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Tag "image for 1000 words"

Sometimes pictures say it all (Serbia and Syria)

SERBIA: The murals shown here are from the Serbian city of Novi Sad and they have been made in remembrance of Lt. Colonel Oleg Anatolyevich Peshkov, the Russian airman shot down by the Turks over Syria.  Writing on the flags are words of а song “С чего начинается Родина” (Where does the Motherland begin – a Russian song describing what love of country is) in Russian and Serbian. The mural

Photo of the day: Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad meet in Moscow

Vladimir Putin: Mr President, Let me wish you a warm welcome to Moscow. Despite the dramatic situation in your country, you have responded to our request and come here to Russia, and we thank you for this. We took the decision upon your request to provide effective aid to the Syrian people in fighting the international terrorists who have unleashed a genuine war against Syria. The Syrian people has been practically alone in putting up resistance and fighting these international terrorists for several years now, and has suffered great losses. Lately

Bad terrorist, good terrorist

This cartoon is by Natalia Forcat, aka NaT, make sure to check her the rest of her work at: Site: Facebook: Video on Youtube:

A very telling pictures of Hezbollah fighters and Christian images (updated)

Dear friends, You might have heard that Hezbollah fighters in Syria have recently made some substantial progress against the Takfiris of IS/Daesh.  They have freed several villages and taken control of several key positions near the Syrian border.  I hope to get a full report about all this very soon.  But today I just wanted to share with you a photo sent to me by a Lebanese friend which depicts
