Post Bilderberg 2015 Sergey Guriev demands from the Western governments to take over Russia, or else …

A growing numbers of neo-conservative, free market doctrine worshiping, liberal ex-Russian citizens are settling into their new role as “prophets of doom in exile.”

More on the Russian neo-conservative liberals here

Considering that they have managed to steal humongous amounts of money from the Russian people, they, (the prophets, not the Russian people), will be fabulously comfortable. They don’t have to work as cab drivers, but they are eager to prostitute with the Western media and Western think tanks, eager to one day to achieve their lofty political goal: to come back to Russia and steal more money.

Sergey Guriev is just one of many.
Sergei Guriev – former Dean of the New Economic School in Moscow and member of the Sberbank Supervisory Board. Sberbank is one of the Russia’s top three banks.

Sergey Guriev, a neo-con liberal pro-Washington economist, fled Russia because of his alleged involvement in murders around Yukos. He has not been in Russia for about three years, but for some reasons he is believed to posses some kind of special knowledge of Russia’s present and future.

After ritual immersion in Bilderberg 2915 Mikveh, Sergey Guriev gave birth to verbal vomit on his opinion of Russia’s future for the Washington Post. Let’s consider this to be the Bilderberg club’s message given to the Russian people.

Guriev claims that Russia doesn’t have a future, because it doesn’t have long term policy and economic plans for the development of industries beyond the next three years. Which is very bizarre, considering that in every one of his previous verbal vomits he claims that even a one year economic plan would be a return to a Soviet regime. After all, the chaotic free market with no central planning was the dogma that neo-cons like Guriev were insisting for the past 25 years. It has cost the Russian economy two trillion dollars. That’s what Giruev was teaching students in his HSE Higher School of Economic.

It’s hard to take these dissipated people seriously and because they are running from justice, they’re saying what they are told to say. He calls on the West not to “loose Russia,” and to have a “Marshall Plan-style program” to “rebuild” Russia’s economy that “only” grows 2% a year. WTF? He wants the West take over the rule in Russia, or in neo-con doublespeak ” supporting governance.” He wants the West to take over education “reforms” to create young orks like the neo-fascists in Ukraine.

And for the West to conduct “health-care reforms” – this is truly scary. You are aware of the unspeakable hate that the West, the US and Europe are showing to Russia right now. Can you imagine, the same western nations coming to Russia with chemicals and injections, and vaccinations to “treat” Russian people? Will it be like during the fascist Germany and fascist Finland occupation of Russia in 1941-1944? Death camps named after Doctor Mendele?

And “investing in Russia’s infrastructure.” Let’s take over the Russia’s TV translations, press, internet, communication lines, satellites, roads, so no one in the World would ever know that horrors are being conducted by the West in Russia.

“The West should be clear about what it will take for Russia to reengage with the European Union, NATO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international bodies,” Guriev says.

No. Russia makes it clear that the country won’t reengage with all those anti-Russia and anti-Eurasia pro-Western outdated and antiquated organizations. Russia and the rest of the non-Western world are creating new organizations, beneficial for their founders, and not for the indebted, broke, and dissipated West.

Banned by the government, Carnegie Moscow Center likes to point out that Liberals in Russia are “selflessly bearing the burden of running” Russian banks, universities, and mineral extraction companies. The fact that they become billionaires in the process and transfer these fortunes to the West of the Russia’s borders, is being omitted from the Western narration.

Sergei Guriev is the only Russian attending the Bilderberg summit, June 9th-14th in Austria.

He has the usual Soros and Khodorkovsky connections. It’s safe to presume he will advice the Atlanticist elite on how to proceed against Russia.
On this (Soros-sponsored) website
“With the funds amounting to only about 6% of GDP, Russia can maintain a 3.7% deficit for less than two years before it either has to withdraw from Ukraine to gain relief from Western sanctions, or undertake a major – and, for Putin, politically dangerous – fiscal adjustment.”

And this revealing piece in the Washington Post, splattered with wishful sentences like
“The Kremlin has no credible financial plan beyond 2016 except for hoping for oil prices to recover.”
“regime survival” “widespread panic and the collapse of the regime. ”
“At some point, this regime will have to go”
“the best scenario one can hope for is some form of transitional government that would provide certain guarantees to the outgoing elites and oversee new elections.”
“The West should get prepared now for sudden and turbulent change in Russia.”

I’m guessing it is close to what he has presented at the Bilderberg meeting, and might give some indicators on what the western elites plan for Russia in the next future (coup d’etat?).

Bilderberg Meetings 63rd Bilderberg conference took place from 11 – 14 June 2015 in Telfs-Buchen, Austria.
Bilderberg 2015 and attendee list and agenda

A total of around 140 participants from 22 countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media have been invited. The list of participants is available on
There is no application process. The key question is whether participants can bring an interesting perspective to the discussions. Participants are invited because they can offer a different point of view.

The key topics for discussion this year include:
Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Chemical Weapons Threats, Current Economic Issues, European Strategy, Globalisation. Greece, Iran, Middle East, NATO, Russia, Terrorism, United Kingdom, USA, US Elections

Meanwhile, Russia’s Minister of Economical Development Alexei Ulyukayev which was not invited to Brilderberg, gives an interview to Stephen Sackur, BBC HARDTalk [Source]
The interview in which Ulyukayev compares Russian people to flies that being poisoned by the West and that those flies will die slow but eventually. Russia’s Minister of Finance also said the Russia needs 50 years of development to catch up with the economies of Japan and the US.

This interview made quite an impact on everyone in Russia. An eye opener, so to speak.

FYI: Ulyukayev is a neo-con liberal, which means a neoconservative follower of Free Market dogmas. Free Market means unrestrained by any state laws or government control, labor protection, environments regulation flow of capital. “Liberal” has nothing to do with personal people liberties. It’s quite opposite. It’s liberty of international capital rule over sovereign nations and people.

For Russia it means that capital and raw mineral resources are being taken out of the country and never reinvested inside the country. Neo-con liberals have been in power in Russia for the past 25 years. I made an introduction to the neo-cons run private New Economic School NSE and the state financed the Higher School of Economics HSE in Moscow and the Washington control Central bank of Russia here

All perfectly timed just as Bilderberg ended and on the first day of 2015 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum opens, the West goes full assault on Russia

Belgium Moves to Seize Russian Assets in Yukos Case [Source]
A group of former Yukos shareholders has called in bailiffs to investigate 47 organizations based in Belgium, with a view to seizing any Russian state assets they might own

Russia’s assets arrested in Belgium (and France)
Российские активы в Бельгии арестованы по иску ЮКОСа

Here some background for this story
Yukos v. Russia: Issues and legal reasoning behind US$50 billion awards

Belgium Moves to Seize Russian Assets in Yukos Case

Russia rules out possibility of compensation payment to ex-Yukos shareholdersminister
June 18, 14:12 UTC+3 In 2014, The Hague Arbitral Tribunal ruled that Russia should pay almost $50 billion to the companies affiliated with the former Yukos shareholders

Colonel Cassad believes, just like myself, that this extortion scheme is just a test to see Russia’s reaction.

If Russian government does nothing and let these assets to be taken, or if it pays, the flood of frivolous lawsuits will follow, including those of Ukraine’s.

Again, as I wrote prior, it’s all in the Russia’s Constitution as a colony of the “international community.” It’s all in the articles of the Russia’s Constitution that international laws take priority over the domestic laws.

It’s defines comprehension that the Russia’s lawmakers are sitting on their hands. Even if 50% of them are traitors and on the Washington’s payroll, what the other 50% is doing?

France arrests Russia’s assets Франция наложила арест на российские активы [Source] [Source]

So far we know about seized properties of:
Russian Orthodox Church, Russia Today, TASS and VTB Bank

Russia Today (RT.COM) announced that their bank accounts in Belgium and France are frozen and that they took measures to prevent the similar situation in other European countries and in the US.

Vise-President of Rosneft Mikhail Leontyev says that this decision of French and Belgium courts are not based on any law and it’s a fact of pure and blatant theft. “This decision is a threat to everyone.”

“The situation in Belgium and France is not a seizure of assets, which implies a legal procedure. This is a robbery conducted outside of the framework of the laws in those countries,” said Mikhail Leontyev.

According to Leontiev, the use of legal tools to assess the situation in this case is meaningless. He compared abusive behavior of small European nations like Belgium and France toward Russia to a “self-gratification play with their reproductive organs.”

Russian Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev announced that more arrests of Russian properties in Europe and the US are imminent and calls for assessment of risks.

There are two major ground shifting consequences to the Russia’s assets freeze in Europe.

1. The EU is aiming to take over the Gazprom assets and property located in Europe. I see this happening before winter sets in. In this case Russia will have to either keep pumping gas via stolen by EU infrastructure, or to stop pumping gas entirely. That most likely will result in multibillion Euros lawsuits from each individual European country against Russia filed in European courts.
It looks like President Putin considers this as a possibility. On Tuesday June 18th he said that Russia’s energy production and transportation might be the target for foreign countries. “Our “partners” do everything to make our life difficult,” Putin says.

2. Europe expropriating taking over private, Russia’s Church owned, NGOs, and state properties of Russia, including diplomatic properties, is a warning to the Chinese government and investors. The easiness with which the EU arbitration and human rights courts expropriate the foreign nationals owned properties is dizzying. This demonstrates that the property ownership protection in the EU and across the Commonwealth is annulled and void. China, which is buying the European and North American properties and assets, might be up to a rude awakening very soon.

Russian government and businesses have to stop pretending that it’s business as usual and take more decisive steps like, freezing all repayments of foreign debt until the situation is resolve; freezing all the deliveries of gas to Europe until there are guarantees of Russia’s assets safety; suspension of the diplomatic missions to the EU; denouncing the membership in Belgium based SWIFT and other steps.

We have to keep in mind that Russia’s state assets belong to the people of Russia. The EU’s attempts to extract 1.8 billion Euros and 50 billion Euros from the people of Russia means to hurt the people. The EU sanctions have already resulted in sharp increase in mortality rate in Russia. The EU sanctions kill Russian people, just as effectively as the EU junta kills Russian Ukrainians by military means and the blockade of food, water and medicine. Just as Ukraine is blocking and redirecting the natural river flow into Crimea and causing the ecological catastrophe in Crimea itself and in the Black sea around the peninsula.

The mood on the Russian street is anger toward Europe and the US, and unyielding understanding of mortal danger coming from the West. European countries and the USA express desire to own territories of Russia without Russians. Essentially, facing imminent death, Russians intent to win, or to take Europe and the US with them.

The bottom line: if Russia pays this extra-judicial European court actions, it will open the floodgate for all kinds of frivolous lawsuit demanding trillions of dollars from the Russian taxpayers.

To say that the European courts abuse the Russian taxpayers is an understatement.

The Yukos extortion is just a testing ground. I see the Ukraine’s lawsuits for Crimea and Donbass are coming down the European court system pipes. Russia has to put a stoppage for this now, before it’s too late.

1. Russians have become the most discriminated nation in Europe
On June 16, 2015 Russian politicians and experts that were invited by the Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF)
were banned from entering the Euro-parliament. Euro-parliament is open for tourists and visitors from any countries, but Russia.

We have to notice the political stance that the European Union has taken towards Russia and the Russian people:
1. The EU has turned Russian people into the most discriminated nation in Europe;
2. The EU placed sanctions against Russia and Russian people;
3. The EU published a “black list” of Russian politicians and celebrities;
4. The European Union declared the Russia’s “black list” of unwanted persons “illegal,” because according to the EU Russia is accused in “mistreating gay people,” “starting war in Donbass,” and “shooting down MH17.”
5. The EU completely blocked communication between the citizens of Russia and the EU apparatchiks;
6. The EU member Belgium arrested all the assets of the Russian federation and Russian Orthodox Church, NGOs and privately hold companies registered in Belgium due to the fake court ruling against Russia in Yukos extortion scheme;
7. Ukraine is attacking Russia’s embassies with the backup of the European Union;
8. The EU media is blaming Russian for all the world ills including Daesh/ISIS.
9. The EU arrests and prosecute anti-war activists and people who try to express support for Russia;
10. The West is clearly set to make up an image of Russia as a “death camp” like it does with the North Korea, Syria and Iran, or until recently. Cuba.

The West is conducting a war on every front including the real front on the historical territory of Russia. The government of Russia has to stop pretending that nothing is happening and to react appropriately.. [Source]

1. Russia 2015: Who are we, and what do we want? By Eduard Birov

2. 2015 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum LIVE UPDATES

3. Rostec has developed super-high-frequency air defense anti-aircraft cannon
В России создали «СВЧ-пушку», выводящую из строя самолеты и беспилотники противника

Russia Develops ‘Microwave Gun‘ Able to Deactivate Drones, Warheads

“The new system is equipped with a high-power relativistic generator and reflector antenna, management and control system, and a transmission system which is fixed on the chassis of BUK surface-to-air missile systems. When mounted on a special platform, the ‘microwave gun’ is capable of ensuring perimeter defense at 360 degrees,” the representative said.

The system is capable of out-of-band suppression of the radio electronic equipment of low-altitude aircraft and the assault elements of precision weapons. The gun is able to deactivate the equipment of aircraft and UAVs, and neutralize precision weapons.”

4. Innopolis University, focused on information technology and robotics, opens in Kazan, Russia

Also, an electric bus Kamaz as a guest of Innopolis University. After also 6 minutes charge, this bus is ready to go for up to 100 kilometers.

and, Students and faculty will be able to move around using these green electro cars .

5. Greece and Russia Agree Political Deal on Turkish Stream Extension

ATHENS (Sputnik) — Greek delegation intends to sign a political Russia-Greece agreement on the support of a pipeline with Russian gas on the territory of Greece during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Lafazanis added.

6. June 18–20, 2015 – St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

Also: More than 2,000 reporters from 42 countries to cover SPIEF-2015

7. Russia’s Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems company has put the advanced Glonass-K1 navigation satellite into mass production

8. OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier said that the organization’s new envoy at the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine is a qualified Austrian diplomat, without disclosing his or her name

9. Russia’s arms export orders stand at $50 bln — official

Donesk Donbass DPR LPR Novorossia
1. Donetsk under threat of radioactive contamination – Ukrainian expert
На химическом заводе в Донецке, где был взрыв, находится хранилище ядерных отходов. Фон радиации никто не измеряет – эксперт
on: June 18, 2015

The radiation background level could have grown in Donetsk due to the powerful explosion in the State Factory of Chemical Products, because a nuclear waste depository is situated there, claimed executive director of the state enterprise East Ukrainian Ecological University Dmitriy Averin according to OstrovV website.

“It is not reliably known what exactly happened there (at the chemical works in Donetsk. – ed.). This is the third explosion occurring in its territory. It is there that one of the nuclear waste depositories of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is situated”, – the expert remarked, having added that there is a chance of destruction of this depository.

Averin also said that no one is monitoring the environment in the “occupied territories”, as he put it, that is why people might know nothing about the contamination.

Fortunately, he is mistaken, but he could have unintentionally revealed the purpose of Ukrainian Army repeated attempts to turn the area of the chemical plant in Donetsk into a replica of the Moon surface.

2. Russian humanitarian convoy sets off for Donbass [Source]
June 18, 2015

3. OSCE Confronted By Angry Residents Of Gorlovika About Their Covering Up For The Kiev Regime And Falsifying Reports [Source]

4. Dmytro Korchinskiy, a well-known fascist: “Lets destroy Donbass
Dmytro Korchinskiy, a well-known fascist, openly admitted that Kiev junta’s goal is to destroy the areas that can not be conquered

5. Fights In Donbass 17.06.2015

6. Fights In Donbass 18.06.2015


1. Chechen refugees harassing Ukrainian and Georgian refugees in a refugee centre in Poland [Source]
Basically, the Chechens tell the Ukrainians not to wear clothes with too short sleeves and turn-ups. They claim “the refugee centre is an Islamic state, as Muslims live here”. An Ukrainian woman starts complaining about it to a Polish guard, but he ignores her, telling her the Chechens had been behaving like that before.
What’s interesting, this Chechen “refugee” is harassing other Russian speaking people in this camp, but he is claiming that his harassment is Russia’s fault. He is clearly an agent provocateur inside this refugee camp.

2. Stephen Cohen: The US and NATO are escalating their assault on Kerry and Putin’s agreement to seek a diplomatic solution to Ukrainian conflict [Source]
Nothing new here, just updates.

What everything comes down to is that you can’t pursue a deliberate policy of encirclement without eventually provoking the country you encircle to strike back. The West really overstepped their mark by betting everything on gaining Ukraine as the last piece of their encirclement puzzle. If the West wanted another outcome it would have treated Russia completely different, creating genuine partnership with it, alas that was never a goal from the part of the West.

3. Anti-US mood rising among the Kiev locals [Source]
Anti-war march in central Kiev for resignation of Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk June 17, 2015