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Tag "economy"

Race, Economy and Viruses

By Jimmy Moglia for the Saker Blog Whatever busies the mind without corrupting it has at least this use, that it rescues the day from idleness, and he that is never idle will not often be vicious. The previous unnecessary remark is intended as a pre-emptive application for absolution from the reader whose views expressed hereafter may not mirror his. We live in explosive times and some believe that diseases

The Baltic states are horrified of losing the Russian transit

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Subtitled by Scott Source The Balts with their typical sluggish thinking have started figuring out the consequences of losing the Russian transit. The horror of the realization forced the head of Latvia’s State Railway Administration to announce that the situation is close to critical. In September, when I posted a video on the Russian policy of removal of the last transit from the Tribaltic

Apocalypse Later? Trumponomics on the Eve of 2020 Presidential Election Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson; Voiceover by Coby B By way of introduction, it should be noted that the US economy is showing many signs of a classical bubble, starting with the incredibly over-valued US stock market. Only slightly more than a decade ago, at the peak of the real estate bubble, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) barely managed to clear the 14,000 mark,

Putin took away Lukashenko’s chance to sell Russian oil to Poroshenko by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor Click “CC” button for English subtitles.   Soon, Belarus won’t be able to make money on re-export to Ukraine oil products they receive from Russia. The restrictions are temporary, but is it so? As a known saying goes, there is nothing more permanent than temporary. In Minsk, this saying is also, probably, remembered regarding the Moscow’s decision to ban the supply of gasoline, diesel

Grid Dynamics connects wars in Ukraine and Syria with Soros’ Open Russia, Sobchak and snipers in Saratov

by Scott Humor The “Russian hackers” story never seems to go away. I have described before a scheme behind the empty shell company called the “Internet Research Agency,” and the “Kremlin trolls” who were allegedly working for it. On December 30th 2017, the Kiev regime’s punitive forces called the SBU, which shares a building with the CIA in the center of Kiev, posted information on cracking a case of phishing

Made In Russia VI SITREP

by Scott Humor   Sunday August 27, was the closing day for International Military-Technical Forum Army-2017 Expo. According to the statement posted on the event’s website, it’s the third large-scale event of the Russian Defense Ministry. Representatives of large Russian and foreign companies, leading research and development institutes as well as project and design offices participated in this Expo. The Forum rightfully enjoys the  reputation of one of leading exhibition

What does Russia produce? 3

What does Russia produce? 1 What does Russia produce? 2   Space Exploration Space complex rockets Angara New generation rocket engine RD-181 Engine RD-191 Progress 66 Cargo Ship Docks at the Space Station The automated Progress 66 supply ship docked at the space station at 3:30 a.m. EST (0830 GMT), parking itself at the station’s Russian-built Pirs docking module   For space exploration Russia also develops and  manufacturers Mirrors for

What does Russia produce? 2

Once upon a time, a few Russian guys built a super all terrain vehicle and dubbed it Sherp. Sherp is an ATV with superb off-road performance, with no one else even coming close. Happy and excited about building such a cool thing, Russian guys invited the Western experts to share a joy of this engineering marvel. The Western experts looked at Sherp and said: “Russians would do anything not to

The Western Sanctions on Russia SITREP by the Serbian Girl

The US –led war campaign against Russia, includes financial warfare. USA has complete dominance of the global financial network. Sanctions were put in place in order to financially asphyxiate Russia and “destroy Vladimir Putin” Political and Military Analyses Source: Here’s how Obama’s sanctions will destroy Vladimir Putin The timing was particular painful as it coincided with the fall in oil prices. The sanctions, however, have backfired in at least two

Lavrov and Syrian FM Walid al-Moallem hold joint press conference in Moscow (ENGLISH)

Video starts from 48:00 minutes. Streamed live on Nov 27, 2015 Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Moallem hold a joint press conference following their meeting in Moscow on November 27. Both leaders are expected to discuss the possibility of an international anti-terror operation in Syria and to discuss Tuesday’s downing of a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 by Turkish F-16 fighter jets. Sergey Lavrov talks about economic

*Very* interesting reply of Putin during yesterday’s Q&A

Yesterday Putin had a four hour long Q&A on Russian TV.  I will not post it here, but one reply by Putin is really interesting.  See for yourself:Q: MARIA SITTEL: More from anxious pensioners. “If the West refuses to purchase gas from Russia, how will that affect people’s well-being, especially that of pensioners?” – Lyudmila Budarina, Tambov Region. A: VLADIMIR PUTIN: I have to say that oil and gas revenues

Russia breaks into top 5 world economies, displacing Germany

RT reports: Russia has overtaken Germany as the fifth largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity, according to the latest World Bank ranking that measures 214 economies based on their 2012 GDP performance. Russia’s oil and export driven economy, ranked fifth amongst the top ten economies in the world with $3.4 trillion in GDP. In 2011, Germany surpassed Russia in GDP with $3.227 trillion compared to Russia’s $3.203 trillion.

Ron Paul’s economics: a very toxic brew indeed

It appears that Ron Paul did well in the Iowa caucuses tonight.  On one hand, I am rather delighted by this, but on the other, I am also very concerned that a lot of people are seeing only one side of Ron Paul’s ideology.  There is, however, a much darker side to Ron Paul, one which we all must have the courage and intellectual honesty to look at and not

Putin Suggests Russia, China Ditch Dollar in Trade Deals

RIA Novosti reports that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin proposed on Tuesday that Russia and China gradually switch over to national currency payments in bilateral trade, expected to total $50 billion in 2008. “We should consider improving the payment system for bilateral trade, including by gradually adopting a broader use of national currencies,” Putin told a bilateral economic forum. He admitted the task would be tough, but said it was

700 billon for the bailout, another 630 billion for “defense” and the exchanges are crashing again…

MARKET DATA – 18:26 UK FTSE 100 4589.19 down -391.06 -7.85% Dax 5387.01 down -410.02 -7.07% Cac 40 3711.98 down -368.77 -9.04% Dow Jones 9784.50 down -540.88 -5.24% Nasdaq 1827.20 down -120.19 -6.17% BBC Global 30 5013.73 down -194.94 -3.74% There goes the 700 billion dollars bailout. Oh, and by the way, the Imperial Congress also passed a 630 billion dollars “defense” bill.

Stocks fall

MARKET DATA – 17:40 UK FTSE 100 4912.40 down -113.20 -2.25% Dax 5860.98 down -104.19 -1.75% Cac 40 4000.11 down -87.29 -2.14% Dow Jones 10733.91 down -325.11 -2.94% Nasdaq 2132.49 down -75.41 -3.42% BBC Global 30 5195.23 down -149.57 -2.80%

Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke: The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy

By Chalmers Johnson for Le Monde (via Information Clearing House) The military adventurers in the Bush administration have much in common with the corporate leaders of the defunct energy company Enron. Both groups thought that they were the “smartest guys in the room” — the title of Alex Gibney’s prize-winning film on what went wrong at Enron. The neoconservatives in the White House and the Pentagon outsmarted themselves. They failed

Iran fully converts its foreign currency reserves into non-dollar denominations

Press TV reports: Iran says a decision to convert its dollar-denominated foreign reserves to non-dollar reserves is critical and needs to be properly publicized. Iran’s government has had great achievements in various fields that must be publicized by the country’s officials, Mujtaba Samereh-Hashemi, Iran’s Senior Presidential Advisor, told reporters at the end of a cabinet minister’s meeting. One of the most important decisions made by the government was to convert

Who is the biggest employer in ‘free market’ America? The government!

Government is the Largest Employer: The Fading American Economy by Paul Craig Roberts for the Baltimore Chronicle According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy lost 98,000 private sector jobs in March, half of which were in manufacturing. Today 13,643,000 Americans are employed in manufacturing, of which 9,849,000 are production workers. Government employs 22,387,000 Americans, 8,744,000 more than manufacturing. Even the category leisure and hospitality employs 13,682,000 Americans,

Leo Panitch, Chalmers Johnson and Tom Engelhardt on the reasons for the inevitable US economic collapse

Tom Dispatch ‘s Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, How to Sink America Within the next month, the Pentagon will submit its 2009 budget to Congress and it’s a fair bet that it will be even larger than the staggering 2008 one. Like the Army and the Marines, the Pentagon itself is overstretched and under strain — and like the two services, which are expected to add 92,000 new troops over the next
