WWII and the GIs and Sailors soon began to see through this lie of a threat to America and began a Resistance Movement, Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) in 1967. There were more than 300 Underground Newspapers in US Military Bases from Vietnam to Germany, there were more than 40,000 AWOLs and Desertions. By ’69-’70 soldiers began refusing to fight, Sailors sabotaged Air Craft Carriers and other Warships to prevent Deployment and sabotage the War effort. At one point there were five Air Craft Carriers that were to be sent to SE Asia undergoing repairs unable to go anywhere. VVAW led the Anti-War Movement that forced the end of the War. This had never happened before in History. The closest was The Christmas Truce in 1914 but that only lasted one day and was squashed immediately, and “Operation Valkyrie” when dissidents in the German Military tried to assassinate Hitler to end the war. They had a big demonstration at the 1972 Republican convention in Miami which the FBI’s COINTELPRO unit tried to sabotage by arresting and indicting 8 groups VVAW members such as The Gainesville Eight. The FBI lost all eight cases in ’73-’74. VVAW marched thru Blue Collar neighborhoods populated by WWI and Korean Conflict Veterans in Miami. Gonzo Journalist, Hunter S Thompson of Rolling Stone Magazine marched with them. He wrote an article about it and said it was the most vicious, hostile crowd reaction he had ever experienced, and this included Dr. King’s September 4, 1966 Civil Rights March in Cicero Illinois. Since the April 30 1975 end to the Occupation, there have been more suicides of Vietnam Veterans than deaths from combat, (58,220) and they continue to this day. Participation in an Occupation of a Country does severe damage to the Conscience resulting in Moral Injury. The same thing is going with GWOT Veterans and the VA Medical System has been unable to even slow down the suicides, now occurring at 22/day. VA Psychiatrists and Psychologists are not permitted to recommend Medical Marijuana in states that have legalized it for Medical use due to Federal Laws against it. GWOT Veterans formed Iraq Veterans Against the War (there have been several name changes since) at the Veterans For Peace August 2004 National Convention in Boston but have been unable to stop the War (Occupation). There are two reasons that explain why, the All-Volunteer Military which ended Conscription. The Volunteers then think they can’t refuse to participate because they volunteered. This prevented the rapid growth that VVAW experienced but there plenty of AWOLs and Desertions. Help groups for them formed and continue to this day. The other is the Psychic Trauma the American People sustained from the Sept 11, 2001 False Flag and the Anthrax Attack that came less than a month later by the Deep State so they . Young People volunteered in droves, Military Recruiters descended on High Schools like Vultures to sign up these young kids for all these wars. It has been 18 years since this Evil Crime by the Deep State that needed it to put the Military Forces of Anglo-American Empire in the Middle East, to gain control of Eurasia. They also need overthrow of Ukraine’s Government on Feb 22, 2014, the country required to control Russia, the Heartland. I don’t know how many millions of deaths there have been in these countries since October 6, 2001.
All of this brings up the question of who was behind the Crime of Sept 11, 2001? It all goes back to the same thing, Military control of Eurasia for the Deep State and plans for World Government. So, how were our Veterans regarded by the American Public? There were no Parades down 5th Avenue in 1953 or 1975. Korean Veterans were said to have been “Brainwashed” by the evil Chinese communists, Vietnam Veterans were said to have been “Spit on when they got off the plane in San Francisco”. This myth was started by a war comic book in 1982. On its face the myth is false because returning Veterans were processed out at Army, Navy and AF bases there. They flew home from the civilian Airport nearest to where they processed out. Prior to 1982, no one had ever said Vietnam Veterans had been spit on. Jerry Lembke, in his book, The Spitting Image, destroys this Myth, and explains the same spitting story appeared in Germany after WWI, the soldiers were “Stabbed in the back by the Generals”, just like Vietnam Veterans who were “Stabbed in the back by the Press”, and French Soldiers, also “Spit on and stabbed in the back’ after the collapse of French Colonial Forces in Algeria. WWII Veterans were the “Greatest Generation” in 1945. The Korea Veterans and Vietnam Veterans were not called “the Greatest”. Vietnam Veterans were aimless ‘Hippies’. However, due to the Psychological Trauma from the 911 ‘attack’, which was an obvious False Flag designed to enable the Deep State to invade and occupy Afghanistan followed by the Oded Yinon/7 countries in 5 years ongoing occupation of multiple countries have been deemed “Heros” even though returning Veterans after returning one or more deployments are suffering the same things, thousands of deaths, many thousands more with multiple missing limbs, blindness, suicide rates of now 22 PER DAY, homelessness, committing domestic and being victims of spousal abuse, after coming home from all these countries after causing millions of both civilian and military deaths, ongoing terrorism and bombings are “Heros” instead of being called ‘Hippies’, lazy, etc, etc. This is what MSM Propaganda, the framing the narrative of “protecting us” from evil (Muslim) terrorists who “Hate our Freedoms” and the Psychological Trauma of a False Flag attack designed to start illegal wars. They had signed up in droves to get revenge on Muslims. Soldiers called them “Rag Heads”, “Sand Niggers”, they tortured them, but that was only “A Few Bad Apples”. The Deep State wanted to have their New World Order and a World Government that Aldous Huxley, former MI-6 Agent reveals in Brave New World. One more thing I want to add is that both he and George Orwell were Whistle Blowers in the same way that Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and all the other Whistle Blowers before and since. The real Deep State/Empire is no different than the Empire of George Lucas’ six-part movie series, Star Wars, and to be quite clear, we are/were neither “Heros”, “The Greatest Generation” nor, aimless “Hippie losers who were the first generation to lose an American War, we were VICTIMS, used and discarded after these evil, Regime Change Wars by an evil Cabal of criminals who want Power and don’t give a damn about us, and the majority of Americans haven’t a clue about all of this.

Dr. Warrick with one of the “Green Men Occupiers of Crimea”, with a little girl and her cat in June 2016
Dr. Warrick was born in December 1943 and grew up in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, graduated from Central HS in 1962, Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 1966 with a Degree in Business Administration, worked in the Accounting Field until May 1968 when he entered the Army Security Agency. Discharged in December 1971, he changed Professions to become a Family Doctor after obtaining another Degree, this one in Psychology from Temple University in 1974 and then entered Medical School at the University of Pennsylvania for his Doctor of Medicine. In 1978 he moved to Gainesville Florida for the UF Family Practice Residency and finished in 1981. He was an Independent Practitioner for a year and entered Private Practice in 1982. He was in Private Practice from then until January 2005 when he joined a Multi-Specialty Medical Practice. He retired on June 30, 2015. His hobby is Open Source Intelligence Analysis which he learned how do from his time in ASA. He joined Veterans For Peace on Jan 15, 1991 and is a Lifetime Member.
Meh… Poor American soldiers killed and displaced millions around the world and go home to suburbia. They are the victims? Like watching old Hollywood movies of the Vietnam War. They always explore the feelings of the soldiers there. Agent Orange still affects the population there. Children still born there with birth defects. The Vietnamese asked US for help to clean up and it fell on deaf ears. Only John Pilger seemed to cover these topics and that’s why his works are rarely broadcasted. Veterans for peace reads like Rapists for rape support hotline. War hasn’t subsided and the list of real victims are expanding every day.
I’m sorry I cannot agree with your view of this article.
I believe Dr. Warrick’s point is that the supposed “victors”/”heroes” are *also* victims.
He speaks of the moral sickness that results from enforcing an occupation r an invasion or any kind of war of aggression meant to destroy the integrity of another state.
This not to trivialize the terrible sufferings and murders of the civilians in these brutal wars and occupations.
Dr. Warrick’s point is, I believe, that there is absolutely no “right” side and no “right” reason for pursuing these wars.
The depredations visited on those who “execute” the GWOT and NWO war policies are brought forward, I believe, to highlight this point, not to start a competition between the damaged soldiers and privilege their sufferings over those of civilians.
Also, those readers who are Americans must look most closely at what these illegal wars are doing to our society and our citizens and not discount the effects because American solders are not the “real” victims of illegal wars.
Many thanks to Dr. Warrick for his dissection of the makeup of the Deep State.
In another thread, Ollie Richardson mentions the Deep State, but without identifying who it is.
My comment was that we need more information on who/what the Deep State is. Because there seems to be a lot of disagreement: Banks? Corporations? MIC? Secret Societies?
I wrote that if different analysts disagree on the actual outlines of the Deep State, that doesn’t matter because the primary hypothesis is that there *is* a Deep State. Just as the basic hypothesis re Dallas is that there *was* a conspiracy to kill JFK. The more discussion and investigation has taken place—the more hypotheses have been fielded, examined from all points of view, dissected, etc., the more truth seekers have been able to fine-tune the best working hypothesis of who the conspirators were, and what drove them. I happen to agree with Dr. Warrick, after reading a number of longish essays on the subject, that the most recent, and the most comprehensive, hypothesis I have read is the correct one: The main controller of the plot was LBJ, with major encouragement and possible operational support from the JSP (Jewish State in Palestine).
To get back to shining a spotlight on the Deep State question until we start to see the fog lift, I believe we need a process similar to the one that finally (IMO and certainly for now, until something more convincing comes along) provided a pretthy clear picture of the outlines of the Dallas plot. Many hypotheses, many spotlights.
So, bravo to Dr. Warrick for his analysis of the Deep State and his account of the wars that have resulted from the elimination of the foes of the Deep State. His Venn diagram model sounds plausible.
I would like to hear more from Dr. Warrick on his take as to the speculations, such as that presented recently by Eric Zuesse, that there are major cracks in the solidity of the Deep State and the existence of competing Deep State factions.
When the dupes are beginning to awaken, do not castigate them too much for having been in a long, deep sleep for decades. Encourage completion of the process.
Those in other western nations besides the USA were also in a deep sleep… their various particular ways.
I see too many puffing their egos up and pissing on the Big American Empire Fire Hydrant……….who most never effectively challenged or ever attempted to awaken in the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties……. OR two thousands.
This is particularly absurd and pathetic ………….when they are British….and still love their Satanic “Queen Mum”.
Not in this day and age. Pity decreases from the era of the Vietnam war. Now in the age of internet, non conscripted forces can’t claim they didn’t know any better. Again, to focus on their suffering from shooting children and bombing people out of their homes, but not the victims. Syria looks much better off after Raqqah was bombed into rubble with all the civilians left to rot in the ruins. Let us reflect upon the suffering of the poor Airmen who maybe mentally traumatized from releasing those bombs and the special forces men who escorted the Kurds there and give no care to reestablishing simple infrastructure. Give me a break. The examples are endless. The English speaking world will never understand how far towards evil they swung. Nazis of WWII were found guilty in wars of aggression no matter their rank. So may these freed war criminals only repentance be stopping the horrors of a next war. So far, I see no progress on that front.
Secret societies, bad actors, and power amongst these forces in government may make for an interesting read, but it changes nothing. So suddenly you find out who killed JFK, what difference does it make in reality? As for Deep state talk, what’s the difference between Nikki Haley and Samantha Powers at the UN? Not one bit, because it isn’t necessarily them, but the CHAIR. They speak what their Department wants them to say. How would you go about fixing the government? Voting? I don’t recommend tearing down the state, ever. Once main infrastructure goes, perceived pain will become real pain. Soviet Union collapse was a disaster. So are all the color revolutions they talk about.
Another thing with these type articles that interest me is the NWO and how unions are bad. The EU and US striving for this global order. Yet, the people cheer on a Eurasian Union. Isn’t that also similar trend as what the West is doing?
I was going to respond in like to Katherine but once you brought up the why does it matter i’ll briefly state this.
It could have mattered say if JFK were/was to want to shape (in an unknown to him way) the only mechanism capable of equalizing the deep state, in a fashion actually known(to some) to prevent such an occurrence from being created.
Not that the elimination would be the creation mechanism, but that with out the elimination, an attempt to create the mechanism would definitely not be able to go forward.
Its an odd set of circumstances that finds a way to come full circle to complete a worthy job which its self is not very well understood, elimination of the deep state so human evolution can still evolve rather than tread water to infinity.
I asked Wayne Madsen, Former CIA analyst at Strategic Culture Foundation, this very question and he said their Millenial kids are not joining the Secret Societies or getting involved like in previous generations.
One of the Missing Victims when we look back at all the wars, assassinations and other crimes of the Deep State is the citizenry of the Republic. We have all been lied to, stolen from (trillions of dollars), horrified by crimes done in our name, diminished as human citizens of the world, and left helpless by a Tyranny that has captured our Republic. So, always think of the hundreds of millions of Americans who have been victimized over and over.
It is impossible to review all these events, real and false-flagged, and not feel like pawns and paupers as the heritage of the nation is scandalized and corrupted.
Honor, pride, unity, and truth have been murdered as truly as the leaders of the People and the millions of victims of war, ethnic cleansing and terrorism waged by the Deep State.
I enjoyed reading this article which contained much truth and understanding.
The information in regard to the assassination of JFK is consistent with what I am aware of. However the role played by Edward Lansdale has also to be completely understood as he was with GW Bush on the day.
The shooter on the grassy knoll was left handed and thus had to be the person called Officer William Joseph Harrison, and his offsider on the Del-Tex building was later called Officer Louis Miller, also supposedly from the Juvenile Section of the Dallas Police Dep’t, but not the real Louis Miller from the Traffic Dep’t. The person who shot Officer JD Tippit was later photographed holding LH Oswald outside the Texas Theatre, whilst smoking a cigar, and this same person also shot Lee Harvey Oswald, and I believe would have been the same person who shot Ronald Reagan on the 69th day of his presidency.
Remember ‘exploding’ bullets do not ricochet, but would shatter when striking a vehicle, and the doctors had difficulties in finding the wound that Reagan had, until they checked his left armpit, which simply meant he had been shot when waving to the crowd and thus not by Hinckley.
Andrew, only the Grassy Knoll bullet contained mercury. The one that went thru the windshield made the neck wound that Humes altered with the neck incision.
I don’t recall hearing anything about a bullet that contained mercury.
What is the significance of this?
Exploding bullet! Really shatters the target.
Dear Katherine,
You may recall that some of the police motorcyclists reported that they were struck with brain matter when JFK was shot. That means that the bullet that struck JFK really shattered the top of his head, and that would feasibly have been a mercury bullet.
Another of the ‘interesting aspects was the wounding of Governor Connolly, a close friend of LBJ.
Whatever version of his story you believe, the main aspect is that once he was shot in the torso, and the vehicle rushed to Parklands hospital, Governor Connolly would have been rushed to the Emergency Operating room, where surgeons would have removed his clothing to get at the wound by cutting the clothing, including the coat, shirt and possible undergarment (singlet). This is normal procedure.
I cannot comprehend that Governor Connolly once he arrived at Parklands would have stood upright and then removed his jacket and white shirt, prior to lying down on the operating table, but it you attend the memorial at the former Texas School Book Depository Building you will find Governor Connolly’s white shirt complete with bullet wound and blood, which I guess Mrs Connolly must have taken home and washed before donating the shirt to the museum. Hardy people those Texans.
Dear William,
This is a copy of an email I received a few years ago. You may enjoy it
[In the following copy of an email I have numbered the actual paragraphs to make the references easier. Those are the only alterations I have made.]
Andrew S MacGregor.
Those who matter; know. Those who don’t know; don’t matter.
(1) Industries tend to form around False Flags (e.g. Liberty, JFK, 9-11). The initiating reasons are moral, just and rational. But they all turn to illusions; because they implode on false logic and close their doors to simple realities. Elites know this well. One Upmanship Theories gain credence as ‘revelations’, ‘discoveries’ and even deductive reasoning. Intellectualising, regurgitation and the daisy chain reference game naturally emerge. Educational attainments are impediments to rational and critical thought where this is postured as pre-eminent; not the reverse. Reality is not an issue of an intellectual filter. The mythologies of credence take hold and realities and facts are blurred or lost in the ‘information’. A new ‘reality’ evolves and the perpetrators of wrongs are entertained, as the herds carry out their predetermined practices of self-immolation and oblivion.
(2) I once wrote that; if you blow perfume through a sack of shit. it will not smell like perfume on the other side.
(3) We know about the altered pictures, the look-alikes, the altered biographies and The Cuban, New Orleans, Drug and KGB Scenarios, He doesn’t know about two rifles having been ‘found’. He would be yelling it incessantly. He hasn’t identified the difference in the various ‘rifle’ pictures. Marine Corps or not, his small arms knowledge is tragic. Why would it be different. The local cops from across the street pulled a rifle out for media happy snaps and forgot to ‘find’ the one at the depository which was the planted MC carbine.
(4) Oswald was also an operative. They burn their own; for various reasons. So was McVeigh. He’s off the track in too many ways to list here. It would take time to explain each matter. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Books, talkfests, Marine Corps and Emeritus Professor are irrelevant to the realities of a matter.
(5) This is not an issue of theories or opinions. It’s what happened and what has been fantasised. His information comes from that sold and guessed and assembly filtered through inexperience; not knowledge of the events. I am not in the opinion business on such matters. I don’t play. Why is he giving interviews. Real players do not sell stories like this. He has never known a shooter or hard, deep asset. He is trying to work backwards from Oswald’s innocence. But he hasn’t got the answers he thinks he has. He only has to demonstrate Oswald’s innocence. Trying to conclude past that, does not aid his case.
(6) He names fringe Company (CIA) operatives. Those who sold stories, but gave no information. Lansky for example worked another name, stole a major newspaper and had a link to Watergate. He guesses and entertains the ill-informed while unwittingly keeping realities at bay. Garrison and Stone are big offenders in that regard. As were Roberts, Giancana and Cooper. The twit Wright (defended by Turnbull) did not enlighten but muddied issues concerning The Circus (SIS, MI6…), The Cambridge Crew and the Milson’s Point ASIO bunker.
(7) Pincher was also an offender in that regard. I knew R. at Cambridge who fed and then misled Pincher. Wright was deceived from the start; from the Curzon Street arrest, outside Harris’s house, onwards and through; ‘Spy Catcher’. The great analyst of spook town in South Audley Street, who missed the basics in front of him. If the book actually revealed anything as was pretended; he would not have been running a horse farm in north west Tasmania. The book was known in advance and almost a False Flag. It actually reveals nothing. It’s an extension and codification of Wright’s monumental ignorance and stupidity. There was even a parody of it by Will Rushton titled: ‘Spy Thatcher’.
(8) Turnbull never had a clue; to this day. His theatrics in that case was high farce at its grandest. The shadows of Tom Hughes and Bob Ellicott were in the background. He actually had a cartoonist in court, constantly sketching him in various Rumpolesque et seq, cringe poses. A wonder his lapels never wore out. There were tens of this A3 sized drivel, framed and distributed around the areas of his occupancy at the inhouse legal department at 54 Park Street. I used to visit there (I knew Bruce McWilliam, Ian Phillip and Mark O’Brien) when I was called in to advise KP on certain matters. If we didn’t meet for dinner at Darcy’s; where Rupert also occasionally held court.
(9) Today is the 25th. Anniversary of Russia walking away from The Berlin Wall after The West agreed not to move one inch east of the reunited Germany (The Bucharest Conference). What was Kosovo. The Ukraine Affair has divided NATO from the EU. Brzezinski admitted it in a recent MSNBC interview. Rasmussen presided over the demise of his bluster. The issues of Estonia and the posturing in Hungary are non events. America lost in; Chechnya, Ossetia, Georgia and The Ukraine. What do the herds know about the realities of The Cold War. They think America ‘won’ something. They should study the; London, Reykjavik, Washington and Bucharest Soirees. So the illusions continue to drive them further off centre. JFK was an instigator because of his mismanagement of The Berlin Affair. The confusions continue. As Chomsky said of 9-11; “Who cares”.
(10) Allen Jones at one stage was rattling about The Cambridge Crew. Maybe because a few of them were gay. I sent him a note and mentioned a word relating to a particular station, which he or his reader at the time, Michael Darby from The Liberal Party and formerly of Army Intelligence, that he claimed; should have detected. But of course it was missed. So that answered some questions. Albeit that Darby had exposed Solomon from The Liberal Party as not working for Army Intel (DSD) as he claimed. But I think that revelation of Darby’s came about after a meeting over dinner with a particular fellow at the old Double Bay Steak House. The fellow tutored Darby as he was tired of Solomon’s pretensions down at the old LP bunker in Angel Place. Solomon wanted the No.1 Senate slot for NSW. In any event held by a foreign operative at that time.
(11) All the shooters were foreign hard assets on loan; the best and most experienced available at the time. Sanchez was not there. Any one could have taken the target to 500 yds. moving or still. Moving towards or away are easier shots than across. Four shooters and two cleaners was oversupply. Shooters don’t like working in teams. A cross is fine, but not a team. Port Arthur was another part exception in that regard.
(12)The Warren Commission is a fiction. Ford was on it and pardoned the players at a later date. LBJ and Bush 1, knew who the organisers were. Bush I was standing next to the radio worker on the day. Ford also knew the names of the shooters (noms de guerre) and cleaners.
(13)There were no Underpass or Book Depository shots. For a number of reasons. These posts were not workable. There was also a deaf-mute fellow standing on the Overpass at the time. He witnessed the Grassy Knoll and was terminated. There was no benching at the open and unsafe Overpass and the target was too close (Grassy Knoll was close) and the ballistic angles would never work for a number of reasons. Including that of opposing shooters. The Book Depository would give small angle parallel shots. So that could never be used. His ignorance is amazing.
(14) An experienced hard analyst or ex-shooter works ahead to find suitable posts. A Manlicher and 30.06 were not used. He doesn’t even know the calibres. The MC is a retail bolt action carbine that Oswald allegedly bought. Even with the training that Oswald had he would know that it could never be used in the capacity alleged. Everything is wrong with the equipment he mentions. He has absolutely no idea. I have fired those and many other rifles and handguns; including sabot projectiles he mentions. The barrel rifling bite, irregular velocity jump and debris, cause problems. This is not pig shooting in the outback. Specifically they would not be used. But he wouldn’t know about that either. He has no firearms knowledge that is in anyway relevant.
(15) There are only certain, very specific (based on the technology of the day); barrels, weights, grips, stands, calibres, scopes, muzzles, projectiles, cases, primers and hand loads (powders), used for such operations and he has no idea what they are or what is required in assembly. Shooters have their comfortable preferences. These are not military snipers with reversed baseball caps and twenty thousand dollars worth of garbage. Rifles and rounds have to be assembled. It could take a half hour to correctly assemble one round. Factory rounds are never used. A specialist would make fifty rounds for a shooter for an operation as JFK. A number would be used in testing and sighting in. Twenty would be delivered per shooter to the post. Each rifle would be marked for its own rounds that were sighted for it. He might use two or three to take the target. There are problems with multiple shooters. One round was used for The St. James Square False Flag (Yvonne Fletcher).
(16) Shooters are leagues above the police or military marksman or sharpshooter category. This is another planet. Shooters are at world ISU level or better, but not public. It takes many years of constant training. Shooters are not criminals from the local pub. There is also a specific mindset at issue and no brain manipulation as The RFK and MLK wet guns. The equipment with the specific loads have to be sighted in for accuracy somewhere before the operation. The equipment is then cleaned, sealed and not touched until delivered to the post. Gloves are always worn. Even when handling rounds. The equipment is left at the site for the cleaner to manage in an operation as JFK. It is destroyed with remaining rounds and never used again.
(17) At the post; only the weather patterns (temperature, light perhaps, wind), and drop in this case; have to be factored in. It should also be a safe post, at a distance, and to allow the shooter to leave. This is not a situation where the shooter is dispensable. If there is anything wrong; the shooter walks. There are many factors about which he cannot hide his ignorance.
(18) His knowledge of small arms and munitions is confused by a ‘little knowledge’ and dramatised. I had twenty years experience, training people in various small arms and activities in areas about which he has no idea. All his named shooters are wrong. He does not know who was involved at the time, who was present or who was responsible. All he knows is that Oswald was innocent. He has not had ‘training’ or been involved in any such activities.
(19) As I said; the shooters were on the roof of The Dal-Tex building and The Grassy Knoll. All witnesses who came forward were terminated. Only ‘Babushka’ did not come forward. She was not stupid and disappeared into oblivion. Umbrella Man was a creation of ‘researchers’ like this character. They don’t know that he was actually further along towards the underpass from Lansdale and Bush I. So he could not signal anyone about anything. The entire operation was also on radio from the time the cars turned left at the top.
The various ‘confessions’; as for Sturgis, Hunt, LBJ’s girlfriend et al, are fictions and paid affairs.
(20) He also doesn’t know what was actually happening with the Mafia-RFK Affair. He’s guessing well off the mark. The problems for RFK began after his father died. He was almost trapped on The Marilyn Monroe False Flag. He was also on the McCarthy Un-American Activities witch hunt circus. He knew his father’s New York connections and which fed them. His brother’s election through The Electoral College was fraudulent and Joe’s friends facilitated the rise in exchange for certain promised trade-offs. RFK decided to became a big crime fighter. He started chasing his father’s friends and denied any arrangements made for his brother and his ascendancies. So RFK was dead; at least. JFK was a combination of factors that could no longer be tolerated.
(21) The New Zealanders also picked up on The Gemstone Files and took that stupidity to even greater levels of ignorance. Characters as Nancy Caruana and May Brussel who picked up from Roberts were well off course; to begin. So it entered New Zealand already irretrievably in fantasyland. The only thing Roberts got right; was Onassis was a drug dealer. His take on Hughes was also confused. New Zealand also screwed The America’s Cup into oblivion. At least Lange got it partly right with The American sponsored Chirac nuclear tests; Clarke took English lessons; Muldoon emptied his prisons into Australia as a cultural exchange; and Green organised the murder of Kirk.
(22) In False Flags; particularly wet or public affairs; an industry of wild speculation evolves and it causes greater confusions which the perpetrators couldn’t even manage. What they do is; perform the deed, issue an inane Official Version and the geese fantasise the rest into lala land.
[Fetzer is a PhD. We call them ‘lower doctorates’]
George W Bush was there, but he I firmly think was running the Oswald operation for Robert Kennedy that JFK knew about – it was ‘Lets fire some shots close to JFK, blame the Marxist Pro-Cuban Oswald, and force Castro out’ plan. Bush was running the Intel part of the op but they all got clobbered when LBJ and his network who didnt like this plan (and Lyndon had just found out he was to be dumped from the 64′ ticket and was in deep strife over corrupt dealings) double-crossed them and brought in real shooters, so he could take over.
The shooters identities cannot be properly ascertained with certainty in Dealey Plaza but there are a number of viable candidates.
This was one busy guy, does he know what went down during the days before the Vegas shooting I wonder?
I hope this gentleman can have a sit down with Tulsi Gabbard, whose heart seems to be in the right place, but has got a lot of things wrong. Both about 911 and about Russia.
Key Points
Tulsi has been a strong advocate for free and fair elections in the US and around the world.
In January of 2017, Tulsi cosponsored one of the first legislative initiatives to investigate Russian influence on the 2016 election. (See also Secure Elections.)
Tulsi strongly believes the United States and United Nations have a duty to defend the sovereignty of Ukraine from Russia. Russia’s invasion, occupation, and further threats are an extreme danger to Ukrainian self determination.
Tulsi strongly opposes illegal C.I.A. funding, training and weapons for extremist rebels in Syria, who are fighting both the Syrian government and their ally of Russia. The U.S.’s illegal war to depose Assad in Syria bring the U.S. into direct conflict with Russia and simultaneously empowers extremists in Syria.
Continued U.S. military involvement in Syria can potentially escalate conflict between the U.S. and Russia, which is extremely dangerous and unnecessary.
H.R.356 – Protecting Our Democracy Act: calling for an independent investigation of the Russian interference in January of 2017, shortly after the 2016 election.
H.R.3364 – Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act: adoption of further sanctions against Russia for selling arms to Syria, cyber attacks, human rights abuses, and evasions of previous sanctions.
H.Res.499 – Condemning the violation of Ukrainian sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity by military forces of the Russian Federation: A bill which addresses the Ukraine crisis and the responsibility of the United States and the United Nations to protect Ukrainian sovereignty and minority populations in Ukraine.
H.R.4278 – Ukraine Support Act: Voted in favor of the act which condemns the Russian annexation of Crimea, and imposes visa sanctions on those who have a direct or indirect involvement in the invasion of Ukraine.
I don’t think Tulsi Gabbard would bring one campaign promise to being, unless it is allowed by the government. I don’t understand how people repeat the same mistakes repeatedly, over and over again. Each election cycle is always the same with just some new faces. She talks well. So did Trump about ending wars. So did Obama about bringing troops home and closing Guantanamo. So how did Obama’s plan to “reset” relations with Clinton carrying the “Overload” button, which was actually the right button for the meeting. How many cycles of hope, disappoint, and anger over Presidents are needed?
None of them are Veterans.
I forgot to say, I totally agree with what I heard her recently say. She said US threatens war, sanctions, and isolation with other nations. That it was wrong and there are more ways to interact with nations like diplomacy, trade, and agreements. I am going off memory, but it was so true. US people are just trying to raise families and live like everyone else in the world. So hopefully, these ideals can make it back, front and center. I only say that for the good people. Though elections here shows consistency that one can’t ignore and makes me cynical.
I’ve said it before and I re-iterate: Despite the fact that we’re dealing with all-out reactionary excretions here, there is something beautiful with these lofty names assigned by the Zionazis to their own self-corroborating legislation. Reminds one of the ancient Chinese and their renowned sense of harmony: Square of Heavenly Peace, Humble Servants’ Garden, etc. Needless to say, peace and humility are not exactly Zionazi compatible.
I would very much like to have a sitdown with Tulsi to discuss with her all of these pieces of legislation. The issue is that she needs to bone up on Russian History. If she knew any she wouldn’t have initiated any of these bills. The issue is the coup which began in Fall 2013 and was executed on Feb 22, 2014. The Anglo-zionist Empire wanted to take over Sevastopol Naval Base that has existed since about 1790+/- a few years. They wanted to control the Black Sea, place Aegis Ashore Nuclear Missiles there aimed at Russia and to place their terrorists there and do to Russia what they did to Syria, Russia’s Ally for many, many decades and the only Russian Military base outside of Russian territory. Crimea has been part of Russia since Catherine the Great, and she was a great friend of the just independent America. Crimea has always been Russia, most of the people there are Russians and they have been trying to get back to Russia since 1990. The Russian translation of Ukraine in English is “borderlands”, which is what it is. Tulsi is going to be President on election day 2020 and I hope to meet and talk to her.
Several years ago, I sent Saker a 3 page essay written before WW2 that addresses the issue of people sent to war based on lies. It is another version of “War is a Racket”, also written before WW2.
I learned of the essay when Steven Gowans was promoting his books on Korea and Syria. This is one of many links where he mentions the relevance of Bethune. Apparently, he is well known to the Canadian anti-war movement.
This is the link to the essay
Bilderberg – The Secret Center of Power – The Shadow Government – in German
Punlished on May 25, 2012 – you can change the subtitles to English
P.S.: Mistake of video-maker Guido Grandt – photo of V. Putin and J. Stalin at the beginning of the video.
Foundation of Bilderberg in May 1954; J. Stalin died on March 5, 1953, V. Putin was born on October 7,
1952 and never invited to the Biderberg Conference.
The only “Russian” participant at the Bilderberg Conference whom I know is Garry Kashparov.
List of participants at Bilderberg conferences – in German
The Bilderberg conferences are informal, privately designated, as possible and largely secret meetings
of influential people from business, military, politics, media, academia and the nobility. The conferences,
which have been held annually since 1954, involve a changing circle of influential people from politics, business and the media.
The participants are mainly from Europe and North America. As a rule, about 130 people attend each conference, with about two-thirds of the participants coming from Western Europe and one third from
North America. Since 1954, the conference has visited about 2500 people from about 28 countries. In t
this respect, the following list does not claim to be exhaustive.
Correction: Published on May 25, 2015
Dear Moderator sorry
[Where I live is very hot, in the apartment 29 ° C, (~ 84 ° F) and outside 34 ° C (~ 93 ° F)}
An interesting article, although it would be even more informative if the author can comment on the very popular alt-media meme regarding the Deep State and President Trump. That is, that the Deep State is riven by competing factions which are battling for control. These factions are typically envisioned as a Patriot faction and a Globalist (perhaps Zionist) faction. President Trump is postulated as the champion of the Patriot faction with the Globalist faction represented by the mainstream media and politicians especially believed to largely include the Democratic Party. Personally, I do not find that Trump is credible as a nationalist due to his unprecedented subservience to Israel. This seems to be a complete oxymoron. There are a couple of attempts to address this of which I am aware. One is that Israel is being “saved for last” whatever that is supposed to mean, suggested by the Q followers. A second, which I have heard proposed by Robert David Steele, is that Trump is “playing” the Israelis or that he is “giving them enough rope to hang themselves”.
Any comments would be appreciated.