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Tag "dpr"

Emergency briefing of the head of Donetsk People’s Republic Militia Basurin on the situation on 10.12.2018

Emergency briefing of the head of Donetsk People’s Republic Militia Eduard Basurin on the situation on 10.12.2018   I would like to make the following statement. Our intelligence obtained irrefutable evidence about the Armed Forces of Ukraine AFU preparation to attack us at the direction of Mariupol. The information obtained from reliable sources fully reveals the plans of the Ukrainian security forces. The purpose of this planned attack is to

Conflict In Eastern Ukraine Can Soon Turn Into Open War This week the military situation in eastern Ukraine has once again escalated as forces loyal to the Kiev government have advanced on positions controlled by defense forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DRP) near the city of Gorlovka. Gorlovka is the DPR-controlled town, located north of the DPR capital of Donetsk. Its pre-war population was about 256,000 people. On May 21, pro-Kiev troops, backed up by artillery and machine
