by Scott for the Saker Blog


  • Officially Turkey admitted the death of over 30 soldiers last week of February. Official numbers over 50 dead and over 100 wounded.
  • Over 30 Turkish soldiers were killed February 27th.
  • The number of killed terrorists is unknown.
  • Erdogan called for the NATO Council over Idlib. NATO refused to invoke Article 5.
  • Syrian Tiger Force dealt a resolute blow to terrorists in the southern Idlib.
  • Turkish-backed Syrian opposition forces claim gains in Idlib taken over some territories liberated from the terrorists as the result of Syrian Arab Army contra-terrorist operation the Idlib Dawn.
  • On February 26, Turkish special forces and the most prepared terrorists from the National Front for Liberation gained the villages of Afis, cut M5 highway by fire control in Al Duweir checkpoint.
  • At the earlier morning of February 17, Syrian Army positions by Turkish self-propelled howitzers and mortals nearby town of Saraqib. The SAA sustained serious losses at the checkpoints in the north and west of the town.
  • About 10:00 on February 27, the Turkish troops and the jihadists entered the Saraqib from the north and started moving to its center. Simultaneously, the united forces of the terrorists and Turkey force took suburb of Turanb, and the united forces of Tahrir al-Sham and the National Front for Liberation entered Saraqib from the west. by 1 PM an entire town was envated by the Turkish militants and the terrorists. BY 15:00 an entire town was under the enemy control, and Turkish checkpoints were de-blockaded. They failed to take over the village of Jubas, east of the town of Saraqeb.
  • Jubas was taken by the islamists by 16:00 on February 27.
  • During this offensive, the SAA regularly shelled the Turkish and Islamic militants.
  • As reported by the BBC in Russian, at least 33 Turkish soldiers died as the result of strike by the Syrian air force.
  • The strike was directed against the terror groups in which Turkish soldiers were embedded.
  • At the same time, Turkish checkpoint that received an immunity as the result of the Idlib deescalation agreement were reported shelling the SAA positions.
  • The MOD issued a statement saying: “In violation of the Sochi agreement, Turkish troops continue support of the terrorist group in the area of deescalation.”
  • “On February 27, 2020, the units of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terror group operating in the Idlib de-escalation zone made an attempt to conduct a large-scale offensive operation on the positions of Syrian government troops,” the ministry informed.
  • The Turkish military who came under fire from Syrian troops on February 27 were among the advancing militants, the Russian Defense Ministry told reporters.
  • Al-Monitor, real number of killed Turkey soldiers is from 50 to 55, and over 100 wounded.
  • TASS Agency posted Erdogan’s statements on February 27 and 28.
  • Turkish forces are delivering air-strikes at the positions of Syrian government forces in response to shelling at Turkish soldiers in Idlib
  • “With the support in air and on land, air strikes were delivered at the position of the regime [of Syrian President Bashar Assad], and we will continue delivering airstrikes,” the statement said.
  • Simultaneously, Israeli helicopters attacked Syrian army posts in Syrian province in Quneitra, and the nearby towns of al-Qataniyah, as reported by SANA agency. As the result of the attack three Syrian army soldiers were injured.
  • Turkish authorities allegedly blocked Western social media sites in February 27 and 216.
  • Turkey needs to “get rid of” the Russian S-400 missile defense system it has purchased, a senior State Department official said on Friday February 27.
  • On February 28, in Brussels an emergency meeting of the NATO council,
  • NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg held a press conference in Brussels on Friday, February 28, following the North Atlantic Council emergency meeting on the situation in Syria. The North Atlantic Council, which includes the ambassadors of all 29 NATO Allies, meets following a request by Turkey to hold consultations on the situation in Syria, under Article 4 of NATO’s founding Washington Treaty.
  • The North Atlantic Council, which includes the ambassadors of all 29 NATO Allies, met on Friday 28 February, following a request by Turkey to hold consultations under article 4 of NATO’s founding Washington Treaty on the situation in Syria.
  • NATO continues to support Turkey with a range of measures, including by augmenting its air defenses, which helps Turkey against the threat of missile attacks from Syria.
  • NATO didn’t offer any assistance to Turkey, but expresses strong solidarity with Turkey at special meeting of the North Atlantic Council
  • Press point by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the North Atlantic Council meeting at Turkey’s request for Article 4 consultations on the situation in Syria
  • After NATO meeting, Erdogan called president Putin.
  • Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreements reached in 2018 and 2019. They stressed that the priority task was to fight international terrorist groups.
  • TASS informed about possible meeting of Erdogan and Putin on March 5-6.
  • TASS also sited Erdogan asking Russia not to interfere in Turkish military clashes with the SAA. Erdogan aslo stated that Turky doesn’t claim any Syrian territories, but wants to secure stability on its borders.
  • Erdogan also said that Turkish militants were invited to Syria not by president Assad but by Syrian nation. “We will be on the territory of Syria as long as Syrian people want it.”
  • Syria: SAA advances into Idlib province
  • The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) liberated the key town of Kafranbel in Idlib province, among 15 other villages in the region, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) confirmed on Wednesday. Copied from page

Friday 28 2020

  •  SAA continued advancing along the administrative boarders of Idlib and Hama provinces and by the night of February 29 libnerated the al-Ghab plain valley.
  • While everyone’s attention was directed to Saraqib, the main operation was conducted took place at the south of the Idlib province.
  • The SAA managed to liberate the large mountainous region called Shahshabo Mountain. The SAA reached the towm of Kafr Nabl, an administratively belonging to the Idlib Governorate. The SAA turn left near the town and cut the main supply route (MSR) of the Turkish 10th checkpoint in the Shahshabo mountains.
  • ALL attacks against Khmeimim Air Base were conducted from the area of the 10th post. This post is about 40 kilometers straight from Khmeimim, whch is in the reach of the Grad missiles that were routinely targeting the Khmeimim air base.
  • After the liberation of the Shahshabo Mountain, the SAA practically fully liberated the the al-Ghab valley.
  • IN just four days, the Syrua government army liberated and took over its control over 40 villages and towns. It’s hard to tell an exact number because many small villages are not on the map.
  • The SAA 25th division was redeployed to under Saraqib to stop the pro-Turky terrorists advancement there.
  • Turkey started shelling not only the 25th division, but Syrian Marines, and even the Lebanon’s Hezbollah, killing nine fighters. Even so Hezbollah was in Aleppo and never took any actions against Turkey.
  • Thousands at funeral for Hezbollah fighters killed in Syria by Turkish airstrike
  • BEIRUT — Thousands of mourners throng the coffins of five fighters from the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, whose funeral is held today in southern Beirut after they were killed in neighboring Syria’s northwestern Idlib region.

February 29

Turkish foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, who is on a visit to the Qatari capital, Doha, said on February 29 that the Russian air force did not participate in strikes against the Turkish military in Idlib, Syria.  Russia supports the Assad regime, but it cannot be said that the Russian air force is carrying out airstrikes against the Turkish military. Turkey is making joint efforts with Russia to ensure sustainable peace in the Idlib de-escalation zone.

Additional info NOT in the ANNA NEWS video

Syria: Turkish military post seen after SAA advances towards Shashabo mountains Syrian Arab Republic, Shashabo mountains Politics February 28, 2020

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reported its advance towards areas within proximity of the 10th Turkish military post, in Sher Maghar, after operations near the Shashabo mountains in the southwestern countryside of Idlib on Friday. “After the decision was made to continue the military operation in Sahl el Ghab, and the advances made by the SAA towards the mountains of Shashabo and Zawiya, we took control over Sher Maghar area, where the Turkish point is located along [with] its fortifications and Turkish forces,” a Syrian Arab Army officer said. According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) the SAA continued its counter-offensive in the countryside of Idlib and Hama Governorates on Friday, after Turkish-backed militant groups operating in Syria claimed they had regained control Copied from page

Syria: SAA advances in Al-Zawiya mountain region of Idlib governorate Syrian Arab Republic, Al-Zawiya mountain region Politics February 28, 2020

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) said it had advanced in the southwest of Idlib governorate after regaining control over the Shashabo mountains, located at the southwestern arm of the Al-Zawiya mountain region, on Friday. “We are now on al-Zawiya mountain in the village of Kukfin, overlooking Sahl el Ghab, where the units have made great advances reaching the village of al-Mansoura. We will continue until we liberate the whole of the al-Zawiya mountain and until we reach Jabal al-Arba’in overlooking Arihah and the city of Jisr al-Shughur,” a Syrian Arab Army officer said. Copied from page

March 1

Turkey: Police searches Sputnik news agency office in Istanbul Turkey, Istanbul Politics March 01, 2020 at 10:34 GMT -06:00 · Published Police searched the office of the Russian news agency Sputnik in Istanbul on Sunday. Law enforcement officials reportedly had a search-warrant given by the office of Istanbul’s prosecutor general, though the reason for the operation had not been disclosed


ANKARA, March 1. /TASS/. Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced on Sunday that Operation Spring Shield was launched in Syria’s Idlib on February 27.

“Operation Spring Shield is successfully continuing that was launched on February 27 in response to a mean attack on the Turkish military. At the moment, one drone, eight helicopters, 103 tanks, 72 howitzers, three air defense systems and 2,212 troops of the regime [of Syrian President Bashar Assad] have been eliminated,” Akar said, according to NTV report.

Aircraft shot down over Saraqib, Idlib, was a large drone TAI anka.

If the information is confirmed, Turkey has lost 2 of the 6 newest and most expensive drones of this type in a few days (the price of each car is up to 30 million dollars)

At the same time, it is likely that the Turkish drone was shot down by the pro-Turkey militants themselves, confusing it with a Syrian plane. There is even a video where militants celebrate the destruction of a Turkish drone

Twist of events.. The airplane that was shoot this morning over Saraqib was Turkish Air Force TAI Anka-S, armed combat drone. Syrian Air Defence claims the downing. Rebels celebrate.

The terrorists celebrate the downed “Russian” drone, which in fact turned out to be Turkish. Damascus, of course, said it was shot down by government air defenses. But this wasn’t accurate.

 Turkey downed two Syrian SU-24 jets which tried to attack Turkish planes and destroyed one air defense system that shot down a Turkish drone — Turkish Defense Ministry

ANA confirms Turkish forces have targeted two Syrian warplanes, says pilots landed safely with parachutes

According to the representative of the Syrian defense Ministry, on Sunday afternoon, ” two Syrian aircraft were performing a task to counter armed terrorist groups in Idlib province.” At this time, he added, “Turkish warplanes intercepted and fired on two Syrian planes.” The planes, according to the MOD, were shot down over the territory of Idlib province. He said that ” the pilots ejected safely.”

MOSCOW, March 1. /TASS/. Russia’s Defense Ministry has rejected a report that a Russian Su-24 jet was downed by a man-portable air-defense system in the sky over Idlib.

“The report citing militants’ Internet resources that the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces’ Su-24 was shot down from a man-portable air-defense system over the Idlib de-escalation zone is fake,” the ministry said.

Another Syrian tank and dozen soldiers wiped out in another Turkish airstrike

Syria declared a no-fly zone over Idlib, will shoot down anything flying there

the Russian foreign ministry said on Sunday.

“The sides discussed preparations for an upcoming meetings between Presidents Putin and Erdogan,” the ministry said.

Russian and Turkish Foreign Ministers have also agreed that measures are needed to create a favorable atmosphere for dialogue on Syrian settlement.

Russia is the only country whose military personnel is present in Syria legally in accordance with the international law, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov

“All other military personnel of other countries are in Syria in violation of the norms and principles of international law,” Peskov said.

Minister of the interior of the Republic of Turkey

Number of migrants leaving Turkey country via Edirne as of March 1 09.55 hours; 76,358

Number of migrants leaving Turkey country via Edirne as of March 1 19.40 hours; 76,358 100.577