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Tag "the Lobby"

Declassified Senate Investigation Files Reveal Clandestine Israeli PR Campaign in America

PRnewswire reports: WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Declassified files from a Senate investigation into Israeli-funded covert public relations and lobbying activity in the United States were released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) on July 23rd, 2010.  The subpoenaed documents reveal Israel‘s clandestine programs for “cultivation of editors,” the “stimulation and placement of suitable articles in the major consumer magazines” as well as U.S. reporting about sensitive subjects

The Israel lobby gets its man—and tips its hand.

by Philip Weiss for the American Conservative Magazine Charles Freeman Jr.’s withdrawal of his acceptance of a high-level intelligence position in the Obama administration was a national-security drama more riveting than an episode of “24.” The moral was clear: even a president who owes his job to a progressive movement in American politics could not support a longtime public servant who had made the mistake of criticizing Israel. Fierce advocates

Freeman and the lobby: Pride and Prejudice

This will appear in the next issue of Al-Ahram Weekly Pride and Prejudice The Zionists are playing a dangerous game by scuttling Freeman’s appointment, warns Eric Walberg The remarkable hegemony of Zionists in US — and by implication — world politics continues unabated, as demonstrated starkly by the withdrawal of Chas Freeman as United States President Barack Obama’s nominee to chair his National Intelligence Council (NIC). Unlike cabinet positions,

The Israel Lobby scores another huge victory

POLITICS-US: Freeman Withdrawal Marks Victory for Israel Lobby By Daniel Luban and Jim Lobe for IPS news WASHINGTON, Mar 10 (IPS) – Amb. Chas Freeman withdrew from consideration for a top intelligence post in the Obama administration on Tuesday, following a vitriolic battle that pitted Republican lawmakers and pro-Israel hardliners opposed to his appointment against liberals and members of the intelligence and diplomatic communities who had come to his defence.

George Kenney interviews James Petras

Very interesting interview by George Kenny for his excellent website and show Electric Politics. You can listen to the interview by clicking here. I do not always agree with Petras, but his opinion and expertise is definitely worth paying attention to. Hope you enjoy this 50min interview. The Saker

AIPAC praises Senate support of Israel

The Jerusalem Post reports: AIPAC on Thursday praised a bipartisan US Senate resolution which expressed support for Israel in its fight against terrorism. The resolution, which was sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, “conveys America’s unequivocal and steadfast support for Israel’s right to self-defense,” according to a statement from the pro-Israel lobby group. Reid was quoted in the statement as telling the Senate

Report by Mohamed Khodr – How Zionists Occupy Two Nations: America and Palestine

by Mohamed Khodr for Palestine Think Tank From America’s “Jewish Triangle” to Iraqi’s “Sunni Triangle: Government Job Notice: No Gentiles Need Apply “The Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century.” –Yuri Slezkine, Professor of History at University of California, Berkeley, “The Jewish Century”; Princeton University Press (Russian Jewish immigrant to the U.S.) No, America, there is no Zionist Conspiracy running our

From Irgun to AIPAC: Israel Lobby’s US Treasury Follies Hurt

By Grant F. Smith for “Dissident Voice” via Information Clearing House According to the Jerusalem Post, the US Department of Treasury’s new Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI) unit is going after the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines. TFI targeted the company and 18 affiliates for their alleged effort to “facilitate the transport of cargo for UN Designated proliferators.” TFI further charges it “falsifies documents and uses deceptive schemes to

Yesterday the puppet, today the puppeteer

This from the BBC: Barack Obama has started forming his administration by asking Rahm Emanuel, a former adviser to President Clinton, to be his chief-of-staff. So that’s who Obama will put in the single most sensitive position in his White House and that is who will form the rest of the Obama team for “change”. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the names…..

Obama’s trip to Yad Vashem: What about Wounded Knee?

By Mike Whitney for Information Clearing HouseThere were no surprises on Barak Obama’s trip to Israel. Everything went by without a hitch. Obama met with all the heads of state and party bosses and raced from one event to another without incident. He skillfully tip-toed through a political minefield that could have ended his presidential bid in a blinding-flash. But he never stumbled. There were no gaffes, no miscues, and

No, I Can’t!

by Uri Avnery AFTER MONTHS of a tough and bitter race, a merciless struggle, Barack Obama has defeated his formidable opponent, Hillary Clinton. He has wrought a miracle: for the first time in history a black person has become a credible candidate for the presidency of the most powerful country in the world. And what was the first thing he did after his astounding victory? He ran to the conference

Lasciate ogne speranza…

Obama is the same spineless genuflecting prostitute as the rest of them. Judge for yourself and click here to read his AIPAC speech. Ralph Nader is, along with abstention, the only possible choice for anyone with a conscience.

What exactly is “Israel”?

“Israel will not tolerate the possibility of a nuclear Iran” Ehud Olmert, AIPAC 2008 Conference These are amazing words indeed. Ten words which speak volumes and who say more about the nature of the state of Israel then many books. The key words here are, of course, Israel, tolerate and possibility. What exactly does Olmert mean by “Israel will “? We know for sure what he does *not* mean. He

John McCain’s AIPAC speech

John McCain. He makes Dubya look smart, articulate and almost educated. He makes Rumsfeld look like a pot-smoking peacenik. He makes Hillary look principled. But most frighteningly, he makes Hitler look sane. Though I intensely dislike Obama and Hillary (the latter being at least as sold to the Israel Lobby as McCain), there is something in McCain which makes him truly frightening, a sense of radiating utter lunacy, something about

And The Winner Is … The Israel lobby

By Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times WASHINGTON – They’re all here – and they’re all ready to party. The three United States presidential candidates – John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Madam House speaker Nancy Pelosi. Most US senators and virtually half of the US Congress. Vice President Dick Cheney’s wife, Lynne. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Embattled Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. And a host of Jewish

Saker’s mailbox: Hillary will nuke for Israel

I often get very interesting emails from my readers and friends. This morning, I got this from ‘G’ (emphasis in red added): I just cannot believe how outrageous statements like these go unquestioned. Instead of being questioned regarding her sanity–she is after all committing America’s nuclear forces to the defense of a country with which we have no treaty obligations to and is of absolutely no strategic importance in

Obama, the Lobby and the kid-hanging rabbi

Two rather interesting, if unrelated, reports from PRESS TV this morning: Obama slammed for anti-Israeli advisor US Presidential nominee Barack Obama has come under fire over his anti-Israeli national campaign co-chairman, Gen. Merrill Tony McPeak. An inquiry by conservative American media outlets reveals that McPeak, who is also Obama’s military advisor, is a longtime anti-Israel critic who slammed American Zionists for acting against US interests. In an interview with The

Meet the Israel Lobby “à la française”

First: here is the ‘approved” official version of the events by Ynet and AFP French official sacked over for anti-Israel slur: Senior civil servant sacked for writing in online column Israel is ‘only state where snipers shoot down little girls outside their school gates’A French senior civil servant has been sacked for publishing a violent anti-Israeli diatribe on a website, the Interior Ministry said. The article was published on March

Fantastic stuff in my inbox: meet the folks at “Think-Israel”

I get all sorts of stuff in my inbox, sometimes nice comments, and some hate mail, but not nearly as much as I thought I would get when I started this blog. Sometimes, rarely, I get a real “gem” which makes me happy for a long, long while. Yesterday I got such a gem: an email announcing the new issue of something called Think-Israel. I took a look at the
