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Tag "NATO"

Russia, EU and NATO SITREP January 11th, 2017 by Scott Humor

In the first ten days of the new year we see the conflicts from 2016 getting worse. Russian bloggers wish the Westerners a Happy New Year and… a happy Russophobia in 2017: An interesting essay by Sergey Vasiliev reflects the general mood. The following is a boiled-down version. An offer “Die!” is the only consistent offer that “civilized” Europe has ever formulated for its Eastern neighbor. It was formed in

NAVAL BRIEF NB04 December 02nd, 2016 by LeDahu

NAVAL BRIEF 04 December 02nd, 2016 by LeDahu Naval Briefing 01 November 9th, 2016 Naval Briefing 02 November 14th, 2016 NAVAL BRIEF 03 November 22nd, 2016   In his annual speech to the Federal Assembly, President Putin stated, “the army and Navy proved, that is able to effectively work away from their permanent locations”. Syrian campaign update The Russian MOD finally confirmed the participation of the Admiral Grigorovich frigate and

NAVAL BRIEF 02 November 14th, 2016 by LeDahu

Part 1 – The Russian navy modernisation program “I would like to emphasize that we have commissioned 42 warships in the past three years, from 2013 to 2016. From 2016 to 2018 we are planning to commission more than 50 warships,” Russian naval CINC, Admiral Vladimir Korolyov said. Read more With only an estimated 48% of the Russian military has been modernised so far, it is certain that the Russian Navy is lagging behind. An interview with retired Deputy

What’s goes around comes around, or How Russia and the US are trading punches, by Scott Humor

This article was first published by the Duran Three years ago someone’s video parody of a “Russian guy’s reaction” to a meteor falling over Chelyabinsk went viral.  “Russia Today” even included it into its reportage of how the Russian dashcam videos become internet sensations [2:24]. This 10 sec video had done more to project the toughness of Russians than all the fireworks of Vitaly Churkin’s diplomatic rhetoric.  Hands down, Churkin

General Konashenkov: Russia will take down any unidentified flying objects in Syria

    Oct 6, 2016 Press briefing of the Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesperson Major-General Igor Konashenkov ‘S-300, S-400 air defenses in place’: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army Video credit Russian MoD Greetings dear colleagues. Some respectable Western media outlets reported about the leaks from the White House briefings discussing possible air strikes against Syrian Army. History tells us that often this kind of “leaks” happen

World SITREP October 2nd, 2016 by Baaz

World War III       The US will exploit non-diplomatic options in the war with Russia ‘Russia will continue to send troops home [from Syria] in body bags’ – US State Dept   Pentagon chief outlines preparations for nuclear war with Russia, by Bill Van Auken The thrust of Carter’s speech was a defense of the Pentagon’s proposed $348 billion plan to rebuild Washington’s so-called nuclear triad of strategic bombers, missiles

A beautiful situation in Syria or how to build a mousetrap, by Cat Motya

A beautiful situation in Syria or how to build a mousetrap,  by Cat Motya The US, Russia and SYRIA SitRep by Cat Motya, September 27, 2016 Russia, US and Syria SITREP links September 28, 2016 by Scott The New Situation starting with September 11th, 2016 by Cat Motya Thus, we are going to describe a beautiful situation starting with Motya’s past post where he talks about Syria right after the

Russia SITREP July 31, 2016 Updated by Scott

Russia In response to the US and Israel shooting down Russian jet and recently shooting down the helicopter, Russia’s long range bombers bombed the US and UK training camps for ISIS terrorists on the border with Jordan.  Prior, these camps weren’t targeted by Russia per agreement with the US. Interesting to note that the first time Russia bombed the training camps on June 16th, after that Germany and the US

If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it’s a damned duck

Video’s title in Russian: “Lviv region solemnly reburies the remains of soldiers of  SS-Division “Galicia.” This vid link is the tip of the iceberg, youtube is full of similar videos and the internet is full of charming photos of the beloved orcs with lovely tattoos and giving The World the stiff arm salute whilst waving their silly little flags with the crooked cross. So much for our charming ‘partners’ in

Ukraine Poland NATO SITREP July 2, 2016 by Scott

“Poland has not perished, but should die“ – outrageous slogan in Przemysl     More images from Poland here and here Historical photos of aftermath of the Bandera’s militants attack on a train in Poland in 1944. 18+ All of the victims were Polish citizens, mostly women and old people. Atrocities of the Bandera death battalions in Poland, Belorussia and Ukraine , 21+ Actor and member of Polish Parliament Pavel

Does NATO even exist? by Scott Humor

In 2015 NATO contemplated a bit and asked itself: Hybrid war – does it even exist? – Nato  “In the last decade, some of the most important military forces and coalitions in the world, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), have attempted to address and counter so-called hybrid threats. Rather than develop strategies based on ‘hybrid’ challenges (an elusive and catch-all term), I believe decision-makers should stay away from

CrossTalk: Bullhorns Uncensored June 20, 2016

CrossTalk: Bullhorns Uncensored Jun 20, 2016 Know-nothing American diplomats demand regime change in Syria. Encircling Russia, NATO continues to break its word and international agreements. And how US foreign policy is now a political football. CrossTalking with Andrei Bystritsky, Stephen Ebert and Alexander Mercouris.

NATO Says It Might Now Have Grounds to Attack Russia

by Eric Zuesse On Tuesday, June 14th, NATO announced that if a NATO member country becomes the victim of a cyber attack by persons in a non-NATO country such as Russia or China, then NATO’s Article V “collective defense” provision requires each NATO member country to join that NATO member country if it decides to strike back against the attacking country. The preliminary decision for this was made two years ago after

The Trump Card: a possibly NATO-Domino Effect

by Ghassan Kadi As the world sits and watches the horrors of the American elections, many non-Americans are relieved that they don’t have to choose between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; and for obvious reasons. Hillary comes from the old school of American politics; for bad or for worse. Her “reign”, if she makes it, will be a virtual continuation of the Obama administration. Even if she implements changes, and

Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia adequately respond to NATO buildup on the borders of our Union

Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia adequately respond to NATO buildup on the borders of our Union Russians keep saying that NATO is in a process of deploying new armies on Russia’s borders. I must emphasize that first and foremost NATO is on our borders, Belorussian borders. We see this, and we take all adequate measures without making any noise. I see that the Russian leadership is acting today in the

Failed NATO Invasion of Moldova SITREP, by Scott

NATO’s invasion of Moldova foiled thanks to coordinated actions of many nations’ patriots It’s hard to overestimate the value of planning in advance, especially when it comes to getting reservations in popular restaurants and invading countries by military force. In the week of the May 9th Victory Day two significant failures took place  each one remarkable in its own way. Each event went completely unreported by the Western corporate and

World SITREP May 20th, 2016 by Baaz

Russia How a Weak Ruble, Sanctions Help Russian Economy Grow Russian, ASEAN Energy Companies May Trade in National Currencies instead of US dollars Russia, Serbia Sign Military Cooperation Plan for 2016 Why is Mongolian neutrality significant for Russian security Russia and India agree on contract to develop FGFA Indian start-ups help Russian businessman become billionaire Is revolution in Russia by émigrés abroad possible? 27 April 2016 YEKATERINA SINELSCHIKOVA, RIR Parliamentary

Germany SITREP researcher C. talks to Scott May 18th, 2016

Scott:  I had today a Q&A session with a talented young patriot of Germany. The following is its summary: Before I answer the questions, please read my post “Waiting for Yalta-2”   Q:  Do you know the guy being interviewed here? Or the program he is on? Assuming the subtitles are accurate, this is stuff that is hardly ever talked about in Germany. With very few exceptions, Germans are blind

World SITREP May 13th, 2016 by Baaz

NATO acts like a country  1.US trying to gain upper hand against Russia: Analyst 2. Takfiri terrorists, US plot against resistance: Nasrallah 3.  Senior Hezbollah commander killed in attack in Syria 4.  Romania: US activates missile shield system at Deveselu air base A part of the NATO missile shield was brought online during a ceremony at the Deveselu air base on Thursday. Speaking at the event, NATO Secretary General Jens
