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Tag "Italy"

Mussolini Re-Dux? Could Italy’s new foreign policy trigger a passage to a multipolar world order?

By Gerardo Papalia for the Saker blog By switching its allegiances, Italy played a decisive role in the outcomes of both the First and Second World Wars. If Italy were to abandon the US centred world system to join BRICS it could once again decisively turn world history onto a radically different path. The conflict in Ukraine has brought the world, and Europe in particular, to a turning point. In

Italy’s worst virus? Its ultracasta

by Postfataresurgo for the Saker Blog Years ago, as Italy’s real estate market was spiraling upward after the euro came into effect, I strived to be of assistance to a couple of friends from the Bay Area who had set their minds on becoming home owners in Tuscany. After reading what had become a popular book among Tuscany cognoscenti about a lady who buys an abandoned home in southern Tuscany

Welcome to Orwellian Italy 2020

by postfataresurgo for The Saker Blog A video is circulating in Italy showing an armed policeman abruptly interrupting mass celebration in a small northern italian town in the Lombardy region, ordering the priest to stop the celebration immediately and dismiss the attendees. The priest refuses and goes on with mass, telling the Carabiniere that he has only 13 attendees at mass well distanced between each other and each wearing a

Letter from “Locked Down” Lombardy

by Rachana Raizada for The Saker Blog A few days ago, I walked down the street to the supermarket to buy food past glittering skyscrapers, the seat of Lombardy’s regional government. According to an interview in the New York Times [1] with the region’s President Attilio Fontana, on the sixth floor, “two dozen epidemiologists and public health experts form the nerve center of the effort to contain a coronavirus outbreak

The Deputy Prime Minister of Italy called Maidan the “fake revolution” Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor A new pain is brought to the Ukrainian “patriots” by the wind of change in shape of Italian euro-sceptics who support the restoration of normal relations with Russia. Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini called Maidan the “fake revolution.” This zrada or treason was voiced during an interview to the Washington Post, when the PM was asked about legality of the Crimean referendum. “Journalist:

Innocents Abroad

by MJ On New Year’s Eve, a true story of “babes in the woods” appeared in the news: two sweet, innocent-looking, and very young Italian women, had disappeared into Darkest Syria, and had reappeared, as prisoners of the al-Nusra Front, humbled, eyes turned to the ground, wrapped-up in black shrouds. It all started when Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo, 20 and 21-year-old university students, discovered Syria’s humanitarian crisis. They become

Interesting declaration of ex-Italian President Francesco Cossiga

I personally take no other position on 911 other than claiming that the official version is so obviously full of holes that it is an insult to anyone’s intelligence. My hunch is that several foreign intelligences agencies, including the Russians, Israelis and French, had warned the USA but in yet another display of its trademark incompetence the US government never acted on this info. The cover-up today is most likely

Italy Warns Against Iran War

The Jerusalem Post and AP report that Italy’s foreign minister said Monday that talk about going to war over Iran’s nuclear program served no purpose and the international community should instead give sanctions and diplomacy more time to work. Foreign Minister Massimo D’Alema said a new war in the region “wouldn’t resolve the problem and would only create new tragedies and new dangers.” D’Alema was responding to journalists’ questions about
