The head of DPR appeals to the world community to prevent an outbreak of large-scale hostilities in Donbas

According to the DPR intelligence services, Kiev authorities are getting ready to conduct a large-scale sabotage against industrial objects of Donbass that might cause a significant negative impact on ecology of the region. This information was announced by the Head of the Republic Denis Pushilin.  He has received information that a provocation is being prepared under the leadership of Western military advisers, whose representatives were recently noticed at the demarcation line. In this regard, the head of the DPR appeals to the world community and international organizations.

“The DPR intelligence services received new data confirming the preparation by the Kiev regime under the leadership of Western curators of a large-scale provocation against its own people, which can result in mass casualties among the civilian population.

The special services of Ukraine plan to carry out an act of sabotage at environmentally hazardous enterprises near the line of contact of the parties with the subsequent charge of a crime of Russia and the republics of Donbass. These are enterprises that use chlorine, ammonia and other hazardous substances in their production.

Another option that is being considered is to conduct the false flag attack provocation with the use of chemical warfare agent allegedly released from the territory of the DPR. We obtained data that in order to provide some credibility to the charges against DNR and Russia, the Americans have processed shell fragments dousing them with a chemical warfare agent. I believe that the purpose of this provocation is to unleash hostilities against Donbass in order to cancel the presidential elections in Ukraine that Poroshenko has no chances to win.

This operation is coordinated by military attachés and personnel representatives of the US and UK intelligence services.

The Western military intelligence is getting ready to reuse its proven in Syria methods according to the plan of actions they have outlined for the Kiev regime. Work is underway to create in Ukraine an analogue of the Syrian “White helmets,” who, according to the authors, would record the consequences of poisoning of the population and falsify video materials allegedly proving involvement in these inhuman actions of the militia forces and Russia.”

We appeal to the world community, the UN, the OSCE and other humanitarian missions to prevent the outbreak of large-scale hostilities in the Donbas. We do not want any casualties among the innocent civilian population.