• From the current looks of the situation in Ukraine, the country is almost certainly on the verge of a second civil war – Prof Stephen F.Cohen

• Young men in the Kiev-controlled areas of Donbass are being forced to join the Ukrainian armed forces, the deputy military chief of staff of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People ’s Republic said on Friday.

Ukrainian oligarchs had enough :On August 1 the most influential Ukrainian businessman met at Kiev Hyatt, where they discussed the situation in the country.

• The Face of War: Ukraine artist Daria Marchenko creates Vladimir Putin portrait with bullet shells

• 70 years after the US dropped nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the real reasons behind the decision still divide historians. Recently declassified documents from the time suggest that the nuclear strikes may have been performed not out of military necessity but to intimidate the USSR.

• Ukraine was left with no exports and no imports : Getting closer to Europe: the reduction of Ukrainian exports
Украина осталась без экспорта и без импорта . Всё ближе к Европе: сокращение украинского

• Ex-battalion commander Semenchenko: “Donbass” were ordered to leave Mariupol
Экс-комбат Семенченко: «Донбасс» получил приказ покинуть Мариуполь

New American Military Base to be Built in Poland

• Plan Gorbulina-Poroshenko
The main points of the plan:
1. Kiev takes no peace commitments.
2. The total blockade.
3. Continue terrorizing shelling residential neighborhoods of the city of Donbass, so every night to kill someone from the civilians.
4. This should make life unbearable in the Donbas.
5. This should lead to the fall of the regime’s authority DPR and LPR and the collapse of the army of New Russia.
6. Fatigue Russia with sanctions and pressure.
7. It will be prepared by a sudden blow to the Donbass military as a model, the impact of the Croatian army of the Serbian Krajina.
8. NATO puts its troops in Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, called joint teams Ukraine – NATO.
9. NATO Ukraine provides delivery of weapons, training its army. And then they strike the Donbass, and
NATO’s involvement gives the guarantee of full support from the West.
10. The political regime police dictatorship in Ukraine strengthened.

• After the publication of the “Russian Spring”, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine refused from the idea to lure the army with gays
После публикаций «Русской Весны» Министерство Обороны Украины отказалось от
идеи завлекать в армию с помощью геев

• Kharkiv will leave Ukraine after the Donbass – the Kiev political analyst (Video)

• Iron argument against US: Upgraded rail-mobile missile system “Barguzin” (Video )

Kiev has canceled a military parade on August 24 coz they have no air force or hardware to show for it

• We have not seen any military equipment crossing the Donetsk or Gukovo checkpoints,” Picard said, adding, the OSCE observers have also “never seen people crossing the border with weapons. The border guard and customs strictly watch over this.”

• Completed preparations for the canonization of Bandera
Завершена подготовка к канонизации Бандеры

• While in the background : US exports to Iran up 60%

• Iran’s air defense base is monitoring the country’s sky “round the clock“,

• Black Boxes, Black Holes In The Mh17 Investigation – Why Are The French So Swift And Revealing, The Dutch So Slow And Unrevealing?

• In 2009, President Obama publicly said that should the Iranian nuclear issue be resolved, there would be no need in the missile defense in Europe. I think that he was not speaking the truth,” Lavrov said.

• At the building of the Cabinet of Ministers gathered several dozen people who came with posters “Kolomoisky, give 10 billion in taxes to the state” and “No evil Kolomoisky with public money“.

Preliminary report Crash involving Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 flight MH17

• TASS sources say Russia and India could jointly produce up to 400 Kamov Ka-226T multipurpose helicopters, from 3 to 6 modernized Project 11356 Talwar-class frigates and also the newest Armata tanks

• Saudi-Russian diplomatic dance can’t be to liking of Iran, Syria by Amb. M.K.Bhadrakumar

• dropping of nuclear bombs on Japanese The end never justifies the means

Willy Brandt followers call for a new European approach to the crisis in Ukraine

• The decision on the Mistral contract has already been labeled a catastrophe for France by numerous Western politicians

To Hiroshima, Mr. President.

• Nobel Peace prize President heads for Full Scale war on Syria
It’s been coming for a long time – facilitated by repeated Big Lies about Bashar al-Assad, ignoring his overwhelming public support, especially for defending Syria against an imported Islamic State and other takfiri terrorists, enlisted by Washington as foot soldiers to topple his government.

• What Will Russian Navy Ships Do at Iranian Port?

• The relentless hysterical campaign by Israel and its lobby against the Iran nuclear deal can safely be characterized as the mother of all ironies—a clear case of chutzpah.

• Russia preparing law on seizure of foreign assets

• Russians satisfied with life, but are preparing for worst
New survey shows that 81 percent of citizens see situation in country as positive.

• Joe Biden’s presidential bid and U.S.-Russia relations; Consequences of a destabilized Turkey;
Would a post-Taliban Afghanistan suit Moscow? (Source)

• London Times’s “Dirty Bomb” Article a Sign of Coming NATO False Flag
One of Novorussia’s top political leaders spells it out. Worth reading. He is the speaker of the Novorussian parliament and before the crisis was a prominent politician in Ukraine.

• The Latin American presidents who dare to adopt policies independent from the United States

have to be vigilant. Anything can happen; even an assassination is not excluded. Recently media outlets have been reporting more frequently about the empire taking revenge.

• Lyndon LaRouche’s wife Helga Zepp LaRouche spoke to Sputnik about how US atomic
bombing in Nagasaki and Hiroshima was completely unnecessary and how the US is preparing
for another atomic war against Russia and China right now.
• German mass media are required to provide information in favor of the USA and EU | Eng Subs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQVRw4EPrP4
• President of South Ossetia has made a video address to people of Odessa in connections with

7th anniversary of military aggression of Georgia.
• Russian Analytical Digest No 170: Eurasian Economic Union: A 6 Months Report
This issue of the RAD does indeed assess the first six months of the Eurasian Economic Union
(EEU). The first article evaluates the problems and opportunities facing the Union and
concludes that it has a fair chance of succeeding as an organization. The second piece then argues the EEU is attempting to fashion itself into a “global region,” and thereby ensure that Eurasia doesn’t become a rawmaterial appendage to the world economy. Finally, the third article examines the EEU’s performance thus far, specifically from macroeconomic and local trade relations perspectives.
• Afghanistan on Brink of New Wave of Escalating Tension
It is clear that the leadership of the Islamic State has no plans to use their presence in Afghanistan to shore up the Taliban’s fight with the central government. IS aspires to an independent role and does not intend to coordinate its actions with the Taliban, instead seeking to reshape it. In practice, this will mean a further escalation of the inter-Afghan conflict, with the involvement of a broader spectrum of warring parties.
• IMF’s Man in Kiev Partied in Venice with Oligarch on Eve of IMF Mission to Ukraine
The IMF steps in it again.
• Now China’s has the longest carrier berths in the world.
• US and NATO Military Hardware
• China unable to defeat US in carrier battle: Russian expert
In a direct confrontation with the US Navy, the chances of the Liaoning not being hit by a US anti-ship missile is only between 20% and 30%. The chances of China bringing serious damage to a US carrier is only between 7% and 15%. Meanwhile, China will lose twice or perhaps even four times the warships which the United States would. Sivkov said that it is impossible for the PLA Navy to win a carrier battle with the US in near future.
• The increased activity of the PLA Navy over the past year is a sign that China is starting to
work towards the goal of force projection, Moscow-based newspaper the Military-Industrial Courier
• Russia’s Super Rifle is Gonna Getcha! From a Mile and a Half
• US Invasion of Syria: The Deep Breath Before the Plunge
• Who are the elites, the counter-elites and the anti-elites? By Mikhail Khazin
М.Хазин, “ЕЩЕ О Контрэлитах И Антиэлитах”.
To begin with, there are three fundamentally different approaches to the existing world order.
• First – that all is well and nothing needs to be changed, except for little adjustments.
• The second is that the current system has substantial flaws, but they are not related to the fact that the idea is wrong, but that those who control and develop the system make serious mistakes. Classic example: the belief that the problems in Russia are not related to the fact that capitalism is a wrong path (as everywhere), but that it is developing incorrectly. There are many different options, for example: we need a Tsar-daddy, who will protect us from the evil Jewish Freemasons and to ensure that no one deviates from the Orthodox principles, or, on the contrary, we need to unite with the anti-Western neighbor countries and create our own “rules of the game,” that are different from those offered by Washington, and so on.
• A third option is radical. It implies that the present world order is inherently unfair, that within its framework it is impossible to even significantly reduce the gap between the rich and poor, that finally the
“world of violence” must be “razed to the ground” and then … And then we will see… Proponents of this approach, by the way, reasonably draw attention to the fact that the only system under which the rich have been restrained, was established on the territory of Russia exclusively by the hands of such radical
s. Another thing is that they later turned “bourgeoisie” and destroyed everything created with their own hands – which is natural, the bourgeoisie doesn’t like the radicals.
Now, the first group is headed by the elite. The second, by the counter-elite. In a human sense, representatives of the counter-elite, of course, are part of the elite, but they are not allowed to approach the fundamental issues, relating to property. In our country, for example, representatives of the counter-elite can be writers, journalists, generals, scientists – but not the leaders of the government and the Central Bank.
Remember the hysteria caused by a hint that Glazyev may be appointed to become the chairman of the Central Bank – because he is not from the elite (which today reflects the interests of the global financial elite), but a prominent representative of the counter-elite.
And the third group, a bright representative of which is the Islamic State, is a typical anti-elite. By the way, for this reason, it is naive to argue that its leadership is “bought” by the CIA, the US or someone else. Any commitments always make sense only in the framework of some system of values (in which to break the rules is more expensive). But if you set the task of destroying the global system, then by definition, you owe nothing to anyone. If your local interests align with someone else, you can accept the money – but they will go precisely for the tasks you have set yourself. Lenin, apparently, took the money from the German general staff – but it didn’t bound him (not counting the quite reasonable view that Lenin had curators from the Royal army counterintelligence, so that even under normal circumstances it was not a betrayal, but a special operation).
If we apply such an approach to the European Union, its elites are those who are trying today to preserve the unity and subordination to the U.S., even to the detriment of the interests of individual countries a nd peoples, and the counter-elites – are those who are trying to change the general model of the EU, imposed by the US (for today), well, and everything is clear with the anti-elite. Now, Merkel, Hollande, etc, etc. – are the European elite. But, say, the prime minister of Hungary, Orban is the representative of t
he counter-elite. Yes, he is integrated into the common EU context, but is constantly engaged in blatant opposition not because he is destructive, rather, on the contrary, he understands that the current system is not viable, and therefore, he is trying to modify it. Maybe because, being himself, in a universal sense, a nationalist, he is well aware of what would happen if the anti-elite comes to power in Eastern Europe in the likes of the “Right Sector”.
I note, the real “Right Sector” organisation is not the anti-elite – it is just a gangster-terrorist structure, created by certain puppeteers in the framework of specific tasks. And everyone, as usual, believed that as it was suddenly pulled out of the shadows, it can be put back. But the circumstances, as usual, were tougher than the plans of the intelligence services, and as a result, the organization became too complicated, creating a kind of a field of cancerous ideas, in which the anti-elite is sprouting. And you can be sure that they will mature, creating lots of trouble, including for the creators of the “Right sector”.
But, returning to the EU, it can be noted that the counter-elite today craves power, amid the economic downturn and quite harsh (with respect to the fate of the EU) plans of the US, which have become know
n to the public. This is Marine Le Pen in France, and Umberto Bossi (leader of the Northern League in Italy), and many others. By the way, the Greek Premier Tsipras, who, in fact, doesn’t want the destruction of the EU (yet?), quite possibly represents the elite, but a new one. However, we’ll see. The main thing is something else. Because the elite does not even want to discuss any changes (which is well illustrated by the fact that it refuses to acknowledge the fact of the economic crisis, limited to the mantras in the style of “All is well, my beautiful lady!”), today we can observe a wonderful picture in the EU – an alliance of the counter-elite and the anti-elite against the stupid and fat elite.
This spectacle will not be for the faint of heart.
• Americans Will Fight on Home Soil if US Starts War With Russia – US Expert
If new hostilities start, Russia will not let the war be a proxy war where the US supplies weapons and
advisors and lets others do the ‘boots on the ground’ combat. Russia will take the war to the US,” Hanick argued.
• Satire: Flamby offers Mistrals as proof of his loyalty
• This is how propaganda works ..of course with the help of traitors
• Melting Hand Painting by Akiko Takakura, Hiroshima survivor
• The Enduring Power of Bad Ideas: ‘Cold Start’ and Battlefield Nuclear Weapons in South Asia