1) Новак: контракт с Украиной на транзит газа продлен не будет.
Novak: a contract with Ukraine on gas transit will not be extended
– Russia is likely to abandon the gas transit through Ukraine after 2019, the current transit contract will not be extended, confirmed the Minister of Energy Minister Alexander Novak, speaking at the meeting of the Valdai Club.

2) СМИ: США намерены вести с Россией информационную борьбу в соцсетях.

Media: the US intends to conduct information warfare with Russia in social networks – US authorities intend to conduct information warfare with Russia, invading the information space of social networks “VKontakte” and “Classmates”, as well as the Russian segment of Facebook and Twitter, it is planned to spend more than $ 15 million for this project.


3) Медведев: интеграция Крыма и Севастополя в структуру России состоялась.
Medvedev: the integration of the Crimea and Sevastopol in the structure of Russia was held.

4) Читатели Time признали Путина самым влиятельным человеком мира.

Readers of Time chose Putin as the most powerful man in the world.


5) США сэкономят на запусках ракет за счет отказа от российских двигателей.

US save on missile launches by eliminating the Russian engines.
About the plans of the United Launch Alliance to reduce dependence on Russia in the space sector writes Financial Times. The company announced that the first launch of the new missile, which will be called Vulcan, will be held in 2019.


6) Russia Ends Ban on the Delivery of S-300 Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Iran.


7) After Making a Mess of Bosnia and Kosovo What Makes the EU Qualified to Run Ukraine?


8) Poland Grants Ukraine $100 Million Loan for Wall Against Russia.


9) Crisis in Russian-American Relations Threatens World Nuclear Stability


10) New Ukrainian Laws Could Deepen the Divide Between East and West.


11) Kolomoisky ‘Invited’ to Talk to Prosecutors for Masterminding an Attempted Murder.


12) US Wages Geopolitical Warfare Against Russia in Central Asia and Caucasus.


13) When Will the US Stop Organizing Foreign Coups?


14) War and poverty bring doubt to heartland of Ukraines pro-Europe revolt.


15) Poroshenkos Thugs “Take Care” Of Reporter Photographing His Arrival From Above.

16) 18+ Body of UAF soldiers killed during UAF attack at Donetsk airport handed over to UA officials. (A very young soldier – born in 1992)

17) Lack of EU unity will prevent new anti-Russian sanctions – MP.


18) Ignorance and arrogance’ – Duma speaker blames US for international crises.
