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Tag "Kerry-Lavrov agreement"

American spies, Primakov’s death, and Russian Pharma, by Scott

This is my corner so I can rant on and on about what bothers me the most today. Take, for example, the recent revelation made by Russia’s Foreign Ministry that the US intelligence community was instrumental in the death of Evgeny Primakov, who was allegedly on dialyses for liver failure at the time. US intel may have contributed to Russian ex-Foreign Minister Primakov’s death – Zakharova Primakov has been hated by

The New Situation starting with September 11th, 2016 by Scott Humor Updated

The secret Syrian peace agreement just signed by the Russia and the legitimate government of the US leaves many guessing. The first knee-jerk reaction coming from the different power players in the EU and US demonstrate an acute bewilderment. In terms of the certain groups inside the Pentagon, something like a military mêlée against their own Commander-In-Chief is being observed. “EU leaders and Turkey have expressed hopes that a US-Russian peace deal for

Making sense of the latest Kerry Lavrov deal

Ok, first the necessary caveats:1) Kerry and Lavrov already had a deal on Syria, also made in Geneva, but then the USA reneged.2) The EU also had a deal on the Ukraine with Yanukovich, who was overthrown literally the next day.3) The USA, NATO and the EU have lied, cheated, mis-represented, twisted and simply betrayed pretty much every promise which they made to Russia ever since Russia freed itself from

UNSC Resolution 2118 – a half-full glass?

I have carefully parsed UNSC Res 2118 and while I did not find any great surprises in its contents, I would qualify it as a half-full glass, meaning that while this resolution does not fix any of the issues which I had identified in the Kerry-Lavrov agreements (see here, here, here and here), it at least does not exacerbate them either and that, in itself, is definitely a plus.   Why?Because
