Combat SITREP by Juan:
I can not tell all details of our operations in Novorossiya. Operation security is practiced. Our situation is not desperate but is very difficult and fluid. We will win, then we will rebuild what Ukraine has destroyed. We are paying the price of freedom with the blood of our soldiers and civilians. The price is heavy.
1. Strong fighting areas of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk City outer areas and Lugansk outer areas.
2. 100% confirmed reports of detention camps in areas west of Novorossiya. Evacuees going west by train and vehicle are being stopped by units of right sector. Many are taken to these camps. Women and children are interrogated and usually released, some are held for further interrogation. No food or water is provided to the children or women. Men 16 to 50 years are locked in cells and interrogated by right sector and SBU. Evacuees released have all money and valuables taken and often documents, then are released on to roads. Local residents near camps terrified, will not speak or help released evacuees.
3. Tactics of Ukr Army are from Soviet book 1944. Storm of artillery fire including Grad and Hurricane missile salvos followed by mass attacks of tanks and armored vehicles towards the objective. Close air support for Ukes is expensive but sometimes effective. The tactic is to destroy Novorossiya Army by attrition. Ukr Army cares not for their casualties. Their losses in tanks and BTR’s are quickly replaced. We have no replacements for our few tanks and BTR’s.
4. Confirmed reports of more Ukr helicopters in white UN colour, some marked ‘UN’.
5. Confirmed reports of aircraft reinforcements and crews sent to Ukr forces from Poland and FRG. Polish crews are confirmed flying combat missions, voices speaking Polish heard on tactical radio.
6. Il 76 shoot down area in Lugansk searched by Novorossiya forces morning after. Ukr forces had secured sight and removed all bodies and documents at night. Novorossiya forces found many Ukr had missed at sight after day came. Many identification documents were Polish, one FRG. Confirmed.
7. Situation in Kramatorsk is critical. No water, little food. Electric in some areas returned last night, then off again. Bombardment continues. Many civilians have run from the city.
8. Ukr Army is slowly surrounding Lugansk city and Donetsk city. Outlying towns and villages are coming under more intense bombardment by arty, air and missile salvos. Civilian areas targeted.
9. Idar Battalion right sector ambushed yesterday and destroyed by Novorossiya forces. Prisoners taken, some vehicles captured. ‘Battalion’ should be called Rota, not enough men to be battalion. Now should be called ‘section’.
10. Ukr Army moving strong units east to border Novorossiya/Russia.Attempt will be made to stop refugees running to Russia.
11. Confirmed over 100 civilians killed in Mariupol by right sector action under Lyashko early this week. Novorossiya Army casualties unknown. Two sections of right sector ambushed in Mariupol at the close of the operation as they retreated. Wiped out, no mercy.
12. Many thousands of refugees from the fighting have arrived in Rostov area, Russia, some to Krimu. Russia and Russia civilians are helping the refugees. No refugee is hungry, all have some kind of shelter.
13. Unconfirmed but reliable report of two mass graves found outside Mariupol containing men, women, two children all stripped and shot, some with hands tied.
14. Intense bombardment of Slavyansk and outlying areas from Karachun Mountain Ukr forces started 05:30 today. Grad and Hurrican missile salvos with arty.
15. Unconfirmed report of small bus with evacuees fired on, tyres shot out, burned Kherson Oblast, exact location or destination unknown, casualties unknown.
16. Red Limahn has been taken again by Novorossiya. Small right sector units are fighting as they retreat. Most civilians not there.
SITREP by the Saker.
Poroshenko’s “peace plan” has been leaked. This plan contains the following points:
Security guarantees for the negotiators
- Amnesty for those who surrender weapons and did not commit serious crimes
- Liberation of hostages
- Creation of a 10km buffer zone between Russia and the Ukraine and withdrawal of illegal armed formations
- Safe passage through corridor for Russian and Ukrainian mercenaries
- Disarmament
- Creation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for special joint patrols
- Liberation of the illegally occupied administrative buildings in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions
- Resumption of the work of the local authorities
- Resumption of the broadcasting of the central TV and radio programs in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions
- Decentralization (by the election of local executive committees, defense of the Russian language – the planned amendment of the Constitution)
- Agreement on the nomination of governors with the representatives of the Donbass (if an agreement is found, a single candidate, in case of disagreement the President will decide)
- Early local and parliamentary elections
- A program to create local workplaces
In the meantime it has been confirmed that the city of Slaviansk has now been surrounded by junta forces.
Russian forces have been moved back to the border as a way to “increase security”.
The Poroshenko peace plan is anything but a peace plan. Basically, this plans foresees an unconditional surrender of Novorossia. My personal conclusion is that this peace plans was drafted with the double purpose of declaring that a peace plan was on the table and to make sure that it would not be accepted by the Novorossians. One could argue that this is just an initial plan and that it could be amended through negotiations. However, this is also not the case because any serious peace plan would have to begin with an immediate and complete secession of all combat operations whereas Poroshenko only mentions “disarmament” and you can be absolutely certain that this is not a reference to his death squads. Also, the liberation of the “illegally occupied” buildings means that the Ukie SBU and death squads would regain access to their buildings in the center of the Novorussian cities. The bottom line is simple: Kiev is still hell-bent on a complete military victory and a total and unconditional surrender of Novorossia.
In the meantime the pressure on Putin to intervene is huge and the recent move of Russian forces to the border could be part of a Kremlin effort to show that “we are doing something”. If so, this is a case of too little too late as both Slaviansk and Kramatorsk are in real danger to be overrun.
While I personally believe that Strelkov has a record of exaggerating in order to get attention, and while it is one thing to encircle a city and quite another to enter it and take control of it, it is undeniable that the Ukies have moved huge forces around Slaviansk and Kramatrosk and that the fall of these cities is now only a matter of time: water, electricity and medicine supplies have been cut, food supplies are probably decreasing (no refrigeration), the sanitation/sewage situation is probably becoming critical (no electricity), and the constant bombing and shelling is creating a massive stress problem which the fighters and civilians cannot endure forever.
Furthermore, if Slaviansk and/or Kramatork fall to the Ukies – with all the atrocities and horrors their death squads will then commit – there will be a violent and very angry backlash at the Kremlin and at Putin personally. I believe that Putin fully understands that and that therefore a Russian intervention is inevitable. In purely pragmatic terms, the fall of Slavniask and Kramatorks is nowhere nearly as important as the continual resistance of Donetsk and Luganks, but in symbolic and psychological term this would deal a huge blow to the resistance of the people of Novorossia.
Again, we have a situation in which Poroshenko or, should I say, Poroshenko’s puppeteers in Washington, are absolutely determined to achieve either one of the following goals:
1) To extend Banderastan all the way to the Russian border
2) To force Russia to openly intervene militarily in the Donbass
This is a winning strategy because Kiev has the means to achieve at least one of these goals and Putin does not have a third option. The Kremlin’s preferred solution – to have Novorossia successfully resist the Ukie aggression – does not seem to be achievable, at least not if the Kremlin does not take dramatic action to change the dynamic on the ground.
The Saker
Troops movements in Russia
(I’m not going to decipher or work out the composition).
on trains/ on road and on stand by on the border…
interesting moments
Le Dahu
I have contacted some specific folks, that I am on my way to the Russian Ukraine border to burn my EU (specifc ? passport) in protest of Fascist (EU specific nation) behavior & in support of Donnetsk & its people fighting for freedom.
I cant sit on my ass just hoping for things to just somehow solve themselves.
Ill see how I reach there.
Once I get there Ill make just help with some humanitarian stuff.
I want Russians & Novorussians to know that many EU citizens do NOT support that NATO Secretary Lunatic Fogh Anders Rasmussen
I am also sick of being an armchair warrior.
By John Helmer, Moscow
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is preparing to release Privatbank, the largest commercial bank in Ukraine, from independent tests of its solvency and capital adequacy, and allow a bailout of the bank with Ukrainian public funds, backed by the IMF. The Ukraine mission of the IMF has also revealed this week that it is allowing Igor Kolomoisky (image above), the control shareholder of Privatbank, to direct his own audit and stress test of the bank. This is despite independent evidence of large related-party lending in which the bank has been engaged; and despite judgements recently issued in the UK courts that Kolomoisky presents evidence that is “false or materially incorrect.”
From Gleb Bazov: Reports that troops of #Russia|n Central Military Region raised to full alert level this morning.
“at least not if the Kremlin does not take dramatic action to change the dynamic on the ground”
I place a bet, 1,000,000,000 to 1: Putin will *not* (!!!) do an iota to help Novorossya. No intervention, period. Highly likely that he has an agreement in place with Poroshenko & other “partners”. How to put it delicately … a typical zionist-to-zionist gentlemen’s agreement, shall we say…
Any photos or videos of all this activity?
A third option might be, after 24 hour’s warning against any further artillery, air, tank, or BMP strikes:
(1) At 1 PM (midnight summer time)TOT, destroy all Ukranian artillery positions in Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts with thermobaric missiles from Iskanders, followed by the destruction of all helicopter bases, tank and BMP parks, HQ’s, and comm. centers.
(2) At daylight destroy all non-civilian flights over the oblasts with S300/400’s.
(3) A similar 24-hour warning should be issued about any unilateral border-delimitation fences or mine fields, with the destruction the next day of any vehicles attempting to implement them.
Novorussiya would be saved without boots on the ground, then could be supplied adequately. NATO would not have a direct cases belli, so would very likely only bluster and threaten. Russia would risk crippling sanctions, like those against Cuba, but other countries are unlikely to adhere to them long, anymore than against Cuba.
Georhii Rudko, the chairman of the Ukrainian State Commission for Natural Resources, had nothing to do with the choice of the old British War Office as the venue; nor the timing of his speech, one day before the President of Ukraine and the constitutional order of the country were toppled. But Rudko’s presentation on the future for the oil and gas resources of Ukraine is anything but a sideshow.
Rudko was speaking at a meeting entitled “Black Sea & Caspian 2014 Conference – Unlocking Full Potential”. The date was February 20. The address was 89 Pall Mall, where the War Office was located between 1858 and 1906, just missing the Crimean War (1853-56), but managing the second Opium War against China; the three Basotho wars in southern Africa; several rebellions in India; and the Boer War in South Africa. As war offices go, the score was a grand slam for the British.
According to Rudko’s presentation, the western regions of Ukraine can contribute little to the future energy supply of the country and aren’t worth fresh investment. That, he said, is because the area is already “ the most long-exploited in Ukraine and the smallest by potential resources and reserves.” In the eastern regions, by contrast, Rudko said considerable reserves of oil and gas remain to be developed if there is fresh money. The area “is the largest in Ukraine by potential resources and reserves. It has 205 fields, 121 of them are being developed (gas – 64, gas condensate – 72, oil – 53). The degree of the initial potential resources realization – 57%.”
Both west and east have potential value for unconventional gas production; that’s shale or coal-bed methane gas released by hydraulic fracturing and other methods. The estimated resource was plotted by Rudko on the map like this:
But the time required for development, Rudko conceded, is long, the cost high, and the outcome much more uncertain than his recommendation. That is for oil and gas drillers and foreign investors to concentrate on what he calls the “Southern Oil and Gas Region”. On Rudko’s map, the region’s energy riches have already been plotted in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. They lie to the north of Kerch; west of Simferopol; and south of Sevastopol. In short, they lie on the seabed within 200 nautical miles of the Crimean shore line.
Also interesting on Clintons and Pinchuk
God speed Anders.
The Russians are preparing a war crimes case against Mr. Kolomoisky. Perhaps they will be able to pull a ‘rendition’ as the Americans just did in Libya.
@john:I place a bet, 1,000,000,000 to 1: Putin will *not* (!!!) do an iota to help Novorossya. No intervention, period
Accepted. If Putin does nothing within the next 30 days (by July 20th) I will send you $1. If he does, you will send me $1’000’000.
Thank you!
The Saker
I do not understand the behavior of putin. Peak oil has arrived and Russia is in a position of absolute strength. Soon the Europeans are going to beg a bit of gas to Russia in order to survive and Americans will be complete economic and political collapse….
Anonymous 13:45
Please don’t go! Your intentions are the best, but if you don’t know the geography or language or any people there, you’ll be more of an impediment than anything else. Plus an extra mouth to feed and body to shelter and protect. They don’t need that.
Donate to Auslander instead — and if you’re feeling really guilty, donate a lot more!
fake or real???
Three videos showing tanks, APC, trucks pulling small artillery, supply and support vehicles with ammo and fuel, many vans with men, on their way to battle zone through Lugansk. 6-19-20.
Flags of St. George and Crimea on the vehicles.
It matches up with what prior reports that tanks are being mobilized and moved toward the encircled cities like Slavyansk.
There is a confluence of verbal, published and video reports indicating that armor is moving into battle against the Ukies.
Next, I’d like to think, will be some “volunteer” air power to cover the armor. Airfields in Crimea could support these “private efforts”.
Since Nuland and the freaks in NATO refuse to accept Crimea is Russia, they can’t argue the air power comes from outside Ukraine.
@Anonymous 13:45: I fully concur with Nora. Instead you can:
a) collect funds to help Auslander.
b) participate in the information and help spread truthful information about what is going on.
You are needed here, not there!
I *beg you* to reconsider!
The Saker
Russia will never intervene, never! Why? A few reasons:
1. Simply, Russia is not ready, neither financially nor economically, for a war with NATO, and I seriously doubt it will ever be; unless it aligns with China. Russia by itself and its diverse population who would quickly disperse to various sides if a war arise would have no chance.
2. Putin considers that the population of 170 million residents of Russia is more important than the population of 4 million residents of Donbass.
3. As any head of the state, Putin has a humongous ego, which will never allow him to put himself in the position to be defeated.
4. A few days ago Putin personally phoned George Bush Senior to congratulate him his birthday. Would be interesting if it was not pathetic. While hundreds of Russians are being killed by Nazis in Ukraine, Putin’s occupied with G. Bush. This tells you that Putin still craves attention of the West; he wants to be needed, he loves to be loved.
5. Putin is also very well aware of the destiny of the former Serbian President Slobodan Miloshevich, who also tried to protect Serbian populations in Croatia and Bosnia from reemerged fascism that took place in Croatia and Bosnia, of course greatly founded by Germany, which by the way today (and back in 1990s) is not much different than the Germany from 1933. NATO first defeated the armed forces of self organized Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia, then destroyed Serbia bombing the hack out of it (with depleted uranium mostly, so the Serbian population in those areas will be dealing with cancers and birth defects for hundreds of years. Then Miloshevich himself was captured, tried and treated as an animal in the so-called tribunal in Hague, and finally killed like a trumped dog. Putin certainly would like to try to avid this scenario for himself.
WARNING:WARNING: all you have to see this: Our politicians are trying to sell us to the United States/banks through TISA.
“Touting the deal earlier this year, the United States Chamber of Commerce said a successful TISA agreement would benefit America’s services industry and its 96 million, or 84 percent, of the nation’s private sector workers. “As its chief goals, the TISA should expand access to foreign markets for US service industries and ensure they receive national and most-favored nation treatment,” the chamber said of the deal in February. “It should also lift foreign governments’ sectoral limits on investment in services,” “eliminate regulatory inconsistencies that at times loom as trade barriers” and “prohibit restrictions on legitimate cross‐border information flows and bar local infrastructure mandates relating to data storage.”
WikiLeaks warns that this largely important trade deal has been hardly discussed in public, however, notwithstanding evidence showing that the policy makers involved want to establish rules that would pertain to services used by billions worldwide.
“The draft Financial Services Annex sets rules which would assist the expansion of financial multi-nationals – mainly headquartered in New York, London, Paris and Frankfurt – into other nations by preventing regulatory barriers,” WikiLeaks said in a statement. “The leaked draft also shows that the US is particularly keen on boosting cross-border data flow, which would allow uninhibited exchange of personal and financial data.”
Additionally, the current draft also includes language inferring that, upon the finishing of negotiations, the document will be kept classified for five full years.
In Australia, journalists at The Age reported that experts say the proposed changes included within the WikiLeaks document “could undermine Australia’s capacity to independently respond to and weather any future global financial crisis.”
Dr. Patricia Ranald, a research associate at the University of Sydney and convener of the Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network, told the paper that the documents suggest the US wants to “tie the hands” of other governments, including allied ones, by way of sheer deregulation.
“Amendments from the US are seeking to end publicly provided services like public pension funds, which are referred to as ‘monopolies’ and to limit public regulation of all financial services,” she said. ”They want to freeze financial regulation at existing levels, which would mean that governments could not respond to new developments like another global financial crisis.”
Earlier this week, US Trade Representative Michael Froman said the TISA deal was already well on its way to being put together.
“The basic framework of the agreement is in place, initial market access offers have been exchanged, and sector-specific work in areas like telecommunications andfinancialservices is in full swing,” Froman said, according to Reuters.”
Fresh from Strelkov:
“Ukrainian troops have turned around and left Yampol entirely, our group is back there once again (from Lisichansk). I am glad that our call to Russia for help was heard – simply moving troops to the border was enough to liquidate the Ukies’ break-through into our rear.”
“There has been an abrupt change in the situation. In the morning we were getting ready to repel an attack, and now… I am not going to tell what we are planning :)”
That’s not a “peace plan” — that’s a surrender terms ultimatum.
>13. Unconfirmed but reliable report of two mass graves found outside Mariupol containing men, women, two children all stripped and shot, some with hands tied.
Saker/Juan – if you are in contact with people near Mariupol you must tell them to document this! The UN mission in Ukraine is so far towing the party line and talking only about violations committed by militants and not properly investigating the Ukr army/national guard actions but there are experts in the forensics of these things who can show without doubt what is happening. Documentation means multiple photographs and not just a single video, it means if people have been shot then entry/exit wounds, and ALSO VERY IMPORTANT evidence from the surrounding area such as tire tracks, gouge marks from an excavator used to bury bodies, plus testimony from local residents including clearly stated times things happened, all of this. The US is highly influential but it is not invincible. Any such evidence should be sent to the red cross/UN so that even if they ignore it, it can be proved it was sent! It should also be sent to human rights watch who have finally started to take an interest in the ukr army’s actions.
Without evidence all these things can be dismissed as propaganda (I know they can also be dismissed WITH evidence) but the more evidence there is the harder that will be.
Those videos all seem to be of the same relatively small col of vehicles and (3) tanks.
@anonymous 15:42
From what I understand, Russia is meticulously documenting all war crimes, and will be pursuing them legally. Fighting as many fronts against the enemy as possible.
First of all do not be exited with the youtube films – tanks spotted!
Nothing far from the truth, most, nearly 95% people, confuse BMPs with tanks due to sort of a gun attached to small turrets.
BTW. NDF/NAF needs modern(!) tanks, not rusty T-64 junks.
Ukraine leader declares ceasefire
Ukraine’s President Poroshenko declares week-long unilateral ceasefire in fighting with pro-Russian militants
More to follow.
Well, nobody comments on this little event..
South osetia recognized novorusia 2 days ago.
This is a hint. And please do not think that this was not blessed by kremlin.
So, all is not bleak.
Very creative, peaceful way to end the war in Ukraine. Encourage the Ukies to exchange military equipment for money. The drag the equipment to the border and get cash. Ukraine’s people are starving, impoverished, generally don’t want war.
The idea is radical and could work. There is a solid tradition of oligarchs selling assets they stole, so why not ordinary people doing it.
Of course, they’ll have to keep their AKs for protection from the neo-nazis, but the big stuff gets sold.
Points of reception of military equipment and ammunition. Tank – 120 000 us dollars BMP – $ 80,000 BTR – 60 000 dollars Gun – $ 50,000 Su-27 – $ 500,000 Helicopter – $ 300,000 NWB “Thunder” – $ 100,000 Missile – $ 1000 The shells to the howitzer – $ 500 apiece. (In rubles at the rate of Moscow.)
221 tanks “abandoned” ! :-)
now if the Fed also “find” 1000 tankists ..
“siege of donetsk” bye bye …:-)
On 20 June, 2014 15:00 “Lucky” wrote:
Russia will never intervene, never! Why? A few reasons:
1. Simply, Russia is not ready, neither financially nor economically, for a war with NATO, and I seriously doubt it will ever be; unless it aligns with China. Russia by itself and its diverse population who would quickly disperse to various sides if a war arise would have no chance.
May I ask you what your data sources are to back up your claims? If this is such a clear cut case, you certainly can provide a wealth of evidence, can you not?
2. Putin considers that the population of 170 million residents of Russia is more important than the population of 4 million residents of Donbass.
How do you know? Care to share your sources to back that one up?
3. As any head of the state, Putin has a humongous ego, which will never allow him to put himself in the position to be defeated.
Interesting. Care to share the data your observation is based upon? If there really is such a connection, the scientific journals are certainly awash with papers to back it up, no?
4. A few days ago Putin personally phoned George Bush Senior to congratulate him his birthday. Would be interesting if it was not pathetic. While hundreds of Russians are being killed by Nazis in Ukraine, Putin’s occupied with G. Bush. This tells you that Putin still craves attention of the West; he wants to be needed, he loves to be loved.
Putin ringing up someone has zilch to do with his attitude towards an intervention. Nor is it indicative of his attitude towards Western leaders.
The logic of your argument is broken.
5. Putin is also very well aware of the destiny of the former Serbian President Slobodan Miloshevich, who also tried to protect Serbian populations in Croatia and Bosnia from reemerged fascism that took place in Croatia and Bosnia, […]
How do you know what Putin is aware of and what not? Did you talk to him recently? What makes you think the Ukrainian and Yugoslavian civil war are comparable to each other and will have similar outcomes? Care to share your data your conclusions are based upon?
It can be read easily in English. It got latest news with images.
Anders, while Nora and Saker’s advice is sound there are times when a person should follow their heart and inclination. Choose as wisely as you can and best of luck if you go. Reporting back could be of value as well but of course be careful.
German pilots in the South-East and German identity on the IL76? Would be nice if some proof of that shone up on some of the vk-pages… could be some German MPs were interested in asking some uncomfortable questions…
with kind regards
German pilots in the South-East and German identity on the IL76? Would be nice if some proof of that shone up on some of the vk-pages… could be some German MPs were interested in asking some uncomfortable questions…
with kind regards
Thanks for the update, guys.
The depraved dwarf has finally lost it:
NATO chief claims Russia’s intelligence finances Greenpeace
“Greenpeace thinks that the statement is absurd. “We’re wondering, what do these people smoke in NATO headquarters?”
Neither looks very happy about the union…
Sergey Glazyev, the economic aide of Vladimir Putin
Sergey’s speech translated into Croatian.
People can do a lot is they are organized.
Akademik Sergej Glazjev je savjetnik ruskog predsjednika Vladimira Putina. Prije nekoliko dana napisao je opširni osvrt na aktualnu situaciju u Ukrajini te se fokusirao na ulogu SAD-a. Prenosimo njegov tekst u cijelosti:
Rat koji je u tijeku na Donbasu donosi velike prijetnje Rusiji, Europi i cijelome svijetu, dok nerazumijevanje istih povlači za sobom njihov automatski razvoj u regionalni, a zatim i svjetski rat. Prikaz ovog rata u svjetskim mainstream medijima kao borbe ukrajinske vlasti za cjelovitost svoje zemlje tako je daleko od njegova smisla, kao i prikaz hitlerovskog propagandnog napada na Poljsku kao zaštite Njemačke od poljske agresije. Nešto dublje tumačenje ovog rata sadržano je u ruskim MSM – kao otpor stanovništva Donbasa nacističkoj hunti koja je protupravno preuzela vlast u Kijevu.
U međuvremenu, bez razumijevanja uzroka i pokretačkih sila eskalacije oružanog sukoba, zaustaviti ga je nemoguće. O tome svjedoči neuspjeh pregovora o zaustavljanju nasilja i rješavanja ukrajinske krize koji su se dosad provodili. Pomislili bi da sve strane moraju biti zainteresirane da se zaustave ratne operacije na Donbasu. One nanose štetu Ukrajini, Rusiji, samom Donbasu i ugrožavaju Europu. Pa ipak, niti jedanput dosad zapadna strana nije ispunila svoje obveze. Nepromjenjiv rezultat svih pregovora je izravna obmana od strane SAD-a i njihovih kijevskih namještenika, koji koriste pregovore za odvraćanje pažnje i dezorijentaciju partnera.
For those concerned about military reverses and defeats of the NAF along the road to freedom …
Please remember back in history the many YEARS it took other people to free themselves, and the many reverses they suffered.
It took us Americans 8 years (1775 to 1783) to legally establish our self determination. During this time, General George Washington was almost continuously in retreat and avoiding encirclement and presided over only two winning battles – Trenton/Princeton in 1776 and Yorktown in 1781, while American forces as a whole could only count three other significant victories during the entire period Ticonderoga in 1775 (obtaining heavy weaponry), Saratoga in 1777 (defeat of Northern British Army and French alliance), and Cowpens in 1780 (Cornwallis chased from North Carolina).
The Greeks fought for 11 years (1821 to 1832) to just begin to be free of the Turks. They suffered numerous reverses including internal civil wars and the intervention of Egypt and the fall of Athens along the way.
The Serbs fought from 1803 to 1817 against the Turks, being crushed and defeated along the way with atrocities such as the Skull Tower of Nis as a monument, and did not receive recognition of freedom until 1830.
Novorossian Spring uprising started in April and it is now June and people are bewailing the lack of victory and bemoaning the possible loss of the first city. Attention spans of the internet era could never have handled the years of conflict necessary for freedom. To expect the automatic intervention of the protecting Hand of God always in history, as in Crimea, is to task God with such miracles as His duty when it should be man sprining into action and making his own new reality to which God may choose of His own will to add to. The same goes for expecting always the protecting hand of Mother Russia and her Armed Forces.
I wonder if Thomas Paine’s “The Americn Crisis” has ever been translated into Russian. Perhaps it should, as it would be salutary reading in Donbass.
“These are the times that try men’s souls: The Summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial and article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. … I have as little supersitition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who has so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent. Neither have I so much of the infidel in me, as to suppose that He has relinquished the government of the world, and given us up to the care of devils; and as I do not, I cannot see on what grounds the King of Britain can look up to heaven for help against us: a common murderer, a highwayman, or a housebreaker, has as good a pretence as he.”
The whole pamphlet is wonderfully salutary.
Вот так:
Oh, don’t mind him. He was just bitten by Jen Psaki. It’s curable, or so they say…
It has been bugging me that I didn’t know how to make a hot link to a url I was posting in my comments.
Here is the official code format:
Insert the url for URL, substitute title for Title and it is supposed to work.
Posting a Link
@ Bakunin 20 June, 2014 16:41
Can you provide evidence disproving suggestions or suppositions of Lucky?
Ad.3. Every leader has augmented ego. He wouldn’t be a top politician. Elementary psychology.
Ad. 4. Probably hyperbole but chain of reasoning is correct. Bushes are connected with Third Reich. Period. Bush Senior was looting Russia in Yeltsin times together with Wall Street bangsters, from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. The present economic situation of Russia is a direct result of the ignominious times. Mr. Bush even boasted himself citing the unlimited opportunity which opened to the bangsters from The East Cost. It wasn’t the proudest Putin’s move.
I have the feeling that intervention is coming, very soon.
I believe the Russian ‘quiet’ about which so many have complained has been used to prepare for a decisive strike.
Please remember that a very important date is upon us all: June 22nd, when in 1941 Hitler invaded Russia.
I’m certain Putin is well aware of they symbolism of that specific date.
@VINEYARDSAKER (20 June, 2014 14:24)
You are welcome. Incidentally, I said 1,000,000,000:1 (not “1,000,000:1”).
Sorry to see you lose $1:
A Russian checkpoint on the border has been shelled.
Response from the Russian foreign Ministry:
Today the Russian border post came under Ukrainian law-enforcers Novoshakhtinsk. There is destruction. Customs officer severely wounded.
The Russian side expresses a strong protest against this aggressive action. Demand from Kiev for urgent and immediate investigation of all the circumstances of the crime, which violates the basic norms and principles of international law.
We are talking about a direct provocation, which prevent the implementation of the Geneva agreement on rapid de-escalation of the Ukrainian conflict.
How can you correlate this with the Kiev authorities today declared cessation of hostilities?
This is not Crimea. I think that this time Russia should play it US style. This means talking about R2P 24/7 in media and publicly threatening Ukraine. Yes, Russian image would suffer a lot, but public is already polarized anyway. Now imagine sudden strike in Ukraine and the panic western media would create. End of the World would come. I think the total consequences would be much worse. If anything all would claim that Russia can’t be trusted, pretending to be not involved like in Crimea, but planning invasion for years or some other ridiculous nonsense. A bit more predictability is the way to go.
But of course, currently it’s better to keep low profile and talk to Poroshenko in private.
This is turning into a absolute farce for Putin… quite honestly, he is an a-hole for giving out false hopes and for putting peoples lives and well being in danger. This whole Donbas operation has been completely f’up from the beginning.
The only way this whole thing can be salvaged is if there is undeniable proof out there that Maidanites were responsible for the sniper killings and Odessa.
1. If Putin invades, he may be able to save the east culturally but he can’t help them economically.
2. If he doesn’t invade, he’ll see people he gave false hopes to intimidated and humiliated.
Why did he do this? There are many places where he could have said “stop” in a position of strength(after the separation referendum), but that’s long gone now.
Putin needs to go… because of his reckless gamble, he is quickly becoming the guy people want to see get punched in the face.
fascinating video
Fed up with all these lame comments like Anonymous 18:30 and some other above about what Putin should and shouldn’t do. If you are so bloody smart and know everything better than him maybe you should run for presidency in Russia at the next elections
Anonymous said…20 June, 2014 18:30
How is the weather in Tel Aviv today?
I think your prediction of a russian intervention (be it with troops or missiles) is nothing more than wishfull thinking. I agree with John that Putin won’t do anything (in any case nothing more han he has done so far, which is very little).
By giving false hope and promises to people in eastern ukraine Putin has encouraged people and then betrayed them. He had a powerful position at the beginning of the conflict when the ukries were afraid of russian intervention, but then the Americans shouted Boo! Sanctions! Isolation! and suddenly he started shitting his pants.
As for now, he is more and more becoming the new Gorbachev, more busy with pleasing foreign leaders and elites in stead of acting in the interest of the russian people and state.
There are no signs whatsoever that an intervention is imminent, rather on the contrary.
He’ll sell out completely by backing the Poroshenko “peace plan”, hoping for a hidden compromise “you can keep Donbass, we will keep Crimea”. But the Americans don’t have an appetite for weakness and will start a crimean front (with huge economic and political pressure) once Donbass is finished.
“Lucky” hiding as Anonymous said on 20 June, 2014 17:51:
Can you provide evidence disproving suggestions or suppositions of Lucky?
Lucky, when *you* put up claims and use qualifiers that present them as near certain, it’s up to *you* to present the evidence. If you cannot, then it follows that no conclusive evidence exists for your assertions.
Ad.3. Every leader has augmented ego. He wouldn’t be a top politician. Elementary psychology.
That doesn’t even begin to resemble an explanation, it’s just a circular reasoning. I did a Google search on “augmented ego” but not a single result is a reference to psychology. If your assertion were true, then there should be thousands of hits. Since you did not provide any source for your claims, I have to assume there does not exist one.
Ad. 4. Probably hyperbole but chain of reasoning is correct.
What reasoning? A non-sequitur is not a reasoning. And “Lucky” saying it is correct because he says so, does not make it a compelling argument either.
Anyway, thanks for confirming that you were talking out of your rear end.
I am receiving news from Russia that Russian forces showed en masse on the border causing a partial retreat of the Ukris. Can anyone on the spoy confirm this?
the pessimist,
It’s not just about this guy following his heart and inclination — it’s about the welfare of the people he’s feeling so badly about!
Same thing was true when NOLA was under water — too many people who went down to “help” ended up diverting housing, food, medication and every other scarce resource from the people who needed them most. And not knowing their way around or necessarily having any particularly valuable skills for that situation, they really were a burden, not a help.
God knows it’s hard to sit on your hands when awful stuff is going on. I’m personally having a hell of a rough time with it. But we’ve all got to really think through what is best for THOSE people, not just “do something” that ends up making things even worse for them.
You’re right of course about the time-frames — and also the degree of fighting unfortunately required. I think one factor that’s making us so danged impatient — only one, mind you, but still — is the very medium through which we’re able to communicate here, pretty much instantly. Seeing all this stuff online — much more than what we ate dinner with back in Vietnam days — makes it so up close and personal, so much more than a daily body count or brief recitation of what happened in some battle or whatnot. With every video you watch, you’re right there! And as I said above, it’s hard to sit on your hands and just watch this stuff happen.
Unless you’re responsible for doing it, of course. In which case, you have neither heart nor soul, and in a just world would no longer be drawing a breath.
But if I were Novorossiyan right now, I would not want to read ANYTHING written by ANY American except a fully-signed peace treaty, adequate reparations and one huge and fully contrite apology signed by every damned Neocon and Neoliberal in Washington.
вот так,
Riyadh (AFP) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is expected in Saudi Arabia late on Friday for talks about the Syrian conflict, on which Moscow and Riyadh hold diverging views, a Saudi official said. Lavrov will meet Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal on Saturday in the Red Sea city of Jeddah “for talks on several issues, with developments in Syria at the top of the agenda”, the official, who declined to be named, told AFP. Russia backs Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government in the more than three-year conflict, while Saudi Arabia supports the rebels trying to oust him. On June 10, a Kremlin spokesman indicated to AFP that Russian President Vladimir Putin had recently met Prince Saud, without saying where or when they met, or what was discussed. Confirmation of the meeting come a day after Lavrov held a telephone conversation with his Saudi counterpart to discuss the war.
I’m 18:30 and you guys are kidding yourself…. Russia has trapped themselves and now must ask themselves what ditch to drive into… that is unless there is undeniable proof of the Maidan’s involvement in the sniper killings and the Odessa massacre.
If Putin invades sanctions will rape Russia’s economy… regardless of the immediate reaction from the people of Donbas, if Russia can’t improve their economy they will be ungrateful… Russia will end up losing the World Cup over an intervention… Russia is not powerful enough to take on the world… period.
If Putin doesn’t send the troops he will see people that hoped he could be a hero end up being humiliated.
This is the reality… and people who deny it have their heads in the ground.
Trolls and disinformation workers.
The anti-Putin comments are so lame.
He is suckering the NATO generals into a catatonic state of immobility.
They would love to standoff and lob cruise missiles as they did in Libya against a third rate, third world regime.
But they know they can only send mercenary pilots and contorted snipers to kill Donbass civilians.
Obama and Biden and the war-mongerers are worse off. They will soon see Iran and Russia mop up ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
Putin is far from sitting on his hands. He is playing a game across the globe against terror, hegemony, the scheming bankers and gangsters of the West.
This isn’t WWIII we are seeing. This is the birth of a rebalancing global order.
Russia and China with Iran and many others are doing it with a war against the petro-dollar, the dollar for trade, trade pacts leveraged against Russia, China and the developing and emerging markets, and heinous use of neo-nazis and Islamic terrorists as the shock troops against governments.
Putin and morality is winning. All the evil is being exposed.
So to anyone who rips Putin, you are ignorant of the facts, the state of the world, and the tools of strategy.
He doesn’t have to fire a shot. He is using techniques of statecraft and the advantage that this war in the Ukraine is on his border.
NATO, the UN, the EU, the USA have walked into Putin’s neighborhood, right next to his beloved Motherland and started something that they cannot win in a thousand years. He has every strategic, tactical and logistical advantage.
This is going to be the worst geo-political move in human history—challenging the Russian peoples on Russian turf to a combat that ignites Russian religious and patriotic values and instincts.
The Bear will tear the gay parade of sodomites to shreds.
Putin versus Obama. A man versus a man-child, bisexual narcissist.
@Larchmonter445, 20 June 2014, 20:44
Well said Larchmonter445, Well Said!
Most points you made are spot on. I’ve tried to convey the same thing from the start of reading this blog (some weeks ago) as has Slicer and others. You have done a much better job of conveying this than I and the others I refer to.
Putin and people in his position cannot allow themselves to think tactically, they have to look at the whole picture and integrate their strategies into the a larger framework that encompass time, space (geography), economy, sociology, culture, religion, morale (and morals), communications, etc…, on a global/continental scale. In doing so, the leadership of serious global powers are able to implement policies in multiple theaters and timeframes that are coordinated, additive and mutually supportive as opposed to inadvertently contradictory (for a good example of incompetent, uncoordinated, emotionally/ego-driven and contradictory policies you need only look at the “policies” of the stunningly incompetent Hitlery Clinton – John Kerry State Dept as well as the desperate actions of an out-of-control CIA) .
In addition, tactically speaking as well, you are so absolutely on the mark that certain idiots in Westminster, Berlin, Brussels and Washington have made a huge error in trying to fight Russia in their own neighbourhood.
@ 20 June, 2014 19:15
@ 20 June, 2014 19:17
20 June, 2014 18:30 he’s right.
If you think that _everyone_ is looking into Putin’s picture as at Virgin Mary Image you are darn wrong.
Probably you didn’t see in youtube films with people __not__ happy with LPR and DPR.
For example – read the interview with LPR defender from Sarov:
Saratov volunteer “Volgar” about the situation near the city of Lugansk: “I’ll go – who will remain?”
And stop behaving as you were the smartest kids in a block.
Y’all gotta see this picture
Saker, have you seen a recent piece by Nikolai Starikov telling those who clamor about “Putin betraying Novorossiya” to take a chill pill? I’ve only seen the Serbian translation (here), no clue where the Russian version might be.
Would be happy to retranslate into English if need be.
I don’t get how it is that Novorossiya pays taxes to Kiev and Russia here is supposed to intervene to defend their independence. Any clues?
I don’t get how it is that Novorossiya pays taxes to Kiev and Russia here is supposed to intervene to defend their independence. Any clues?
@Bakunin wrote:
20 June, 2014 16:41
First, now that you buried (please note sarcasm here) all my points I have to tell you “Good job”, go treat yourself with a popsicle, you certainly deserved it.
Next, the easiest thing in the World is to criticize someone’s writing. Even a high-schooler can find a reason, or maybe two, to disagree with a PhD dissertation. She/he might simply keep asking questions like why you use black fonts, or why the font size is 12, or even why the margin between paragraphs is too big/small. However, not once the high-schooler will provide a constructive criticism such as that font size of the dissertation must be 10 because the dissertation guideline is recommending so, or the same guideline recommends that the distance between two paragraphs should be two empty lines. What you could hear from a sweet high school pupil is just a lot of ‘whys’ simply because her/his teacher has encouraged her/him to ask as many questions as possible; and let’s not forget another very intellectual ability, to keep asking what is the source of your data.
And that is fine for someone who is still a high-schooler. High-schoolers are still young and not ready to get over a huge bump that lies ahead of them and requires them to use their brain a little bit more than to ask question. High-schoolers are yet to learn that if you disagree with someone’s thought/work/writing you should provide your arguments why you think the other person’s arguments are not valid and yours are. That’s the difficult part.
Now, that we separated high-schoolers from those that have ability to constructively criticize someone’s work let me elaborate a few point about what my previous post is based on. My data is my experience collected during the last 25 years of military service as an officer involved directly and indirectly in various armed conflicts around the World. My points were based on many articles written by analysts from both sides of this conflict (yes, there are only two sides, what a surprise). Also, my points are based on works of many esquires such as Николай Стариков, Алекса́ндр Ду́гин, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, to mention a few.
Furthermore, my posts are my personal views and believes; neither true nor false as it is still too early to tell. If I could tell the future I would certainly not waist my time getting engaged in this conversation with you. You, on the other side, has two choices (not bad considering that many Russians in Eastern Ukraine have no choices whatsoever): You could either read and ignore my post, or you could provide your arguments why you think the points make no sense. Unfortunately, as many high-schoolers (not by age, but by thinking process) you have chosen neither option. You decided neither to ignore a post you do not like, nor to provide your arguments and logic behind, which will refute my points. Maybe you simply lack intellectual abilities to do so, but felt the need to make some noise.
To sum up, go get your popsicle and either learn to constructively criticize someone’s writing or move on to the next post.
Kolomoisky and the other freak have told Porky they won’t follow his ceasefire order, oh dear, but we knew Porky wasn’t in charge anyway, this is all over twitter.
Dear Saker,
Absolutely agree with the call for photographic documentation and more evidence given by Anonymous, @ 20 June, 2014 15:42.
If you really want to see the fascists defeated, you need to start winning the information war.
Once Again Saker you’re just plain wrong; i.e. you are committing the fallacy of juxtaposing your emotional desires with actual facts.
Putin and the rest of the Management of the Russian State do not have just 2 options as you put it (i.e. 1-Russia tolerates a Terrorist sponsoring Banderstan upto the Russian border, or 2-Russia Intervenes Overtly).
The Russian State Management (comprising of Putin and a council other leaders and experts) has many more options to exercise (too many to list). As an example, a scaled-up covert op involving Russian Spetnatz, large scale transfer of weaponry AND basic supplies to the NDF, etc).
Another ‘non-linear’ option includes capture/rendition of three of the top criminals Oligarchs or members of Kiev’s puppet ‘leadership’ into the hands of the DNR for summary trial: Given the DNR’s grey legal status, they aren’t bound by restrictions on the Death Penalty and Russia retains the protection of deniability. There are many less drastic actions than this available that can stop the Junta in their tracks.
You are just plain wrong to impose what your gut wants on what is strategically the best for everyone. Now if Putin doesn’t do anything AND compromises the security of the State he IS responsible for, which is Russia, then his critics may well be right about him (that he’s been compromised).
I would like to bring new directions of thinking for all of us, something that any good chess player does. Please think about this:
1. If you were Russian male right now, would you be ok going to a real war ? If you are not Russian, would you go as a volunteer to fight against the evil ?
2. Is V. Putin the only one that should take the decision of implicating Russia in a war ? How about the other powerful people in Kremlin, should they also be given some responsibility ?
3. How about the Russian society and the understanding of how this world works ? Do you think they really understand how dollars are created ?
4. Where are the big rallies against NATO held by Russians who understand the danger ?
5. Putin is a human being like all of us, 60+ years old with a very nice new young wife. Place yourself in his shoes and think from that position.
6. Since all of the East-European nations are ruled by corrupt traitors for the last 25 years and they never revolted, why should we ask for other nations to show moral strength and patriotism ?
7. Do you think China can be trusted (despite that big deal worth 400 billion judenfetzen ) ? Do you know how many Chinese live in US and are doing business there ? Same question about India.
8. Of you consider that Ukraine sits on the land where kingdom Khazaria used to be, don’t you think people over there are naturally more cunning, pervert and able to cheat than any one else ? Maybe SBU is much stronger and efficient than FSB, after all. Just look how incompetent was the FSB for not having a clue that a huge neighbor can become such a strong enemy overnight.
I have many more questions, but hopefully these ones can stir some fruitful discussions.
Oh fergawdsakes, enough already. You’ve done graduate school and been in the military (or so you say): Big. Whup. You’re also citing Brzezinski and Kissinger, thereby invalidating most of your claims. Get off your high horse and say something backed up with, you know, facts. You haven’t.
@GBLMK 5. “Putin is a human being like all of us, 60+ years old with a very nice new young wife. Place yourself in his shoes and think from that position.”
Some 1000 years a go, there was a famous Chinese empire who ruled the prosperous kingdom for 20 year, then one day, some one found him a beautiful young wife. From then on, he no longer take care of business of been an responsible empire, and showered his young wife’s family with power and money. One day civil war broke out because of it, he had to flee the capital with the beautiful young wife and her brother in tow. To end civil war, he had to agree to hang his beautiful young wife and her brother, and abdicate. If you think Putin can not perform fully in a capacity of Russian President as a 60+ year old man with a beautiful young wife, Russian may need find some one different.
I do not get it. People in Novorossia are Russians who happen to wake up at wrong side of border some 20 years ago, why Russian on this site talk about them as if they were some one else? Am I wrong to have this impression? Why is Russian thinking about duck instead of stand and fight while some one brought war at your door?
I want to send a salute across the field of battle to Larchmonter445
The air is thick with smoke and noise, but your signal doesn’t waver.
Neither does mine. Neither does brother Putin’s.
I feel blessed to be in such company and send you good wishes across the field. I agree with everything you’ve written in the last few days, and if this message should reach you – Salute!
As for the trolls and anonymous whores, let them live in fear – as well they should!
Firefight at the border, at night, celebrating the cease fire, I suppose.
Border Firefight
Excellent compendium of Ukraine Genocide and who is responsible for each atrocity.
Ukraine Genocide Cheerleaders
And all the anti-Piutin talkers are trolls or supporters of the Hegemon’s death machine, or more likely, both.
Nilolai Starikov clear defense of Putin from a real thinker. Stick it in Yandex for English.
To all of these indefatigable Putin debaters on the blog:
I would like to add to all of your collective store of ‘facts’ and watertight arguments an item that stands totally in the realm of speculation, but potent nonetheless – a ‘what if’.
But first a question: which prize is most important to Moscow (Russia’s collective leadership) right now – getting into an unending struggle with Ukraine’s taliban (pravi sector), or the welding of strong economic and military bonds with China?
Okay. Now for the what if: What if that handshake and toast of the century between Putin and Xi Jinping were predicated on one very pertinent condition – stipulated by Xi Jinping? Xi to Vladimir: “We agree to go forward full-bore with both economic and defense relations, Vladimir, except for the issue of Ukraine/NATO (US). Vladimir, if you and the Russian leadership get bogged down in an overt military struggle in Ukraine, count China out. We are not interested in becoming involved in any conflagration related to Ukraine. Moreover, if Russia does get into a Ukrainian quagmire, we might have to rethink the entire defensive relationship with your country. China is just not ready at this time to become enmeshed directly or indirectly in any of Europe’s primeval feuds.”
That’s the ‘what if’. Is it so impossible? And, I’m sure that there are a few more that we haven’t thought of yet.
I think nobody here must envy Mr. Putin.
RM Glanville
Hi Saker
I great German woman speaking her mind to Merkel…
Belgian media report that part of Russian army has been put on full-alert.
” Again, we have a situation in which Poroshenko or, should I say, Poroshenko’s puppeteers in Washington, are absolutely determined to achieve either one of the following goals:
1) To extend Banderastan all the way to the Russian border 2) To force Russia to openly intervene militarily in the Donbass
This is a winning strategy because Kiev has the means to achieve at least one of these goals and Putin does not have a third option.”
No the options are much greater than 3.
Let the opposition dream that the world is binary and the waves can be commanded, or ruled as the British were wont to declare.
As to winning – what does that mean?
I find it difficult to believe that Putin will allow them to take control of the embattled regions of Ukraine. There is no benefit for Russia in passivity. Inaction will not prevent further aggression by the West and weakens Russia’s position. Putin knows he must take action. I believe he has no choice.
Dear Saker and Friens,
Regarding the Poroshenko peace proposal: one of the most ominous clauses seemed not to be included in the above summary, namely, that the Kiev government would pledge to rebuild bombed-out structures in cities such as Slavyansk. What this means is, they would “rebuild” with their own hideous architecture and put in their own people, ie. west Ukrainian “settlers” or Shell Oil employees.
More importantly, rather than discuss the merits or demerits of Poroshenko’s peace proposal, Novorossiya should meet it with a peace propoposal of their own. Then they’d be ready for talks.