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Tag "Peter Koenig"

Mind Manipulations to influence Election Results

by Peter Koenig “Hacking” to influence election results? Ridiculous! That may have been a thing of the past. Or not even. It’s an evil invention of the evil losers of the evil Hillary camp, supported by a criminal departing President Obama, who will be leaving office, of course, not with a bang, not even with a whimper, but with a disgrace for his nation and for the truth loving people

Colombia – Inviting NATO to Fight “Organized Crime” – A Menace for Latin America

by Peter Koenig Imagine, Mr. Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, Nobel Peace Laureate 2016, for achieving a Peace Agreement with the FARC “rebels” (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) – this same peace-loving Mr. Santos is inviting NATO to his country to help fight “organized crime”. As TeleSUR reports, this could jeopardize the recently signed (the ink is not yet dry) Peace Agreement between the

Berlin – Another False Flag, the Governments’ Complicity is Remorseless

by Peter Koenig Random killing by the western secret services – 12 dead, about 40 injured, is the result of the latest false flag attack in Berlin, when on 19 December, a truck plowed into a Christmas market at Berlin’s Bretscheideplatz, near the lush Kurfuerstendamm. It’s a ‘déjà-vu’ of not even half a year ago, when in Nice, France, on 14th July a truck mowed down hordes of people celebrating

Mr. Trump and Europe

Transcript (slightly expanded) of a Skype interview with Alex Knyazev – Russia TV24, Program ‘Geo-economics’ by Peter Koenig Since this interview was given, an important event happened, important for world history. Fidel Castro died on 25 November, at the age of 90 (1926 – 2016). Comandante Castro, a lawyer by education, with a true sense of justice for humanity, has led a Revolution in his native Cuba to free his

People wake up!

by Peter Koenig Neoliberal-fascist atrocities become rapidly ever bolder and are carried out with impunity. They should wake up the 99.99% from our brainwashed dreams and make us SCREAM! – Scream for change, not at the margin, but fundamental. This apparatus has to stop, not just be ‘reformed’ as the caviar ‘left intellectuals’ suggest. Absurdities have to be eviscerated. Our socio-economic system needs rebuilding from scratch. Washington has shown us

Trump and the Power of Money

by Peter Koenig Imagine, Donald Trump would accede to the US Presidency, an unlikely event with the presstitute media relentlessly slamming, slashing and demonizing him, not unlike they do with President Putin – while cheering no-end for the warmonger Killary, no matter what atrocities she has on her hands and body, no matter that blood is dripping out of her mouth every time she opens it – like Iraq, Libya,

Peter Koenig interviewed by Russia-TV24

Russia – China Economic Front – Competition or Alternative to the Western Economic System? Peter Koenig 4 March 2016 “The Saker” The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), including new members India and Pakistan, the Eurasian Economic Union – EEU (an alliance of six Eurasian nations – Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan) are about to sign a Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The SCO and the EEU Integration will become a

Geopolitics made understandable by an expert connecting dots – A Review

by Peter Koenig The Saker – other than a falcon with superb eyesight capturing everything that moves – is also an extraordinary analyst of Russian military and Current Affairs. The thousand-pager opens with an Outstanding Foreword by Pepe Escobar, who in a few paragraphs characterizes The Saker’s writings eloquently from a bird’s view, submarine’s perspective and a Big Picture outlook from the desert. Well done; getting the best out of

The Saker interviews Peter Koenig

Western Sanctions on Russia – Russia-China Cooperation and a Tectonic Shift of World Economics – World Power The Saker: How is Russia coping with sanctions so far and what are the prospects for the future? Peter Koenig: Let’s begin with what are ‘sanctions’? – Sanctions are (economic) punishments by the self-proclaimed empire in Washington and its European minions on any country that does not follow the dictate of the empire.

Europe Beware! – WWIII could destroy Europe for the third time in a Century

by Peter Koenig Washington is hell-bent on a war with Russia. It is part of the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) to take over the world. After Russia, China would follow. That’s the plan. China is being encircled as we speak. Never mind that Russia and China have recently concluded a pact, a close financial and military alliance – which to defeat will be next to impossible. Unless

US Embassy in Havana – The Cuba Caper

by Peter Koenig The lame duck, Obama, extending a conciliatory hand to Cuba by opening an embassy in Havana, by reopening, after 54 years of a criminal and crippling embargo, diplomatic relations? – At the same time Obama is making not a single concession in terms of lifting the blockade. This smells like a trap. Cuba beware! Imagine – a US Embassy in Havana – it would open the floodgates

Free Fall of the Ruble – A brilliant ploy of Russian economic Wizards? Who’s chess game?

by Peter Koenig The world is still hell-bent for hydrocarbon-based energy. Russia is the world’s largest producer of energy. Russia has recently announced that in the future she will no longer trade energy in US dollars, but in rubles and currencies of the trading partners. In fact, this rule will apply to all trading. Russia and China are detaching their economies from that of the West. To confirm this decision,

Observations on President Putin’s call upon US not to meddle in Russia affairs

by Peter Koenig Press TV reports on 22 November 2014 that President Putin, speaking at a forum of the All-Russia Peoples’ Front in Moscow on 17 November, said “They [the US] want to subdue us, want to solve their problems at our expense. No one in history ever managed to do this to Russia, and no one ever will.” This is certainly no exaggeration. Russia has not only a solid

The European Central Bank – ECB – invented yet another tool to hold Europe hostage vis-à-vis Russia

by Peter Koenig The ECB has just launched – effective 4 November 2014 – a new watchdog to control and regulate the European banking system. It is called the Single Supervisory Mechanism – SSM. It is supposed to monitor and reign in European banks that do not ‘behave’ in terms of overstretching their investment and risk lending as compared to their capital base. In fact, the SSM is one pillar

“Ebola is a Big Lie”

Note: I am submitting the following article to your attention “for your information”.  While I personally do not have the knowledge to have an opinion about this topic, I think that leaving the MSM a monopoly of information on Ebloa is dangerous.  As always, your comments are invited.The Saker——- “Ebola is a Big Lie” — “Nana Kwame” from Ghana speaks out – and a new False Flag of horror dimensions in

The Zionist-Anglo-Saxon caliphate vs the BRICS

by Peter Koenig Ever since the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) expressed their unison through the formation of a joint Development Bank – Durban, South Africa on 27 March 2013 – the Zionist-Anglo-Saxon caliphate attempted to divide them. The BRICS constitute some 45% of the world population and close to 30% of global GDP. The BRICS idea is to issue a joint alternative currency, fully detached from

“Russian Invasion” – How long is screaming ‘Wolf!’ having an impact of the Western Populations? – Until Full Spectrum Dominance has been attained?

by Peter Koenig “The separatists are backed, trained, armed, financed by Russia. Russia determined that it had to be a little more overt in what it had already been doing, but it’s not really a shift.”Barak Obama, 29 August 2014. “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.” Joseph Goebbels Interestingly, most of us who are seeking the truth are primarily attempting to undo the lies –

Brussels Demand on Argentina – Arrogance and Stupidity

Foreword: It is a huge privilege and joy for me to share with you the excellent analysis submitted to this blog by Peter Koenig to whom I am immensely grateful for his contribution.  Sadly, economic topics are grossly under-covered by this blog and I hope to correct that in the future.The Saker——-Brussels Demand on Argentina – Arrogance and Stupidity by Peter Koenig Imagine – Argentina – and the rest of
