We all saw the pictures coming out of Mariupol today. I won’t re-post them here. Simple people trying to stop a gang of heavily armed thugs who fancy themselves as some kind of “special forces” but whose “specialty” seems to be in shooting unarmed – or very poorly armed – civilians.
It would be wrong to compare these Ukie thugs to the SS, as some have done. For all their wrongs, the Waffen-SS fought well, and not only against defenseless civilians, but also in real combat. But these Ukie “special units” still have not managed in taking over Slaviansk or Kramatorsk! Yes, there even was a Victory Day parade in Slaviansk were Pavel Gubarev, the “people-elected governor” of the Donetsk region spoke at an official rally. Same thing in Kramatorsk where a Victory Day celebration also took place.
Amazing, no? We are, by Kiev’s official count, already in the second phase of the second anti-terrorist operation and the “special” forces have yet to capture a single town!
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Pavel Gubarev in Slaviansk |
And then there is Mariupol. What happened there is almost as disgusting as the massacre in Odessa. The main difference is that at least in Odessa the junta did not use uniformed “special forces” but soccer hooligans and specially bused-in neo-Nazi thugs from Kiev. In Mariupol civilians were shot by “official” unifomed personnel. And for what purpose exactly? How many *armed* “terrorists” have been captured or killed in Mariupol?
A single sniper in Slaviansk has “succeeded” in shooting a 12 year old kid in the chest. Something the freaks in Kiev can be proud of, I suppose. The local press is now reporting that the SBU is sending more reinforcements to Slaviansk. It’s pathetic, really.
Also, did you know that he first batch of recalled Ukainian servimen had to be sent home after 45 days of “operations”. It’s even worse then that: all those who did in some way participate in the “combat operations” against the people of the Donbass have been granted the official status of “war veterans” with all the privileges attached to this honor. Truly,
Glory to the Ukraine!
To the heroes, glory!
(Ukie slogan)
This entire mini-civil war is constantly oscillating between being a farce and an abomination.
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Oleg Liashko hard at work |
Yesterday I saw a video of Yulia Timoshenko warning Putin that the glorious Ukrainian people will topple his regime, I kid you not. As for Nuland’s favorite Ukie – “Iats” – he was on the “frontlines” somewhere near Slaviansk “encouraging to troops”.
But my all time favorite is a guy called Oleg Liashko, a flamboyant “pedo-cum-homo sexual” (now “married” to a Russian woman) who dresses in fashionable black “kind of combat” fatigues and then interrogates captured “terrorists” like TV producers or, more recently, an “ex minister of Defense” of the Donetsk Republic. Then the videos are uploaded to YouTube, apparently in preparation for the upcoming Presidential election (to bolster Liashko’s macho credentials I suppose).
Liashko is just one particularly colorful specimen from a full gallery of freaks. If you are interested, I can introduce you to some other rather amazing Ukie nationalists like the notorious Irina Farion (an ex-commie turned nationalist) or Valentin Nalivaichenko, probably the highest ranking CIA agent in the current junta.
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Liashko in “combat training” |
Several times I have referred to this regime as a “freak show” and I did not mean that as an insult, but as a statement of fact. The folks which have seized power in Kiev are quite literally freaks and so far, they have not succeeded in doing anything at all. Nothing.
I am beginning to suspect that they might even fail in disrupting the upcoming referendum scheduled for Sunday. Frankly, I had – and still have – major doubts about the ability of the pro-Russian forces in the Donbass to organized such a referendum on such short notice and in the midst of a small but ugly mini-civil war, but then when I look at the freaks in Kiev and their “scorecard” so far I have even bigger doubts about their ability to disrupt the upcoming referendum, nevermind preventing it from taking place.
I have to tell you that my own record on predicting the events in the Ukraine has been rather terrible. First, I did not even think that Crimea would join Russia. It did. Then I doubted that the folks in the Donbass would be able to stand up to the regime in Kiev. They “kinda did”. Not all, not too effectively. But apparently effectively enough to bring the entire repressive machine of the neo-Nazi junta to a grinding halt. Frankly, I do not credit Putin or Russia for that success. They did not do nearly as much to destroy the Ukraine as a unitary state as the crazies in Kiev who are now scaring and enraging more and more people in Odessa and in Mariupol. And things are only going to get worse from now on, at least for the junta.
First, Russia has announced that unless Kiev pre-pays for the gas scheduled for delivery in June Russia will turn off the spigot. The junta, of course, refused and is demanding that Moscow reinstate all the previous discounts it had offered the Ukraine.
Second, while I will gladly admit that I have no idea what the outcome of the referendum will be, unless a majority votes against it (which is hard to imagine), I don’t really see how the junta intends to submit giant cities like Donetsk or Kharkov it it cannot event conquer Slaviansk or Kramatorsk. By the way, I am aware of the Pew poll about public opinion in the Ukraine, but I cannot take it seriously as it contradicts everything I hear from local sources. But, hey, if a majority of the people in the Donbass wants to say in a unitary Banderastan run by a junta of freaks – that is fine by me. Who am I to tell them otherwise? Still, I see no reason whatsoever to trust that poll. None.
If we assume that a) the referendum will take place and b) that a majority of the people in the Donbass will vote to declare independence (and these appear to be reasonable assumptions), then I don’t see what the Ukies can do about it.
Third, the economic crisis will begin to bite really hard in June and it will not abate for the foreseeable future. If the Donbass will probably survive with Russian money, the rump Banderastan will truly jump off the economic cliff over the course of the summer. What in the world will the freaks do then to try to regain control of the situation?
Fourth, if the crisis hits as badly as it predicted to do by most experts, this will add a lot of fuel to the discontent in cities like Odessa which, in a sane world, should be rather prosperous. Ditto for Nikolaev or Mariupol. Even Kiev used to be a beautiful and prosperous city.
It would take a genius, assisted by a truly brilliant government having the support and trust of a strong majority of people to tackle such a multi-dimensional disaster as what is about to hit. Instead, the Ukraine is run by a sad and ugly gang of clueless but nasty freaks.
There is simply no way that this will work. Banderastan will implode and the only thing which these neo-Nazis will have the time to do before it all comes down is to turn against each other in a last fit of rage.
There is nothing at all the US/EU can do to prevent this outcome except one thing: to sit down and seriously negotiate with Russia with the full awareness that the US/EU are in an extremely weak negotiating position and that Moscow holds all the cards, including the crucial one: time. If the US/EU really agreed to seriously negotiate with Russia, maybe some kind of “Ukraine” can still be salvaged, but it would have to be much smaller than it is today, it would have to be Nazi-free and it would have to be at the very least truly neutral.
Sadly, that only pragmatic solution would be too humiliating to the pompous clown in the US and EU. For the US, that would be even a far worse humiliation than the disastrous failure of the US policy towards Syria. With very few exceptions, almost all US/EU politicians have put their full political authority and weight behind the freak-parade in Kiev and now to admit that the “Emperor is naked”. So, just as in the original tale,
The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, “This procession has got to go on.” So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn’t there at all.
If that is really how this all will end, then the Empire’s days are truly counted and there ain’t much left of them.
It is hard to imagine, isn’t it? If my logic tells me that this is almost inevitable, my gut tells me that somehow, somebody, somewhere will pull out a magic trick out of his/her hat and that, like a cat which falls from a tree branch, the Empire will land back on its paws. Except that all Empires must come to an end and that this one has already outlived its shelf life by several decades at least. Except that by putting its full authority behind a nasty gangs of neo-Nazi freaks the AngloZionists have totally discredited themselves. How could any regime or any Empire survive such a shameful deed?
I honestly don’t know.
The Saker
I am afraid that everybody here is too optimistic. EU elites shall always be on the US side. EU elites are financed, educated and formed by USA. So, I think uSA shall win here
I’m very grateful to you, saker, for your posts which are a daily must-read for me.
But I’d also say a big thank you to all who post in the comments below, for the thoughts and especially for the links to sites I’d never have seen otherwise.
Thank you all – spreading information is vital in these times where all the MSM on all continents seem to be singing from the same song sheet – a song sheet prepared for them in Washington.
Can anyone verify this video? Armed separatists captured with trunk loads of pre-filled ballots for the referendum in the vicinity of slaviansk and Donetsk. This is getting very ugly very fast.
@anonym at 10 May, 2014 00:36
said “while the Soros-funded Amnesty is showing its true (CIA) colors fanatically denying the civilian death toll from today in Mariupol.”
The majority of US and britishNGOs(like amnesity international and ) in Africa, South & Central America, Central Asia and the Middle East are money and arms funnels for groups working to destabilize and bring down the governments in the Non-White Resources-Rich nations in the regions named. They have little interest in the welfare of the people save to advance White American and European rule over them and aid White corporations in PLUNDERING them of their natural wealth.
They’ve been operating for years in every ‘hot spot’ around the world setting the stage for government overthows and U.S./EU and NATO intervention and GENOCIDE. Yes, the CIA & mi5 find US/britishNGOs invaluable sources of intelligence…
Anonymous 16:24 said…
“Can anyone verify this video?”
It’s created by Euromaidan PR – the fascist regimes’s propaganda arm. I think that speaks for itself.
Anonymous 16:24,
No can verify but it would be incredibly easy to fake. Much easier than most of what we’re seeing. Also too, consider the source. Otoh, yes, it is still getting very ugly very fast.
Political Correctness have made it impossible to talk about what is true, as PC truth is what people think is true, so silencing dissent becomes of paramount importance.
I think it is sad to watch Russia going down the path of silencing dissent as well, because Saker, Putin, and other bright Russians, think it is necessary to push the meme, Russia=Ortodox Christianity= good , Anglos=Individual Freedom=Evil
For a heathen, going to hell is not a bad thing though, as it is where we are all going.
Just to show I not a Christ-hater, here is a Christian hymn from Saker’s evil Empire.
Tell something here that few know about Brazil .
The military has several scattered barracks , many stranded .
Well .
In Brazil the military service is mandatory at age 18, there are three basic types and you choose between Navy, Army and Air Force (always the barracks nearest ) :
1 – ” Normal ” , the guy spends a year ;
2 – Areas of the interior , six months;
3 – If the guy has completed high school ( about to enter the University ) , you can opt for a course official who also lasts a year.
Sure there are other ways and specifics such as a guy who enters the University attached to the armed forces , is legally considered as official .
Here one can only get to serve the motherland with political support , a lot of people and a few barracks to receive the demand .
Who is not accepted, becomes ” reservist ” automatically until reaching the age of 48 .
Without the document proving that the guy is ” reservist ” can not even make tender , can not open a bank account , can not vote , becomes an ” outcast ” in society .
Like most who serve live near the barracks , are all from the same city or region in congregate over the years (myself , serving in 1981 , until today I know where most of the guys who served with me – those kKKKKKK live ) .
There is an exception in compulsory service in Brazil , the guys who are sent to serve in the Federal District ( Brasilia ) , there are over Brazil sent the highest , the most muscular , not necessarily the smartest kkkkkkkkkkkkkk . Met many ” moles ” sent there kkkkkkkkkk .
Given the above , I do not understand how the Ukrainians civilians are not responding to time the tanks , if it was in Brazil this shit would not happen .
Yes , we were disarmed by a government through plebiscite suspect (I even had the time 2 7.65mm caliber automatic pistols , two revolvers ( 32 and another 38mm ) , a shotgun double barrel 28 gauge ) , sold to friends or donated everything he had .
After the legal disarmament in Brazil , crimes with guns exploded , the bad guys are armed , the unarmed population .
The motherfucker neoliberal Fernando Henrique Cardozo ( former President ) fucked population ( and we reservists who shot with rifles in the barracks and today may not have a weapon to defend the population ) .
Worked between 1985 and 1995 in Environment in São Paulo , always armed with weapons supplied by the State , on Tuesday of Carnival , I tripped , tried to rob my wife , I reacted , I got shot in the belly .
If he was armed, send the robber to hell , I would not regret today.
Today in Brazil bandits are armed , the unarmed population , the poorly armed police .
The reality is that , unfortunately.
Thank you Saker for not censoring the comment from Cold N. Holefield @ 10 MAY, 2014 15:01
I am now eagerly awaiting his next comment, hoping he won’t blow a fuse being so much tied in knots he probably cannot tell his eyes from his arse.
@colinjames & Nora,
The Chatham house piece is an artfully contived piece of disinformation as you would expect from an organisation owned by the City of London bankers I.e. The Anglo/Zionists.
It does much more than take “a few cheap shots at Putin/Russia”. The dominant undercurrent is that Russia is waging a covert war on Ukraine and the West. This is entirely false.
The author mentions a “Kremlin ideologue Vladislav Surkov” as promoting “nonlinear war” to back up this contention that this is what Putin is engaging in. Surkov has strong ties to Jewish oligarchs in Russia and was sacked by Putin a couple of years ago. So the author is not only misrepresenting Russia’s approach to Ukraine and the West, he is also misrepresenting his chief source as part of the “Kremlin” I.e. the Russian Govt.
About the vid with the ballots, the rule of thumb anywhere is if it’s not a live stream with verifiable resources then it ain’t true.
Kiev, read Turchinov, just gave Mariupol 72 hours to surrender or Kiev will use the Grad missiles they have in place in the area. Shades of the Gruzya war of ’08.
Kiev is desperate to get Russia to intervene. If they fire Grads I don’t know if Putin will move or not. The death toll in Tskhinvali from the Grad barrage was 1632 verifiable civilian bodies, IOW bodies with ID. It probably was at least double that as the local custom is ‘in the ground within 24 hours’ and many of the dead were quickly buried and not reported to the authorities.
I have no doubt the Kiev has and had no intention of an election on 25 May. Anything even remotely ‘verfiable’ they will lose, pure and simple.
NATO- soldier in Maiden and Slovyansk. Hmnmm.
Is this for real?
The Norwegian
One says …………..
Serbs are loyal to Russia …
How is it that there are no demonstrations in Serbia for Russia against the U.S. policy that is working to destroy this beautiful Slavic people in northern Europe?
How come you can not find two or three thousand Serbs who will come out on the street?
Where is the so-called brotherhood Serbs and Russians?
Russia does not need Serbian support and it doesn’t need to see Serbs on the streets to know that Serbs love Russia. Serbs also love Ukraine and want the US and EU to get out and leave them to sort out their own problems.
Anonymous Anonymous said…
I am afraid that everybody here is too optimistic. EU elites shall always be on the US side. EU elites are financed, educated and formed by USA. So, I think uSA shall win here
10 May, 2014 15:38
They have been since WWII – BUT – that could be about to change. That’s what I think this anti-Russia putsch is all about. Europe has more in common with Russia than with an increasingly unEuropean USA. The ‘Yanks’ are scared to death of an eventual EU break with their empire and an aligning with Russia.
It seems that the USA is behind it all, as it is their usual style, but for all we know it could be Putin! And I would have no problem with it being Putin!
The only way to check the American empire is for Europe and Russia to team up. This is what all good men should be working for.
I don’t think Washington would be this rabid and close to war with Russia over Ukraine. It has to be a bigger picture thing.
I very much appreciate your blog. It is a vital resource for me and friends for countering the Big Lies of the western governments and mainstream media.
In a 10 May RT piece about the events in Mariupol (http://rt.com/news/158080-mariupol-shooting-fire-assault/), the narrator says, “The Ukrainian Interior Ministry claimed though that those who died are from self-defense groups and were killed while trying to storm the local police headquarters. One lawmaker and presidential candidate has called on everyone inside the building to be killed as a lesson to the rest (unintelligible word).”
After reading your blog post, I suspect that this “lawmaker and presidential candidate” is none other than Oleg Liashko…
According to Christopher Miller (“Christopher J. Miller is an editor at English-language newspaper the Kyiv Post in Ukraine”),
“Oleg Liashko, Ukraine’s Radical Party leader and a presidential candidate who was in Mariupol at the time, wrote on Facebook that the Kremlin-backed rebels used automatic weapons and grenades against the Ukrainian forces. Several local police who he called “traitors” after defecting to the pro-Russian side also took part in the shootout, he said.
The politician also said the rebels kidnapped Mariupol police chief Valeriy Androshchuk during the shootout. Androshchuk, Liashko said, was taken by “terrorists” from the “burning police station in a car that was cut off by a sports utility vehicle.”
“The fighters stabbed the jeep driver with a knife and placed Androshchuk inside the car trunk and drove off in an unknown direction,” he added.
The central government in Kiev has not released an official report of the event, and police could not immediately be reached for comment.”
So I looked at Oleg Liashko’ Facebook page (and also the Euromaidan Facebook page):
Both impress me as deeply psychopathic and delusional. If the German Nazis had had Facebook, these are pages they would have produced. They are violent and frightening, and to make the world a safer place, eventually all of these Banderastan leaders must be permanently isolated.
I am not a global Putin apologist. But in this vital matter of NATO expansion in the service of US economic hegemony, Russia and its interests have been (purposely) misunderstood and distorted. I have the sense that Putin’s masterful chess moves are lessening the risk of World War 3, buffering the insanity coming from the likes of Obama, Kerry, Brzezinski, Nuland and their counterparts in the EU.
I suspect you are already familiar, but in case some of your readers are not, I would like to cite the historian, William Blum, author of a number of books. I read “Killing Hope” a number of years ago and was very impressed, and I have been reading his articles ever since.
Please consider issues #126 through #128:
Finally, if nuclear winter doesn’t intervene, some day I would like to take you out for a cup of coffee.
Best regards,
Is It possible to havethis video translated to english?
It was posted in RT today:
Kherson governor calls Hitler ‘liberator’ addressing veterans on Victory Day — RT News
That video could have been staged by Euromaidan anywhere. No one’s faces are shown. No license plate shown. No location given. Nothing to confirm it wasn’t staged outside L’viv by Right Sector and uploaded to the internet.
@EuroMaidan PR·631 videos
That video is suspect for a few reasons. It’s posted by “EuroMaidenPR” (I’m presuming “PR” is public relations). We see people cuffed, weapons, and pre-marked ballots but never the people who supposedly made the stop. The term for opponents of the Kiev coup is “terrorists” in this and other videos from the source.
So, saying “it’s getting very ugly fast” presumes that these and other doubts about the tape are spurious.
I smell a rat.
I feel, you ought to give an explanation about the subject brought up by anonymous at 02:26, here the link
http://www.jpost.com/International/Russias-Putin-outlaws-denial-of-Nazi-crimes-351394 (John Kerry, Jatsenyuk, Nuland and so forth m u s t be delighted..)
if Putin signs a law, which is used worldwide to muzzle critics of Zionist machinations and wars, then our hope of help/remedy from the Russian establishment could be naive at best..
Number 1 and 2 in views on OpEdNews.com (US) for the past 48 yours:
Odessa– the First Pogrom– The Obama Genocide by George Eliason
Hot War with Russia – The Saker by Michael Collins
Life During Wartime
I have to say that I am damn proud of my adopted city, Kiev. Yesterday here in Kiev, was “Victory Day,” the most important secular holiday of the year, celebrating the defeat of Nazi Germany. My wife and I were both discussing the relative pros and cons as to whether to attend the celebrations on May 9 or not. For me, it’s always been my favorite nonreligious holiday in Ukraine. That being the case, why would I even consider not going?
Well, it’s like this. This holiday is on the hit list of the new junta here in Kiev. For most people, the defeat of Nazism is something to be celebrated. Not so with the junta. The reactionary forces behind the junta hate this holiday with passion. They hated because it is a Soviet holiday, a Russian holiday, and the holiday that celebrates the defeat of everything these reactionary forces believe in. The also hate it because with the end of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Army could focus a lot more resources to holdout Nazis who were not ready to admit defeat. Yet yesterday, the holiday here in Kiev passed without incident. I’m sure that a good part of the reason there were no major incidents is because the junta wants to project an image of “normalcy” leading up to the election later this month.
My wife and I decided that we both would attend the celebrations, and we are both glad that we did. (I even ended up doing a cameo on Russian TV, to my surprise). We both knew in advance the things this year would be different. It was announced well in advance that there would be no military parade to celebrate the veterans this year. Apparently, this government that engineers provocations was worried about something that they’ve approved in any number of occasions already. Or so they said.
One of the first events of the day was when the new Prime Minister paid his respects to the fallen veterans of World War II. OK, That seemed to be a good start, and it was. But then he proceeded to go ahead and compare the junta’s military actions in East Ukraine to the fight against fascism in World War II. The cravenness of that comparison left me awestruck. No one in their right mind could possibly believe this to be true. So maybe that’s why he said it.
On one of the main streets linking to the site of the celebrations, a roadblock was set up to inspect vehicles going down that street. But as we walked by, we noticed that those doing the inspecting was not regular police, though they were there; let’s just call those inspecting “auxiliaries” for now. Security, I thought. Security has to be good. But as we walked by we notice the insignia on the left shoulder. It was the insignia of the 14th Waffen Grenadier division of the SS, established by Nazi Germany in the 1940s. I later (much later) was left wondering whether they were trying to make sure there were no weapons in the vehicles or if there were enough weapons coming in to create a proper provocation.
Arriving at the traditional celebration site, we were well aware of a smaller than normal turn out. That of course was to be expected. Some traditional events occurred, like the aforementioned visit by the Prime Minister. But some events of both short and long duration had disappeared. Back in the mid-1970s, a group of school children began to turn out for this event. As the years went by, they continued, bringing new friends and as the years passed, bringing their children. The last few years it was not uncommon to have 35 to 40 participants. But alas, this tradition ended this year. No doubt anytime when you have a group of 35 to 40 people, you’re going to have a wide variation of political views. While it might have been fear, I don’t think so. I think it’s much more likely that was some long-term friends and maybe even family members were no longer on good speaking terms with each other. We even have that going on in my wife’s family. And that is indeed a sad sad thing.
To be continued…
Part 2.
The last few years, Kyivstar, a cell phone carrier, bought in a soundstage and singers who sang traditional wartime songs. Not this year. Such an overt display would have likely put them on the top of the Right Sector hit list and certainly opened them up for boycotts. And a few years ago, the government set up an honor guard for these ceremonies. They were absent too.
Another traditional event that did not occur this year was the attendance of foreign dignitaries and embassy staff. These people of course need to be on good terms with the new government and to try to work with them whenever possible, which likely explains the no-shows. Yet, there were some surprisingly strong showings. The Communist Party were quite well represented, as was the Party of Regions. The Party of Regions, of course, is the party of the former president Viktor Yanukovich.
In past years, there is always been a strong turnout from the religious community and this year was no exception. However this year, they arrived as a separate contingent, stayed off to the sides, and sang songs. This had never occurred before. There was also a very strong showing of people with St. George’s ribbons, a symbol that has a strong identity to Russia and something the new regime no doubt will outlaw at some time in the future. In fact, the government was attempting to promote a new ribbon; a ribbon with the colors of the Ukrainian flag, blue and yellow, along with a red poppy, likely plastic. I saw none of these new ribbons here in Kiev; while my wife saw only one. A bit more numerous with ribbons with combined symbols, one side of the blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag, and the other side the traditional St. George’s ribbon. But far outnumbering all of those were traditional St. George’s ribbons. It seems that people don’t like their traditions to be messed with. Who’d have thought?
Also new this year were a group of young people who brought in a portable sound system inside a suitcase. They connected this sound system to a cell phone containing traditional music of the holiday and played that for participants. Not only did people gather around to sing these songs, but the organizers had thought ahead to print out the lyrics for those who might not be familiar with them. There were quite a few younger people joining in to sing along with the printed lyric sheets. Very heartening to see. There even seemed to be a defiant quality to their voices.
It seemed to me, an outsider, that people enjoyed this opportunity to express their Russianness and being among those who thought the same way. (This should certainly not be construed as people wanting Putin to ride in to the rescue). After seemingly never ending months and months of pro-Ukrainian propaganda, this was the first opportunity for many to be with their own people. This was great for me to see, after having seen many people recently (seemingly) become pro-Ukrainian just to get along. There is obviously still a lot of pro-Russian sentiment here in Kiev. That again would be pro-language and pro-culture, not “let’s join Russia.” This is not to say that at any time in the near future there will be large protests or revolts. Those will come with austerity.
On our way home, we happened to pass a lone protester wearing a Svoboda hat. This lone pitiful protester felt it was his duty to insult and argue with people as they passed. On other days, people might have accepted these indignities. Today, for at least a day, at least one Bandera received an earful. And that has to be a good thing.
@Nora and all who commented on the referendum video
I suspected it could be staged as well, but then I found a matching recording from the SBU prior to this video which claimed to show a republic of Donetsk representative conspiring with his handler in Moscow to conduct just such an exercise. I have included both pieces above. I’ll look forward to your analysis. Thanks.
Below is the domain name registration info on euromaidanPR. I find it remarkably short of any identifying information. I don’t claim to know what rules ICANN has in that regard, but to me it smells of belonging to a three-letter USGov agency.
Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.name.com
Registrar URL: http://www.name.com
Updated Date: 2014-03-24T18:06:51-06:00
Creation Date: 2014-03-14T17:03:21-06:00
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2015-03-14T17:03:21-06:00
Registrar: Name.com, Inc.
Registrar IANA ID: 625
Registrar Abuse Contact Email: abuse@name.com
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.17202492374
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registrant Name: Whois Agent
Registrant Organization: Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Registrant Street: PO Box 639
Registrant City: Kirkland
Registrant State/Province: WA
Registrant Postal Code: 98083
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.4252740657
Registrant Fax: +1.4259744730
Registrant Email: euromaidanpr.com@protecteddomainservices.com
Admin Name: Whois Agent
Admin Organization: Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Admin Street: PO Box 639
Admin City: Kirkland
Admin State/Province: WA
Admin Postal Code: 98083
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.4252740657
Admin Fax: +1.4259744730
Admin Email: euromaidanpr.com@protecteddomainservices.com
Tech Name: Whois Agent
Tech Organization: Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.
Tech Street: PO Box 639
Tech City: Kirkland
Tech State/Province: WA
Tech Postal Code: 98083
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.4252740657
Tech Fax: +1.4259744730
Tech Email: euromaidanpr.com@protecteddomainservices.com
Name Server: ns1.wordpress.com
Name Server: ns2.wordpress.com
DNSSEC: NotApplicable
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System: http://wdprs.internic.net/
>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2014-05-10T13:28:57-06:00 <<<
Regarding the video, I’d like to see them stuff all those boxes into the trunk of that car. The ballots shown seem to be rather poorly marked. I guess I would expect stuffing ballots to be a little more carefully marked. I’m not saying the anti-fascists wouldn’t do such a thing. Politics is a dirty business everywhere. I just seriously doubt they marked those ballots.
I’m also struck by the condition of the weapons. They appear to be brand new, never issued pieces. That doesn’t pass the smell test either.
Another Norwegian,
“Political Correctness have made it impossible to talk about what is true, as PC truth is what people think is true, so silencing dissent becomes of paramount importance.”
How? We are, right now. Our media don’t, because they’re not presenting news, just propaganda. But we haven’t been silenced. Saker states his opinion, so do we. Political Correctness, here, generally means Liberals trying very hard to, for example, use the “proper” word for an African-American, or a gay, etc. It can end up being pretty silly, but really, that’s about it. Then the real racists deliberately use the “N” word just like little kids sticking out their tongues, but using or not using a word that could be hurtful doesn’t stop anyone from thinking, writing or voicing their opinion, it just means others don’t like it or may find it offensive. But no one’s being silenced, they just willingly bow to peer pressure from the “in-group” of their choice — because most people are sheep and you don’t really need to silence sheep, just herd them and they’ll trot right along. But the 99% still (think we have) two teams, because we certainly have two very different points of view.
The true silencing is much worse than peer pressure or Political Correctness though; this, for example, is horrifying, totalitarian and would be found unconstitutional had we any other Supreme Court than the one now seated:
I was puzzled, considering Chatham House was the source, and certainly saw the cheap shots and distortions. However, the funny thing is, despite them, didn’t he also really set forth what Putin is doing, which does strikes me as a pretty decent way to approach things. Was the author actually telling the truth embedded within all his lies and distortions? Could he have been stupid enough to think he was being slick? At this point, who knows?
Anonymous 17:58
Petri Krohn says yes, and he’s pretty reliable.
Here’s another piece on that HORRIFYING gag rule just imposed by “the most transparent administration in history”.
The last tweet in the article will at least make you chuckle…
Observation Of The Day, I think, from Austrian over at MoA:
“I can just imagine the secret briefings to new US Presidents where they get handed a list of US “assets” including many of the “free” world’s leading politicians, and told that all these are firmly “under our control”. This would explain much of the hubris and arrogance we have all observed.”
Something for all from Cosh:
Victory Day from the distaff:
Dear Saker
In your post on Thursday you seemed a bit downhearted about the Ukraine situation. This post on Veterns Today might make you feel a bit better. It’s quite a lighthearted article but gives a very interesting slant on the Ukraine situation from a wider geopolitcal perspective and how he thinks Vladimir Putin and the Fourth Reich have played it.
What are your thoughts?
P.S. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the site but their views generally are quite an eyeopener, not at all the expected gung-ho kill-em-all attitude. I suppose they took their oath to protect the constitution seriously. I can only sympathise.
Dear Saker
In your post on Thursday you seemed a bit downhearted about the Ukraine situation. This post on Veterns Today (www.veteranstoday.com/2014/05/09/the-imf-bank-job/) might make you feel a bit better. It’s quite a lighthearted article but gives a very interesting slant on the Ukraine situation from a wider geopolitcal perspective and how he thinks Vladimir Putin and the Fourth Reich have played it.
What are your thoughts?
P.S. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the site but their views generally are quite an eyeopener, not at all the expected gung-ho kill-em-all attitude. I suppose they took their oath to protect the constitution seriously. I can only sympathise.
P.P.S. Sorry about the previous version, did everything except put in the link (duh …)
I do not know exactly what you mean by that that I´m confused.
In a civil war, a lot of people on both sides die, but Spain is the second country in the world,after Cambodia,with the largest number of victims of enforced disappearances whose remains have not been recovered or identified.
Most of these are of the Republican side, the people, most of them workers who fought against fascists.
That the Spanish Catholic church decides to align with the fascists is something that should explain them, not me.
I did not live those days, thankfully, but I know history, despite the efforts of the current authorities, heirs of the victors, some with very direct family ties,to bury or distorted it.
I also know that Russia was a second home for those who had to leave the country for his life after the victory of the fascists, a second home for thousands of children, who had to leave the country leaving behind not only their parents but their roots.
Hence my gratitude to the Russian people.
Now, I hope, let´s go to talk about Ukraine, not to bore others.
@ MS in Kiev,
Thanks for the great post.
What are your feelings on the Communist Party’s violent suppression of the anarchists in Barcelona in May, 1937?
Anonymous at 19:47 showed whois information for Euromaidan PR.
The site was created on 14 March 2014, and is hosted in the US, with privacy protection for the owner. This seems sort of reasonable. The posters uses nicknames such as ‘marquepro’ and ‘chornajuravka’ which are pretty distinctive. Where else, other than Euromaidan PR, do these people post? Google shows marquepro posts just at IsraelForeignAffairs.com (hmmm ?). Chornjuravko posts just at MaidanTranslations.com
IsraelForeignAffairs.com appears to be a well-established site, but it appears to have been created on 11 February 2014. It too is hosted in the US with owner privacy.
MaidanTranslations.com was created 3 March 2014, is hosted in the US, with owner privacy just like Euromaidan PR. Who posts to it? People like tilamuse, tftranslate, chervonaruta and jawails. Where do these post other than MaidanTranslations.com? Tilamuse posts at normal sites, so that seems legit. Tfttranslate posts just at Euromaidan PR and IsraelForeignAffairs.com (hmmm ?) while chervonaruta and jawails just post at Euromaidan PR.
So most of the posters seem clean creations for these newly created sites. The common users suggest some association for these sites. The overall feel is a clean creation, possibly by some TLA as anonymous suggests, though not necessarily US.
A similar setup occurs when looking for Ukraine-related sites covering Barashkov. The first that appears is UkraineInvestigations.com, which is surprise, surprise, recently created, hosted in the US with owner privacy. This seems to be run by Petro Zamakis who again seems to have no existence outside that blog.
There does seem to be a consistent pattern behind these sites.
Anonymous said…
Can anyone verify this video? Armed separatists captured with trunk loads of pre-filled ballots for the referendum in the vicinity of slaviansk and Donetsk. This is getting very ugly very fast.
What is there to verfy?
A video labeled “Euromaidan PR”. Shows a few guys lying down prone. You can’t see a single face or any other detail that might allow you to tell who or where these people are. It looks for all the world it’s just some bloke and his pals doing a short video. If they had some “Russian terrorists” don’t you suppose they’d show their faces?
These things are done on the knowledge that a certain (low) percentage of the population will believe they are what they claim to be.
Interesting article about who is in The Crazy House in Ukraine.
I suspected it could be staged as well, but then I found a matching recording from the SBU prior to this video which claimed to show a republic of Donetsk representative conspiring with his handler in Moscow to conduct just such an exercise. I have included both pieces above. I’ll look forward to your analysis. Thanks.
Barkashov is not a member of the Russian Government.
I thought that he had responded to this in person saying that he was actually in Donetsk, and could speak to Boitsov in person, so why would he phone them? I saw that in the news a couple of days ago. Maybe on Twitter?
Lets state something right now.
The local legal authorities in Donetsk and Lughansk are doing nothing to prevent this referendum from going forward, but also did little to advance it. They have provided the most important help possible – access to voter roles and polling places. The Donetsk People’s Republic started as a crackpot idea by a few men with courage, but with the overwrought reaction of Kiev sending in the regular army, National Guard, and Right Sector against men who had seized an arms depot in Lughansk, have the backing of the people and local police, and have a military background has produced a low-grade civil war and radicalized the local populace into the realization that the armed crackpots are RIGHT, and the Kiev authorities really are nuts. Had Kiev just ignored the armed the whole thing probably would have evaporated as life went on like normal, but they couldn’t resist an opportunity to kill.
A month ago, it struck me that it was unlikely this referendum would ever be pulled off. Since then, the people of Donbass have already come to a point of self-determination in their mind and are willing to defend their rights with their bodies in the street, having watched the government come in to slaughter them in the street. Tomorrow, I believe around 65% or so of eligible Donbass voters will come out to vote and around 85% for Independence.
What happens then is anyone’s guess, but it seems clear there is no going back to Ukraine as it was before 2/18/14.
Newspaper articles in my country (Canada) are far more objective now than they were a month ago. Journalist are going to Donetsk. They’re looking for terrorists but can’t find any.
Today there was a worrisome incident with Deputy Prime Minister of Russia – Dmitri Rogozin.
He visited Transdnistria, the pro-Russian enclave bordering Moldova and Ukraine, that has enjoyed de-facto independence from Moldova since the break-up of USSR.
He flew in through Romanian airspace to participate in festive events, related to the Victory Day and the address of local authorities regarding joining Russia. By the time he wanted to return, Romania, under marching orders from … you know who, had closed its airspace for him.
Then his plane got the permission to fly over Ukraine, but shortly after they took off, Ukrainian fighters intercepted the flight and required him to either return to Chisinau, Moldova or be forced down on a Ukrainian airfield.
The flight returned to Chisinau and was surrounded by Moldova police forces. Seems it was also boarded. Only to find out, that Mr. Rogozin was not among the passengers of the plane. He had safely made it back to Moscow. In stealth mode, I might add.
As Rogozin put it on Twitter – https://twitter.com/DRogozin & pic.twitter.com/DHIQe2hg0z “But (Russian) Military-Industrial Commission has its own paths. And Kiev junta is left with nothing…” He also added “Now we’re looking fwd to a visit of Romanian and Moldovan governmental delegations in Moscow.”
Here’s a video commentary is Russian http://www.vesti.ru/only_video.html?vid=597701
On another optimistic note:
The German news site http://www.n-tv.de/ decided to take a telephone poll yesterday (May 9) on what people think about the direction Putin has taken – “Haben Sie Verständnis für Putins Kurs?” The response was far from politically correct. With the poll showing 89% support, it was promptly removed. But traces remained, accessible via teletext. Christoph Hörstel referred to the surprising results on his FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Infoseite.zu.Christoph.Hoerstel/photos/a.443332172376058.95320.186257908083487/747223738653565/?type=1&relevant_count=1
Here’s the video with screenshots (in Russian): http://anna-news.info/node/15928 , composed by Anatolii Sharii https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVPYbobPRzz0SjinWekjUBw , who according to his own words, is not a supporter of Putin.
And an example of US political elite’s split personality or cognitive dissonance issues:
One senior (unnamed) US administration official denounced the Syrian election as “a parody of democracy,” AFP reports. Assad’s decision to hold the elections “rings particularly hollow given that the regime is continuing to attack and massacre the very electorate that is purporting to represent,” the official said.
I wonder if he meant to say Ukrainian elections and US decision?
http://rt.com/news/158036-syria-american-missiles-test/ (4th paragraph from the bottom).
Yonatan said…10 May, 2014 22:59
“There does seem to be a consistent pattern behind these sites.”
I did a similar check on youtube accounts after the zionazi war against South Ossetia. I found several accounts posting zionazi disinformation had been started up within 2 weeks of the war beginning. Obviously set up to post the disinfo videos. Several also had material promoting Israel. One was so blatant about it, that they had their “about/home” page of their youtube accounts blazoned with pro-Israeli BS. I wrote about that account in an on line forum I had up at the time. Within a couple of days, the accounts removed the material on them connecting them to the zionazis.
That video of the marked ballots was put on this youtube account the same day:
10 мая, в Славянске изъяли 100 тыс ‘проголосовавших’ бюллетеней
Note the copyright notice:
Published on May 10, 2014
© ИС
The account: https://www.youtube.com/user/onlinedivan/about
Is associated with another account there: https://www.youtube.com/user/naziguard/about
Which is associated with: http://odnoklassniki.ru/group/51889383604383
Newsweek just broke a big story
about Israeli spying in the US.
But how new is this story really?
The fact of Israeli spying on the
US is a old one, but it’s very rarely
Here’s the last time this much censored
story saw the light of day – 13 years
ago, right after 9/11.
Boko Haram…
They’re not a rock group from
the 70s.
They’re the latest US tolerated/US armed
(indrectly) group of nut jobs who just happened
to do exactly what our military hoped they would
Create a pretext for sending in “military
advisors” to an oil rich place we’d like
to subvert.
– Brasscheck TV
Well,like with any other violent suppressions I feel bad about it.
As in all wars, neither side is free of atrocities.
I hope its enough, now I´d go back to Ukraine topic.
Over and out.
His Majesty said…
“I don’t think Washington would be this rabid and close to war with Russia over Ukraine. It has to be a bigger picture thing.”
I think he stands a very good chance of being right about that. The first rule of understanding why something happens is: know who stands to make money from it? Most everyone points at the MICC. The call for increased European defense spending is meant for them, but that could be justified by any number of confected reasons. Banderastan cannot afford new weapons. It will never be able to afford new weapons. Their own industry designed what is claimed to be a thoroughly modern main battle tank. They were able to buy 2 of them for their own use and are desperately trying to find foreign buyers. Not likely under current circumstances.
Now picture this. In the here and now, climatic shifts in weather patterns, and other factors, are playing havoc with agricultural production all over the world. As I pointed out some time ago, Ukraine’s agriculture sector suffered significant reduction in harvests after the collective farms were privatized. The story I read was that the farm workers were given a document that entitled them to receive 4 hectares of land, but didn’t specify any particular parcel. It seems that in the end most Ukrainian farmers do not own their land and consequently have little or no credit. You can’t really farm without credit.
The plutocrats that control Big Ag Corps know how to solve that problem, but it requires shoving the Unkies off their small holdings, tearing out the fences and plowing Oblast to Oblast. I gather Yanukovych wasn’t completely down with that plan. I guess even corrupt politicians won’t always betray their constituents. BTW, there are not to my knowledge any uncorrupted politicians. Yats, on the other hand, by virtue of background is pretty obviously ready to betray anybody and everybody.
I see the plan as the IMF tries to hold Banderastan together until Cargill/Monsanto et al can complete the land grab and take the whole country private as a giant feudal estate. The Crimean Republic is, apparently, a severe blow to the plan. Losing the Don region is probably fatal to it. Destroying the Don region probably wouldn’t be very good for the plan either. In the Ag Biz costs matter.
Mustafa Nayyem is responsible for recent staged videos about executions by Praviy Sector. His correspondence was hacked by Anon and it revealed some interesting details. And he calls himself a journalist? Please save and share http://ntv.livejournal.com/353029.html?nojs=1
This is how the KIEV JUNTA USES JOURNALISTS AND MASS MEDIA for their propaganda and psychological war!
Details of their collaboration in English as follows. Mustafa Nayyem (or Nayem) is a popular Ukrainian journalist and public figure, former journalist of newspaper “Kommersant-Ukrainy” and the TVi channel, currently working with the internet newspaper Ukrainskaya Pravda, also participates in the “Stop the censorship!” Ukrainian journalist movement and Hromadske TV project. In April 2013 he openly stated that he was not paid by politicians. However, as discovered by Anon, he was the one to FABRICATE VIDEOS FOR THE JUNTA’S INTERIOR MINISTER Arsen Avakov. On one of the videos a policeman is killed by people from the neo-nazi Right Sector. On the second one a Russian is hanged by the neo-nazis. The videos were fabricated to scare people and make them silent. Nayyem is also suspected to be the head of the special department working for the illegitimate authorities that is responsible for disinformation, propaganda and psychological war.
We post and translate the screens of Nayyem’s and Avakov’s FB chat, provided by Anon.
Nayyem: Hello, Arsen Borisovich (Avakov)! Here is the first part. (link) 18+ Fascists killing former head of Donetsk police in presence of his wife. Nayyem: Dmitry (Yarosh, head of the Right Sector) insists on more brutality! Could you talk to him, please. We have been discussing all this a dozen time. Avakov: Just ignore Yar (Yarosh). It’s not his first priority now. And he will soon stop barking anyway. )) Nayyem: Heard you and got you. Nayyem: In search engines I see “Right Sector killing policeman”, “Right Sector cutting throat”. The video has spread well on the Internet. Avakov: You worked just beautifully, as always. )) Well done! Nayyem: Thanks again for your help with people. Avakov: Mustafa, what the heck! How could you be such an ass with Irma (Irma Krat, a euromaidan female activist, got caught by anti-junta protesters in Eastern Ukraine)? Nayyem: Arsen Borisovich, we did follow her, but I just can’t be accountable for her! Avakov: You can’t be accountable??? You are accountable for every step! Nayyem: Here, Arsen Borisovich, is the next part. (link) Execution of a Russian in Ukraine. Not yet in Yandex (search engine). But it is already available via Google search: “Right Sector hangs a policemen”, “Right Sector is hanging a police officer”.
@ Nora,
Q: choking…
R: “Paging Dr. Heimlich…”
@MS in Kiev,
Q: But then he [coup-installed PM] proceeded to go ahead and compare the junta’s military actions in East Ukraine to the fight against fascism in World War II. The cravenness of that comparison left me awestruck
R: Yats’ fellow tribesmen are killing people in Palestine, who were never there, coz the place was empty…
Really funny read:
Ukraine was just too irresistible to walk away from. This was the real stinky fromunda cheese that is irresistible to a rat-banker. Once in the trap, up to their eyeballs in quicksand, the IMF finally realized they were the real mark. That’s when the show really began. They dropped their fig leaf and showed the world their true nature. They ordered the killing of innocent people in the Ukraine and the world knows it. They were absolutely livid.
I mean they were not just caught robbing, they were robbed in the act of robbing someone else with their hands in the cookie jar yelling, “stop thief”! Remember the look on Kerry’s face? Priceless!
Putin deliberately broke the cardinal rule of the con, which is never let the mark know they were duped. Unless, that is the entire point of the cone from the get go; expose them for what they truly are.
We all saw Kerry coming unhinged and foaming at the mouth for days with Germany’s Nipples in chorus, until Putin explained the situation to her. At that point the mark knew the gig was up.
They began showing signs of mental instability. They became noticeably unhinged in public, treating us all to the bizarre inner working of the mind of an international banker. Unfortunately, there are some things you just can’t un-see or un-hear.
Daniel Rich,
AMEN to both!
Borotba discusses the situation in Ukraine for the Antifascist meeting in Athens. This is quite good.
And now for something really rather different, partially in response to Anonymous 00:48’s very important observation on Cargill/Monsanto and Ukrain monoculture farming (China has also leased a fair amount of that wonderful soil). I just read today that we may be in for an El Nino, which is expected to create drought-like conditions in Ukraine and, of course, other places as well. Also, the declining rate of the hrivna probably means less fertilizer etc. and a poorer yield regardless of the weather. The issue isn’t simply Ukrainian profits, however, or empty Ukrainian stomachs, bc the entire state of California and a major chunk of US farmland are already in very serious drought too: the issue is food shortages that could become quite serious. Someone here, I believe, mentioned last week the hope that all Ukrainians who were able would in fact put in gardens this year. Well, let me extend that suggestion to everyone here, and I’m not just talking tomatoes either. It’s not just that prices will rise, folks, it’s that many foodstuffs, including almost all grains (meaning animal feed too) are quite likely to be in VERY short supply, and you can guarantee, for example, that any prepared food you eat will have corn in it. So a real hint to the wise would be to grow what you can, and learn how to store it too. Even without the weather, global warming and the like, the fall of America in combination with such hideous unrest in what is still the Breadbasket of Europe, plus the rise of a Chinese middle-class hungry for meat (and buying a whole lot of ours right out from under us right now) is going to affect us all. /granny-lecture over
The following might be of interest [in it you can also hear overlord Nuland deciding who’s to run Ukraine v 2.0]
How Washington Uses Social Media to Topple Governments and Manipulate Public Opinion @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/how-washington-uses-social-media-to-topple-governments-and-manipulate-public-opinion/5381683
According to this article
George Friedman will try to mobilize the support of Serbia against Russia.
NATO/EU is the biggest evil for mankind today.
Borderlands: The New Strategic Landscape
Of course, there’s also room to mock Russia – Fear Not: Russia’s History of Epic Fails @ http://news.yahoo.com/fear-not-russias-history-epic-fails-041503700–politics.html
Very funny, nice one
@Anonymous 16:24
About those pre-filled ballots, ZeroHedge had an article on it. An observant commenter noted that the guys lying face down with the bags over their heads were completely motionless: fingers not twitching, not breathing, etc. They were probably dead.
Live feed of voting in Donetsk for all of you who have never seen elections in Ukraine and Russia. Same deal in both, internal passport with photo and ‘propeeska’, you official residence wet stamped in the last pages of your passport.
Normally there are printed lists of all of voting age for the district. Your name is matched to the list, your internal passport number is hand written in the provided space of the printed list after your passport is checked for living in the voting district, then you sign the voting register, get your ballot and have at it. Since Kiev wiped out all those records it’s all being done by hand but I have noticed all the passports are being examined as usual for residence in the voting district.
In our election on 16 March we had the lists from two years before and those were followed.
As is normal, there was one Militsiyaneer ‘guarding’ the voting precinct, in our case the local school 200 m from our house. While the Militsiyaneer was armed with his service pistol, it was without magazine. I notice such things. He did have a radio and studiously stood 20 m from the entrance door.
@TruthSearcher: regarding the telephone poll “http://www.n-tv.de/ decided to take a telephone poll yesterday (May 9) on what people think about the direction Putin has taken”
I saw a furious comment in the FAZ (roughly translated):
Sowjet-Propaganda ohne Ende!
It is high time that the Western media deal intensively with this issue. For example, this morning N-TV made a telephone survey, when any halfway intelligent journalists should have known beforehand that the station would be overtaken by Putin’s friends. So it happened: the question regarding the understanding of Putin was answered by 87% pro Putin. My call to the N-TV editorial and my advice that all Forums are for weeks crushed by Soviet propaganda, and that such a question is completely pointless, and my request to withdraw this survey was allegedly forwarded to the editor, but then ignored. The survey went on until late in the evening. Approval per Putin: now 89%. When will journalists rethink about their relationship with a clearly recognizable propaganda and assume the journalistic responsibility?
He is a known commentator and on other themes a trustworthy, true conservative, here he really believes what he is writing, perhaps in line with German diehard cold warrior politicians (like e.g. Elmar Brock; Germans in this blog will know all about it).
Mark Sashine in his article “Russia defeated the Nazis. Now US revives them” (http://www.opednews.com/Diary/Russia-defeated-the-Nazis-by-Mark-Sashine-Betrayal_Blood_Evil_Hitler-140506-269.html) wrote:
In 1944 Ilya Erenburg, the prominent Russian – Jewish journalist wrote an article calling to ‘destroy Germany entirely.’ Stalin then answered by his famous: – Hitlers come and go, German people stay. Stalin did not destroy Germany. Maybe he should have. Then we would not see Merkel with her snout. But in all fairness, Germans now are the only Westerners who protest against the EU and US role in Ukraine, so there are people there who remember.
I am glad to see that quite a lot of us have learned from our history.
They did it again! German secret service BND are leaking rather embarrassing information to the newspaper BILD of the Axel Springer Media Corporation. Just as last Sunday on CIA, FBI agents ‘advising Ukraine government’ an again their flagship “DIE WELT” jumped on board.
Headline in the moment: “Are US mercenaries fighting in the Ukraine?”
This is the toned down version.
Originally it said: „Wie groß die Gefahr einer militärischen Eskalation in der Ukraine ist, beweist eine weitere Geheiminformation, die der BND in der Nachrichtenlage vortrug: Aufseiten der ukrainischen Armee und Polizei operieren 400 Kämpfer der privaten US-Sicherheitsfirma Academi. Die schwer bewaffneten Söldner koordinieren und führen Guerillaeinsätze rund um die ost-ukrainische Stadt Slawjansk gegen prorussische Rebellen.“
Now the other newspapers are spreading the original statements. For example:
Now “DER SPIEGEL” can say: “It wasn’t us, it was “BILD”. And BILD” can say: “Oh, it just happended, we already toned it down.”
Uh uh.
More here:
Crowds of “separatists & Russian agents” in the South East – inside the polling stations and in queues outside.
Tons of photos and video
In the night from May 10th to May 11th the self-defense forces in Slavyansk seem to have carried out a successful preventive operation at Karachun hill, overlooking the town and previously occupied by the Kiev forces. Some sources say the hill remained in hands of the Junta, others – that it was captured.
In any case – no shelling of the town from there today.
No losses on the part of Slavyansk guys.
Data with regard to the junta losses has not yet been confirmed.
Best Regards,
Next step: the open persecution of the Church and the Christians!
On the footsteps of the West….
P.S. – I just wonder how long Russia can ignore open acts of hostility, as that about Rogozin trip to Transdnistria.
As viewed from the Big Ag Corps it’s worse than that. In one word: China.
Look here:
Sunday, 22 September, 2013: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1314902/ukraine-become-chinas-largest-overseas-farmer-3m-hectare-deal
24 Sep 2013: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/10332007/China-to-rent-five-per-cent-of-Ukraine.html
September 24, 2013: http://rt.com/business/china-ukraine-agriculture-lease-267/
Thursday, 27 February, 2014: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1435976/china-sues-ukraine-breach-us3b-loan-grain-agreement
February 28, 2014: http://thediplomat.com/2014/02/chinas-agricultural-deals-with-ukraine-in-jeopardy/
This came up in just one quick google-search. I guess there is more to find.
The subject is called „land grab“. There are specialised websites on this subject.
For the rest, see here: „Chernozem layer thickness may vary widely, from several inches up to 60 inches (1.5 metres) in Ukraine.“
Chernozem („Schwarerdboden“ in German) was a non negligable reason why Hitler send the Wehrmacht into Ukraine.
Paula Slier on Twitter
#Kiev’s #ATO in #KrasnyLiman,#Slavyansk& #Kramatorsk enters in its ‘final stage’,according to #Ukrainian’s acting presidential adm. offical.
5:37am – 11 May 14
Of course it is. The ATO has managed to determine that entire populace of Donbass is “terrorist separtists” who self-financed and self-organized their own plebescite to demonstrate to the world the will to free themselves from the Kiev Crackpots.
We will now see just how little the Powers That Be in the West actually support democracy, self-determination, and the will of the people being the basis of government.
I’m proud of the brave people in Donbass who have stood up to tanks, troops, Right Sector Terrorists, CIA Push Polls, and goes knows what other provocations and attacks.
How pathetic is Ukraine government that they could not prevent this election, and in fact provoked a result that was unlikely a few months ago?
Paula Slier on Twitter
Roman #Lyagin, chair of central #election commission, “This is will of people. The world can say this is bad idea but its idea of the people
1:27am – 11 May 14
Ah, the joys of “copy and paste”. Forgot to put this in my post of 11 May, 2014 10:06:
His Majesty said… on 11 May, 2014 00:48
„The plutocrats that control Big Ag Corps know how to solve that problem, but it requires shoving the Unkies off their small holdings, tearing out the fences and plowing Oblast to Oblast.“
By the way:
In the last days several people asked about actions that could be taken.
May-be someone who knows the USA could check this out and tell us what it’s worth:
These thugs are death-squads, a favourite US method for centuries. If the Russians ever enter Ukraine and capture these vermin (with apologies to rats and cockroaches) they must be tried, so that the world learns of US perfidy, then the worst, I regret to say, because I abhor capital punishment, must hang. This tactic is now so widespread in the Real Evil Empire of Eternal Exceptionalism that any ambitious psychopaths itching to serve the Empire must learn that they will face real justice appropriate to their crimes. And wasn’t the orchestrated behaviour in Denmark (a country where more than ‘something’ is rotten, starting with the vicious political caste)booing the Russians and getting the bearded lady to attack Putin, typically base and ill-mannered, not to say hysterical?
The Council on Foreign Relations speaks:
“The elections currently scheduled for May 25 ought to be postponed so that there is time first to put these vital foundations of real democracy in place.”
Well, Saker was right about what the American establishment wants, and what they want is no elections where people might have a chance to react to Maidan and the ATO in Donbass and the Odessa Massacre. Its funny, because I thought Maidan was supposed to be all about early elections when Yanukovich was in power. But now that Yats and Turd and Lviv hold sway, no election is needed.
Espina said
Here is a nearly 2 hour film of the orchestrated events leading up to the massacre in the Trade Union Building in Odessa 02/05/14 at Kulikovo field. Part 2… interviews with survivors from within the building is to follow soon. May God rest the souls of those brutally
murdered by the fascists.
Espina Scotland
Try telling the difference: http://houseofmaedhros.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/a-tale-of-two-terrorisms/
Espina Said
Espina Scotland
To the middle class and friends who don’t want to break the law.
Humans are not only creatures of habit, they are also creatures of mapping.
Consequently the area that your opponent chooses to attack is usually the area in which your opponent feels vulnerable.
So a suggestion.
Wherever you are in the world, don’t use credit cards especially Visa and Mastercard for a month – use cash. Want a little more leverage – don’t take any other credit for a similar period.
Dear The Saker,
A bit of light relief as I have seen a few posters talking about the disgraceful booing of the two sweet Russian twins at the Eurovision last night. I think it was rather distasteful of the Danish to allow this at a singing competition esp. when outside neo-nazi’s were demonstrating…..
The voting results are very interesting – says there seem to be a big divide with some countries about the voting public versus the jury’s votes…..:
Espina said
A 2 hour film detailing events leading up to the massacre in Odessa 02/05/14
Espina Scotland
Espina said
A 2 hour film detailing events leading up to the massacre in Odessa 02/05/14
Espina Scotland
I told my wife on 01 December after we watched the Bankhova Street attacks in Kiev that Yanukovich would lose. I told her in February there would be no election in Urkaine, and there will not be. Turchinov never had any intention of an election.
The screams from the West will reach a crescendo starting now and steadily increasing, if that’s possible, for the next week. More sanctions will be piled on to Russia because ‘everyone knows’ this is all Mr. Putin’s doing.
Apparently everyone in ‘the west’ has forgotten what ‘democracy’ is, just as they forgot when we defended ourselves here in Krim against that gang of murderous thugs in Kiev and Lemberg.
As a possibly pleasant aside, there are heavy, although unconfirmed, reports that the charming Minister of Cultural Affairs and Good Manners, Oleg Lyashko, has been detained somewhere in the Slavyansk area. Unconfirmed meaning until I see that sweet young boy trussed up like a Christmas turkey in the back seat of a Lada with a couple Berkut boys beside him I will not believe. My wife is communicating with friends of ours up in the Donetsk and Slavyansk area using an unusual method, but the commo is instant. They are all swearing it’s true. We’ll see.
Greetings from Singapore:
They caught this crook:
PaulaSlier_RT @PaulaSlier_RT 18 mins
The activists reportedly hold Oleg Lyashko’s helicopter in which he planned to leave #Mariupol. Russian media say his phone isn’t answering.
Espina said
Espina Scotland
Yes. I’ve spent my entire life opposed to it, but this http://www.unitednativeamerica.com/hanging.html, scroll down for the lithograph, was the greatest mass hanging in US history and unfortunately, it’s time for another, much larger one.
Old auntie,
Re: A.N.S.W.E.R. stands for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, they were VERY active in the run-up to the Iraq invasion but, as is typical for the Leftish, had just about every other member adding on their own pet projects which, though generally quite worth doing something about, seriously drove off the big numbers of moderate/disinterested people they really needed. Plus, of course, they were infiltrated up one side and down the other.
More importantly, hundreds of thousands of people protested and were either vilified or ignored — something like 650,000 marched in D.C. and it wasn’t even mentioned in the TV news or any of the papers. Now there are far more stringent efforts — penning in protests far away from whatever they’re protesting, arresting and holding tons of people on trumped up charges, and lots of violence from the cops. Oh, and an Occupy woman who’d been groped by a cop was just found GUILTY of elbowing him and given a prison term.
So what is A.N.S.W.E.R. now wanting us to do? Protest, and email Obama. Uh…
Their hearts are absolutely in the right place, but this effort is so absurdly ineffective I’m wondering if they’ve not been taken over as a more-Leftish version of HRC, Amnesty International, etc. If not, they might as well be.
One more thing: anyone on either side of the great Left-Right Divide here is plagued daily by various groups offering petitions, oh, and while you’re at it, please donate to us. Another way to make people *feel* like they’re doing something (the ONLY positive effect of any protest here, believe me!) — while accomplishing exactly zero. Petitions are laughed at, emails get a canned, pro-forma response.
There has to be a way, but short of writing letters to the editor and nudging people along when you’re talking about it, I don’t think it’s been found yet. My best guess, unfortunately, is that we will hit a tipping point, just like in Iraq, and then we’ll get at best another change of faces spouting empty promises, just like Obama. Then — eventually — all hell will break loose and the rest of the world, maybe, will finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief while leaving us to our (richly deserved) own devices, most of which are highly lethal.