Dear friends,

In a recent Facebook post Pepe Escobar wrote the following:

The low down – on the economic measures, on the Hong Kong question, and on The Big Picture. All in a 5-minute read that…

Posted by Pepe Escobar on Sunday, May 24, 2020

This is just the latest in a long series of compliments that I heard from many top commentators (most recently from Catherine Austin-Fitts)!

The credit for all these compliments goes entirely to my absolutely fantastic team of moderators without whom I frankly would have to shut down the comments section.  Really, I physically would not have the time to carefully moderate the many comments we get every day, including many from paid or non-paid trolls, all sorts of simply not very intelligent people, and even a few bona fide nutcases!

Please keep in mind that all my moderators are non-paid volunteers who generously give their time and energy to keep this blog and its comments section going.

Herb, the head of moderation, and the moderators try as best they can to provide moderation as close as possible to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  They all come from very different countries and continents, and they try as best they can to “fill” as many hours as possible and to make the turn-around for all comments as short as possible.

This is a very difficult task, to put it mildly.

Finally, every time something goes wrong, the moderators get flamed, even when it is not their “fault” at all. Yet they keep providing this vitally needed function to the Saker blog.  Only in very rare cases have I seen somebody thank the moderators.  Yet they do deserve our thanks!

This is all to say the following:

  1. Moderators are possibly the best feature of this blog (the whining of “censored crybabies” notwithstanding).
  2. We ALWAYS need more moderators (even if for just a few hours per week)!
  3. Right now, we have a specific need: the time-slot between 7am and 10am (US EDT) Monday through Thursday

If you can help, or if you at least want to try, please email Herb at and let him know that you are willing to give it a shot.

Frankly, this is one of the most effective ways of helping this blog, and you can do that even under the strictest quarantine rules, since you can do that safely from the comfort of your home!

So, please, give it a try and email Herb.

Many thanks in advance!

The Saker