1) Deputy of the Head of EU diplomacy will hold talks in Moscow.
Замглавы дипломатии ЕС проведет переговоры в Москве.

The deputy head of EU diplomacy, Helga Schmid will hold in Moscow on Friday talks with Russian diplomats, during which, in particular, it is planned to discuss the situation in Ukraine, relations between Moscow and Brussels and the Iranian nuclear program.

2) War as a reagent paper.
Война как лакмусовая бумага.

There is no doubt that Ukraine intends to fight against Russia, says Igor Shooters

Correspondent of «Eurasian News Fairway» talked with Strelkov Igor Ivanovich (Girkin Igor Gromov – military leader of Donetsk People’s Republic, a former rebel commander in Slavyansk and organizer of the people’s militia forces in Donetsk) during his visit to one of the cities of the Russian Federation. Visit, organized to raise funds for the people of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republic and the revitalization of the local branch of the public movement “NovoRussia”

3) The “Gromadska TV” called for the murder and kidnapping “traitors” who have remained in the Crimea.
На «Громадськом ТВ» призвали к убийствам и похищениям «предателей», оставшихся в Крыму.

In Ukraine, the unit should be created for the massacre of former Ukrainian security forces remaining in the Crimea, and officials that took the Russian side.

4 )UPA confessed to murdering Oles Buzina and ex-regionals.
УПА призналась в убийстве Олеся Бузины и эксрегионалов.

Читать далее: http://ukraina.ru/news/20150417/1012779978.html
“Ukrainian Insurgent Army” claimed responsibility for the killing of ex-Regions Mikhail Chechetov, Alexander Peklushenko, Stanislav Miller, Oleg Kalashnikov and journalist Oles Buzina.

5) DPR is ready to hold a referendum on the status of Donbass.
В ДНР готовы вновь провести референдум о статусе Донбасса

This statement was made by the head of the People’s Republic of Donetsk (DPR) Alexander Zakharchenko. According to him, the local authorities are ready to hold another referendum, which will determine the future status of the republic.

6) Military events in NovoRussia for 16.04.2015.

Сводка военных событий в Новороссии за 16.04.2015

April 16: the situation in the New Russia continued to remain very tense. Ongoing fighting continues under the sand and Spartacus, on the road and under Bahmutka and Stanitsa Lugansk. Obviously, the truce came to an end, but a full-scale warfare parties have not moved yet. From day to day is expected escalation of the conflict on the part of Ukraine, with the main shock is likely to have on the front in the DPR.

According to intelligence reports, the Ukrainian side has military preparations, the main forces strike groups formed and waiting for the order. It is difficult to say whether the fighting will be gradual. In any case, the war goes on.

7) Military events in NovoRussia for 17.04.2015

Хроника военных событий в Новороссии за 17.04.2015

8) Putin for integration and against the empire.

Путин за интеграцию и против империи.


Russia passed the peak of the economic problems and do not recommend anyone to consider itself as an enemy. There is “a lot of threats that we can not predict, but if we keep such consolidation of the society that we now see, we are not afraid of any threat” – these words can be considered the quintessence of a straight line with President Putin.

9) “Right Sector” threatens to kill my wife and children, “- Odessa police hired gunmen to deal with the many children’s father.
«Правый сектор» угрожает убить мою жену и детей», — в Одессе милиция наняла боевиков, чтобы разобраться с многодетным отцом.
Employees of the Suvorov police department of the city of Odessa, fabricated the case against this man, hired gunmen from the “Right Sector” * so that they deal with it: the radicals broke out the door, where he lived with his wife and four young children.

10) Mustafa Nyem destroyed Ukraine for 500 thousand. UAH from “foreign sources.

Мустафа Найем уничтожал Украину за 500 тыс. грн от “зарубежных источников”


Mustafa openly executes orders Western masters, thereby undermining the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Now these charges appeared in documentary evidence, and from the pen of Mustafa, who was forced to fill in the declaration of his income.

According to them, the profits of the deputy head of the Bloc Poroshenko Mustafa Nayem in 2014 amounted to 102 thousand. 926 UAH. These are the data declaration, which was announced on the website of the Parliament, transmit Ukrainian media.

11) EU unlikely to link sanctions on Russia to Minsk Deal Implementation Monday


12) US says cooperation with Russia on New Start Treaty Silver Lining.


13) US, EU concerned over Russias Import Substitution Program


14) EU can afford anti-Russia sanctions if economy is strong – German minister.


15) Polish general changed his mind about supporting Ukraine, after the law on the glorification of the UPA.
Польский генерал передумал поддерживать Украину после закона о героизации УПА.

“I renounce all that I was talking before about the support of Ukraine”, – said the former commander of the Army and former deputy defense minister of Poland Waldemar Skshypchak in an interview with Gazeta Prawna. The reaction was followed by a general response to the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the law on the recognition of OUN-UPA “fighters for independence of Ukraine.

16) Putin Bullish On Economy – Less Bearish On West.
