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Tag "USA"

Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA

By Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” James Madison (1751-1836), 4th U.S. President and author of the U.S. Constitution “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carring the cross.” Sinclair Lewis, (It Can’t Happen Here, 1935) “Unhappy events abroad have retaught us two simple truths about the liberty

Iran’s asymmetrical response options

By Vineyard Saker – an Axis of Logic exclusive International public opinion is clearly worried about the prospects of a US aggression against Iran and many observers point to the risk to the world economy, of an Iranian attempt to block the Strait of Hormuz. Some also fear that Iran might sink a US aircraft carrier using some combination of missiles, submarines and small attack craft. It also is often

Report: Libby a long-time Israeli intelligence agent

by Wayne Madsen Irving Lewis “Scooter” Libby (Leibowitz) has been a long-serving intelligence agent for Israel’s Mossad, according to a veteran CIA “official cover” officer who spoke to the Wayne Madsen Report on deep background. The CIA’s Clandestine Service has, over the years, gathered a tremendous amount of intelligence on Libby’s activities on behalf of Mossad. Libby served as the lawyer for Switzerland- based American fugitive financier Marc Rich, aka

Aircraft carrier USS Enterprise leaves Norfolk for Persian Gulf

July 8, 2007, 11:48 AM (GMT+02:00): Four warships in the carrier’s strike group depart Norfolk Naval station Monday, July 9: the guided missile destroyers Arleigh Burke, Stout, James E .Williams and Forrest Sherman, as well as three more ships – with 7,500 sailors in all aboard. The Enterprise CVN 65-Big E Strike Group will join the USS Stennis and USS Nimitz carriers, building up the largest sea, air, marine concentration

The High Cost of Libby’s Silence

By Amy Goodman“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” says the preamble to the Declaration of Independence. Unless, of course, you are a friend of the president. By commuting “Scooter” Libby’s sentence, President Bush is also protecting himself and Vice President Dick Cheney. I asked former Ambassador Joe Wilson what he thought about the commutation. It was his 2003 opinion piece that refuted Bush’s

Cindy Sheehan – I’m Not Backing Off!

Call Out the Instigator By CINDY SHEEHAN Call out the Instigator Because there’s something in the airWe got to get together sooner or laterBecause the revolution’s hereYou know it’s right! — Thunderclap Newman I’m not backing off. I tried to remove myself from the political realm of the US, what BushCo is turning into an Evil Empire, but the blatant audacity of George commuting Scooter’s sentence (he’s not ruling out

Jordanian newspaper alledges US forces to occupy Gaza

Frankly, even I cannot imagine that the Imperial High Command could be that stupid. But then, considering the stage of high panic which the Neocons have obviously reached, maybe there is basis to this insane plan after all? FYI – here is the news item which caught my eye: US to deploy int’l force in Gaza The United States is to deploy international forces in the Gaza Strip so as

Three news items from the BBC (updated)

This morning I woke up the following three news items on the BBC website: First, the Imperial High Command continues with its policy of blaming Iran for its defeat in Iraq. Second, the “only democracy in the Middle-East” has sentenced one of its citizens to six months in jail for speaking with the foreign press. Third, Iran has lauched a 24 hour TV news channel in English (with an well

US Congress to curb Bush enthusiasm for Abbas

Khody Akhavi, The Electronic Intifada, 27 June 2007 WASHINGTON, Jun 26 (IPS) – US President George W. Bush threw his full support behind President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority (PA) last week, declaring the Fatah leader “the president of all the Palestinians.” With Hamas, the Islamist political party backed by Iran and described by the US as a terrorist organization, firmly in control of Gaza, the administration is now

Iraq’s President Talabani meets Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in Teheran

Presence of occupiers, the main problem facing Iraq Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told the visiting Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and his accompanying delegation Tuesday evening that the paramount issue facing Iraq at the moment is the presence of the occupiers and lack of security. “The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to give unstinting support to the serving Iraqi government, its president, its premier, its administration and its

US Congress support for Israeli terrorism

An Active Complicity in Israel’s TerrorBy Ghali Hassan On June 5, 2007, the pro-Zionist U.S. House of Representatives passed Resolution 152, endorsing Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land and Israel’s illegal and violent “reunification of Jerusalem”. The passing of the Resolution was a deliberate refutation of the UN Security Council and in contempt of world peace. While the Resolution is designed to commemorate Israel’s unprovoked and pre-emptive naked aggression against the

Jerusalem Post reveals the Neocon roots of HR 21

In an interesting background analysis, the Jerusalem Post has revealed that influential Canadian and US Neocons supporters acting on behalf of the Israeli PR spin-doctors are behind the infamous House Resolution 21 almost unanimuosly adopted by Congress (with only Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich voting against it). ——- Analysis: Congress vs Ahmadinejad DORE GOLD, THE JERUSALEM POST Jun. 21, 2007 The 411-2 vote by the US House of Representatives to

Carter blasts US policy on Palestinians

By SHAWN POGATCHNIK ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER DUBLIN, Ireland — Former President Jimmy Carter accused the U.S., Israel and the European Union on Tuesday of seeking to divide the Palestinian people by reopening aid to President Mahmoud Abbas’ new government in the West Bank while denying the same to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who was addressing a human rights conference in Ireland, also said the

Panic seizes clueless Imperial leaders

Looks like the Imperial High Command has been totally caught off guard by the events in Gaza. Now, a former Israeli IDF Intelligence Deputy Chief – General (ret) Yaakov Amidror says that “Hamastan in Gaza” would endanger all of Israel while the IHT reports that the Bush Administration is considering “accepting the Hamas takeover of Gaza“. While this might lead a naive person to conclude that the White House is

The US sufffers another crushing defeat in the Middle-East

The list of US military and diplomatic defeats in its self-declared GWOT (Global War on Terror) in the Middle-East is getting longer and longer. Nobody seriously doubts that the war in Iraq is totally lost. Likewise, the war in Afghanistan is going nowhere and the CIA groomed puppet “President” Karzai can, at best, claim to be the mayor of Kabul. In fact, this is what he is called in Afghanistan.

The fictional feel-good vision of the United States and its role in the world

Reinventing Terrorism for Prime Time That politicians might misrepresent their own views for reasons of expediency and to create a false, more electable persona should not surprise anyone. Senator Hillary Clinton’s uncharacteristic revelation on June 4th that she prays every day might be regarded as one such self-serving fiction, only slightly less ridiculous than her assertion that she was a Yankees fan while growing up in Chicago. At least she

The Neocon Threat to American Freedom

The War on Truth and Liberty By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS The Bush/Cheney White House, which told the American people in 2003 that the Iraqi invasion would be a three to six week affair, now tells us that the US occupation is permanent. Forever. Attentive Americans of which, alas, there are so few, had already concluded that the occupation was permanent. Permanence is the obvious message from the massive and fortified

Secret UN report condemns US for Middle East failures

The Guardian: Envoy’s damning verdict revealed as violence takes Gaza closer to civil war The highest ranking UN official in Israel has warned that American pressure has “pummelled into submission” the UN’s role as an impartial Middle East negotiator in a damning confidential report. The 53-page “End of Mission Report” by Alvaro de Soto, the UN’s Middle East envoy, obtained by the Guardian, presents a devastating account of failed diplomacy

The secret war against Hizbollah

by Alberto Cruz 06/12/07 “ICH ” — — – A time-worn adage in journalism says that redundancy enables a better understanding of language, so here we go again : the tree of Iraq stops us seeing the Middle East wood. Absorbed in our navel-gazing, we behave like children covering our ears to stave off a reality we find distasteful. That happens in Iraq when we refuse to acknowledge that there

The truly staggering costs of US unconditional support for Israel

An increasing number of US public figures are breaking the old taboo and openly discussing the huge cost the US is paying for its unconditional support of Israel. From Michael Scheuer, to President Carter, from John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt’s to Scott Ritter, to the recent Republican Presidential debate in which Ron Paul dared to openly say that US policies in the Middle-East had something to do with the “blowback”
