by Peter Koenig
Ever since the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) expressed their unison through the formation of a joint Development Bank – Durban, South Africa on 27 March 2013 – the Zionist-Anglo-Saxon caliphate attempted to divide them. The BRICS constitute some 45% of the world population and close to 30% of global GDP. The BRICS idea is to issue a joint alternative currency, fully detached from the US dollar and its greed economy.
In the meantime a number of other countries would like to join the BRICS, including Argentina, Venezuela, Iran, Mongolia, Malaysia and others, which would result in about one third of the world’s economic output and half of the global inhabitants.
This gives the BRICS a profile of strength surpassing that of the United States and Europe together. China alone is not only already the world’s largest economy, China is also dominating the Asian market of some 4.2 billion people, 60% of the world populations and a combined GDP of about US$ 20 trillion, equivalent to about US$ 25 trillion, when comparing purchasing power with the dollar based US economy of about US$ 17 trillion. Asia registered an average growth rate of almost 8% over the past few years, compared to that of the western world, hovering around 1%.
There is no need for the BRICS to fear US interference – divide to rein – if they are able to solidify their union with solidarity – political and monetary solidarity, as well as common trade policies – and if they have the political will to decouple their economies from the dollar – which is key for the BRICS success.
Sir Obama – here also called the western caliphate – has multiple self-assumed capacities. He creates new caliphates at his service, like the ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Syria); then he bombs them making the world believe they are enemies, condones their beheading of western journalists and clandestinely funds their Middle East crusade for energy and world dominance, a crusade the ISIS are carrying out for the supreme caliphate in the White House.
Washington’s caliphate also has a small army of ‘martyr nations’ fighting (and suffering) for him, like the 28 members of the European Union, led (sic) by a like-minded group of Washington-submissive neoliberal Zionist- Christian puppets. They do what Washington says. Most of them are also pro-forma members of the White House caliphate-driven worldwide war machine, called NATO, and ape the war cries of (the) Fogh (of war) Rasmussen, who is Obama’s master puppet in Europe.
Of course, the caliphate is always ready with sanctions for those who don’t behave, especially sanctions which backfire on others. The latest sanctions on Russia follow a series of billion dollar propaganda of lies and outright falsehoods, demonizing Vladimir Putin and Russia. Interestingly the ‘sanctions’ imposed on Russia by Washington’s supreme warrior – and submissively carried out by his European minions, have been retaliated by Russia by blocking most of agro-trading with Europe, leaving European farmers with rotting vegetables and fruit – billion dollar losses, estimated at a multiple of the ‘sanctions’ costs to Russia.
Neoliberals are short-sighted. They are overwhelmed by greed, instant gratification, and a dream of Full Spectrum Dominance, meaning controlling the world’s resources, money and people. But their caliphate empire is doomed, since lies and deceptions work some of the time with some of the people, but not all the time with all of the people. In fact, the tide is shifting – which is the silver lining of the dark cloud shed by the monstrous, murderous western war machine. The larger of the European minions, Germany and France, and some of the newer ones, Poland, Hungary the Czech Republic, to name but a few, become doubting and hesitating on the way of sanctions. They start feeling the hurt.
The Zionist Anglo-Saxon caliphate needs conflicts and wars in order to survive. Its economy is based on producing weapons and on destruction. World peace would make it collapse.
To attain their objective, the western caliphate is using a thousands-of-year-old wisdom – dividing to rein. By a multi-billion dollar driven worldwide propaganda and lie campaign, Obama and his European bootlickers first confuse the people of nations and continents, distort their common sense, then they drive a wedge between them, between allies, neighbors, common cultures, families – turning friends into foes.
Remember, the dollar is fiat money, not worth the paper it’s printed on. It is produced at will and is called Quantitative Easing (QE), a conveniently confusing euphemism for creating debt held as monetary reserves by nations’ treasuries around the globe.
The same happens with funding of the eternal war machine. Printing money at will has become a pastime justifying wars, mass killings for conquering the world’s resources and people. It will last as long as the rest of the world permits it. It’s already a fading phenomenon. Ten to fifteen years ago close to 90% of the world’s reserves were denominated in US dollars. Today that figure has shrunk to about 60%.
Dividing to rein is precisely what the western caliphate intends to do with the BRICS. Starting with Brazil, Washington attempts through an ugly smear campaign to slander Brazil’s leader, Dilma Rousseff and to defame Brazil’s economy. The former is accused of corruption and nepotism and Brazil’s economy is admonished for runaway private debt that supposedly stands at 80% of GDP. However, the smear-campaigners do not explain that thanks to the increase in private debt Brazil’s GDP has grown by 30% in the last decade. They don’t explain either that Brazil’s foreign debt to GDP ratio stands at less than 57%, compared with that of the US of almost 101.5% and of Germany’s, 82%.
In short, Brazil is doing well. But the presstitute media propaganda masters have managed to lower President Rousseff’s popularity to the point where her re-election in the forthcoming ballot is questionable. Precisely what the Washington caliphate wants.
Imagine an economy-based real contest between the western caliphate and the BRICS. With a GDP of about 30% of the world’s economic output, covering almost 50% of the globe’s population, the BRICS have an average debt to GDP ratio of less than 45 % (2014 estimates) – Brazil (56.8%), Russia (13.4%) India (67.7%), China (22.4%), South Africa (46.1%) – compared to that of the US (101.5%) and of the Eurozone (92.6%). It is clear that the BRICS have nothing to fear from the western caliphate – and its possible slew of sanctions. However – and this is key – the western Zionist-Anglo-Saxon empire controls the current western monetary system. The FED, Wall Street, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF, an extension of the US Treasury and the FED, as well as the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central bank of central banks, the privately owned chief manipulator of gold and currencies – hold the western economies hostage. They finance the US /NATO war machine. The western Zionist-Anglo-Saxon controlled financial system has the same objective of Full Spectrum Dominance, as does the supreme caliphate and assassin-in-chief, Obama, who currently serves the western arms manufacturing and banking oligarchy.
It is therefore high time that the BRICS proceed to reality with their intended alternative currency, completely detached from the dollar and the Wall Street clearing system. The economic viability of such an alternative system stands about 2 to 3 times higher than that of the UD dollar.
An interim measure to stop the western bulldozer may be necessary. Russia and China and a number of other countries have already agreed to trade in their respective currencies and, in particular, to trade hydrocarbons in non-dollar denominated moneys, a measure that will considerably lower demand for the dollar, hence, further lower the dollars viability as a reserve currency. Russia and China are poised to issue a common currency, a basket of currencies that may be joined by other countries willing to detach themselves from the fangs of the western abusive monetary caliphate.
On 3 and 4 September, NATO, the military arm of the western caliphate met in Wales, UK – to discuss its raison d’être. By NATO’s own admission, this was the most important meeting since the collapse of the Soviet Union, attended by 60 heads of state, including the 28 NATO members. As expected the focus of the meeting was to demonize Russia, a key member of the BRICS, with lies and slanders that know hardly any competition in the world of deception. The final briefing report is so full of nonsense and unproven accusations – similar to those continuously aped by Fogh Rasmussen – that Russia doesn’t even need to counter them. The NATO declarations drown in their own lies and deceptions.
It is clear, after 65 years of existence and chaotic disasters all over the world, NATO needs a new identity, a new Cold War, or, better even, a new direct war with Russia – for ‘the security’ of Europe. Therefore, the caliphate Obama, in hopefully one of his last unabashed moves, is requesting that Europe ups its ante – that the European members contribute at least 2% of their GDP to NATO – and let the military industrial complex move more weapons into the European NATO bases. In other words, making Europe more vulnerable to Russian defense attacks, putting the peoples of Europe once again in the firing line. The European leaders (sic) seem to be oblivious to such dangers.
However, there is hope. As said by Pepe Escobar, “The real deal this September is not NATO. It’s the SCO’s summit. Expect the proverbial tectonic shifts of geopolitical plaques in the upcoming meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization – a shift as far-reaching as when the Ottoman Empire failed at the gates of Vienna in 1683. On the initiative of Russia and China, at the SCO summit, India, Pakistan, Iran and Mongolia will be invited to become permanent members.”
The SCO summit could be the first step towards a new world order – not the notorious “One World Order” proclaimed by the empire of the Zionist-Anglo-Saxon caliphate – but a new direction of the world, away from an usurious, abusive financial and monetary system, away from Washington’s objective of Full Spectrum Dominance – towards a new world of sovereign states.
Peter Koenig is an economist and former World Bank staff. He worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, the Voice of Russia, now Ria Novosti, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe.
That “nice guy” Yarosh talks about traitors in the Ukrainian establishment on and the need for action by the people.
Coup imminent?
A worthy summary here, and a frequently encountered and damaging word problem. Every day we see, from diverse writers, the use of the word “rein”, like with horses, when the writer clearly means “reign”, this is, to rule. This common error, like any failure of verbiage, easily weakens the argument presented, especially in the skeptic but literate reader. Do take note of such small things for your own benefit.
“On the initiative of Russia and China, at the SCO summit, India, Pakistan, Iran and Mongolia will be invited to become permanent members.”
That would be good news. It would solve two as yet not fully resolved potentially very serious conflicts, between China and India, and that between India and Pakistan.
Bringing down the ZPC/NWO delusions of grandeur, the world has its work cut out for it. They will be neutralising the equivalent of nazi German, imperial Japanese fanaticism multiplied by the Masada complex.
вот так
dale hood
Generally, your comment about proper word usage is good advice for proof-reading.
In this case, I suspected Koenig might have used the word ‘rein’ in a way he meant.
Here is a dictionary:
verb [ with obj. ]
check or guide (a horse) by pulling on its reins: he reined in his horse and waited for her.
• keep under control; restrain: with an effort, she reined back her impatience | critics noted the failure of the administration to rein in public spending.
I suspect he uses it correctly to mean to control. They already ‘reign’ over the world. So, restraining and controlling is what he means.
But your advise for a review of our comments and for communication in general is critical to get our point across with no inaccuracy or ambiguity.
Words are beautiful things. I know you cherish their correct usage. I’m with you on that.
Iraq and Libya were destroyed as soon as they made concrete steps to weaken US dollar hegemony. The Real Evil Empire would be mortally weakened by the US dollar losing its ‘exorbitant privilege’ of being the world’s e facto reserve currency, so the BRICS declaration can only be interpreted by the US/Israel Empire as a declaration of war. One trusts that Russia and China are prepared for the aggression that must and will come, because the Chosen People of the West, with their ‘Exceptionalism’, ‘Manifest Destiny’ and other signs of a Divine Mission to ‘civilise’ the world in their own image, can never admit any other powers to their exalted circle. Putin is certain to face an attempted Colour Revolution, soon, as the insects of the Western MSM, sampling the Russian ‘vox populi’ are, unsurprisingly, finding Russians who are, to put it mildly, anti-Putin. Western publics must be brainwashed to believe Putin unpopular at home, so that the tiny bands of traitors, Fifth Columnists and compradores can be presented as the ‘true voice’ of Russians, yearning to live in ‘Freedom’, like the lucking inhabitants of Ferguson or Detroit.
Iraq and Libya were destroyed as soon as they made concrete steps to weaken US dollar hegemony. The Real Evil Empire would be mortally weakened by the US dollar losing its ‘exorbitant privilege’ of being the world’s e facto reserve currency, so the BRICS declaration can only be interpreted by the US/Israel Empire as a declaration of war. One trusts that Russia and China are prepared for the aggression that must and will come, because the Chosen People of the West, with their ‘Exceptionalism’, ‘Manifest Destiny’ and other signs of a Divine Mission to ‘civilise’ the world in their own image, can never admit any other powers to their exalted circle. Putin is certain to face an attempted Colour Revolution, soon, as the insects of the Western MSM, sampling the Russian ‘vox populi’ are, unsurprisingly, finding Russians who are, to put it mildly, anti-Putin. Western publics must be brainwashed to believe Putin unpopular at home, so that the tiny bands of traitors, Fifth Columnists and compradores can be presented as the ‘true voice’ of Russians, yearning to live in ‘Freedom’, like the lucking inhabitants of Ferguson or Detroit.
Hey Larch
Yeah maybe. nit pick. It was because I see this one over and over, I’m just an old alienated woodworker socialist(?)concerned with the future and all of it. I appreciate the response, without careful language usage there is no useful dialogue. Our friend Saker does lots of typos but you can tell he is in a dead run all the time.
To the cause, dth
I paused at “The Zionist Anglo-Saxon caliphate” to think about it as a concept, and decided it does define the West which acts like a Caliphate, arming and directing jihadis with one hand, and telling Western serfs that its fighting terror. Same with the Anglos directing the fascists/nazis in Ukraine. All of this can be traced back to the US (NATO) attack on Yugoslavia.
What does sadden me is that the Jews are included in it. I am Armenian and know how the Jews have suffered for centuries like us. I am not arguing against the concept of including Zionism in the Western Caliphate. It just saddens me that the history of our time has come to this.
But no matter, I stand with Russia, the SCO, the BRICS, against the West. There is no going back. If the West starts a second Cold War, this time it’s on the wrong side, and I am with the East.
@Mulga Mumblebrain said: Iraq and Libya were destroyed as soon as they made concrete steps to weaken US dollar hegemony. The Real Evil Empire would be mortally weakened by the US dollar losing its ‘exorbitant privilege’ of being the world’s e facto reserve currency, so the BRICS declaration can only be interpreted by the US/Israel Empire as a declaration of war. One trusts that Russia and China are prepared for the aggression that must and will come,
Dearest MM,
Are Obama and Kerry are so naive, that it seems with their bumbling around they are bringing both Russia and China together, and EU to the brink of disaster?
Maybe, it has become in the interest of Empire to have an alternate system against the USD ($) hegemony.
The Empire needs a soft landing.
Best regards,
I am increasingly convinced ISIS is not merely the creation and ongoing instrument of the AZ Empire, but that it actually serves three separate, related functions. First, along with Boko Haram, it is part of a concerted effort to disrupt, destroy and then divide up the Muslim world. Secondly, it’s an integral part of the protection racket scam we’re pulling on Europe: just in case the usual bribery, blackmail and threats won’t work on the relevant Eurobureaucrats et. al., we can amp up this brand-new Super Threat which the folks who count surely know we created: “Nice little country you’ve got there, sure be a shame if anything happened to it”. And finally, it’s a marvelous way to gin up terror — and the requisite compliance — on the home front. The NAF, along with the uber-scary “Russian” armed forces, are now being accused of being Neo-Nazis (!) in the time-honored tactic here of accusing your enemy of doing precisely what you are and he is not. Just wait: “Russian terrorists” will all of a sudden join ISIS too, whenever we need it.
Nonsense. Check out the history of your own genocide and the role of the Donmeh therein (be sure to check out the Sultan’s earlier response to Jewish banking irregularities and their removal from power and replacement with Armenians). And then check out a lot of the material already on this blog about the role of Zionists and Zionism in the history of the Anglo Zionist Empire. It’s quite sad that anybody’s included in it, but there have been a lot more victims, everywhere, than just simply Jews (they merely grab all the attention and deserve, frankly, no better and no worse treatment than anyone else).
Now go look up Israel and Gaza, in a reputable (i.e., non-Zionist) source. If you’re honest, you’ll stop protecting Jews and start protecting everybody everywhere who needs it.
How is it in our interest to make Europe destroy itself? I keep trying to believe you, but I keep bumping into problems with it.
I am increasingly convinced ISIS is not merely the creation and ongoing instrument of the AZ Empire, but that it actually serves three separate, related functions. First, along with Boko Haram, it is part of a concerted effort to disrupt, destroy and then divide up the Muslim world. Secondly, it’s an integral part of the protection racket scam we’re pulling on Europe: just in case the usual bribery, blackmail and threats won’t work on the relevant Eurobureaucrats et. al., we can amp up this brand-new Super Threat which the folks who count surely know we created: “Nice little country you’ve got there, sure be a shame if anything happened to it”. And finally, it’s a marvelous way to gin up terror — and the requisite compliance — on the home front. The NAF, along with the uber-scary “Russian” armed forces, are now being accused of being Neo-Nazis (!) in the time-honored tactic here of accusing your enemy of doing precisely what you are and he is not. Just wait: “Russian terrorists” will all of a sudden join ISIS too, whenever we need it.
Nonsense. Check out the history of your own genocide and the role of the Donmeh therein (be sure to check out the Sultan’s earlier response to Jewish banking irregularities and their removal from power and replacement with Armenians). And then check out a lot of the material already on this blog about the role of Zionists and Zionism in the history of the Anglo Zionist Empire. It’s quite sad that anybody’s included in it, but there have been a lot more victims, everywhere, than just simply Jews (they merely grab all the attention and deserve, frankly, no better and no worse treatment than anyone else).
Now go look up Israel and Gaza, in a reputable (i.e., non-Zionist) source. If you’re honest, you’ll stop protecting Jews and start protecting everybody everywhere who needs it.
How is it in our interest to make Europe destroy itself? I keep trying to believe you, but I keep bumping into problems with it.
@Mohamed said, “Maybe, it has become in the interest of Empire to have an alternate system against the USD ($) hegemony.”
Old money has been quietly preparing for the inevitable end of the USD as the unit of account, transaction currency and world reserve currency. This is a financial earthquake, for which the world prepares since the inception of the EURO project after the near collapse of the USD functions around 1980.
There are various entities vying to fill the vacuum left by this event. The world wishes to end seigniorage tribute to the USD hegemony. It has wished such for a long time, but the event would be a catastrophe for world trade and we know oil is essential to maintain the production for seven billion human beings.
The Anglo-Zionist Empire needs a narrative and scapegoat to appease their subjects who will be impoverished by the USD collapse event. The oligarch’s of empire wish to escape the noose of their enraged subjects, but even when the USD is devalued and dethrone the oil must flow. The world is now prepared with gold in the right places, Euro, Renminbi and bilateral trade agreements in place to ease the USD collapse. The oil will flow and the world will survive as a multipolar world, with gold as the wealth reserve and instrument of settlement in international trade.
The IMF will try to usurp and divert the inevitable transition of a multipolar currency regime world wide. This system will auger an age of construction on the earth as it becomes impossible to debt finance hegemonic war. It will not be the age of socialism, but an age when honest work is rewarded and honest men can save without being fleeced by a corrupt empire and corrupt governments. What we see world wide is the stench of a decaying empire!
I agree with you that deals are made at the highest levels, maybe cahoots is not emotionally the right term, but it is possible sanity and honesty will return to world affairs, for by the iron laws of the exponential function overtaking the hegemony of the dollar. Cooperation and struggle have been going on for decades to ease the transition to a multipolar world and a multipolar currency regime, with gold the hegemon of account and wealth reserve. Fiat will exist as the transaction function, but it will be stable or the inert hegemon of gold will strike.
Russia is sobered by the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Russians have a living memory of anarchy and suffering of a collapse event and have the advantage and new human energy as they know the world will rebuild and life will resume, perhaps for a while and then the inevitable decline, as life ebbs and flows as the tides of the ocean and so in the affairs of men.
Good day to you……
“… The BRICS constitute some 45% of the world population and close to 30% of global GDP …”
“… As of 2014, the five BRICS countries represent almost 3 billion people which is 40% of the world population, with a combined nominal GDP of US$16.039 trillion (20% world GDP) and an estimated US$4 trillion in combined foreign reserves.[1][4] As of 2014, the BRICS nations represented 18 percent of the world economy.[5]…”
Mohamed, I cannot see how the USA can accomplish a ‘soft landing’ other than by destroying all resistance to its God-ordained rule over the planet, and all attempts to remove the US dollar as de facto global reserve currency, then by repudiating its gargantuan debts, one way or another. Once war and ‘demand destruction’ worked, but today that invites self-destruction. I think that they are banking on Colour Revolutions in Russia and China, followed by a new Russian Yeltsin and a Chinese facsimile.
@bob kay-
Are you a gold trader perhaps? I can’t decide if you’re Judge Holden or a skull and bonesman…
@arius said, ” I am Armenian and know how the Jews have suffered for centuries like us.”
Do you know the Young Turks Movement responsible for the Armenian Genocide was primarily a political movement of the Donmeh(crpto-jews) who converted to Islam?
The Donmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret explores the buried history and its current ramification. I have not studied the issue in depth…so I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the article, but Strategic Culture is generally well researched and well meaning. Here is a paragraph from the article…
“It is not, therefore, the desire to protect the Israeli-Turkish alliance that has caused Israel to eschew any interest in pursuing the reasons behind the Armenian genocide, but Israel’s and the Dönmeh’s knowledge that it was the Dönmeh leadership of the Young Turks that not only murdered hundreds of thousands of Armenians and Assyrians but who also stamped out Turkey’s traditional Muslim customs and ways. Knowledge that it was Dönmeh, in a natural alliance with the Zionists of Europe, who were responsible for the deaths of Armenian and Assyrian Christians, expulsion from Turkey of Greek Orthodox Christians, and the cultural and religious eradication of Turkish Islamic traditions, would issue forth in the region a new reality. Rather than Greek and Turkish Cypriots living on a divided island, Armenians holding a vendetta against the Turks, and Greeks and Turks feuding over territory, all the peoples attacked by the Dönmeh would realize that they had a common foe that was their actual persecutor.”
I really hope BRICS will become an alternative to the financial world (and hopefully it won’t be abused in the same way the dollar was, because, after all, they will still use the fractional reserve principles).
But, I know for a fact that business between USA and China at companies levels goes as usual, even at a much faster pace. Also, many chinese still move to USA (some of them because coruption and pollution, yes pollution, in China has reached unbelievable levels).
Considering that USA companies are going ahead with the outsourcing strategy and technology transfers to China, things are a bit strange. You would think USA wants to keep the know-how, but it doesn’t …
Please check how many rich chinese are investing their money in USA and Canada versus Russia. Vancouver is half owned by chinese. The same can be said about entire neighbourhoods in USA. Why is that, why is that huge flow of money coming to real-estate ?
Hopefully there is a bigger economic activity between Russia and China that’s just not visible.
The famous Alibaba business will have an IPO on the USA stock exchange. They hope to raise 160 billions dollars. So this financial stunt alone is valued almost at a third of the biggest energy of the century. Maybe Putin and Russia should really focus more on the finance aspects instead of selling raw materials.
The Jewish Role in the Armenian Genocide
Typically, when calculating GDP/GNP/size of economy, much quality, and functional quantity, is excluded: So, for example, a vegetable garden, or a family that on their own looks after a needy member, or the black market.
Life on the proverbial idyllic tropical island, where the big danger is getting hit by a coconut, doesn’t require any cash flow.
US official economy-related numbers are chronically fictional, cooked. See P.C. Roberts recent offering.
(Any honest national official economic stats anywhere detected?)
Impressive numbers may signify failure or dysfunction: Diabetes, depression and cancer boost economic activity stats. Impressive numbers can be generated by trivial pursuits.
Simple comparisons of various ‘size of economies’ leave a lot out.
Also, India/Pakistan becoming ‘friends’ would be wonderful and a setback for the fear-and-enmity dependent and chaos-addicted PTB.
Interesting, disturbing little 1999 book by Amitav Ghosh – Countdown – on the very different ‘understanding’ and perceptions of ‘things nuclear’ in India and Pakistan.
How interesting that all those countries have at one time or another been sanctioned and bullied. And if you look at the countries who want to join, they have also been in the same boat.
@ Mohammed
“Maybe, it has become in the interest of Empire to have an alternate system against the USD ($) hegemony.
The Empire needs a soft landing.”
Never underestimate your opponent!
Empire is evil. But stupid? Maybe their aparatchiks are, but makers of policy? No! They survived for centuries. Adapted,converted,but survived.
So it is safe to assume that they have a backup plan(s). And as soon as we find what that backup plan is,we can stop them cold in their tracks.
It would not be wise to presume otherwise. So in this instance i agree with you wholeheartedly.
Let us be vigilant,lest we allow them to slither to safety again.
Dearest Sister Nora,
Mohamed said: Are Obama and Kerry are so naive, that it seems with their bumbling around they are bringing both Russia and China together, and EU to the brink of disaster?
Nora said: Mohamed, How is it in our interest to make Europe destroy itself? I keep trying to believe you, but I keep bumping into problems with it.
I was just trying to be sarcastic in an Arabic Way.
But honestly, what is Empire doing to EU right now. Exposing their democratic elected rulers to their own people as poodles of Empire. Destroying their economics, thus ensuring that people are aghast with their democratic elected rulers as incompetent.
Look at the poll numbers throughout the EU for democratic elected rulers. But the rescue will come to these democratic elected rulers when they will seem to stand up to the Empire. NATO will disband and EU might be broken into 2, the West EU and the East EU.
The best thing is to look at the body languages when they are around each other. When Kerry is around them, how he is in command. He is not a bimbo. Don’t underestimate him or Obama.
Watch all the players what they are doing around the World. When Ukraine happened, the FM of Iran was in Russia right then. On his return to Iran, the FM of EU (Catherine Ashton) was in Iran and right beside the FM of Iran.
Watch the body language between Catherine Ashton and Kerry. See how is he controlling her. Watch the body language of Obama when Netanyahu is around him.
Get your stories from all sources, including the MSM, but with a tablespoonful of salt.
I was wondering how is Obama going to cope with the mid-term elections. Well ISIS has come to the rescue for the democrats. Here is a quote from Huntington:
“In a shift for a war-weary nation, new polls suggest the American people would support a sustained air campaign. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday showed 71 percent of Americans support airstrikes in Iraq, up from 54 percent just three weeks ago. And 65 percent say they support extending airstrikes into Syria.”
War fever is on again, even though the economy is in dust bin. But I don’t think that Obama will start a War. With the democratic majority in Congress, he will concentrate on economy for his last two years.
The father Bush was a good President, he saw through what both Reagan and Dubya did to the country. Clinton didn’t have a chance, as he was involved into many ala Whitewater thingys to be effective. The father Bush was not allowed a second term by the Zionists.
So, we should be back to good monetary and fiscal policies. Where the interest rates are good to encourage “sayings” for effective monetary policy and investment in “infrastructure” is necessary like FDR style which will create lot of jobs.
JFK reduced taxes and it was considered a temporarily good move. I sometimes wonder. The father Bush was well known for “Read my lips: no new taxes”, but he was pragmatic too.
Both the Empire and EU need to raise taxed for proper fiscal policy. The old good economic model: “Guns Versus Butter Model”.
Best regards,
@ bob kay said: I agree with you that deals are made at the highest levels, maybe cahoots is not emotionally the right term, but it is possible sanity and honesty will return to world affairs, for by the iron laws of the exponential function overtaking the hegemony of the dollar. Cooperation and struggle have been going on for decades to ease the transition to a multipolar world and a multipolar currency regime, with gold the hegemon of account and wealth reserve. Fiat will exist as the transaction function, but it will be stable or the inert hegemon of gold will strike.
Dearest Bob Kay,
I fully agree with you that, “cahoots is not emotionally the right term” but sometimes sound bites are used for shock value. ~:)
Best regards,
Dearest Dragan,
I am fully with you 100%.
Though, I love USA and the people of USA.
Best regards,
@Alien Tech said: How interesting that all those countries have at one time or another been sanctioned and bullied. And if you look at the countries who want to join, they have also been in the same boat.
Dearest AT,
How true!
I always read and appreciate your comments, and always wanted to acknowledge you.
Better late than never! :~)
Best regards,
Mulga Mumblebrain said: Iraq and Libya were destroyed as soon as they made concrete steps to weaken US dollar hegemony. The Real Evil Empire would be mortally weakened by the US dollar losing its ‘exorbitant privilege’ of being the world’s e facto reserve currency, so the BRICS declaration can only be interpreted by the US/Israel Empire as a declaration of war. One trusts that Russia and China are prepared for the aggression that must and will come, because the Chosen People of the West, with their ‘Exceptionalism’,
‘Manifest Destiny’ and other signs of a Divine Mission to ‘civilise’ the world in their own image, can never admit any other powers to their exalted circle
Mulga, i appreciate your absolutely appropriate observations.
Nora said: I am increasingly convinced ISIS is not merely the creation and ongoing instrument of the AZ Empire, but that it actually serves three separate, related functions.
Nora, appreciating your point, i will add up a 4th point to your 3 points- ISIS will create significant internal disturbances (on behalf of AZ empire) in Asian countries where Muslim population is sizeable, but Muslim elites are not part of the ruling oligarchy. In countries like India, China etc. which have potential to grow into world power, ISIS will replace small Muslim terrorist gangs (with low money power) with its petrodollar funded trained batch terrorist army.
And, i have a fundamental point related to the RUSSIAN SOCIETY: for God sake, Russian society should initiate active agenda of ENLARGING RUSSIAN POPULATION! Such a huge landmass is a gift from God- do some justice to the decision of the Almighty, for choosing Russia as the ideal land to have maximum landmass
Anonymous Indian
@ Anonymus
“And, i have a fundamental point related to the RUSSIAN SOCIETY: for God sake, Russian society should initiate active agenda of ENLARGING RUSSIAN POPULATION! Such a huge landmass is a gift from God- do some justice to the decision of the Almighty, for choosing Russia as the ideal land to have maximum landmass “
You just made my day :)
Well, it seems that Brazilians don’t like Dilma Roussef and she is far from being as good as Fernando Henrique Cardoso and “Lula”. Of course other candidates seem worse, particularly where US puppets but her being less than popular is not a US trick, it is her own…
You never heard about:
Radambrasil project, which operated between 1970 and 1985, was dedicated to coverage of various regions of Brazil (especially Amazon) radar for air, captured by plane. The use of radar images allowed reap the surface under dense cloud cover and forests. Based on the interpretation of these images, a large integrated study of the physical and biotic environment of the regions covered by the project, which includes analytical texts and thematic maps on geology, geomorphology, pedology, vegetation, land use potential and usability of resources was conducted renewable natural, which is still used as a reference in the proposed ecological zoning of the Brazilian Amazon.
Foreign NGOs have imposed the creation of numerous indigenous areas and conservation areas on these mineral deposits.
It’s all very well preserved there, waiting for anglozionists or if relying on guys like me, the BRICS.
When I tell you that Brazil is critical that long-term strategy, it is very knowingly.
Quite the contrary.
When you see corruption every day on TV, believe that the government is not hiding.
Just feel that there is no death penalty – as in China.
The lack of the death penalty leaves many sad people.
The middle class knows how bribery works, know that we are a third world country and know who bribes.
Most of the people do not blame both who accepted the bribe.
Today’s eyeing who offered the bribe.
One day we will get there.
Many already know the debt that the banksters have with Brazil.
Know who is financing the campaign of a candidate.
Know very well that party sold the juiciest State Company for North Americans and Europeans.
The thing will be otherwise after the next elections.
Indeed, in Brazil the vote is secret, it is done on paper and in electronic voting machines.
We vote directly for president, senators, representatives, governors, state legislators, mayors and councilors.
Every Brazilian is worth one vote.
It’s different, very different from the USA where you do not vote directly for the guy you want as president, you vote for someone who will vote for someone else who will vote for the guy who will do the shit you did not want.
Is that clear?
Sorry sincerity.
csnt said
Hey, Anonymous 20:53
Are you kidding? Dilma Roussef is a lot better than Fernando Henrique Cardoso. He was praised by MSM and the 1% because he pushed for the neoliberal agenda – deregulation, privatization and unenployment. Brazilian interest rate topped 45% during his government – of course banks loved him.
It is a fact that Dilma Roussef is not as charismatic as Luis Inácio Lula da Silva. On top of that, the last two years she has had to contend with a smearing campaign by MSM that has take a toll on her popularity.
As for US tricks, the unrests on major cities all through June 2013 comes to mind. There were some really well organized small groups directing the more violent actions. Almost like the Arab Spring. If walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…
For a better world… Build with BRICS!