by Jimmie Moglia
I wasn’t in Charlottesville during the upheavals in this summer of discontent, but I know some who were. They sent videos, photos and witness’ accounts – thanks to which, I followed those threads of reasoning on which truth is frequently suspended. That is, I formed an idea of what happened, and, perhaps more important, of what the event means, symbolizes, suggests and foretells.
Given the turn taken by subsequent events a clarification is on order. Lest any of my twenty-five readers suspect that I am suddenly seething with lust for right-wing ideologies, I am not. But that slice of road scholarship in me – “road” not a spelling error – revolts against the re-writing of history, especially when the motives are devious, obvious and diabolical, as we will see later. And my heart for anger burns.
For whatever we have collectively deposited in the sacred treasure of the past, should be out of the reach of accident, or violence, nor should it be lost by our own weakness, or another’s malice.
But first, some peripheral notes. For those who know the area, Charlottesville has the air and feel of the American South. It is the hometown of Thomas Jefferson, prime and foremost drafter and redactor of the Declaration of Independence. The town delights the gazer and entices the naturalist, as it lays at the edge of the famous Blue Mountains and of the equally famous National Park of Shenandoah, geographies that have inspired so many blue-grass and country songs in American folk music.
It is named Charlottesville in honor of the consort queen of King George III, the very German Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. No surprise here, as from the 1688’s “Glorious Revolution” onward, all British kings have been more-or-less German.
The Windors themselves are (were) Saxe-Coburg. The switch occurred in 1917, reigning the grandfather of Elizabeth II, during WW1. When, to persuade the usual millions to be slaughtered in useless wars, British propaganda renamed the Germans ‘Huns’ – lexical reminder of wicked and heinous barbarians, who slit the throats of children, along with other unspeakable atrocities.
Bullshit of unfathomable depth, but lies are the toolbox of any regime, though in the instance, the inventor of the lie was clearly the lyingest knave in Christendom. But dirty water still feeds the mill, and having a Hun for a King, or a King with the name of a Hun, did not fit the meme, as we would say today.
Jefferson left noble and notable imprints in Charlottesville. For example, he himself designed his famous residence, Monticello, and personally labored on it during construction. A gentleman, atheist, illuminist, writer, architect, lover of gadgetry and technological innovations, Jefferson was equally a great admirer and lover of Italian art and culture. “Monticello” – his choice of name – could be one of Palladio’s villas in the Venetian hinterland. But at Monticello, doors opened automatically, the clock showed the time and days of the week, and the master bed’s design enabled the illustrious sleeper, when awakening, to efficiently choose which of two rooms to walk into.
Jefferson died on the 4th of July, 1826, exactly 50 years after the Declaration of Independence. He wrote the words for the gravestone, “Here Was Buried Thomas Jefferson, Author Of The Declaration Of American Independence, of The Statute Of Virginia For Religious Freedom, and Father of the University Of Virginia.” (in Charlottesville).
Jefferson is not directly relevant to the recent turmoil of Charlottesville, but his spirit is, as embodied in the first amendment of the American Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
For, as I will try to show, Charlottesville was a well-designed operation to further constrain and constrict the freedom of expression.
For reasons too long to be properly here documented, there has arisen a global movement, effectively a project whose aim is not only to re-write the history of the United States, but to substitute our current civilization with another, sexually neutral, LGBT, unirace, miscegenated, without religion or values other than those of unbridled neo-liberal capitalism and – to add with bitterness – of the most degrading and horrifying Hollywood pornography.
In Italy and Europe, the biblical migration from Africa is one clear and irrefutable expression of the phenomenon. Designer of the plan was the founder of the European Union, Coudeneuve-Kalergi, who exposed the project in his book in German, titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” never translated in other languages, due to the influence of occult powers. However, meaningful extracts in English are currently readable on line at
The design was not perhaps discovered as soon as it was formed, and was certainly not opposed as soon as it was discovered.
As it is now well known, the Charlottesville rally was to be a peaceful protest against the re-writing of US history – embodied in the planned removal of the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from the square named after him, and recently renamed “Emancipation” Square.
However, this most recent revisionism is a curious corollary, paradoxical only in appearance, of the global movement I referred to.
It is unpleasing to represent our affairs to our own disadvantage; yet it is necessary to show the evils, which we desire to be removed.
In the confusions of politics, through the meanders of occult power and of this power’s reflection on current American culture, the so-called neo-liberals carry a leftist label. They are actually ugly, deadly and sinister, but have no connection with the historical left. It is a left practicing a new kind of extreme right policies. I call them ‘liberaloids,’ for of liberalism, let alone liberality, they have little, not to say nothing. The liberaloids have been corralled and driven to become serfs, waiters, minions, lackeys, valets and butlers of the gloomiest reaction.
Reaction represented in turn, by the so called neo-con(servatives), a euphemism for ramping Zionists, warmongers, Israel-firsters and political backbone of militarism, financialization of the economy, cancellation of history and of the traditional values of family, nationality and tradition, abolition of borders, elimination of the middle class and reverse class-struggle.
Emblematic creature of the liberaloids is the woman whose sole name blisters my tongue, representative of individual, family and political corruption such as to perhaps confine even the Borgias to the second division of crooks and crookedness. Who is interested may read the blog, “The Clintons’ War on Women.”
But how do you convert a class of activists and demonstrators agitating in movements such as “Occupy Wall Street,” and “99%” – how do you convert them into paladins of the enemy they fought, only a short time before?
Elementary, though the operation infers and suggests the unseen presence of influential prompters and powerful puppet-masters.
With skills suggestive of Edward Bernays, Freud’s nephew and founder of the modern Cretins-Catcher technology, you switch the playing cards on the table, in the middle of the game.
Instead of falling salaries, unemployment, miserly paid jobs in the ‘sharing’ economy, the intractable issue of public health, the privatization of prisons and the prison industry, the impossible costs of education, the price of perpetual wars, the class-abyss created by the financialization of the economy – …. instead of all this, the same latter-day demonstrators agitate for the rights of homosexuals to marry, for transgender toilets, for uncontrolled immigration, and revolt against police brutality and historic racism, embodied in statues of Confederate characters and not only. Maybe the Coliseum in Rome is next in line.
Hence groups, platoons and squadrons of demonstrators, ignoring and ignorant of being manipulated, become victims of obscure projects for some new American-something. And of diabolical ideological machines, of which they are itinerant wheels and unsuspecting cogs. As if 9/11 were not enough.
A long prelude to the chronicles of the ugly Saturday of Charlottesville, but I will ask of the reader one more pinch of patience.
I believe that no one likes having to deal with the police. In the US the problem is worse, for when a policeman confronts a citizen, white, black, brown, red, or yellow, the policeman doesn’t know whether the citizen is armed or not.
Policing is a thankless job and some policemen, statistically few, have proven unworthy of trust, to use a euphemism. However, in arm confrontations with the police, more whites are killed than blacks. For example, in 2016, 963 people were killed in confrontations with the police. Of these,
465 were white
233 black
160 latinos
the balance belonging to other ethnicities
and 135 officers died in the line of duty.
There are fewer blacks than whites in the US. Therefore, the percentage of victims does not reflect the numerical differences among the population. However, for well-known and un-remedied causes, blacks are statistically more exposed or participants in the type of criminality ending in a police confrontation. Nevertheless, in the collective imagination, ably molded by the liberaloid media machine, the impression is left that the police only kills blacks.
Impression and message embodied in the movement “Black Lives Matter,” prominent among the counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville.
For sure and by all means, all lives are sacred independently of color. But to color the “Black Lives Matter” movement with suspicion, is its economic affiliation with sources controlled by the hyper-Zionist Soros, world-wide manipulator of national currencies, notorious financier of orange revolutions, patron of NGOs and provider of ships collecting and ferrying African migrants to Europe.
Reacting against the liberaloid, globalist process, a movement has grown, however diluted, dispersed and without political representation. Its members are mostly whites, but they are no nazis, racists or suprematists – though thus defined by the liberaloid media, which ever relies on vociferation rather than argument.
The movement aims at equal treatment for all, and laments that in the near future, through massive uncontrolled immigration, whites will be a minority. In turn, when this will happen, the Kalergi plan will be irreversible – assuming but not conceding that a reversal may still be possible.
Thanks to the liberaloids, the term ‘white’ has acquired a racist, though totally unjustified connotation. It is as if, in Italy, for example, those wishing to keep Italy Italian and limit the limitless biblical immigration from Africa, were ‘fascists’, ‘nazis’, ‘racists,’ ‘suprematists,’ willing and wanting to disparage or dominate presumed inferior races.
On the eve of the Charlottesville turmoil, students at the University of Virginia organized a peaceful torch procession on university ground.
Some students carried signs with the script, “White Lives Matter.” It was enough for the TV liberaloid media, helped by the mayor of Charlottesville, the Talmudist Signer, to misrepresent the students as ‘white suprematists’ and ‘members of the Ku Klux Klan.’
Organizing the rally proper were various local movements, such as the “League of the South” and “Unite the Right.” I have no personal interest or affiliation with any. Prompting my interest, as I said, was the campaign for the removal and destruction of memories, emblems and monuments remembering the Civil War and the Confederation.
At first, mayor Signer denied the permit for the rally. The organizers then appealed to the County tribunal. The denial was reversed and a permit granted.
During the preceding weeks, via the web, the organizers had invited as many people as possible to attend, including families with children. Assuring that the planned rally was to be absolutely peaceful, with the only aim of demonstrating against the removal of monuments and the re-writing anew of US history.
On the day of the rally, the counter-demonstrators had no permit, which gave the police the right (and the duty) to disperse them, especially if they were violent.
The planned meeting place was a square in the “Lee Park”, recently renamed “Emancipation Square,” where the statue of General Robert E. Lee is still standing. The plan included speeches by various representatives. However, even before the demonstration began, the police declared that no loud-speakers brought to the square, could be used. Hence no speeches, which equates to deprive the demonstration of a good part of its content. For the record, the authorized demonstrators were about five thousand.
Besides, for reasons still unknown, the police had set up barriers, so that the legal demonstrators were constricted through one opening, while being exposed and targets of attacks by counter-demonstrators, who arrived even before their supposed enemies.
Clearly programmed for violence, they began their attacks with baseball bats, cement-filled beer-cans, pepper-spray launchers, plastic bags filled with urine and feces.
Unexpectedly, the police declared the (authorized) rally immediately terminated. The demonstrators, uncertain about what to do next, lingered for a while in the park. Then they left, passing through the same gate that exposed them to the violence of the counter-demonstrators.
According to a contact of mine, some policemen unofficially admitted to be under order to stand down. Hearsay is not judicial evidence. But in the following video,
we can see a typical American big boy, with a confederate flag, militarily saluting the statue of General Lee, being surrounded and insulted by several liberaloid demonstrators. While the police is escorting him away, you can hear him saying, “I want to honor my ancestors – and let it be known that we did NOT fight to maintain slavery and oppression.”
The more interesting part of the video is at the end, when a policeman says to a demonstrator who continues to insult the big boy up to the door of the car, “You wish to have repeated what happened last Saturday. You should be ashamed of yourself.” Which gives credibility to the declaration by the policeman the previous Saturday (to have received orders from above to stand down).
Now to the incident of the woman crushed between two cars. For this, even my contacts who were present could not verify the details. Most will have watched the video of the car crashing on the one in front. The unfortunate victim was crushed between the car that was hit and the next in front.
Apparently, the twenty-year old driver, was attempting to run away from counter-demonstrator who had identified him as an enemy. His estimated speed was 20-25 miles/hr. In fact the collision did not make the car un-drivable. He drove in reverse and was able to escape, at least temporarily. Had he had a massacre in mind, he could have done as the Islamist terrorists did in Barcelona and elsewhere.
I repeat, precise documentation and circumstances need verification, but the dynamics and the visual evidence of the episode suggest the description and the narrative to be coherent.
Now to the consequences of the turmoil and the issue of freedom of speech. I believe the key points to be:
1. All the major networks hurled furious accusations of racism, fascism, Nazism and violence, attributed to the “white suprematists” present at the event – who “caused three deaths.” Two of the three were police officers whose helicopter crashed 7 miles away from Charlottesville, but for the regime-networks accuracy is irrelevant.” And they also reproached Trump for having condemned “violence by both parties.” Given that the White House is in a permanent state of siege by the liberaloids, the declaration showed a certain courage.
2. None of the legal demonstrators was allowed to intervene on TV to offer at least another point of view. The situation is reminiscent of the media fever just before the aggression of Iraq. When for hours, all channels repeated like parrots, “Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.” With zoom-ins on Colin Powell at the UN, showing a vial filled with white liquid, peddled as a sample of Iraqi chemical weapons. Powell’s subsequent declaration, “That episode has remained on my conscience” has been lost in the fog of history to be forgotten. And if I were an Iraqi or a family member of a soldier killed or maimed in that war I would suggest to Colin Powell to stick his conscience in a place that I will forbear to mention out of my inviolable respect for the ladies.
3. A recent phenomenon has occurred, somewhat predictable but relatively unexpected. Trump’s victory completely discredited the liberaloid media. Shocked by the failure, as we know, they found nothing better than to blame Russia for the harpy’s defeat and Trump’s victory. More bullshit of unfathomable depth, but this time with consequences, as per the next point.
4. However statistically small, the number has increased, of those who get their news from alternative sources, such as the, The Greanville Post, RT, and others. Furthermore, videos and photos taken from the proverbial man of the street often blatantly contradict the liberaloid media version.
To stem the damage, the mastodons controlling the Internet are doing their utmost to block the voices of opposition through censure, however prohibited by the First Amendment.
To bypass the obstacle, they have invented, as you know, the idea of ‘hate speech’ and ‘fake news’. Therefore, it is sufficient to label as ‘hate speech’ information unpalatable to the liberaloids and the Talmudists, for the hosting provider to be compelled to discontinue the service to the targeted site.
Already several sites displeasing to the Cabal, have been shut down or prevented from selling books, and/or accepting credit card donations from viewers. As per the Saker’s analysis
In essence, a revolution from above is under way, of nefarious consequences, if carried out to its purposed end. Further considering that the liberaloids see in Trump an enemy of the “Kalergi Plan,” applied to America. And from their mouths flow the poison of rancor and the saliva of hatred.
Judging by his actions, Trump has already paid a price for condemning the “violence from both sides” in Charlottesville. As we know, he just announced the dispatch of several thousand more soldiers to Afghanistan, to continue that perpetual war. People at large have not yet forgotten his electoral commitment to end foreign wars. Trump announced the new initiative to troops attired in battle fatigue – underscoring their role as powerless pawns in the pantomime, ready to sacrifice life and limb for the benefit of the Unmentionables and of Greater Israel.
We have here incontrovertible evidence that absurdity is the mother of paradox. For the enemy requiring readiness for combat is not in Afghanistan but at home. An enemy for which uniforms and battle accouterments are useless, as the war must be fought using not weapons but unity, dignity, vision, understanding and common sense.
Furthermore, timing and circumstances make it impossible not to infer that sending more troops to Afghanistan is a qui-pro-quo. That is, appeasing the warmongers, as a concession by Trump for having declared the undeclarable – that in Charlottesville “both sides” were responsible for the violence. Maybe someone could remind Trump that the history of yielding to blackmail is full of nasty endings.
In summary, the prelude, the play and the denouement of the Charlottesville rally, the toppling of monuments, the renaming of streets, the removal of flags, and now the illegal censure are indexes. And though maybe still small prickles, compared to their subsequent volumes, they are the baby face of the giant mass of things to come at large, the last act of an unthinkable play in which we all are spectators, actors and victims.
The White House enemies of the goy are, among other things, very skilled at smelling trouble ahead of time. Clearly, all the world is a (TV) stage, and millions of viewers are still merely suckers, willing and ready to grant entrance and no exit to the monumental shit delivered from the screen.
Nevertheless, times are changing. The enemy senses the rebellious wave of those no longer slave to the media-yoke, who have chosen alternatives. Censorship is the enemy’s ultimate weapon, as he holds the keys to the gates that keep the reason prisoner. Hardened by impudence, sheltered by hypocrisy, unrestrained by arrogance, the enemy is confident of victory. After all he persuaded millions to believe that a few fumbling Arabs did 9/11.
Though we are still trying to find how, it is up to us, the other America, to prove him wrong.
Who could plan this.?
How could the path of the recent eclipse across the US intersect 7 localities name Salem.?
Response to Anonymous and Feedback to Jimmie Moglia on September 04, 2017 · at 10:58 pm UTC
As this anonymous contributor provides a link to an article, with frequent biblical references, methought that rather than just querying the godlessness of our current era, we ought to identify a major intellectual driver of today’s nihilism. Her name is Ayn Rand (Cf infra).
Jimmie’s task was monumental and he has done a grand job of bringing together the highly complex strands of this nightmare to which Coudeneuve-Kalergi (among others) gave birth.
In exchange I offer him and readers my ‘take’ on a recent development in the UK which shows us just how far Europe too is ‘up shit creek without a paddle’. As David Icke says in the title of another of his memorable videos : Destroyers – The Gutless Leading The Clueless Yet worm is turning. As more and more people twig what is being done to their family and their community.
My article was written in French and in English, but is unpublished so I cannot provide a link. I send you the English version, plus the not-too copious-footnotes for readers to explore the deeper issues, if they so wish. It’s not altogether off-topic, not too long and I hope that the moderators will have the forbearance to let it past.
Pictures speak louder than words. There are two accompanying images which won’t be published. One is of Ayn Rand, née Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, (1905-1982) «Mother of ultraliberal, luciferian individualism». The other is the iconic picture of George Orwell at a BBC microphone during WWII … All the best … Paul Matthews
Here’s the article :
The BBC understakes to reformat the sexual orientation of seven-year-old schoolchildren
«If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail». Ancient proverb.
Photo : Ayn Rand, née Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, (1905-1982) «Mother of ultraliberal, luciferian individualism».
Nothing happening in dystopia – this dysfunctional world that perforce we call home – surprises us.
Market forces being the only legal entity secured and sanctified by the courts and, consequently, the only arbitor of social relations, notions like the rule of law, civil majority, moral decency and the inviolability of childhood melt like snow on a sunny day. Officially Britain’s age of consent is 16 – regardless of the person’s sexuality – as specified by the Sexual Offences Act 2003. It is being overridden by the BBC and Dr Javid Abdelmoneim who are running their TV experiment at an Isle of Wight primary school using seven-year-olds as guinea pigs to strip them of their sexual identity. Were such a school programme to subject these children to brain surgery there would be a public outcry and the culprits lynched. Today still maybe. But tomorrow ?
A dictatorship in the name of «reality TV» and «political correctness» allows «social engineers» and «neuro-pirates» to have a free hand to mould and torment impressionable young minds with idiotic whims.
Radical behavioural change disrupts social cohesion to produce conflict.
Behold the goal of a multitude of such satanic projects. As French toddlers are targeted by Big Pharma’s cocktail of eleven infanticidal vaccines. Or those implant parties organized, likewise in Paris, to make RFID electronic chips appear acceptable – after livestock and pets – the ordinary citizen is in the crosshairs of transhumanists like Jacques Attali and Donna_Haraway.
A made-in-the-USA cyberfeminist – author of the Cyborg Manifesto and a call to reconstruct or hybridize our biological identity – she is a gender theory zealot like her American Jewish colleague Judith-Butler. With Alan Greenspan and other stalwarts of the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs et al. these are the cultural heirs of Ayn Rand, née Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, la pasionaria of a totalitarian credo dressed up as rational egoism.
Formerly lost in the mass of common humanity, hardly visible, they were called sexual perverts, deviants and were a tiny minority of subversive elements, corrosive of the moral sensitivity and spiritual strength which makes us human. Now debauchery calls the tune : the aim – to quote epistemologist Lucien Cerise – a society that is “destructured and made malleable – what may be termed “a liquified society” – the plaything of a small oligarchy, that will have nothing more to fear from the people whose very soul it has appropriated».
While antiterrorist laws effectively undermine all rights which were previously assumed to be inalienable, law abiding citizens who dare contest the socially engineered political correctness ideology are being targeted by hate groups masquerading as libertarians and anti-fascists. The roots of this assault on everything in the living world that we treasure lie buried in the intelligence community politics coming from the Tavistock Institute and that filtered out to nourish a tentacular network of think tanks, non-governmental organisations and corporate bodies which pose an existental threat to every aspect of our lives. If we let ourselves be ruled by fear …
‘Auntie Beeb’ as the Corporation used to be called with affection, the BBC has become a grand specialist in control freakery, political rectitude and the breakdown of natural ties. Assuredly a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since the time when we children sat around with our parents to watch the panel of experts on The Brains Trust discussing viewers’ questions, As for the funding of these extremist politically correct groups, such as Hope not Hate, according to Gilad Atzmon, this one gets money from central government – Department for Communities and Local Government, George Soros and the public via charities like the Jo Cox Memorial Fund.
Photo : George Orwell at the BBC
Notes, references, optional bibliography and related literature
Ayn Rand, la mère de l’individualisme ultralibéral luciférien De son vrai nom Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum 12 août 2017 VOSTFR
«Emotionless rationalism» : Mike Wallace interviews Ayn Rand (1959) (full interview)
«Rationalisme vide d’émotion» Ayn Rand : Mike Wallace Interview de 1959 – VOSTFR
Ayn Rand, la libérale capitale Guillaume Maujean / Rédacteur en chef “Finance et Marchés” | Le 23/06/2017.
Ayn Rand sobre Milton Friedman Published on Nov 5, 2010 Milton Friedman se opone a Objetivismo porque esta filosofía introduce moralidad en la economía. Milton Friedman est opposé à l’objectivisme parce que cette philosophie introduit la morale dans l’économie. Milton Friedman opposes Objectivism because this philosophy introduces morality into economics.
Donna Harraway
D Haraway A Cyborg Manifesto ©2000 Routledge (2000) [1984]
Judith Butler, la théorie du genre et la question palestinienne Par Romain R. 2 octobre 2013
Israel/Palestine and the Queer International – A Book Review by Gilad Atzmon August 07, 2013 / Gilad Atzmon
Jacques Attali, prophète du Nouvel Ordre Mondial 26 juillet 2010
Daily Star : No more boys and girls can our kids go gender free ? Kids taught how to be ‘gender neutral’ in classroom test : A BBC documentary
is set to show what happens when a class of seven-year-olds are taught to forget the difference between sexes. Ruth McKee 6th August 2017
The school that went gender neutral : In a unique TV experiment, a class of seven-year-olds was taught to forget all the differences between the sexes. A lesson for us all – or just PC lunacy ? 5 Aug 2017
Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education : “There may be a case for legal action against the school and the BBC if any child has suffered psychological harm or distress, either in the short term or the long term. The BBC seems unable to separate fantasy from reality. The fantasy world created at Lanesend Primary School might be permissible in science fiction drama such as Doctor Who, but it can run close to child abuse when translated into real life.” The results of the experiment will be shown in two-part BBC2 documentary No More Boys and Girls : Can Our Kids Go Gender Free? on August 16.BBC under fire for using children in ‘social experiment’ for creating ‘gender neutral school’ David Stephenson Aug 6, 2017 The BBC was under fire last night for using impressionable young children in a “social experiment” to create a “gender neutral school” for a TV show.
Seven-year-old school children stripped of gender for shocking BBC experiment No More Boys and Girls A Year 3 class are taught to be gender neutral in Can Our Kids Go Gender Free ? Hayley Minn 9 Aug 2017
Dr Javid Abdelmoneim
«By blurring the boundaries between people, professions, public and private sectors, responsibility and accountability, Common Purpose encourages “graduates” to believe that as new selected leaders, they can work together, outside of the established political and social structures, to achieve a paradigm shift or CHANGE – so called “Leading Beyond Authority”. In doing so, the allegiance of the individual becomes ‘re-framed’ on CP colleagues and their NETWORK. Is it any wonder the local authority is “not fit for purpose” in the latest official report ?». Martin Edwards | The
Rotherham Common Purpose Effect 4th February 2015
Cf. Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal
Neuro-pirates – Réflexions sur l’ingénierie sociale Lucien Cerise 450 pages 2016
A Big Thanks to UK Column Edition 8th August 2017 from 25 minutes
Common Purpose ///
The Holocaust of Truth August 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon on Windows On The World Discussing the Zionist hate campaign,
the shut down of free speech and his new book Being in Time.
Gilad Atzmon : Hope not Hate November 24, 2011 / Gilad Atzmon
Hope not Hate ? Truth not Lies more likely ! November 20, 2011 / Gilad Atzmon
Holocaust not Hope December 17, 2012 / Gilad Atzmon
Elie Benamozegh
«We can see that the holocaust has become a religion, according to a very famous Israeli philosopher Yeshayahu Liebowitz (1903-1994). Jews believe in many things. All Jews believe in the holocaust. It’s a religion, with clerics, with congregations, centres, museums and so on. And I say : If it’s your religion : it’s all fine. It’s becoming now a western religion. If it’s your religion, I claim my right to be an atheist». Gilad Atzmon Aug. 2017.
The Brains Trust was a popular informational BBC radio and later television programme in the United Kingdom during the 1940s and 1950s, on which a panel of experts tried to answer questions sent in by the audience.
Stop Everything and Watch This : David Icke on Free Speech Destroyers August 24, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon
In the most calm and scholarly manner David Icke delves into the meaning of censorship, the reasoning behind it and who drives this dark force.
Free Speech Destroyers – The Gutless Leading The Clueless
David Icke Videocast – Another Day – Another House of Horror July 7, 2017
Very truthful,though so many are already brainwashed I don’t know what can be done. I don’t believe “within the system” its possible to make the needed changes. And I don’t know if enough people are not already too crushed (intimidated or afraid) to bring the system down.
Our subjective state of mind is a major part of the equation.
Actually, all bets are off, consciousness is breaking loose and IMHO we should have more fun with it, and not be so tight and pessimistic. Too stoical. Which saps the energy required to make sure the Empire Cluster Screw-up began Nov 8 2016 gathers more steam.
An 11 minute example of a funner, more energetic, and therefore, ironically, a more serious but effort:
The Truth Behind Trump:
Now a critical element of the Two Americas at Charlottesville Article is the references to the obvious fact (I have made a point with the 911 flight numbers, 11,93 and 175 on several occasions….) that you are dealing with an occult priesthood of very unfun, self-loathing Luciferiians at the very top.
How do they crush and instill fear and “play” the populations so successfully, over the ages???
Obviously by occulting or hiding key elements of the game being played from the intended losers of the game.
The youth are a bit more playful, and Anti-Zionists might try this (which my teenager showed me) possibly more fun approach than that which causes most people at social gatherings to escape to the restrooms, when you start breaking down the AZ Empire for them:
IS the Illuminati REAL???
Humor is a weapon of offense, but also defense. Don’t get too tight. Or too loose. LOL.
Bogeyman Brouhaha: Americans React to Increasing Anti-Russian Sentiment
“Is it the New McCarthyism? Another in the long series of uniquely American witch hunts? Or, as a Russian might point out, simply business as usual in any bureaucracy — full of sound and fury but signifying nothing — as, following the forced closures of a Russian consulate in San Francisco and investigations into several other long-standing Moscow diplomatic enclaves in the United States, an increasingly strident anti-Russia rhetoric permeates almost every legacy media outlet in the country.
It’s getting to be difficult to have a normal conversation, as otherwise dependable Americans, when asking about Russia, eagerly want to know if things are really as bad as the media says?
His spouse noted that their children were not affected by the continuing anti-Russian sentiment emanating from Washington, but observed that as residents of an extremely diverse California community their differences are normally welcomed instead of distrusted, as is too often the case in other parts of the US.
Many Americans have concerns that go beyond how Russia is said to be attempting to influence US culture, pointing out how white supremacists, neo-Nazism and a deep, endemic racism still permeate the country.
When asked about what affect Russia has on the US, one US resident — who entered the country decades ago as a legal immigrant — stated that in America, “Homegrown racism is a bigger problem.”
The last two paragraphs essentially nail it.
Freedom Rider: Joe Arpaio Is No Aberration
“He used intimidation and charged anyone who opposed him with crimes and even faked an assassination attempt which sent an innocent man to jail for four years. Not only were female prisoners shackled while giving birth but he didn’t bother to investigate hundreds of sexual assault cases. The judgments against him cost Maricopa County in Arizona millions of dollars.
But Arpaio differs from the rest of law enforcement only in the openness of his methods. Joe Arpaio was a media whore and relished the attention given to him by Fox news and other right wing outlets. He became a fixture among the people who elected Donald Trump and openly bragged about his untouchability.
It must be pointed out that the United States is full of Arpaios in all 50 states. Two judges in Pennsylvania literally made a fortune sending juveniles to jail. Women in New York state prisons are still shackled while giving birth, in direct violation of that state’s law.”
The promotion of white supremacy among the the trump flock serves several purposes. Foremost it continues to the divide and conquer strategy used by the zionazis of pinning whites against non-whites (pushed incessantly by israeli’s xenophobic queens at “conservative” talk radio) and keeps people in conflict with each other, rather than seeking a more just society.
“Apparently, the twenty-year old driver, was attempting to run away from counter-demonstrator who had identified him as an enemy. His estimated speed was 20-25 miles/hr. In fact the collision did not make the car un-drivable. He drove in reverse and was able to escape, at least temporarily. Had he had a massacre in mind, he could have done as the Islamist terrorists did in Barcelona and elsewhere.”
Notice, not sourced.
James Alex Fields, Jr. : 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
“In a press conference, the Charlottesville Police Chief, Al Thomas, said the crash was premeditated.
Witnesses referred to the crash as a “deliberate act of terrorism.” Others said the car appeared to deliberately mow down pedestrians.
Taylor Lorenz, a reporter for The Hill, said that every witness she interviewed at the police station believed the act was deliberate. She spoke with two officers who said it might not have been intentional, but she later clarified that those officer hadn’t been on the scene.
Tired of reading far right disinfo presented as coming from the left. (Edited,attacking the author violates the blog rules.MOD)
WRONG – Key points that occurred BEFORE the impact.
– He hit the brakes, you can see his brake lights. If the brake lights are lit, you must acquit.
– His car was hit from behind by a Leftist bat, which was audible a considerable distance away.
– He did NOT attempt to hit any pedestrians.
– He drove down the MIDDLE of the street.
– There was considerable damage to the right side of the windshield, most likely from an Antifa assault.
All this is visible here:
Furthermore, he did NOT target Heather Heyer. She was killed further down the line being pinched between two cars.
Here is video showing a second obese woman lying on TOP of the intermediate car as it was pushed down the road by the impact. Look at the 18 second mark. Was that Heyer?
Why was an obese woman on the roof of a car? I can only conclude that the cars were being seriously harassed by Leftists who took it upon themselves to climb on cars. If Heyer did that, then she is entirely to blame.
I have seen several major accidents, including one where a elderly man had a heart attack and rammed another car. In the real world, accidents like that are never assumed to be intentional. The first consideration is ALWAYS to go to the cars, check for injured occupants and call 911 for an ambulance.
So why did the Leftists immediately jump on Field’s trunk and put at least 3 bats through his back window? They were intent on KILLING HIM. The only possible conclusion is that people further up the street were yelling to ‘get the driver of that car’. Which means he was escaping a previous attack. Which may explain the major damage to the right side of his windshield.
Why doesn’t Fake News interview the rally organizers or Field’s Lawyer? The MSM is maintaining an absolute lock on opposing viewpoints.
After 911 a lot of people, including security people (Dr. Pieczenick and G. Duff for example, and the Saker), and alternative internet celebrities (Alex Jones and K. Barret), realized there was a problem and fought back. However, one side was Alt-right, the other Alt-Left. They did not get along, and over time went to opposite corners, both threatening “revolution” against the bad guys. I have heard the term “revolution” from internet sites on both the Left and the Right. Although they both agreed that the system was corrupt, that our “security state” was by its nature totalitarian, that real problem was primarily caused by the banks, both sides fought against the other, quite vocally I would add. “Communism” said the right. “Nazis” said the Left. So the deep state pitted one against the other based on race. Divide and conquer, pure and simple. It’s pretty evident on the internet that the CIA did both sides at Charlottesville. The right were made to look like Maiden Nazis out of the Ukraine with the same shields and torch light parade; the Antifada like Leftist Revolutionaries a la Castro. We got had, again – just like in WWII. Think about it. Remember your history?
Well said.
There a no revolutions – only Zion staged fake revolutions.
There are no civil wars – only Zion staged fake civil wars.
Charlottesville and the Battles of History
That history, of course is the toxic poison of White Supremacy, and the trigger thereof—African Slavery—the intentional, centuries-long economic, social, communal and psychic exploitation of Africans for the financial and psychological benefits of the White Nation. This toxin has tainted the bloodstream of the Nation, and infected all segments of society, and was integral to the very development of Whiteness as a core identity for millions of people who call themselves “Americans.”
As we look at protests rolling throughout the country, the first thing we must recognize is that this isn’t about monuments. Nor is it about the Civil War.
It is about the Present. It is about how this country will define itself, how it sees itself, and how it understands its future.
The Trump presidency signaled a Great Leap – Backwards. It was the expression of a deep, profound fear of the Future, of Change, of Transformation. So, they hold on to Yesterday, invoking Tradition—as if the central Tradition of America wasn’t—and isn’t—Black Slavery, which launched it into and Economic and World Power.
Charlottesville is thus a turning point—a pivot point upon which the Nation turns back, or moves forward, creating a New History.”
Why is everyone posting links to other sites? A new form of forum sliding??
In some cases, its a troll technique.
What assigned trolls want to accomplish is to break up and discourage a conversation about what people just read. There are several techniques used to disrupt a comments section to make sure that such conversation is aborted.
Links to other articles are one method. They hope that when people follow those links, that they’ll become involved in those other articles, wander off to other discussions, and soon this article becomes just one item in a browser history that people never quite got back to.
Another technigue is really long posts that make a thread of comments hard to read. Again, the goal is to make sure a conversation that they want does not take place.
Diverting into other arguments is another technique. Often worked by troll packs who divert the conversation by staging their own argument in a loud and unpleasant manner such that reasonable people who wanted to converse about what the author was saying in the article just give up in disgust. I don’t see so much of that out here, and my guess is that the moderated comments sections keeps at least that bit under control.
It used to be that political groups that wanted to maintain control would send thugs in to break up meetings to thus make sure that conversations that were not aminable to the powerful did not take place. In this modern world, those meetings have largely moved online, and instead of sending in the thugs now they send in the trolls. But the goal is the same, to make sure that like-minded people who are being harmed by the crimes of the powerful do not get a chance to talk and unite against them.
And of course, it is impossible to sort out who’s really just a paid troll working for someone else, or who is a gullible follower who’s been influenced by ‘opinion shapers’ or ‘opinion leaders’ into becoming essentially an unpaid troll. Thus the above is not an attack on any particular commenter, but instead just a general commentary on a few of the techniques used to keep control in this modern world.
Only 5% of Southern Whites owned slaves. Over 40% of Southern Jews owned Slaves. In Africa at that time, estimates are that over 80% of all Blacks were slaves to other Blacks. According to “The Negros in Negroland” there were open markets selling humans as fresh meat. So why don’t you go harass the Jews or Blacks instead of Whites for a change? Christ I’m tired of the endless pathologizing of White people. If there’s anybody who’s truly sick, it’s you anti-White (Removed,language,MOD).
“Christ I’m tired of the endless pathologizing of White people. If there’s anybody who’s truly sick, it’s you anti-White (Removed,language,MOD).”
I’m tired of right wing whites trying to turn every discussion critical of western race relations into an “it’s everyone against us poor white folk” argument. I’m also tired of the smears. It is the same sort of blame game the zionazis use to discredit critical analysis of israel. In fact zionazism and white supremacy are blood brothers, born of the same mother.
United we stand, divided we fall.
The elites want very much to keep ‘the left’ and ‘the right’ seperate. They put a lot of effort into this. There is a great deal of propaganda telling ‘the left’ that their true enemy is ‘the right’ and vice-versa. When of course the true enemy is the bankers and the generals that between them are taking all of the money and often getting Americans killed.
I simply call myself ‘a member of the opposition’. I find myself generally able to talk with both ‘the left’ and ‘the right’.
One key to being able to do so is being able to accept different language. So, yes, I do think the author of this piece sounds a bit odd in constantly ranting about ‘liberals’ and making up slurs like ‘liberaloid’. These are strange liberals then who oppose everything that liberals used to believe in while strongly supporting the notion that bankers should rule us all and being so pro-war that they are massively upset that we haven’t yet had a nuclear war with Russia.
Go read the speeches of the people who’ve been assasinated, like Robert Kennedy or Paul Wellstone if you want to hear what a real liberal sounds like.
But, if I mentally adjust to the fact that this author obviously views the world from the right, and views the powers that rule us to being to his personal left, then one can easily translate. If you realize that what the author calls ‘liberal’ is exactly the same as one would hear a writer like Abbie Hoffman call ‘the establishment’, then the situation becomes clearer.
I view the elites and powerful of this world as neither left nor right. Through their own propaganda, they’ve defined their radical ideas for the world as ‘the center’.
If we ever want to shake off the chains they’ve placed on us and truly be free, then all who oppose them need to unite. Even then they will be a powerful and entrenched foe and not easily displaced. But the one thing that is completely clear and certain is that if a powerless ‘left’ and a powerless ‘right’ spend all their time fighting and hating each other, then the people partying on the yachts will remain untouched and in power and we are basically all doomed to servitude and a crushing authoritarianism that defeats weak and divided opposition piecemeal.
Here’s a productive approach to uniting people of the Two Americas that were supposed to be at each others throats:
And Cynthia McKinney is obviously having FUN!!!
Charlottesville was a false flag event — start to finish.
Miles Mathis has the goods on the whole operation.
For non-Americans, there is one thing to keep in mind about these sectarian American political disputes.
All these different racial, ethnic, or political factions are about one thing: gaining a greater cut of the spoils of the American Empire for themselves.
None of the groups are sincerely opposed to the American Empire, as this criminal entity is the basis of their entire way of life,wealth, and power.
African Americans whine about racism in order to demand a “fairer” cut of the booty that the American Empire has extracted from the world, while Euro-Americans want to maintain their share of this booty.
American political life is much like watching a gang of thieves bickering over how stolen loot–and power–is to be divided among themselves.
In short, from the view of those who are not privileged to be part of the Exceptional nation, there are no “good guys” to support in these US political/culture wars.
A pox on all their houses.
In fairness, and with due respect, there are those who totally oppose Empire. The is Left but also says it is anti imperialist. There is a long history of opponents of US imperialism, such as Mark Twain and David Henry Thoreau, and of course Martin Luther King. The Left and Socialists of the early 20th century bitterly opposed WWI and suffered for it.
The World Socialist Website consistently opposes imperialism. is a libertarian site that opposes Empire.
Such views have been systematically and, frankly, brutally suppressed, just witness assassinations of notable politicians who tried to blunt if not stop the wars.
Certainly there is a divide and conquer element to all this, however, the country has been divided since the day the pilgrims declared their benefactors, the Native Americans who saved their lives, as ‘savages’.
Simply put, the country was founded by two groups: oppressed people yearning for a new start, and second, marauders, out to enrich themselves and destroy anything that got in their way. The marauders have used and hidden behind the first group. Democracy and Freedom covering the a brutal Mailed Fist
Well presented in this:
It’s hi ho hey, I am the bold marauder And hi ho hey, I am the white destroyer
For I will bring you silver and gold, and I will bring you treasure
And I will bring a widowing flag, and I will be your lover
I will show you grotto and cave and sacrificial alter
And I will show you blood on the stone and I will be your mentor
And night will be our darling And fear will be our name
It’s hi ho hey, I am the bold marauder And hi ho hey, I am the white destroyer
For I will take you out by the hand and lead you to the hunter
And I will show you thunder and steel and I will be your teacher
We will dress in helmet and sword and dip our tongues in slaughter
And we will sing the warrior’s song and lift the praise of murder
And Christ will be our darling And fear will be our name
It’s hi ho hey, I am the bold marauder And hi ho hey, I am the white destroyer
For I will sour the winds on high and I will soil the river
And I will burn the grain in the field and I will be your mother
And I will go to ravage and kill and I will go to plunder
And I will take a fury to wife I will be your father And death will be our darling
And fear will be our name
What continues to amaze me is how the states that made up the Confederacy still send so many soldiers to fight for the empire that invaded them, and Native Americans have been some of the best fighter for the system that destroyed their culture and society.
“African Americans whine about racism in order to demand a ‘fairer’ cut of the booty that the American Empire has extracted from the world, while Euro-Americans want to maintain their share of this booty.”
Completely accurate observation — I would even take this further and say that it applies to the West in its entirety, but certainly with the US as the most extreme, suffocating, and stinking example all along the line. Still, it’s a great pleasure to see colour revolution mayhem play out in the US. Even Soros has a silver lining.
great commentary – Jimmie – thanks – I lost the thread around the 4th from the last paragraph when the story switched to Trump – but the description of the events of that day tally totally with David Duke’s commentary on what happened – he made a video addressed to Donald Trump in which he chides Trump….I like David Duke –
He ran against the Free Trade Agreement – he wanted Fair Trade – a much better concept – really –
Should have posted this after RM’s piece about his experience with antifa, catches the atmosphere somewhat well. But the song sits well here also…
The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn – The Pogues
McCormack and Richard Tauber are singing by the bed
There’s a glass of punch below your feet and an angel at your head
There’s devils on each side of you with bottles in their hands
You need one more drop of poison and you’ll dream of foreign lands
When you pissed yourself in Frankfurt and got syph down in Cologne
And you heard the rattling death trains as you lay there all alone
Frank Ryan bought you whiskey in a brothel in Madrid
And you decked some fucking blackshirt who was cursing all the Yids
At the sick bed of Cuchulainn we’ll kneel and say a prayer
And the ghosts are rattling at the door and the devil’s in the chair
And in the Euston Tavern you screamed it was your shout
But they wouldn’t give you service so you kicked the windows out
They took you out into the street and kicked you in the brains
So you walked back in through a bolted door and did it all again
At the sick bed of Cuchulainn we’ll kneel and say a prayer
And the ghosts are rattling at the door and the devil’s in the chair
You remember that foul evening when you heard the banshees howl
There was lousy drunken bastards singing “Billy In The Bowl”
They took you up to midnight mass and left you in the lurch
So you dropped a button in the plate and spewed up in the church
Now you’ll sing a song of liberty for blacks and paks and jocks
And they’ll take you from this dump you’re in and stick you in a box
Then they’ll take you to Cloughprior and shove you in the ground
But you’ll stick your head back out and shout “We’ll have another round”
At the graveside of Cuchulainn we’ll kneel around and pray
And God is in His heaven, and Billy’s down by the bay
Excellent lyrics, thanks for posting this.
Charlottesville was a ZionIntel hoax. KKK actors and Antifa thugs arrived in the same buses, standard payment 25 $ per hour.
The car driving into the crowd was a ZionIntel staged event too. For more info search YouTube for ‘Ole Dammegard Charlottesville’. Ole has a handful hard to refute in depth analysis available by now.
This was brilliant. Extremely incisive and well-written analysis by Jimmy Moglia.
Side note: I find the Coudeneuve-Kalergi plan very sinister. Especially how Merkel and other EU have started to implement it..
Apologies- Jimmie (not Jimmy)
Appropos Coudenhove – not Coudeneuve
“hove”, aka “hoven” in Beethoven is Dutch for “farm” .
Beet = “beet root”, aka beet, also table beet, garden beet, red beet, or golden beet.
Van (Dutch) = from – Von (German) also means “from”, but was used in Germany as a title making people look more “royal” as with British Lord titles.
“Couden” basically this means “cold” (Contemporary Dutch “Koud”) but I suspect this word could possibly have other meanings as well.
Coudenhove = the cold farm
Van Beethoven = from the beet farm
Kalergi (meaning ?) name of a dynasty from Greece
I am often amazed how little some Americans (I realize you are Serbian) know about the origin and meanings of many American names, often very obvious ones like “Weiner” (probably German “Wiener”; someone from Vienna). With the probably erronous spelling by immigration officials “Weiner” it would mean “someone who cries tears” or perhaps someone who makes wine.
I hope my small lecture was helpful.
The American coastal elites versus the rest of the country:
A good time to remember the words. Sorry if the following is unknown to most Americans. Even on Independence Day (now rebranded to be just another day on the Calendar “The Fourth of July”), most readings of this document only give the bit about “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. But here’s the key bit that’s no longer read…..
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ”
Of course, these days the US Government takes the position of King George III, that no people have any right to organize a government to effect their safety and happiness, but that instead all people must just suffer with the government that the USG says they must have.
In the challenged minds of the Pindos, their possession of firearms keeps the 1% in love with them, or at least serves to instill healthy respect. I suppose shooting sprees in Pindostan’s schoolyards deserve some positive spin:
“Don’t judge the perpetrator too harshly. He/she/it might kill an oligarch some day”.
Amusingly, the Russians and the Chinese do not seem to have been running around drooling and panting with private firearms as a prerequisite for doing away with the Oligarchs.
Yeah, they’re only good against oligarchs if the people with them have the sense to use them against oligarchs. In order to do that in an effective manner requires a level of organization that is now denied to the citizenry. Militias, are, well, frowned upon these days, to say the least. I wonder why that is. The oligarchs fear an armed and organized citizenry. That’s why everything they do is aimed at making this an impossibility.
Still, firearms are still great for self-defense. I feel much safer when I’m caring, and I feel much better about any possible SHTF, civil war, dollar collapse, natural disaster (the rule of law typically breaks down in the immediate aftermath), etc type scenario with my Yugo SKS under my bed and a dozen spare magazines. Mass shootings really aren’t all that prevalent. Most of the ones now reported in the U.S. are gang related, and those typically aren’t with legally acquired firearms anyhow.
At the end of the day, it’s about protecting your life, liberty, and property. If you won’t take responsibility to do it, why should anyone else.
I marched in protest after Michael Brown was murdered by a police officer in Ferguson, MO.
America has a violet police force that relies on force and intimidation. All Americans suffer from this. Well, maybe not the 1-percenters who never get stopped in their stretch limosines. But the rest of America is now constantly harrassed, intimidated and attacked by a police force where many of the officers were originally trained at checkpoints in Iraq. The unit at Abu-Gharaib in Iraq was composed of US prison officers doing service in the National Guard before going back to their day jobs.
This of course was a highly dangerous movement to the police. The last thing on earth they wanted to see what Americans coming together to protest a police force that relies on fear and intimidation and violence to keep the 99 percent slaving for the 1 percent.
So, very quickly, it was made a racial thing. A group quickly asserted that it was only Black Lives that Mattered. The protests quickly became about racism instead of about police violence. Much to the gratitude of the police, who now only have to deal with an upset minority seperate from the rest of the populace. The police nightmare of having to face a united populace all angered by police intimidation tactics was averted.
The day I knew the Left had gone nuts was the day I was told that “All Lives Matter” was a racist slogan.
You’re not wrong about the police. They’re constantly being more militarized and programmed against the citizenry. there is no doubt about that. But, you’re wrong about the 1%. My parents make enough to be considered in the 1%. They work hard for what they have. They don’t ride in stretch limousines, and yes, they get stopped by the police and ticketed when they get caught speeding or run a red light etc which isn’t often. They don’t have a private jet or a vacation home in the Keys. They go to work 5 sometimes 6 days a week. They work long hours. They don’t drive fancy new cars. They’re pretty typical cars, and you probably wouldn’t take much note if one passed by. I have student loan debt. You have been grievously mislead about what the 1% looks like. The reality is that what you believe the 1% to be is really the .001%. Only a few thousand people out of 350 million are what you believe the 1% to be. I mean really, do the math. 1% of the US population is 3.5 million people. I mean, come off it. The 1% myth was started to protect the .001%.
The first American Civil War was fought over slavery (from the Northern viewpoint) or states’ rights (from the Southern viewpoint).
The second American Civil War will be fought over old statues and tranny bathrooms!
Saker, you are wrong about nazis or Neo nazis at Charlottesville. I know some of these people and they are nazis, starting with Richard Spencer. He like to yuk it up about Hitler, etc. He’s cool. and hip, but nazi just the same. AH would send him to the Russian front. queer too.
It is incredulous that The Saker (the person and the site) riles against the nazis in Ukraine but defends their American version.
Still trying to calculate as to why.
Are you a troll? He’s not defending any Nazis. What was stated here is that not everyone protesting the removal of the statue was a Nazi which is objectively true. Yes there were Nazis there, but they were a small minority. You are being manipulated by the media, and it’s unlikely that this comment will wake you up. You are deeply mired in the miasma that comes from the mouths of the media and liberaloids. I hope that is not true. Not for your sake but mine. If the liberaloid and PC mindset has penetrated even here, then it must have turned even more humans into mindless zombie parrots than I could have possibly imagined. If this is the case, then we (humans capable of critical thought) are all in deep trouble.
From the article: “To stem the damage, the mastodons controlling the Internet are doing their utmost to block the voices of opposition through censure, however prohibited by the First Amendment.”
I would like to witness this by noting that I have done quite a number of google searches the last couple of weeks, partly because some alternative news sources had disappeard. I have noticed that suddenly I had to go through 5 – 6 or more pages with search results, before I encountered anything resembling alternative views. I think some search terms like “hoax” or other words designed to lead to alternative news were plainly ignored, (or led only to disinfo sites) and articles of which I knew the existance didn’t show up before very late in the results.
Perhaps others care to leave their impression and direct experience of these things.