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Tag "music video"

Sting – I Was Brought to My Senses

Alone with my thoughts this evening I walked on the banks of Tyne I wondered how I could win you Or if I could make you mine Or if I could make you mine The wind it was so insistent With tales of a stormy south But when I spied two birds in a sycamore tree There came a dryness in my mouth Came a dryness in my mouth For

“When the man comes around”: uplifting video about the Resistance to Empire in Syria

Well, normally I don’t like anything suggesting that war is triumphant and glorious – it is never – but in this case, considering all the misery and lies the Syrian people have had to endure, and considering the totally off-the-scale heroism of the Russian aircrews in Syria, I will make an exception and post this small musical homage to those fighting the Empire in Syria.  Besides, I really do like

A musical requiem (of sorts) for those who died in Slaviansk

Warning: the language of war is not a delicate one, nor is the language used in this song.  To those who might be shocked by the kind of “non-normative lexicon” used here by Grebenshchikov, and who clearly have never been anywhere near a Russian military unit, I will say that this is nothing compared to what you could have heard form the defenders of Slaviansk.  As for the message of

A lesson in hope from Roger

I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t feel very festive today.  I just was outdoors with my son and we heard the distance sounds of fireworks going off.  From time to time, a rocket shot up into the night sky.  And even though this will sound trite, I have to tell you that my thoughts went to the night sky over Slaviansk, Kramatorsk and Nikolaevka who, in some
