Excellent news! According to SkyNews,

The Organisation of American States (OAS) has called a meeting of foreign ministers for August 24 to discuss the stand-off sparked when Ecuador granted asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Twenty-three countries voted on Friday for the resolution proposed by Ecuador to convene the meeting at its Washington headquarters to discuss Quito’s stand-off with Britain over Assange. The US, Canada and Trinidad and Tobago voted no.

The vote was taken at emergency talks to discuss the Assange case (…) The US envoy to the OAS, Carmen Lomellin, said a meeting of its foreign ministers ‘would be unhelpful and harmful to the OAS’s reputation as an institution’.

Furthermore, Lenta.ru reports that Ecuador is also calling for an extraordinary meeting of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to discuss the Assange case.
It seems that the Anglosphere is now isolated from, and on a collision course with, the rest of the Americas.

(I can’t believe that even Colombia voted against the USA… amazing, no?)