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Tag "Russian 5th column"

Is the Russian Ministry of Finance Sabotaging Putin’s Decision? (Ruslan Ostashko)

Translated and captioned by Leo. The attempt to sabotage the [Russian] President’s decision to pull the tail of offshore optimizers seems to be the work of the Ministry of Finance. The profile of the ministry, with the head of Anton Siluanov, has set back the actions of preventing withdrawal of dividends without taxation until the beginning of 2024. Which once again brings up the question about, “who do the Russian

Pension reform as a fifth column tool to overthrow Putin

By Vadim Potapenko/Mikhail Khazin Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with Source: Original title: “About a fair pension system” The full version of this study authored by Vadim Potapenko that this article is based on can be read here (in Russian only) The pension system can be considered fair when it can maintain an acceptable standard of living for pensioners and at the same time

Russian “Liberal” Media’s Foreign Sponsors The hysteria concerning the alleged Russian “interference” in the US presidential election appears to be a mirror projection of techniques that have been used against Russia, with little or no success, with the aim of  interfering in its political processes. While the propaganda campaign aimed at Russia has sought to foster the impression that the country’s media is strictly controlled, in actuality the “liberal opposition” newspapers and radio stations

Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson: Privatization Is the Atlanticist Strategy to Attack Russia

NOTE: Readers are asking to know who, in addition to the Western-financed NGOs, are the Fifth Columnists inside Russia. Michael Hudson and I left the description general as Atlanticist Integrationists and neoliberal economists. The Saker provides some specific names. Among the Fifth Columnists are the Russian Prime Minister, head of the Central Bank, and the two top economics ministers. They are springing a privatization trap on Putin that could undo

Putin’s biggest failure

This article was written for the Unz Review Whatever happens in the future, Putin has already secured his place in history as one of the greatest Russian leaders ever. Not only did he succeed in literally resurrecting Russia as a country, but in a little over a decade he brought her back as a world power capable of successfully challenging the AngloZionist Empire. The Russian people have clearly recognized

Saker rant: A 5th column in the Russian media? Absolutely!

Is there a 5th column in the Russian media? Hell yeah! It is literally all over the place! Like during the latest Q&A with President Putin.  I don’t know if anybody else noticed this, but it really pissed me off.  Check out who got to ask a question from the studio: Khakamada Venediktov Kudrin Remchukov For those who don’t know these faces – they are some of the worst “demofreaks”

The biggest threat for Russia and for Putin

Putin’s recent speech to the Federal Assembly contained two part: a foreign policy part which was nothing short of historical, and an internal economics part which was very disappointing to say the least.  In fact, I would say that it was outright frightening.  I won’t post the full text here, but you can consult if for yourself by clicking here.  But here is my summary of Putin’s message: We will

An example of the Russian 5th column at work

Over the recent days bad economic news have been pouring in for Russia: the prices of bread, cheese, medicine, meats and many other product have been going up, some of them sharply.  At the same time, the Ruble has reached a new low against the Dollar which forced the Russian Central Bank to intervene to defend the Ruble.No doubt, Obama would say that the sanctions are showing their effectiveness.Except for

What Makes Strelkov Feel “Melancholy” – Military-Political Situation Report, July 20, 2014

Note: this article is dated July 20th because it took 2 days to translate it. I think that this is a *must read* for all those who wonder about the nature of the ugle behind-the-scenes infighting between various Russian groups about the future of Novorussia. A huge “thank you!!!” to all those who helped translate this most interesting text. The Saker——-What Makes Strelkov Feel “Melancholy” – Military-Political Situation Report, July
