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Tag "statement"

Russia, the EU and UN and a “Deep State” whistle blower SITREP

Ukraine One of the largest munitions depot near Kharkov is on fire. Thousands of people are being evacuated from Balakleya in the Kharkov region Anatolii Matios, a Deputy Prosecutor-General of Ukraine, posted on his FB account a message saying that the fire was the result of the sabotage and that the depot had about 138,000 tons of munition. Not to rain on his parade, but historically it’s an established practice

The Turkish Coup: For Russia From Turkey With Enough Love To Last Until The Great War

by Imran N. Hosein Turkish President Erdogan is, of course, quite correct that there was US (and hence NATO) involvement in the attempted coup against his government. He is also quite correct in his accusations against the Turkish Sufi Shaikh, Fathullah Gulen, accusing him of involvement in the coup. It would have been more honest of Erdogan, however, if he had also disclosed that he knew that the coup was
