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Tag "EU"

Fascism in the EU

by Hans Vogel for the Saker blog “Wij zijn de zwarte soldaten, want wij strijden voor vrijheid en voor recht!” (We are the black soldiers, ‘cause we fight for freedom and for justice) Thus went a marching song of the NSB, the Dutch National Socialist party (1932-1945). Of course, black referred to the color of their uniforms, not the color of their skins. In some weird way this old song,

How Finland and Estonia fooled laws of nature and Russian gas, by Ruslan Ostashko

  Dear friends, here are some perplexing news. I read and reread them several times, checked sources and encyclopedia, and still couldn’t understand what exactly is happening. Hopefully, together we will get to the bottom of it. Estonia has decided to fight for its “energy independence” and decided to buy natural gas from… Finland. There is only one question regarding this otherwise normally sounding news. What is the source of

Poland is leaving the EU (Ruslan Ostashko)

This is the latest video from the Russian political analyst Ruslan Ostashko, this time in a somewhat different format from the familiar “Five minutes of Common Sense”. Donald Tusk has revealed the secret of Polichinelle. Poland, apparently, is in the EU only because Brussels is paying Poland billions of Euro every year. But when the funds stop (soon, it seems), then the Poles might be ready to conduct a referendum

Geopolitical Standoff In Post-ISIS Middle East If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: As the ISIS terrorist group is collapsing in Syria and Iraq, the competition among powers involved in the conflict increases. In March, Moscow and Astana become the main centers of the diplomatic activity with top leaders from Israel, Turkey,

Baltic States Between Russia and a Hard Place If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson The political and, in some cases, military stand-off between the West and Russia that has unfolded over Ukraine and Syria also includes a number of secondary fronts in which the two

Germany SITREP February 6th, by C.

In a sick twist, now that the Trump-bashing Steinmeier has been promoted from foreign minister to head of state, his former position goes to Sigmar Gabriel. Who has insulted Trump even more gravely (as reported in my last sitrep). Gabriel is a pathetic loser. Under his leadership the SPD has become a shadow of its former self. (In 1990 the SPD had close to a million members, today not even

A glimpse into practical outcome of the US and EU “War on News,” by Scott Humor

To readers: I have posed here a wrong video . The captions for the video: “On November 29th, in Kharkov women’s choir performed one of the most beautiful patriotic Russian songs “Only My Horse and I” [Только мы с конем]” Should read: “Song “Horse” being performed by Lyube and in Krasnodar in 2015. ” An Anonymous sent me a message via Moderators. Quoting: “”in reference to your post about

Germany and the EU SITREP November 22nd, 2016 by C.

 The featured image captions: – Wait. I think they are up to something! The news in Germany have lately been dominated by Trumps victory. At least in the mainstream media this outcome is generally portrayed as a complete catastrophe.  The Spiegel cover “THE END OF THE WORLD (as we know it): Scroll down for more quotes from German press. Or the venerable FAZ: They quote Vice Chancellor Gabriel: “Trump ist der

Europe Germany Turkey September 2016 SITREP by C.

Western “Culture” is a Cult of Death / Some thoughts on BREXIT and Coup in Turkey / Translation: Interview with Green Youth spokesperson I have been meaning to write an article for a very long time now. But whenever I sat down to actually do it, it did not work. It sort of feels like a rotten tooth. You know it needs to get out. It hurts while it’s still

Men don’t arch their backs, or why Russians reject “Western values” by Scott Humor Updated

European Military Expenditure per capita 2016 map   Virtual beads and all that… Cat Motya on the meaning of the “European values” “I have been thinking about how mice have brainwashed the European tribes. The technology of brainwashing is very simple and has not changed with the colonization of the Americas, but with one difference. Native Americans were selling their lands for glass beads.  Since then, the “global elites” of

ET is worried about EU (at least so says European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker)

Guys, this is not a joke.  Those who understand French can listen and hear for themselves: Here is what he actually said: “You need to know that those who observe us from afar are worried. I have have seen, listened and heard many leaders of other planets and they are very worried because they wonder about the course the EU will follow. So we have to reassure both the Europeans

After BREXIT: Russia Ukraine Finland Poland SITREP, by Scott Humor

Michael McFaul, the Washington Post and all others who declared Brexit to be a Putin’s victory, still don’t understand that Putin has won long before June 23rd referendum. The fact that the UK, the heart of the EU, has left the EU shows that they are just started to react to the Russia’s victory. By orchestrating this referendum, the British demonstrate their willingness to divide Europe as quickly as possible.

Cracks in the EU

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. So, the UK people, contrary to the “script” that wanted a narrow Remain win have elected to leave the European Union. As it could also have been predicted, there are calls to repeat the vote as the result is not the “correct” one. And as if the extremely narrow gap between the two voting blocs was not bad enough – for

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, SPIEF, EU, Sarkozy, Israel, Russia SITREP

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, SPIEF, EU, Sarkozy, Israel, Russia SITREP, by Scott Humor Lavrov: “Europe is turning into a region which projects instability outside its borders.” Lavrov: “The EU’s selective approach to dialogue with Russia will no longer work” Lavrov: “We are witnesses to major changes in the international scene. Russia is part of the global world and it is changing right before our eyes.” Lavrov: “We observe such

Led by Poland, the European “house Negroes” compete for the Darwin Awards:

This article was written for the Unz Review: And now, when all of these benefits and all this aid has been lost and discarded, England, leading the France offers to guarantee the integrity of Poland — the same in Poland, which just six months ago with greed hyena appetite took part in the robbery and destruction of the Czechoslovak state. -Winston Churchill, The Gathering Storm We really live in

The Middle Eastern Wars Iran Hezbollah Saudis Yemen Hadi GCC Arab Coalition SITREP January 18th, 2016 by Rambo

Iran/Hezbollah: • I add a significant amount of information on the Iranian military and doctrine in this section. I feel like many people think Iran is an underdog because of the Syrian conflict but it has locked down its own backyard quite impressively. • Iranian losses have been nearly 100 IRGC fighters (maybe more now) and at least 4 senior commanders [Source] • Hezbollah protects Christian communities inside Syria during

Germany EU SITREP October 21st, 2015 by Gepard Schröder

The political conflict over the refugee issue intensifies. There is a growing schism in German society and even within political parties. Local politicians who by the nature of their positions are closer to the concerns of the citizenry are beginning to defect from the dictate of the party leaders. SPD: The mayor of Magdeburg has left the SPD over a dispute with his higher-ups regarding his stance on the refugee

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras statement to the nation & interview of Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis

Full transcript of Alexis Tsipras statement: Greek citizens, We are at a critical juncture regarding the future of this country. Sunday’s referendum is not about whether our country will stay in the Eurozone. This is a given and no one should question this. On Sunday we will choose whether to accept the institutions’ agreement or whether, with the strength of the people’s verdict, we will seek a viable solution. In any
