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Tag "Poland"

Zmiana, Piskorski, and the Case for Polish Liberation

Special report by Jafe Arnold for the Greanville Post (reprinted by special agreement) “Kremlin trolls,” “Putin’s useful idiots,” “Russian 5th column in Poland”, “threat to national security” – these are the epithets maliciously hurled at the two-year-old Polish political party Zmiana by the Polish mainstream media and government officials. “Russian spy,” “Chinese spy,” “Iraqi spy,” “agent of Putinist influence,” – these are the non-existent and baseless slanders for which Zmiana’s

Ukraine Poland NATO SITREP July 2, 2016 by Scott

“Poland has not perished, but should die“ – outrageous slogan in Przemysl     More images from Poland here and here Historical photos of aftermath of the Bandera’s militants attack on a train in Poland in 1944. 18+ All of the victims were Polish citizens, mostly women and old people. Atrocities of the Bandera death battalions in Poland, Belorussia and Ukraine , 21+ Actor and member of Polish Parliament Pavel

After BREXIT: Russia Ukraine Finland Poland SITREP, by Scott Humor

Michael McFaul, the Washington Post and all others who declared Brexit to be a Putin’s victory, still don’t understand that Putin has won long before June 23rd referendum. The fact that the UK, the heart of the EU, has left the EU shows that they are just started to react to the Russia’s victory. By orchestrating this referendum, the British demonstrate their willingness to divide Europe as quickly as possible.

Ukraine SITREP February 4th 2016, by Scott

The war to topple Russia’s government enters its third year. In the 30 days of January 2016 the following events took place: • On January 15, Nuland met with Kremlin advisor Vyacheslav Surkov as speculated to deliver a nuclear strike threat. [source] • Prior to the Zurich meeting between Lavrov and Kerry, the Russian flag behind Kerry was hung upside-down by US staff sending a very clear signal. According to

Polarized Poland: The Identity Crisis Goes International

by Andrew Korybko for the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies The nationwide protests that have rocked Poland over the past couple of months have been completely misrepresented in the international media, even among outlets that are editorially sympathetic to one side or the other. The outside understanding is that this is a stereotypical struggle between the government and the opposition, represented in this case by the right and left wings,

Turning down Russian gas has already caused Poland huge losses

by: Olga Samofalova translation by: Alena Scarecrow source: “We are independent in the gas issue”, – happily announces Poland having finally built a terminal for receiving liquefied natural gas (LNG). However, the new marine way of delivering gas from Qatar instead of saving financial resources will entail even much higher costs than earlier. Warsaw is already paying – now, that it has not yet received one single cubic meter

Russia’s response to the US radar/missile system

Press TV reports: Russia to deploy Iskander-Ms by 2015 Missile brigades in western Russia will be armed with Iskander-M missile system by 2015 to counter a planned US missile shield in Europe. “By 2015, the Iskander system will be put in service with five missile brigades, primarily near Russia’s western border and in the Kaliningrad Region,” a source in the Russian Defense Ministry was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying
