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Tag "russian foreign policy"

Russian Foreign Ministry Is Concerned About Political Persecution in the United States

February 4, 2021 Moscow intends to hold a ‘serious conversation’ with Washington about the stars and stripes allegations of unauthorized actions in Russia. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova spoke about this at a briefing. The American authorities, according to their words, will not be able to “divert public views, public opinion from their own problems” with their unbridled attacks on the Russian Federation: “We mean to

FBI investigates Russia’s Embassy bank account

by Scott Humor As defined in various civil rights acts and  codes of civil crimes and offenses,  the crime of harassment takes place when actions are committed with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another. The relations between states are not much different, especially when one state intentionally annoys, alarms and harasses the entire population of another country. In yet another barbaric act of harassment of the Russian diplomats in

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and German Steinmeier made statements in Yekaterinburg [Updated]

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and German Steinmeier made statements in Yekaterinburg   Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his German counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, speak to the press after their meeting in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg     Russian text of the press conference Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at a joint news conference following a meeting with Foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier,

ZAG! Russia does another “Libya” at the UNSC

This just in: the UNSC has adopted resolution “imposes an arms embargo against the Houthi rebels in Yemen and the allied forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh”.  How crazy is that?! An international coalition of thugs lead by the Saudis and al-Qaeda is conducing a large-scale aggression against Yemen and when the Jordanians propose to slap an arms embargo on the Houthis Russia simply abstains even though the

Interview of a senior Russian Foreign Intelligence analyst

source: by Alexander Chuikov, translated by “D” On the northern outskirts of Moscow, under the reliable protection of the Interior Troops, lies low a former secret Institute of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). Nowadays, on top of its front gate there flaunt golden letters: ‘Russian Institute of Strategic Studies’. But the peaceful name would not mislead the knowing, as more than two hundred employees are forging here the analytical

Why the Russians are not coming, not even covertly

In a recent comments thread Carlo has pointed out that there is a campaign to murder non-Wahabi Muslims in Russia to which Lysander added that “perhaps it should be Russian policy to seek the overthrow of the Saudi royal family. Perhaps not openly stated, but maybe the should start a covert program of destabilization against KSA. Surely there are some former KGB officers who remember how to do these things?
