Tomorrow Crimeans will make a basic and clear choice. The choice will not be whether to remain part of Banderastan or not, the choice will be whether to become de-facto independent and accept a figleaf of Ukrainian sovereignty over Crimea, or to totally break-off from the “Ukrainian experiment” and return to Russia.
![]() |
“On March 16th we will chose: either or“ |
All the members of the UNSC except Russia (vetoed) and China (abstained) seem to think that it is absolutely unacceptable to refuse to join a Nazi Banderastan for the people who had to bear 80% of the weight of ridding the world from the Third Reich. One could say that by that vote these countries also made their own choice: Russia freed the West from the Nazis, yet the West prefers to Nazis to the Russians.
Hitler, this first proponent of a European Union, would be proud of his “western” successors.
The Saker
@old auntie
Thank you. Would not want to hear any more. Was curious about facts not personal experiences. Imagining stuff like that is also very uncomforting.
Did not visit that website and don’t want to. Don’t want to see any unsettling images of people dying, starving or in anguish.
Don’t know if its the right thing to thank God that we don’t have to experience any of it or to pray that we never have to.
Read about the coastal road massacre in Israel. About Dalal Mughrabi. Of how during the attack the Palestinians threw grenades and fired at passing cars. Of the rumours that Ehud Barak fired into her dead body. Every sense of decency gone on both sides. Both sure of their right to act the way they did. And which of the two can you blame.
Saw some footage of people starving in Syria. It’s easy to say that Saudi and the west are to blame, we all know that, but don’t know if the cost was worth Assad staying on. Don’t know what is planned for Ukraine. Does not seem to end, our collective madness.
On the other hand I see around me a never ending flow of humanity. Of people everywhere and no room left. Wonder where we are all headed.
To all the “Muslim anonymous'” out there. At least they are sure of themselves.
@Narciso Lopez
Nice comment.
I want to congratulate the people of Crimea for exercising successfully their right to Self Determination, and for sparking a flame of true democracy to the rest of Ukraine, particularly in response to neo-fascist forces financed, trained, and supported by the enemies of Ukrainian people and the Russian Federation.
Simple question to Saker: why do you live outside Russia if you are so supportive of Russian Government?
NATO/Soros break up Ukraine and fitce split. Bad for Russia, good for militarists. NATO is willing to at least skirmish with Russia and I think is willing to fight with strategic battlefield nuclear weapons. The military doctrine, ideology, is use if these weapons in any ground war with Russia. If they win then thry csn use them again and again.
@anonymous: why do you live outside Russia if you are so supportive of Russian Government?
I don’t see how this is relevant, but, okay why not? Because I have a family and 3 kids for which a move to Russia would be disruptive right now.
HTH, cheers,
The Saker
@ Anonymous 20.49
One doesn’t need to be Russian to be supportive of Mr. Putin’s Russia. One just needs to know more about history. I’m Polish Canadian, I used to hate Soviet Russia system, but I respect and admire what Mr. Putin did for his country and what he still says and does. I just wish we had politicians of that format.
Here is an interesting hypothesis:
“The Ukrainian crisis was probably triggered for no other reason than, ultimately, to force us to buy US shale gas (13), to sign the TTIP (without which the former can’t be sold in Europe (14)) and to justify a renewed increase of American-NATO military budgets (15) thanks to the restarting of a Cold War between the West and emerging nations (except for this detail that it’s the West which will be on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain this time).”
That intro is a sure ringer for the zionazi hasbara that will inevitably follow. Question is why do these Jewish spammers want to support nazism?
I am neither a Jewish spammer nor a National Socialist. I am a Pakistani Muslim. Have you ever thought why a Jewish spammer would advocate for the ONLY two peoples on this Earth to believe in the return of the Son of Mary (Peace and blessings be upon him) to make a military alliance to defeat NATO? Please watch Sheikh Imran Hosein to understand where I am coming from.
Dear old auntie
Asalamu Alaikum
I base my post not only of my readings of justice4germans but also of Heinz Weichardt, Ernst Zundel, Udo Walendy, V.K. Clarke, Michael Walsh, Thomas Goodrich and Dennis Wise’s documentary at amongst others. I must confess I have no professional training in History – I am only an interested amateur. Please could you recommend reputable sources – I’d be grateful. I will also look up the stuff you mentioned – Thank you.
Ma Salaam.
Yea, choices have been made on which side to stand alright. Russia should probably have subtracted from their “80%” based on the number they exterminated in Ukraine thought, right?
1954 GMT: Reuters reports on the storming of a Ukrainian cultural centre by pro-Russian activists in Kharkiv. The activists then began burning Ukrainian history books and texts on the Holodomor, the terror famine from 1932-33 that killed at least 3.3 million Ukrainians:
In Kharkiv, Reuters Television footage showed pro-Russian activists scaling an iron gate, smashing a van and breaking into the offices of a Ukrainian cultural center. Two policemen stood nearby, examining the van.
The footage then showed young men seizing Ukrainian-language books, including a volume devoted to the 1932-1933 man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine, which killed from 7-10 million people.
“Do you see what they print here?” one activist said to another.
The activists then took the books into the street and set them alight in small bonfires, along with posters from the extreme-right wing Right Sector group.
Greetings from Singapore:
Following readers commentaries in ‘Der Spiegel’. Spiegel is full blast war-mongering. The readers, with few exceptions, totally disagree. There seems to be common-sense and critical awareness in the German public. Good sign.
I have no new information, I am just trying to connect the dots. In the Ukrainian crisis there are a few parts in the puzzle with a strange form. In politics things often happen because somebody wants them to happen. Not always, but often. But to me the Ukrainian game looks like a loose-loose game for the main players. Of course the banderist bandits win. But they are not part of the global power elite. Of course the Polish morons like Sikorski win. But not in a convincing way: This was their debut as power brokers for the EU in the East – and they made a lot of trouble. But the rest: The Ukraine, Germany, Russia, the EU are all losers. And even if the Empire gains, the Obama administration is clearly a looser.
The strange parts:
The diplomatic handlers (Sikorski, Nuland) is very openly commisars from the think-tank sphere of the neocons.
The corporate media have a complete blackout on the rightwing extremists, as if led by a conductor.
Kerry and Obama is clearly improvising – their speakwriters are not on the top of the situation. The drive did not come from the White House.
In the critical moment extreme rightwing leaders from Banderastan had power to say “no” to an agreement brokered by Russia, Poland, Germany and France. Strange.
And of course – the mystical snipers at Maidan.
We all is full of anger and excitement about the damage to European and Russian interest. We are all tracing information fitting to our excitement. But are we mislead by our own passions? Is there any major power gaining from all this? I think so.
We know the priorities of global diplomacy this period. One of the most important victories for Obama came in late 2013, when he managed to get an interim agreement with the Iranians. This is a major victory – but not one that Obama has landed. He and the Iranians are in a hurry if they want to get the relationship in a permanent shape. And this is a complicated process, involving all important European powers, including Russia.
We also know that the top priority goal of the Israelis this period is to destroy this process. They tried to launch new sanctions trough the Congress to cut down Obama – failing miserably. But is their resources exhausted? I don’t think so. The beautiful thing with the mess in Ukraina is that it destroys the diplomatic relationship between Washington and Moscow for at least the rest of the year. I think Netanyahu already can cash in a major victory for his most important goal. I think the Iran deal is dead.
Did he play a part in Kiev? I don’t know. The role of Nuland and Sikorski make the Israelis total insiders in the flow of information. But who trained the banderists, gave them the necessary confidence to say “no” to the brokered deal? Who gave the order to shoot, and conducted the press to totally overlook the Nazis in the coup?
If the Israelis played a part, it is a classical example of how to practice “think locally, act globally”.
B said…17 March, 2014 04:0
“Yea, choices have been made on which side to stand alright. Russia should probably have subtracted from their “80%” based on the number they exterminated in Ukraine thought, right?
1954 GMT: Reuters reports…”
Reuters is a ziofascist-Jewish propaganda tool and have consistently lied about what is happening in the Ukraine, and everywhere else. That you would try to get people believing their propaganda shows that you are no different.
вот так
Dear Pakistan muslim, wa-alaykumu s-salam
I trust that you are honest in really wanting to learn more about the history of the Third Reich. The problem is: All my sources are in German language. I googled around to find English sources but I found them really, really superficial and not of much use.
OK. Where to begin? Let me begin by telling you, that I was were astonished to find that in most of the English literature that I found with the help of Google, the holocaust is more or less equated with Auschwitz. Relative best was – lo and behold! – Wikipedia. Have a look at this list and you will see what an incredible whitewashing this equating of the holocaust with Auschwitz is:
Wikipedia says: “This article presents a partial list of more prominent German concentration camps set up across Europe during World War II … A more complete list drawn up in 1967 by the German Ministry of Justice names about 1,200 camps”. This list can be found here:
But complete it is not. Missing in action: Alexisdorf, Arnoldsweiler, Bathorn, Beninnghausen, Börgermoor, Bocholt, Brual-Rhede, Brunshausen, Dorokucza, Emslandlager, Fichtenhain, Fullen, Gantenwald, Glückstadt, Hemer, Hutthurm, Indersdorf, Janałwska, Katzbach, Kelsterbach, Laberweinting, Liebenau, Neusustrum, Neu Versen, Nordmark, Oberlangen, Pfaffenwald, Rühen, Tomaszow, Velpke, Voerde, Walchum, Wesuwe, Wietmarschen. Probably more.
And that’s only about the “Konzentrationslager” (KZ). Every one of the larger KZs was the centre of an archipelago of “Außenlager” and “Außenkommandos”.
And than add to this the other Archipelagos: Arbeitslager, Arbeitserziehungslager (AELA), Polizeilager, Jugendschutzlager, Durchgangslager, Sammellager, Schutzhaftlager, SS-Sonderlager, Stalags (I mentioned the Stalags in my earlier post), Kriegsgefangenenlager, Zwangsarbeiterlager, Vernichtungslager, Ausländerkinder-Pflegestätten, Sterbe- und Geburtenlager. Every single one of these institutions was as cruel as the KZs were. Some were even crueler, but that may be a matter of opinion. I think the Ausländerkinder-Pflegestätten were in a league with the Vernichtungslager, which topped the KZs by far. The death rate in both was more or less the same, but I personally think the method of killing in the Ausländerkinder-Pflegestätten was in a way crueler.
All of them differed in that they were operated by different organisations. The larger KZs were operated by the Totenkopf-SS, as is widely known. The AELAs were operated by the Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo). Some of the other archipelagos were operated by the Sicherheitspolizei, the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the Wehrmacht, the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) or the normal police and so on and so on. The KZ Kuhlen for example was operated by the “Diakonie” of the Lutheran Church. It is not for nothing that contemporary German historians (Klaus Hildebrand, Peter Hüttenberger, Michael Ruck) call the Nazi-system a “polycracy”.
Next question: What do you know about muslim prisoners in the KZs? What did your sources tell you about them? Did they tell you that for the Muslims in some KZs there even was a special triangle? But OK, that is not mentioned in Wikipedia, not even in the German Wikipedia
But there again is the problem of language. Here is my source:
Gerhard Höpp: Der verdrängte Diskurs. Arabische Opfer des Nationalsozialismus, in: Gerhard Höpp /Peter Wien /René Wildangel (Hg.): Blind für die Geschichte? Arabische Begegnungen mit dem Nationalsozialismus, Berlin 2004, S. 215-268.
But there were not only Arab prisoners in different KZs. In the KZ Neuengamme for example were about 200 to 300 Bosniak prisoners. And some of the Soviet prisoners of war may have been Muslims as well. Some years ago I saw an exhibition with oil paintings of Soviet prisoners and obviously many of them came from Central Asia, so there is a big chance that at least some of them were Muslims. Rahmatu Llah alayhum.
But originally I wanted to write about the treatment of the “Zwangsarbeiter” (forced labourers), especially those from Eastern Europe and Russia. Here is a quote of Heinrich Himmler from a speech he made at a gathering of “SS-Gruppenführer” in October 1943: “Wie es den Russen geht, wie es den Tschechen geht, ist mir total gleichgültig … Ob die anderen Völker in Wohlstand leben oder ob sie verrecken vor Hunger, das interessiert mich nur insoweit, als wir sie als Sklaven für unsere Kultur brauchen, anders interessiert mich das nicht. Ob beim Bau eines Panzergrabens 10,000 russische Weiber an Entkräftung umfallen oder nicht, interessiert mich nur insoweit, als der Panzergraben für Deutschland fertig wird. Wir werden niemals roh und herzlos sein, wo es nicht sein muss; das ist klar. Wir Deutsche, die wir als einzige in der Welt eine anständige Einstellung zum Tier haben, werden ja auch zu diesen Menschentieren eine andere Einstellung einnehmen…” I should translate this for you, but here it is now nearly midnight and tomorrow will be a very busy day for me. So may-be Google translator can help you.
Hopefully I can continue this in a few days. Ma’a salamah
@Honk (myself)
> I’m especially saddened to see Argentina amongst the deniers of the Crimean people’s right to decide their own future.
Now Argentina’s Kirchner “blasts double standards in Crimea” of the UK (-> Falklands)…
I wonder how many other yay sayers of the resolution are going to revert…