Today, I have an extremely telling transcript to share with you. This is an intercepted telephone call (thank you SVR/ 6th GRU/Spetsviaz FSO!) between Igor Kolomoiskii and one of the Ukie media CEO Alexander Tkachenko (For those of you who speak Russian, the conversation is available here and here). Here is the transcript:
T – Hello,
K – Are you done talking shit yet?
T – Hello, Igor Valerievich
K – Didn’t you see I was calling you?
T – I didn’t… I quit the other conversation the moment I saw you calling…
K – Where are you?
T – In my office
K – I can hear wind
T – I came out on the balcony so the people who are sitting in my room don’t overhear our conversation.
K – And who is in your room?
T – Our lawyers and Yarik are sitting in there
K – Aaa
T – These assholes don’t want to cut off cities Lugansk “TRK Ukraina” and Donetsk, and we must now come up with a nasty plan for them. [perhaps, Broadcasting Committee of Ukraine?]
K – A-ha, understood, understood. Hey, there is that faggot… in a good sense of the word [laughing]… so it’s time to start fucking him up.
T – But he has a direct connection, I know
K – He is Lyovochkin’s special project.
T – Yeah, yeah, fine.
K – Moreover….. fuck! Lyovochkin fucked them all…, fuck….
T – All faggotsK – Yes. Interestingly, in order to straddle Lyashko, fuck, and all the faggots, Levochkin must be, fuck… at least bi[sexual].
T – Aha. Good, good, no question
K – Ok so long.
T – Valerich, can we quickly discuss a couple of questions using the black [phone]?
K – Ok. Bye
T – All right
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Kolomoiskii |
First, a short comments: the person who translated this from Russian really did not render the degree of rudeness of the king of vocabulary Kolomoiskii is using. In fact, the original Russian version is even worse. In fact, I specifically asked ‘M’ to not to soften the language because I wanted to English speakers to get a feeling for the kind of individual Kolomoiskii is: not only is he the #1 person behind the Odessa massacre, he also has one hell of a potty-mouth in his daily business. Second, I wish you could get a sense of the total, abject subservience of Tkachenko when talking to Kolomoiskii. I honestly think that a prostitute on Times Square talking to a possible client would have more self-respect than Tkachenko has for himself in this conversation which, after all, begins by Kolomoiskii contemptuously blaming Tkachenko for not taking his call fast enough (‘M’ used the word ‘talking shit’, but the original Russian is even worse, it’s talking c**t!). And Tkachenko immediately begins to try justify himself and appease Kolomoiskii.
This kind of “proctology of the Ukie brain” is actually very important because it shows that the Ukie media is not somehow “favorable” to the junta, or even “subservient” to it, it is in reality completely owned by this junta, owned like a slave.
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Liashko |
The other interesting feature of this conversation is that Kolomoiskii is clearly gunning for Liashko who, all pedophile and homosexual that he is, has been impersonating some kind of Ukie “tough guy” and organized some pretend-military forces all with black uniforms and fancy badges. Liashko, by the way, is the guy who is supposedly the most popular figure in Banderastan.
Kolomoiskii cleary want Liahko out of the eastern Ukraine and hence he is ordering Tkachenko to being a campaign to discredit Liashko which, considering the fact that there is an old police video on the Internet showing a young Liashko admitting to being a homosexual and considering that only his immunity as deputy prevented him from being prosecuted for pedophilia, will be really easy.
Considering that Kolomoiskii and Liashko are, with Iarosh, the most powerful men in the Ukraine – at least in terms of firepower – it tell you a lot about the kind of folks Uncle Sam has been using in his war on Russia and the kind of man under whose rule the people of Novorussia are supposed to accept living.
So this is why I feel that I am not exaggerating at all when I speak of a freak show of thugs in Kiev: this is exactly what it is. A freak show.
The Saker
It’s a small blessing when the monsters begin to eat each other.
Maybe Mr. K will do the same thing to Lyashko that he has been doing to others, and post it on the internet.
Yes, it’s a freakshow.
One wonders if the natsec bros, pro-NATO trolls on Reddit and The Guardian have ever read a short history of WWII. Perhaps then they will admit that yes, there are Nazis in Ukraine and this conflict is the same conflict as before. Then perhaps they will consider how Nazis and fascism was imported to the US after WWII, and how the smiling neoliberals of the West backing ‘Ukraine’ are in fact, fascists.
Or perhaps a couple chapters of high school level history would be too much of an intellectual strain.
At the beginning of this conflict, the western propaganda angered me no end. But now that the entire western media has been exposed, and essentially defeated by Russian propaganda (which is actually true), it’s pretty funny.
That in itself is a major Russian victory. And now Germany is reawakening.
Far out –
I guess the US has extended its gays in military policy to the proxy armies too.
Strelkov feature in the NY Times:
This is very unfortunate,but uncle Sam Is using these type of losers almost in very single country around the world. Look at the politicians who are serving the certain countries and you get the clear picture.
But because of this representation they will lose everything what they were hoping for.
One can olny wonder what the Mossad/NSA has with which to blackmail or destroy the degenerates who have placed in charge of the West.
Western partners should see the obvious and give up now: New Russia will be slammed in your face and maintained alongside the Russian Federation as a heavily armed front.
Odessa through Kharkiv to Kiev.
Power to the people!
Hello Saker,
As a native russian speaker, I partially disagree with your opinion. Kolomoiskyi, who is clearly not of the refined “intelligentsia” stock, may be so used to obscene language during the course of his life that he could simply couldn’t help but swear casually when speaking with anyone (or, at least, his subordinates), without actually implying the meaning these swear “bywords” carry. Some people consider it a folk language of sorts, and many do not take offence even when such obscenities are directed at them personally. So, while certainly this conversation tells volumes about Kolomoisky’s manners (of lack thereof), the fact that he casually swears and, generally, not a person who most would call “pleasant”, by itself doesn’t warrant the conclusion you arrived at in your analysis. In fact, I believe most post-soviet billionaires are similar in this regard — after all, most had to claw their way into the financial elite by means so unscrupulous that normal people would not even consider; and I assume extreme rudeness comes to them naturally when they don’t feel the need to pose for the public. It’s the deeds that I think people should be judged upon, not words; and Kolomoyski’s actions have already provided far more insight as to what kind of person he is. His manners or choice of words are of negligible importance, relatively… Having said that, let me take the opportunity to say “thank you!” for maintaining this blog, and for your support of Russian people.
Is any one experiencing the page totally freezing up on Saker’s site?
Or is it my end?
Funny each time after talking on Skype to family over there (who are s… scared) I get a flurry of request from other Skypers unknown to me. Big brother five eyes I guess?
Here we go again:
Soot-Stained Documents Reveal Firing Squad Executions in Ukraine.
Repeat after me:
“They – evil, veil , evil, evil, evil, evil, ad infinitum.”
“We – good, good, good, good, good, good, ad infinitum.”
Hello Saker,
A lot of talent and class our five billion Dollars purchased in Kiev! Obviously Kolomoiskii and Victoria Nuland are on the same page: “Fuck the E-U”, “Fuck Lyashko”, “Fuck the whole world up”.
To say that they have a very primitive mental frame of reference as well as modus operandi is a gigantic understatement. They are the perfect representatives and exponents of our “counter-civilization”, to use the words of Philippe Grasset of dedefensa, reduced to its most elementary and crude values and concepts.
Such ugliness and contempt for all that is sacred and hallowed is hard to fathom, as we are plumbing new depths in immorality and callousness.
Russia not only stands for freedom, she stands for the Christian values that we hold dear, the same that are presently being obliterated in the “West”.
American Russophile
Yeah, freaks, but this is NO FUN at all, expecting the next Dirlewanger.
To Babushka’s question: I had a frozen screen after trying to open a recent video of Anna News from this site, and also suspected that there might be some third-party malice involved. But who knows.
I do wonder – if the secret services of countries are as powerful as we generally think, can they not be used more effectively against such monsters as this Kolomoiski? Outing his telephone converstations does not go far enough, ideally he should be taken to answer for his crimes in a court of law.
BTW, no change of propaganda here in Austrian MSM so far, and the paid commenters of the NATO side are still busy reinforcing the biased reporting, while most commenters who see Russia’s side have given up in disgust. Not very encouraging.
OTOH, the spying against German targets has made big headlines here, and reinforced the widespread mistrust against the US and NATO. There is also less propaganda aimed against Putin personally, since he has not given them suitable pretexts lately.
Yes. This is good sign, if they start war with each other like groups of terrorists operating in Syria.
Both Skype and this blog are being monitored, recorded and “analysed” and have been for a while.
This is not a disadvantange although to the inexperienced might appear so.
The opponents not only think that the datastream is useful even if interventions are detected, but also it is a psy-op to encourage subliminal self-censorship and emotional oscillation.
I hope The Saker will allow me to bump a comment I made in an earlier thread (1o July 21:51). It fits in with this subject.
I have come across a very interesting article hinting that significant political changes are looming for the Ukrainian government. This article states that Poroshenko has ordered the merger of the “Aydar” and “Azov” battalions, in anticipation of changes that will happen in autumn. (Gas loss starts to bite?) This interferes with the battalions in Novorossia that are loyal to Kolomoisky. Poroshenko has done this because Kolomoisky (his likely, or at least wannabe, replacement) has made a deal with ‘ulkoa’ (Russian Юлькой – what or who is this?). The author suggests there may be a counter-revolution and military coup in the near future.
I have no idea how reliable this is. It does fit in with my feeling that Kolomoisky wants control for his own personal benefit. Maybe he wants any nationalized property put into his name, so he gains control when it is inevitably privatized if the bankster plan works out.
As a side note, it is interesting that both Poroshenko and the new military General both use PMCs for their close quarter personal protection. They do not trust their own military. Currently Kolomoisky has his own private army, which is loyal while the money flows.
My view is that Kolomoisky is out to eliminate Ahmetov, now Liashko too, and any oligarchs in his way. I think Poroshenko sees the danger for himself too. Kolomoisky wants to convert as much of Ukraine as possible into his own personal fiefdom. If this is the case, the the regime may dissolve into internal struggles.
Forgive me for this totally OT comment but the subject is probably revealing about the tensions withing Europe regarding the Hegemon, and Europe’s subservience thereto.
(Fuck the EU!)
With it’s obvious implications for the Ukraine..
Stuck in a Paris traffic jam last week my Maroccan taxi driver said to me.
” Right there where you are sitting I had DSK sitting there a while back. I said to him;
“Mr Strass Kahn, I’m sure you were trapped in New York and the whole thing was set up.”
DSK replied: “You’re right but you’ll soon see what will happen to the man who did it to me!”
Some group doesn’t want the American taupe back in the Elysée..
Ha! just today a friend asked me what ‘apologetics’ was and here we have anonymous@11 July, 2014 03:43 giving us a good example of apologetics in the service of psychopathy.
It is also a strawman argument of sorts. Anonymous is misrepresenting Saker’s objections to Kolostomy. While Saker rightly pointed out the potty mouth, it was the attitude (which I would call paranoid and psychopathic) that is at issue here and the complete subservience of the media CEO and what that means for news coming out of Ukraine.
It is very similar to the tactic the MSM adopted in the face of Nuland’s treachery revealed in the leaked phone call. The media focused on the foul language and distracted everyone from the really important part; the appointment of the Ukraine ‘government’ by the US State Dept.
Same same here.
A bunch of creepy reptiles. All of these, Ukie crème de la crème belong in a freak museum, hopefully mummified with a warning that just looking at this can be harmful to a healthy human being. Ideally, they should be decapitated, burned and forgotten.
Those of us who are repulsed by the freaks in Kiev are lucky they haven’t yet chosen the homosexual as their President.
Obama would send the 82nd Airborne to protect one of his own “bent”, particularly, such a noble lad who “outed” himself. Certainly, we can expect the pedophile to be spending the day and night at the White House soon, and probably, getting some medal for LGBT valor.
Freaks all! And killers, too. Criminals and deviants. A return to the Third Reich in every aspect.
Theodore White wrote the tome on their Rise and Fall. I remember completing that read and thinking that: thank god, we’d never see such bestiality and depravity again. And here, in 2014, America is sponsoring it, directing it and championing it.
Exceptional, indeed. Arlington Cemetery must be experiencing sounds of retching from below at what the nation has become.
Commenter Daniel Rich above has a link to an article accusing Col. Igor Strelkov of putting to death militia people for trivial crimes like taking a few shirts. To me the story stinks of absolute US-Nato media bullshite.
It is written by an alleged ‘Christopher J. Miller … an editor at English-language newspaper the Kyiv Post in Ukraine,’ – no other details in his bio, other then a ‘trendy’ photo of himself! – and posted on ‘Mashable’, one of these new media sites lending itself easily to CIA lies, like the CIA Trojan horse Wikipedia site run by arch-Zionist ex-pornographer Jimmy Wales.
In this smear article, there is a photo of a long, bureaucratic ‘execution order’ allegedly signed by Col. Strelkov – but we have seen fake documents before in Ukraine, like that ‘extortion threat against Ukraine Jews’ fake. There is also a ‘grieving mother’ photo (likely actor).
While it could be credible that an execution of some murdering, raping thug may have been seen as necessary by resistance forces … what is not credible is that Strelkov’s over-burdened team would waste time producing long bureaucratic documents, or on something as minor as stolen shirts. It is beyond absurd.
An abomination! This is totally repulsive and these are the leaders Ukrainians are being forced to be ruled by. Just the thought of how our freak show desecrates the White House makes me want to vomit! Swine trying to steal pearls!
Ummmmm…Almost missed this post with all the other great posts today. For some reason I had this crazy image of Kolomoyskyi having cocktails with Baron Rothschild. Given that they’re two-peas-in-a-Zionist-pod and all. There they were. In my head. Igor chewing food with his mouth open. Ole Nathaniel with his pinky extended. Kind-of sums up the Oligarchs conundrum, eh. Do you think Oligarchs have a pecking order — like sororities in college? Because Igor would NOT get a bid from my sorority. Not even with connections. Not. A. Chance.
On a more serious topic — these pedophiles must be tracked down and punished with the wrath of all humanity on their evil azzes. Don’t pay much attention to the gay agenda smoke and mirrors. Lots of noise to avert ones gaze away from the REAL horror show. The abuse of children is a world-wide issue and a raging epidemic. Perpetrators are throughout ALL governments and institutions. It’s not just that these intel services (CIA, NAS, MI6, Mossad) blackmail the perps — they are the SUPPLIERS.
People are waking up to this evil. There are court cases exposing child traffickers, kidnappers, murderers and organ harvesting (a thriving Zionist business). Bringing the criminals to justice is humanity’s job one. Tick, tock.
This proves that God has a sense of humour. You couldn’t get a more dsyfunctional group of perverted degenerates than this group if you planned for it.
BTW the people backing this group of degenerates are quite consistent; the upper echelons of the Nazis they backed in WW2 was made of of equally degenerate sexual deviants, perverts, scatologia suffering group of sadistic murdering scum.
I wonder why Kolomoisky appears in all photographs laughing so, that way. There are people who laughs in a strange way that has nothing to do with joy, but with their enjoyment of the evil they cause. I would not give him my back.
Then there is that the scatological language, in someone who has the means and the opportunity to train, it is a simple choice, a matter of taste.
Here in Spain on audios that has come to light over discussions between those involved in mega- corruption case called Gürtel appears often this kind of vocabulary, interestingly, between politicians and businessmen. Really embarrasing and unpleasant as could be.
IMO, it is a characteristic of “certain people”.